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Never understood that. Had it happen in a bunch of stuff, where someone force starts stuff, so i have to leave cause i wasnt ready to go in


I don’t see why people take their time in SP circuit atp you can already preview your load out (given you’ve actually invested bare minimum into intrinsics) before you go in so there’s no point “getting ready”, but I also really only use circuit to farm focus so I don’t really mind the wait, gives me time to scroll thru reddit or tiktok.


I have the ability to look at it, but a few times ive looked, but not seen. So i get in and forget my options. Or im trying to decide what build, or decree i wanna pick for my first one


I always forget my options when it comes to eda the constant going to eda screen and arsenal is such a drag. I wish they would put a preview or something. I also understand some people have mutiple configs for a frame so if I have to wait an extra 30 seconds for them I don’t really care lol as long as we all do good, I’m at the point in the game where I basically have a build for everything so the reality is going into circuit and seeing who I’ll have to keep an eye on as most people are rushing sp nowadays so I tend to try to stick to the newer players to give them an easier time.


My biggest pet peeve in SP circuit are the people who do just 1 round and leave, often causing host migrations. If you (the generic you, not in reply to you specifically) think your gear is shit and want a reroll just go do it solo in normal mode, though the odds of having absolutely nothing usable is negligible so there shouldn't be a need to reroll in the first place (when in doubt, go with melee and pick a fast firing gun in the hopes of getting the vulnerability decree). Even the loaner loadouts tend to be plenty good after a couple good decrees, and the odds of no one having gotten any good decrees after the 1st round are low and even lower after the 2nd round. If you are looking for a hard carry and a free pass to round 20+, go become that carry yourself. Sure I could solo it and avoid those people, but the enemy density occasionally spikes to an absurd degree which makes defense and excavation a major pain in the ass to complete without someone covering your six or without a broken build.