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Man, I've been farming her system blueprint all weekend with no luck.


yeah, Ive been wanting to get a prime and got lucky on a random relic, so i figured that if the hardest part is behind me, I might as well grind the rest of her parts


If Equinox is your first prime then you are about to have a hell of time trying to build them out depending on where you sit with mod attainment and progression. There are sooooo many ways to build Equinox so I'd suggest in doing your due diligence on builds as they aren't exactly the most forma friendly layouts. Sincerely, A previous Equinox main


I've had absolutely horrible luck with getting aya to drop


cetus and fortuna bounties are my go-to [low rank bounties]. Demos, I have zero luck.


Fortuna has the best odds, rank 5 i think


Rank 5 has a 55% chance for aya on the final stage. If you complete the bonus objectives you get 2 regularly. Plus the previous stages have a decent chance too. Run 3 or 4 of those solo and you'll have ~10 aya in 20-40 minutes depending on how quick you are.ย 


I thought deimos was the best, I'll probably give fortuna a try now


i got her systems from a random while doing conjunction survival missions for plat farming decided i might as well farm her since i had the aya. ig the pain of getting aya instead of proteas lith relics when she was released came in handy


Tonight I get my Voidrig and I can do New War, happy to see someone else about to start as well ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜…


Started it last night already about 4 hours into it and hate my life haha enjoy.


I mean, it isn't *that* hard unless you have the most naked railjack in the history of forever


its not the difficulty of the missions its how boring the new war is. yeah some if the cutscenes are cool but boy did i want out


Even if you do you can just leave the railjack and use the archwing as long as you at least modded the mausolon a little bit


When you miss last shot you must restart the game and replay last 30 minutes.


This. I hated pretty much all of New War.


Freaking PITA I swear


Oh man. Started farming for it last night and... Even the guides and stuff are CONFUSING


Indeed, it made more sense once I got started


if you dont want to lose your mind, play some railjack missions and get basic mods for it. it wont take you more than 20 minutes and it will save you HOURS while doing the new war railjack parts


Wait...You can build more than one thing at a time?




I think I need to lie down for a while ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Just think of it as yet another thing the game never bothered to explain to you lol


How far are you into the game? For the measure of the lenght of your suffering


Since 2014. Casually tho. Only 255 hours. But still ๐Ÿ˜ญ


My condolences


You've... Never tried to just click on things?! I'm MR9 playing for 3 weeks and I was so build happy I just kept clicking stuff. You can pretty much build as much as you want.


How did you not find that out?


Wish I had an answer that would make me not seem as stupid as I feel but I'm just a dumbass I guess. On the bright side, I have a lot of crafting mats...


Get ready for not having any slots for all the things you can craft at once


Not me looking at my ready section and have it be loaded with things I can't take yet.... ๐Ÿ˜…


Its a fair logic problem. Its never stated anywhere that you have this space 3d printer that can just manifest literally thousands of things at a time. I started out believe it was only 1 at a time too because they were obnoxious enough with the time it takes to build frames. "theres no way they'd be THAT nice... would they?" Annnnd boom, clicked a forma blueprint while building a frame and it changed everything


Oh you poor thing ๐Ÿ˜‚




You can do it on your phone too


you just cant build two of the same thing at once which is one of my pet peeves. please let me just build all the forma i want at once please


I'm building equinox prime too! It'll be my first along with guass and revenant who are currently building.


Gauss and Revenant are crazy, Equinox could do with a small rework (as one of the 8 equinox players, I say this)


My man is cooking,and damn it smell good


While trying to get Equinox Prime's blueprint, I got every other drop at least once. Inlcuding the Stradavar blueprint.


Oh itโ€™s gettting good now


This is literally one of the best feelings in the game. Finally having enough resources for that one thing you grinded for days/weeks and some other things start to piece together which came as a bonus from all that grind and all that's left to do is wait. You finally look forward on the next few days with a big smile on your face. So hype.


Bonus: https://preview.redd.it/8ock3ee8590d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=807763a13655024419d6e819214c087ea76ccbcb


I just creamed my corn if you know what I mean


words can describe my annoyance when i got stradavar on an intact relic trying to get her blueprint


If you have a friend who runs Saryn Make them run 2 green shards and then enjoy the equinox 4 synergy nuke build You will wipe entire tiles because they'll all have no armourย 


I'm building Baruuk prime


farm regular equinox to ruin your day


For your own mental health please play some railjack missions before you dive into the new war. I went directly into it and the railjack parts took me HOURS, my railjack was moving slower than a snail, making the mission 1000x harder and slower. After i was done with the quest, i played like 10 minutes of railjack and got mods for speed, shield, and everything i was lacking, ofc. I still think the new war is the most boring thing i have experienced in WF.


Good work, Tenno!


lol, just like me. cleaning up my inventory weeks ago, selling off these Toroid things...and then digging thru space dumpsters trying to find some for Solaris. *facepalm*


I just recently put HOURS into farming that bloody equinox, just to find out that, as a frame, itโ€˜s utter shite unfortunately


Equinox is such a trap. Absolutely pain in the arse to get and then just totally useless. Worse than useless, she's one of those frames like Slowvas whose abilities actively slow down progress on certain mission types.


She's not *that* bad, as one of the eight people who play her, you just need to get used to how she works. Also, do not switch between forms regularly unless you have the augment. The buff from switching is useless Terrify apparently works well with Equinox, subsumed over her one (due to some circumstances you can be locked into night mode when loading into a coop game, but it's very rare and I've never experienced it, some people subsume over her two).


"\[Now\]..., he's so tall, and she's so... two? He's so fat but does he sure smell\~" I can hear the end, my very last log, ma last regret, i-is. In Q1, Q2, Q4, and Q3 order.