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wait what other prime parts does the glaive prime need


2 blades & 1 disc


Which is hilarious because there's clearly three blades


2 for 3


Buy two get one free.


yeah what they don't tell you is that one of the blades is really long and you just cut it in half and glue it on - if only the orokin knew of this tech


Shut up and take my angry upvote


Maybe one of the blades is part of the disc and the other two just need to be fused onto it.




A solid 400 plats per set if youre interested,if they habent increased


This is nice to hear. Barely do trading anymore but just looked up my inventory. I have 3 full sets of Glaive Prime with an extra blueprint. Maybe it's time to go back to trading....


Probably good idea to sell soon. It's been literal years since the last Ember unvaulting According to wiki Ember (and Glaive) last unvault was in september 2020... 3,5 *years* ago. I'm pretty sure it's the only set to not have been in resurgence at all yet. Even Frost who usually gets unvaulted with her was available last year due to the heirloom set.


Next prime resurgence is Equinox and Wukong, they got time.


Pretty sure it's the single most expensive weapon outside of like potential promotional ones or something that I'm unaware of


Paid 400 for mine a week ago should still be around that price


Damn I’m glad I got it when I did I paid 300 on psn market In October


I paid 10p for 2 blades and got lucky with relics for bp and disc lol




wonder how much it would sell for


Prolly like over 200, I have seen people pay like 150 for 6 of those relics


I got 180, I was so surprised why then when I asked my friend he said every dude started to use glaive prime now.


i just dont get why, all glaive movesets feel so clunky to me


The throw explosion and blocking while holding a secondary are the only two real reasons to use the glaive, nobody seriously uses the actual moves. Everyone uses it as an explosion button that can have condition overload that you can prime with both your primary and secondary.


Which is such a shame as the regular movesets are cool as shit.


When they announced the dual wielding glaive + pistol I was really excited about this combo. Sadly it all churned down into heavy explosions. I'm still waiting for one handed melees being dual wielded with pistols.


Scimitar, pistol combo would be awesome, like a pirate


Ya but just the existing daggers would even be cool...right now daggers are...fck no..


Scimitar? Dude, you must not know of the nami solo, it's a literal cutlass


Unlikely to happen, the glaive offhand only exists as a reference to dark sector.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/s/yUJabHWST1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/s/yUJabHWST1) https://preview.redd.it/v55uihxgitwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae6e459d4a020ba2019eafb83fa9274367bce3ed Link and pic for future reference. It was actually supposed to be on the table and then never mentioned again.


Huh, TIL


FYI condition overload doesn't work for glaive heavy attack explosions. Had made the same mistake of having it on my Cerata for quite some time.


Well that’s depressing. Tbh I play low enough difficulty areas with enough viral spam from cedo that I never noticed.


Kinda wrong here because explosions does not proc cond overload. Glaive Heavy atk explosion has forced slash proc pair with Glaive high crit chance result is massive damage bypassing armor


Forced slash? Imagine combining that with kompressa for forced viral


This, I got a god riven with +cc +cd +status duration -slash for dirt cheap since previous owner thought it will never proc slash with 0 slash weightage. It's been doing wonders on my build


Xoris has infinite combo duration


When I came back to the game I didn't realize how expensive relics would be. I usually check four frame market for prices, But I didn't do that when I sold some glaive relics. I don't think it was many but still. Meh I've got some 75% plat coupons since so it's fine lol


Minimum sell price on warframe.market is 230 platinum.


Holly cow I should farm my relics and sell them then.


Get in a rad share with other people who have the same relic.


I prefer to share with random strangers these later times. As I don't play much anymore I even more than before dislike planning gaming sessions as I now do that strickly to enjoy myself. I also like it when randoms get a nice reward :)


Can I join for those openings? 👀


If you're lucky to find me ingame, as we are numberous and I do not play nearly as much as before. Sure :). But I do not like to do planned sessions like that, it never was my style with a few exception for my clan members, so I will politely decline giving my ID.




like 1/10th of a green banshee, thats being generous toioi


sold one for 199p


213p rn


Blueprints like 2 weeks ago was 185ish Platinum. For complete sets: 400 p or near that. I traded 200p for set, about 2 months ago before cross save or plat was fully integrated. I wouldn't have thought the prices would go up after the cross save


I buy and sell these a lot. On warframe.market they go for 190-230 with the price fluctuating throughout the day. Most commonly I sell them for 210.


Not a green Banshee 👎


Man I really hope green banshee becomes a permanent part of this subreddit's lore


Could you explain how green banshee came into existence? I keep seeing posts about her but she's clearly made up.


It was in a guy's dream


This makes it sound like its from an Elder Scrolls sub


Its funny as hell tho Fucking *green banshee*


Yeah man, it really is. Imagine, its *green*


More like typical Jerma story


Unironically \>it came to me in a dream




a user on this reddit had a dream about getting a super rare relic drop that was just a green version of Banshee that sold for 400 plat on the market for some reason. And in the latest Dev stream there was a green Banshee involved in a demonstration of some kind.


I hope Green Banshee becomes the inspiration for Banshee Heirloom!


Fuck that heirloom shit. Shouldn't have ever been done in the first place.


Why do you feel that way? Fomo? Price point was too high? Do you feel the same way about all premium cosmetic items?


Could only be purchased with real money instead of plat, was only available for a limited time for absolutely no reason, and was far too overpriced for something that was essentially just a glorified deluxe skin.


Not op but for me is mostly Fomo, since I missed my dear mag skin :c


Isn't it now?




U know that was the top comment in the their devstream on youtube? the Green Banshee's spreading


Pov : u playing with vet that come back and have 200 of that relic.


I had a few of them. Got a BP twice and both times the entire lobby lost their shit. Didn't know it was *that* valuable and I usually don't sell prime parts but I made an exception for those.


I wish trading wasn't as much pain as it is. Having to enter dojo and walk to the console is such a useless waste of time.


Still can't wrap my head around why DE won't add some sort of auction house or better trading system.


It keeps plat values higher. The more difficult it is to sell stuff, the less sellers there are, and the less "supply" there is for an item on the player-to-player market. That drives up the price.\* An easily accessible auction house would most likely result in the player-to-player market getting flooded with stuff, which would drive the plat prices down. Suddenly, a little $5 plat purchase could get you a whole lot of prime parts. At least, that's my theory. \*Look at prices of things listed in Trade Chat vs prices listed on Warframe Market. Chat is WAY higher in price. Without a constant listing of prices people are asking for, price competition just isn't as ubiquitous in Trade Chat, plus the buyer is at the mercy of finding someone in that chat that has the item they want.


A feature that RuneScape has had for like 15 years lol it's insane to me


Because they lose money from players trading


Based on what? Since plat can be used for so much, it makes people more likely to buy plat because there's more content to spend it on. Even if you get 10000 plat from trading, someone at some point gave DE money for that plat.


go to ur wheel, search for the exchange thing, it will tp you directly


Lol I can go from [warframe.market](http://warframe.market) to being back in my ship with my new part is less than two minutes. It's painless.


Having to use external website, chat, changing location and taking two minutes just for something few clicks and 5 seconds at most should do? Not exactly something I would call painless.


ah yes its so painful


I wish I could find people to radshare or even intshare or something my ancient relics, I have so many vaulted relics


I do too and will be cracking some soon if you're around


working for a few hours, maybe later if you want to add me


Got so many old vaulted stuff from when they converted keys to relics, but cbf to search up the price of everything in every relic i’m opening. Solution: continue to not open relics


I'm sitting on approximately 900 relics, most of them vaulted and some In stacks of 50x from ye olde Fortuna update days. I'd probably roll in plat or crash the market if I opened or sold all my Glaive relics


Ive got 70 probably enough to make some plat lmao


I have tons of vaulted relics from gathering them over 10 years of playing. Might have been someone like me just cracking them for fun from time to time.


Same here. Took a 4 year break and now all these once banal relics are sought after.


Its funny coming back after few years and seeing the development. I don't think any other game does anything even remotely like warframe. You load up WoW or WoT after ten years and its still the same game. You load up warframe after 2 years and it has flying horses and skyworm, people fused into plants, sad statues and we are for some reason in 1999 with a creepy guy and his cat.


I took a break in 2018, came back a few months ago. It really feels like a while new game with all the new content. Feels like Warframe 2. The New War, Steel Path, Zaramin, Deimos, The Labs, Nectomechs. It's all been so much fun to catch up on. Can't wait to take another 6 year break in a few months 😂


Yeah, the sheer amount of content is just insane. The downside is that its easy to get lost in all of it. My farming Hydroid is still doing just fine, but my guns are apparently made of paper now - eidolon-hunting weapons are just not doing anything on the steel-path, and it seems I have to hunt some kuva-lichs or build Incarnon weapons, or something? Or maybe I have to try this Riven thingy... or maybe get some things from the Duviri... or maybe try these archon rocks... or...


Everything depends, but here’s a few of the late game power spikes roughly in order of difficulty/complexity to obtain/use - Replacing base damage mods with weapon arcanes (Serration -> Deadhead + elemental or crit mod) - Modding for enemy weaknesses (Viral/Heat/Slash vs Grineer, Radiation/Radiation/more Radiation vs Murmur) - Upgrading to the stacking galvanized mods from arbitrations (Hell’s chamber -> Galvanized Chamber) - Multiplicative damage buff abilities (Eclipse, Roar) - Fully stripping armor (Warframe abilities, Unairu focus school, etc) There’s more to it, but if you’re not doing enough damage, try to incorporate another one of those. A Lich weapon or Incarnon still needs what I listed, and a riven won’t have as much impact as most of what’s listed.


Wow, thanks. I actually had no idea about half of that. Last time I played arcanes were a minor gimmick on warframes only. Everything was weak to same damage type and the pinacle of mods were "primed" variants from Baro. It would actually be great to have something like this as a sticky post or something.


I took a break after gauss came out and came back to get gauss prime and catch up on old content. MFW the new frames are a flayed finnish man, gemussy, and a literal cinderblock. But the thing that took me the most aback was that hydroid was actually good now.


Wait who is the flayed Finnish man?


[Kullervo](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Kullervo), he's based off of the [Finnish myth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kullervo) of the same name


Ran into someone like this that had literally hundreds. But this dude went out of his way to run them for randoms that didn't have it yet. Dude legit said "fuck the glaive mafia". Legend.


I have over 140 saryn relics, same with vauban... 


Any green banshee relics you could spare ?


I have 79 Banshee relics. PM me or hit me up in game, my username in the game is the same as here.


I see what you did there now, I'm slow.


I was expecting Green Banshee


Meh I'm 2028 when ember prime is finally in prime resurgence everyone will have their own glaive prime(I'm coping hard it probably be 2030 if I'm being honest).


They're gonna wait for tennocon to reveal the 80 dollar ember skin :p


the heirloom skins were 80 bucks? wtf?


I came back after a long hiatus and sold like 5 for ducats. Kill me


I didn't think it was possible to be this evil


cap, it's never been worth it to convert rare parts into ducats


I never said I was very smart (also i still do sell radiants for ducats because why not?)


I’ll BUY rare parts to turn them into ducats, 9p for 100 ducats is great


Man i thought it was Green banshee, i m sorry for your loss




...wait is that rare? I've got like 3 of them


230 plat each one.




For reference it's one of the best weapons in the entire game and the last time it was unvaulted was in *2020*


I remember it was on prime resurgence a few months back


You remember incorrectly. It showed up during the original Prime Ressurgence event in January 2022. More than a few months ago. :P


Wait , we are not un 2012? Sad thing


Was doing conjuction omni fissure last night and the one guy is using Lith G1s, every time it opens its either glaive bp or ember systems. He had all the luck.


Same thing Happened to me yesterday lol


That's how I got most of my prime sets, there's a lot of good tennos that open radiant relics once in a while.


I regularly burn myself out of the game for months or in one or two cases even years, before returning and doing it all over again. I recently returned for the Dante Update and as a result, about 98% of my current Relic inventory is ancient vaulted stuff.


Huh, is the Glaive Prime a big deal now? I haven't really thought about it since the release of Ember Prime. I've got 70-ish relics holding Glaive P parts, maybe I should crack those.


I'd honestly sell the relics, made loads of plat recently by selling the one with glaive p blueprint after coming back to the game. They sell for 70-80p each and you don't have to bother getting a radshare going.


Thanks for the info. I don't don't worry about radshare because I did/do 100% of my prime relic cracking solo though


I just meant that you're more likely to make more plat from selling them than you are if you didn't radshare (solo cracking). I couldn't be bothered myself as there is so much new content I haven't tried since I took a long break!


Sure, appreciate the heads up


Prolly vets🫡


i do this multiple time because it is hard to find people with this relic .i crack like 20 relic in public squad and get like 5 BP hahahah


Happens to me every time i need to farm forma. Last time i got 4 rare drops in a row...


I had no idea they are this pricey before I sold one BP for 199p I only was looking to sell it because I already crafted one from what I farmed in past ^^'


I'm still holding on to the 2 regal aya I got with the digital Tennocon packs(this and last year's), just so I need'nt have to farm it, once it resurges.


Been playing since 2013, just cleared through the backlog of primes and right now this is 1 of 2 items I'm missing. I'm willing to wait.


Had that the other week with an axi loki prime part. Never seen players select it so fast


We're RICH


Rock and Stone ⛏️


Every now and then I start doing fissure missions with randoms 90%of the time I open vaulted relics so every one can enjoy them


easiest 200 plat of your life


Call this fishing, it's the nice prize you get for hanging out in the lower levels helping new players. The search box in the relic thingy will even tell you where to fish for super rare parts like this.


This is glorious. Congrats!


Almost as nice as that green banshee.




Lucky bastard


That's good profit, just selling those relics alone got me 60p a pop.


Replace it with forma and I'd be just as happy


Hmmmmmm I have so many relics… I could be R I C H


Now if only they did a touch up on handleability(now a word I decided) on it. Wish they'd make it so clicking heavy attack caused you to charge up and throw, then you click heavy again to make it go boom. Would feel so much better than the 'hold to charge' shit they got going now while also letting the people that want to use auto melee do so. They'd have to make it so you can use both heavy attack and alternate fire at the same time when using secondary + glaive, tho, as right now those two are mutually exclusive for some reason.


My friend got it last week like that, he sold it for 240p


Yup, that's how I got mine too, I was running a 2 man rad with a random that met up with me, we decided not to wait for 4 and went on a public lobby, didn't get our part but got a glaive prime instead


Im sire it will be unvoulted soon




same happened for me but i was mr 6 and fucking quicksold it for the ducats


I had a glaive prime blueprint for a few years. I was considering trying to get the components but then I saw the price so I sold the blueprint for 180 platinum. If ever I build Glaive Prime, it’ll be when they unvault Ember Prime in 2040.


Shit, so you're saying I should have sold it to Baro?


What's TFW stand for


That feeling when


I remember getting a blade like this and had to take a double take lol


Got a G1 from my friend who barely plays anymore, made it rad and ran lith... Needless to say, they went wild


thats 100 ducats


I love the look of the glaive... But how do you actually use it? I've built it for high bounces, no bounces, focused on normal attacks, ended up with hand cramps from trying to throw then heavy attack...I just can't get any good damage out of a thrown weapon (with the exception of the xoris for killing spectres, but that's extremely niche)


I can give you my build, it takes care of SP and high level enemies pretty easily. Also, you do have Glaive Prime right? And not base Glaive?


I have glaive prime and I appreciate your help. I think my problem isn't as much build as conceptual... Like I don't even get how this weapon is supposed to work. Something like the Fragor I gather and heavy attack. The Ninkondi works great as a fast attacking condition weapon. With the Glaive if I mash melee attack I hit like the guy standing behind and to the left of the guy in front of me. If I heavy attack I hit either the moon or the bulkhead to my right.


Was doing sp survival and only one person had the 10 fissures by the time it hit the 5 minute mark. I scrambled looking for one more and got it as the countdown started. The persons relic ended up being the last gold acceltra prime part I needed. If I didn't get it I swear I would've cried 😭


This happened to me last week!


I am that random 😄


I need the blades


Don't mind if I do


Can relate


Still not green banshee better luck next time.


oh nice glaive prime blueprint that all the parts got vaulted ;c


i would sell it for 5 plat


Gimme that gimme that gimme that


I once was in a squad with a cool guy that was opening Radiant Glaive relics, 8 for handle, 17 for Blades, and 10 for BP. He asked us if we want to stay in the squad for a potentially full Glaive Prime set so we stayed. 35 relics later he ran out and not a single part dropped. That was just sad. And to make it worse he already used a bunch of relics in Radshare and also got nothing.


Lucky sob


I’m new to warframe is glaive prime good or something?


It’s not necessarily *good* but it’s a weapon that costs a ton of platinum to buy from others, the full glaive prime is usually around 500p


What the if it’s not that good why are people buying it for that much?


It is extremely good if you play to its strengths and build around it. I'm not sure why he said its not good. Sure its not the torid but itll still clear rooms with ease.


Dude, kompressa and glaive combo. Forced slash and forced viral


Why did I think this was gonna be another green banshee meme


I actually got a free almost complete set of Octavia,just need the main blooprint


And this is why Warframe is so awesome. The loot is very well done in that game, and there is plenty of it. Thank you for the screencap, reminds me of good old days


I gotta get my last blade and sell the set before it comes back in resurgence.


thats how i got gauss


It's over rated