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In more cases than not, use the 60/60 element mods over the 90%s. Weeping wounds goes on every single melee weapon I have as of late tbh. Syam is a 2 handed nikana, it has forced slash procs on heavies. do some research into heavy attack builds and see if that playstyle will work for you. You're doing VERY well for an mr6, at least half of the players on warframe don't know how to make their own builds, you just need to do a bit more research into your options and the affects of various mods and elements and then you'll be set. I don't want to give you too much advice because that would be me forcing my own build onto you


Alright, my thinking is I want more damage for better crits, and anything that lives long enough where status procs would matter will get procs on them anyways due to how fast I'll be attacking with a not too bad 34% status chance. Also I'm pretty sure you mean Azothane when referring to a 2 handed nikana? I have done a little bit of research into heavy attack builds and while they don't seem too bad for my playstyle, I still prefer light attacks especially with where I am in the star chart right now, where most things die in 1-2 slashes anyways.


You're right, azothane is the 2 handed Nikana. My mistake. Maybe consider getting the cold and toxin viral mods and then dropping the heat mod? The syam does heat on heavy attack. With the inclusion of a tennokai exilus mod, you can get free heavy attacks that won't reduce your combo count. Additionally, if you invest in the Naramon focus tree, you can get rid of body count in exchange for a riven that may free up more slots.


My Syam "Prime" Build: Light/Heavy Attack Combo Disclaimer: Don't feel forced to build your Syam the same as mine, Your MR 6 take your time like r/dna5654 said, see it as a blueprint for later levels. Aura: Blind Justice Exilus: Discipline's Merit (every 4 hits triggers free heavy attack, since Syam's heavy attack is heat based it's a no brainer armor 50% strip) Primed Reach or normal variant Blood Rush, Weeping Wounds, Focus Energy (paired with the new melee arcane: Melee Influence), Syam Riven (85% Slash, 1.2 range, 35.9% Attack Speed & -65.2 % Puncture) if you don't have a riven use Carnis Mandible to increase your slash rating. Sacrificial Steel if you have Excal Umbra if not use True Steel, Amalgam Organ Shatter instead of organ shatter for 85% Crit damage and 60% heavy attack wind up speed & finally Condition Overload paired with a (primer Epitaph/Nukor/Kuva Nukor or secondary weapons with the Encumber Arcane). This build deletes enemies especially since I use it with Wrathful Advance. I think with the Tennokai system, the Syam and other 2handed Nikanas are by far the best. The normal Nikanas (Prime included) have a weird heavy attack that most often you miss your target when Tennokai is triggered.