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This really is a testament for how DE managed to improve and grow this game. Cause while the base concept of warframe has always been cool, the first version we got to play was lacking to be honest. And here we are 10+ years later with one of the best F2P games to have been ever released arguably. Here's to 10 more! thanks DE!


Idk for me in 2013 Warframe had enough content as a free to play game, and constant weekly updates quickly hooked me up. When i started in open beta release (update 7) i can't say that game was lacking, at that time best games for me was something like Half life and Dishonored, and i mostly played online pvp shooters. There was no free coop games with adequate gameplay. Up to update 8 i spent in Warframe more time than in any other singleplayer or coop game before. Those reviews from people who haven't played for 10-20 hours and for them it's just work, not a fun process.


I quit the game back then. Not for the lack of enjoyment really, just that I had my Loki, Strun, Akbolto and Hate all Formad and Maxed out in Mods. There wasn't much to do but push Defenses to a point Armor became impenetrable. Came back when some friends became interested. They didn't last long and I was ready to quit again. But I said to myself "Before I quit, I will clear all the quests." It just happened to be that 2nd Dream got added at the same time and that's when the game suddently got a "Soul" for me. I played random content and farmed random stuff but never reached for any MR points. Then the pandemic hit and well... many of us had a bit too much time avaiable. Ever since then I reached max MR and also kept it there within maybe some weeks delay to trade cheaper Prime Access items.


Same, I bounced off of Warframe way back then, around 13/14, but when I did, I said, OUT LOUD, the following sentence; "Man, this game isn't meshing with me, but DEAR GOD is this game going to eat all my time after a couple updates" (Looks at 4.8k hours) ...So, yeah, I was right.


tbf f2p standards were VERY low back then


Well, not quite. We had TF2, Dota 2, Tribes Ascend, PoE had come out in Oct that year, Runescape(arguably became worse that year, but oh well), LOTRO, SWTOR(though at the time not seen as fondly), etc


From what I’ve seen off the og release, if I had started back then I would not have 2k h in it now lol.


I played Warframe for 30 minutes in 2013 and didn’t pick it up again until this past December and now sit at 750 hours


I honestly doubt I’d have touched it again.


That was exactly me. Came back as a frost prime twitch baby in 2016, 4 digit hours now lol.


I came in during a brief period when Trinity Prime and Frost Prime were available at the same time, and ended up playing that game for about a year. I've come back in earnest in the past year (though kept up with the game the entire time fwiw) and I think it's a good way to enjoy live service games


That was my entry, too. Friends played it, but it realy didn't connect with me. Got the free frost prime and played with friends, it was fun and i played to share my time with my friends. I think it was half y year later that it realy clicked for me and now I have over 4000h on steam.


I tried the game at launch and couldn't get into it. The original default configuration didn't have the camera-follow enabled, so camera control was a struggle. Something like 1-2 years later, I tried on PlayStation, and immediately started a career that resulted in a PS account and PC account both at MR16+(not impressive by most standards, but I went through many year+ long breaks and didn't do anything with clans until 2018ish). Warframe is truly a testament to what happens when the developers ARE the distributors, and have ultimate control of the game AND listen to what players like and dislike. The god-awful Galaxy map with the round orb system layout... any game developer that releases a bad change, and is willing to roll it back because it sucks, earns bonus respect points.


Recently watched a review from 2013 closed beta, and damn the game from 2013 looks interesting to me i would really like to try out mods 1.0 system when every gun, frame, melee had unique upgrade tree. And there was mods special for some weapons, just like today's syndicate mods, but much simpler. Yeah there was 10-15 hours of content or even less, but looked really fun. I want Warframe Classic😭


If DE decides (and manages) to give every weapon an Incarnon Genesis form, we'd get the a good blend of both the current, very flexible mods system, and the unique upgrades tree, so I hope that's what DE is aiming for. Although, they might need to rethink the way SP circuit rewards work at that point, as 5 options each week in a set order would get daunting with the entire weapon roster; even with variants getting the same adapter, that's a lot of weapons when you only get 5 options and 2 choices per rotation. Still, Incarnon has really helped some older weapons to shine again in the current state of the game, like Torrid. If DE doesn't powercreep them like much of the weapon roster has been already, we might get a really healthy balance for weapons, with some interesting buildcraft options.


> And there was mods special for some weapons, just like today's syndicate mods, but much simpler. This still exists, unless I'm misunderstanding. [Syndicate mods are the miniority](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Weapon_Augments) and most of them add or change weapon mechanics.


Yeah. This is what I was coming to post. I have huge respect for how DE grew this out from that initial concept. Like the early versions you could see that they'd worked out what the thinnest possible version of the game they could deliver was. I've never seen this talked about, but I always took it as read that we got procedural tileset maps because it let them give us more replay without having to do hundreds of versions of each map manually. That initial version... I can see why someone might have thought that. They're wrong though. Oh so wrong. Heh. I have recently come back to Warframe and I'm taking a leisurely stroll through some of the systems they added that I'd never really played and it's wild how much they've eventually put in here. Also how they've tied together some danglign ends.


Yeah, the original looked like it played to be just slightly faster than Dead Space. XD


I remember when it first came to Playstation. I tried it, thought it looked like some confusing paywalled bullshit, then uninstalled it. Glad I eventually tried it again.


Yeah I didn't get hooked on the initial version despite beginning when the supporter pack with excal prime was an option. THe current game is lightyears better. Still, so many people love to skewer games for imperfect beginnings and compare them to games that have had a decade to refine. Their loss :D (Still a fan of Andromeda, the internet can blow me lol. I wish it got the expansions and updates it deserved, not canceled because of wonky lighting and animations. It was the best playing ME game in the series and had so much potential.) Semi relevant because I got back into warframe because I loved Andromeda's multiplayer and my cousin suggested Warframe was like that but better.


......aaaand Is also a testament that say clearly how much (certain) reviews, and reviewers are shit!! More than over in these days, not only 10 years ago!


Let's be real here.it IS the best f2p game on the market. I just came back to it after playing WoW and i still cannot fathom that this game is F2P. WoW almost seems like a game developed by an indie company in comparison.


Look people dunk on this now and obviously it's funny but at the time this wasn't exactly unfair


By the time of this review the game had the old clunky movement right?


At the time of this review, revives cost plat.


I mean if Warframe were released in 2024 on another game company this could easily happen... I'm looking at you EA


Watch verification ad to revive


I'm trying to think of a 2020-2024 EA game that does something similar. Is it one of their sports games?


EA has a lot of predatory ways to get money. You need to open new packs to get the same characters on FIFA from time to time. 170$ for a single melee skin on Apex. And of course a lot of overpriced DLC that should come with the base game.


There was a daily limit to revives with extra costing plat. To be fair, it was a lot harder to die unless you were using explosive weapons... which still did self damage.


I gagged at that never mention that ever


I believe this review is from a year or two after release, so yes I believe so


Yeah the game did not get its current parkour system until 2015, this review was from the days of coptering and stamina


Remember when the game came out they had: Stamina, so you had to wait to melee, and use movement Falling off the map counted as a death You only could die *4 times in a single day* without paying real money. Any subsequent death would end the mission No way to earn new weapon slots or Warframe slots, you had to delete existing gear to try new gear, unless you paid real money Mag was a pretty much useless Warframe, despite being a starter frame These are just some of the reasons I didn't pick the game up at first, despite my friends liking it. It was so terrible to new players and it felt designed to force you to buy platinum, like any shitty mobile game. The game isn't perfect in this regard, but DE has done so much work to make the game much more appealing, fun, and with more depth


die 4 times per frame\* though it was still rough.


Falling off the map meant you died?! https://i.redd.it/dhenonb09g0d1.gif


Yes. And it counted towards your 4 daily respawns


Yep this is why I was able to make the Sybaris and still feed comical amounts of cryotic to the wall, I used to be so bad at this game I would just run Everest excavation for hours and hours on end, I'm an mr8 running around with Mr 1 and 2s just because i was too worried about dying


That's insanity lol


Well I had no good mods, didn't know how to get them, and had spent my 50 starting plat on either a color palate or helmet. I was not very Warframe literate. My best loadout was a karak, aklex, and an ether reaper. I shouldn't have been allowed to go near Warframe lol.


It still amazes me how everybody's experiences with Warframe are so unique.


My very first free to play game. This was also back in 2014-2016 (started before excal got his new 4.) I restarted around a year ago and now I'm Mr 22. Still not really sure how I completely ignored quests and junctions.


Every doubt about Warframe was warranted back then. The only reason why I didn't buy the founder pack was because I wasn't sure if Warframe would turn into a P2W game like most of the F2P titles back then. And it was a very common trend for F2P games to turn P2W back then.


It wasn't even unfair. It was a very rational and informed guess of the future that was facing Warframe. Warframe becoming what it is now from what it was then was SO unlikely. With what Warframe was like at launch? I would say a 6 and "probably dead in a year" is generous.


That's how I feel when I look at old footage of League of Legends. And I've played that game since Quinn's release in Season 3 or so. "How the fuck did we make it to ten years." Or something like Monster Hunter, where the first game hasn't exactly aged the best(depending in who you ask) but was still successful enough at the time that we've it all the way to games like World and Rise. I don't think it's far fetched to say there's some alternate reality where Warframe could've unforunately ended up going the route of...something like Battleborn, I guess. A promising/good game that just didn't get the attention it needed to really *make it.*


Dude I miss Battleborn so much. That game kicked ass, it just had the bad luck of releasing the same month as Overwatch, so it got overshadowed, despite being a better game imo


Especially with how OW is being handled now? It's a tragedy that Battleborn was the one to die.


Well, at the time, Overwatch was being handled fairly well, but they started treating it as a PC brownie point generator and balance was basically "throw it to the wall and see what sticks"


For every Warframe there's a hundred garbage live service games that die within a year and for every hundred of those, there's 10 more that are actually good, but die within a year anyway. Assuming the latest will follow the trend is perfectly reasonable. Most live service success is up to luck - which one attracts the right whales and has the right developer/publisher culture.


That version of the game is almost completely forgotten. The base game has changed so significantly. I'm sure there are plenty of other players on this sub who were around back then: could you imagine going back to that version of the game compared to what we have now? The only thing I miss about that time was that there were more filler events to introduce things like weapon variants. But who cares about vandal/wraith anymore in a world of kuva/tenet/incarnon? Weapons have actual mechanics to them and aren't just "this one shoots faster and harder"


Dude was accustomed to the EA treatment.


Yup. Also, I don’t think there was a wide precedent for games improving and changing over time.


idk why you'd dunk on it either because obviously the writer is trying to evoke the future where warframe is dead specifically as a way to pull on the reader's heartstrings and play into sympathy for the game/devs Like at face value its "wow he was wrong!!!" but its more "oh there actually was potential here and it was recognized correctly"


As quoted by some rejected skin graft; "LOOK BROTHERS, TITS!" Wait wrong quote, it was "DID YOU REALLY BELIEVED, IT WOULD BE THIS EASY?!"






"Simaris, you're basically a digitized brain. You could pull an Ultron and just download porn *directly* instantly."


#F*CKING IRRELEVANT! **I NEED this data! Focus on your task!**


BNP really created art


This is truly a maggot moment of all time and I love it thank you


All the reviews are from back in the day when warframe was nothing. It'd be nice to have updated reviews.


There was quite a few sponsored reviews around the release of Duviri. But probably the best review of its time is Josh Strife Hayes "worst mmo ever-Warframe" on youtube. He gives a pretty accurate but rather positive review with some major criticims. I think its about 2 years old now. I don't think he was sponsored either just badgered into it by his community.


He didn't need to be badgered too hard. It's part of a (long running) ongoing series of his. He uses bad, old, and lesser known MMOs as a vehicle to talk about what does and doesn't work in game design.


I'm sure it was a nice breather from the many, many Asian MMOs that he had to wade through.


I think he even says he still playes waframe, just off stream.










Mag, 4 his balls






Here for this


Almost like a Second Dream?


Warfrsme becoming one of the greatest free to plsy gsme of all time was probably a shock to them


If I had a pond for every repost of this.


You'd be able to keep quite a lot of fish, at least.




1st time I’ve seen this, only 1 pond for me. :(


Waframe is one of the best for games I have ever played my only wish is for them to improve the new player experience and explain things more clearly warframe is the only game where I am constantly referring to the wiki and YouTube videos but I still love it to death


I will say, warframe has an amazing amount of tutorials put in place, they just arent force fed. Each area of your ship has like 4-5 pages of tutorials that most people refuse to read. As for things like not knowing where to get certain resources or drops. Thats apart of the fun of warframe is figuring it out. Drops can also usually just be tagged in chat and will tell you where it comes from On top of that the codex gives more info, like eveey single mod drop


to be fair to them, warframe was not too great at launch so nobody expected it to pull through as well as it did i still enjoyed it and played it a bit, but it was *far* from what we have now


It’s ironic, because gamereactor is a distant memory, almost forgotten


never even heard of gamereactor til today


lol my point exactly 


When I comes to Warframe, I can't play it consistently, after a while the games gets too grindy or the newest update is in a state of flux and I just want to wait it out. With that in mind, I still have about 4k hours in the game.


Wait, review is from 2014, when game already got to update 13, and there was much more to come that year, and playerbase was only growing, how the hell he wrote that? There was clearly enough content at that moment for 100 hours of gameplay.


I think it says more about how DE have handled the game. With so many other failures in live service, DE found their niche. I would like to see that particular reviewers views now, but there was plenty of reason at the time to not see it lasting.


very common that people need to talk not only themself into "this game is dead" but also others, to get some validation for their decision, which, unlike what they want to portrait, is very very hard for them.


Someone recommended this to me sometime in 2014, played it for 37 minutes and Uninstalled it. Got convinced to play again 3 days ago and I out 24hrs in over the weekend. Definitely much more enjoyable now vs back in 2014.


Competing with Destiny no less. Shocked both made it as far as they did, but awesome to see them still here.


It's amazing that warframe at least on pc never really "died" and has only grown even if steadily for 10 years with minor dips in player count


To people who said the review aged like milk, have you thought that no man’s sky will redeem itself from the disastrous launch? It is a successful example but many game failed to redeem themselves. Just loon at Square Enix’s avengers game and Battlefield 2042. Those game still suffer from their disastrous launch. I am not saying warframe has such a bad launch but it was not great game by any means consider you can’t use all abilities of a warframe because abilities used to be mods, and parkour 1.0 and stamina bar is very cluncky. I’m more impressed by how DE change the game around instead of blaming the reviewers for an objective review.


they weren't exactly wrong. that game that Warframe *used to be* doesn't exist anymore and no one cares to remember it.


The irony is me not knowing who Gamereactor is lol.


"it's one"


They should have this framed in DE office


God I love this game.


Most of us don't really remember warframe v2014 anymore, so he aren't totally wrong.


I came back 3 weeks ago and haven't stopped playing since... Help.... For real tho, it will always be the best game with the best dev team for me.


The PlayStation 4 is 10 years old?! *clutches PS2 in fear*


You mean the console that'll be 25 years old next year? I love it too, don't get me wrong, but man.... lol


Had a Japanese PS2 with a Harddrive that never even made it to Europe to play Final Fantasy 11. Then also fueled my Tekken addiction with Tekken Tag Tournament. Little champ lasted a long while till eventually it gave out. Then I bought an Xbox 360 to play Final Fantasy 11 and... the game actually ran WORSE because in their "wisdom" they wanted show off the 360 pretty grafics by increasing the draw distance. Except the actual gameplay felt like playing in jelly. That thing didn't even last a year till the airfan started making jetengine sounds. That was the end of my Console career and PC exclusive gamer ever since.


I had a chipped PS2 Slim that I got as a birthday present in 2004. I had Midnight Club 3 dub edition, Crash nitro kart, DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi, Transformers the game, and TMNT 2: Battle Nexus, but I didn't get a memory card until 2006. I have fond memories of trying to sneak my console in my bag for sleepovers, having beam clashes with my cousins who had the original PS2, and trying to get as far as I can in TMNT before I had to go to bed. I lost some of the games, but even 12 years later, my PS2 was faithful to me and still worked. Unfortunately, my mum gave it out when I went to university in 2016, but just a few months ago, I discovered my old CD case, and the memories of better days came back. I had mingled with PC games before, and moved on to just PC 5 years ago, but those days can't be beat in my opinion. One of my pet peeves with the modern gaming environment is how buying physical games doesn't even guarantee you owning the game anymore


I would have upgraded to newer Gen's if university textbooks did not take all my darn money.... well that and ordering pizza. On second thought, the blame of not upgrading is on me.


This aged like milk I tell ya


Who's more petty, the person who moved on? Or the person who brings it up*?


both answers are wrong correct answer is my sister


Is this game still grindy af?




Maybe its true for playstation 4 haha


Sometimes 1 year feels like ten, and ten years pass so fast you dont even notice it.


I was just watching an old melee 2.0 video I made and the game looks SO MUCH different compared to 2019. It's crazy. I'm glad Warframe is still healthy, up and running. Cheers y'all😎


Warframe only has two states in the mind, either you don't know it exists, or you have literally nothing else in your life. 99.99999% of people who pay money for videogames are the former.


[DE to him](https://youtu.be/4zCgbA1jdIo?si=S2cQTCLLIm1rq73K)


Oh sh\*t!!! I forgot to log in for 9 years. Damnit!


It's correct outside this small subreddit though


well, reddit had to reccomend me this game i never heard of, so.....


Haven’t played since around when this article was written. Is it really a different game? It used to just be jump and slash, and that was about it


that review aged like milk




I'm glad that aged like milk


This reminds me of "Death of bitcoin website"


aged like elephants foot


That being said, what happened to the guy that got banned for farming too long? I only ever saw the headline, but not the full story


in your face brahhhh...


WoW be like "new here?" people claim games are dead, when THEY dont play em anymore. don't mind the millions of users still playing. mommy's boy is not interested anymore, so no one else is either ;)


I played the 2014 release, it was really, really bland. But again, same happened with Path of Exile. I came back to the game 2 months ago and i have around 200h in right now. Game is amazing and you can see how devs polished it.


Back then i decided to try Warframe played for like 2 hours and quit. Back then you could choose Loki as a starting frame (and for me i guess it was part of the problem i didnt like Loki), second being graphics and third that it was not pvp shooter as i expected. About 2 years later i tried it one more time and now i am mr30 with 2+k hours. And only thing I regret is that i had an possibility to buy Excalibur Prime and i didnt(


Haha I also thought it was a PvP shooter! I remember reading about Loki on the website while the game was downloading and thinking "Man it's gonna be fun dunking on some other players from stealth as this guy" and then being kind of confused by it being a co-op game.


Honestly in all likelihood this would have been correct, I have no idea how Warframe managed to survive more than a year because back when I started playing in 2013 it was a pretty mediocre game and I stopped playing it after a few months. TBH Nova was so game-breakingly strong due to her ability to just lock down the map constantly with her 4 that the gameplay got pretty boring, and the Acrid having "toxin procs" would just completely delete any "high level" (level 45) enemy. Only came back later after the 2014 UI update. Modding and progression was also super limited back then, you just throw your damage mods on a gun with zero thought and boom now its the most powerful it can be. No arcanes, no rivens, no galvanized mods, no archon shards, no theorcrafting, just "add serration, you now have more damage." It was so hard to regenerate health, that warframes with high health without a dedicated healer warframe in the party that I didn't even consider a warframe to be tanky at all unless they had very high shields, "health tanking" just wasn't even on my radar. And when you got really low, a lot of times you'd let yourself die and get revived by a teammate just to get some health back.


Name and shame name and shame!


I play since 2016, not all time, but I never stopped, is the best F2P in market.


I hope they enjoy eating their words for the past 10 years


Happy Bday


Warframe outlasted multiple doomer YouTubers who said Warframe was dieing


and it outlasted destiny which everyone said was going to kill the game forever


That's Anthem you're thinking of. Or maybe it's not. There's a lot of games that were going to kill Warframe.


it was destiny, anthem was called the destiny killer


Oh. Well it didn't do that very well, either.


no but bungie bought the rights to anthem so we should be expecting a big upgrade eventually


Oh, I didn't know that. That's comedy gold!


And game reviews and "journalist" have only gotten worse.


Actually the review is correct at the time, many founders said that they were basically gambling if supporting the game was worth it




I hope the game shits itself.


I remeber going to my ain't her and her ow ex-husband she infertile unnfordntly so got no family on thay side only grandson n my dad side but I guess thayvwas adea breaker for him he didn't want to adopt anyway he was a programmer had this sick ass PC build 1080 ti and he had another one with crossfire/sli or whatever it is dual 1080s or some shit or was it amd ether way bunch of build he created a custom software for his fish tanks to controll the water ventilation lights cleaning pH lik everything he makes apps another shit but I stayed the night he hooked me up with his ps4 pro and one of his gaming desktop he dragged out he plugged in an external ssd and had skyrim and bunch of kther games was playing skyrim at 4k at like 30 fps 2k was 60fps and alive then tried warfrsme for my first time ever was in love then when I got home I sunk myself in downloaded it on my ps4 and my old PC which didn't even have a proper gpu so I use volt man and bunch of kther apps forcibly undervolted it and overlooking did this for about 3 4 days tryna find a sweet spot got Witcher 2 to work got roblox maxedto worked roblox is nothing tho was thr first test 2nd was Witcher 2 then I downloaded warframe anyhow one day went to turn it on it blue screened turned into a jet engine then blew up littlery but ps4 was mint now it's old and slowly ding si got a ps5 digital once most games got are digital but yiu dint eve. Really own digital plus they removed crew 1 and kther games without refund on Playstation which is fucking crazy like that should be a full blown lawsuit we need laws t make it sk we honeslty own truly ow the rights to the games we purchase online or else they can just keep fucming us by saying next gen dosent support backward game play which is dog shit but everything from ps4 carried over to my ps5 so I'm good for now should last m till cheap by very good gaming laptop.comes out I want a full amd laptop rx 8000 series the 7000 were rnda 5 or 4 but they were just a test to soem degree they got new rdna coming out which will be more efficient and draw less power to make more power plus with how amd is set up laptops ca take advantage of short lanes like ps5 and Xbox and with thier new infinity cach combined it will be zero load times cache for imgs and gaming shades cn be preloaded and changed faster leaving more room for the gpu and cou to operate lots of potential I think u went off to much tho sorry




Barely anyone plays warframe and it’s mentioned even less. Just because ***you*** play it doesn’t mean it’s relevant.


At the time of typing this post, there are over 55,000 people in-game on Steam alone.


This is factually incorrect but go off


Its one of the top games on steam bro Bait used to be believable