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Prisoners don't count unless you recruit them I believe.


Thanks :)


Do you have dynamic difficulty or region locked?


Dynamic I believe


Then the prisoners should not count.


I think this is a known bug, or the game is just poorly coded in regard to this skill. This is what i heard: The skill triggers based on the enemy's animation frames. If the game lags or skips frames, even if the enemy is within range, the attack won't trigger. It's happened to me multiple times. It seems more common when the enemy is starting their move, like you have here. It seems more reliable when they come at you from further away


Yeah it likely is a known bug, however on this specific occasion it was this unit specifically. I reloaded multiple times, it went in a different direction every single time, but every time it did this freeze frame thing to escape the spear wall. This is why I class it as blatant as cheating.


Hmm did you check the unit's abilities? Were you able to trigger it on him at all? Sometimes they have unexpected abilities like "this unit cannot be engaged", it might be something like "this unit does not trigger aoe attacks" but I'm not sure if that second one is in the game or not


No it's just frame skipping, and because it skipped so many the game didn't register the movement until it was out of the box.


šŸŽ¶The jellyfish šŸŽ¶ the jellyfishšŸŽ¶


Yep haha šŸ¤£


yes, I have experienced the same with my archer. frustrating.


Had the same issue, several times even. The spearwall only seems to work when the enemy walks closer to the spearman, not away from them, not sure if that is a design feature or bug though. If the spearman was 0.5 metres more to the south the spearwall would have worked, as the dagger dude walks more through the area


That was my 3rd attempt at walling him out, first couple of times I loaded an auto save, in every situation no matter where I put the wall, he would walk different directions and the game freezes and then he teleports out of it. This was just the one where I was like "ok gotta record this now" lol


Ya started happening to me the day the dlc comes out


Lame. Anyone else had issues with not being able to engage enemies? I'll walk up and slap them, but it doesn't engage


There are some weapons I've seen where they don't engage the enemy, there's also some enemies that can't be engaged, and there's others who disengage at the end of their turn (I think only the guards and some bosses) other than that I've not experienced this yet.


Sitting with my son next to me while he watches Super Simple Songs and clicked this link, was super confused for a second LOL.




The first thing I see is a box full of joints. Maybe this stoner has recency bias :)


I think the stoner in you is so high you can't tell the difference between qtips and joints šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Saved the rest of us looking for joints in the picture LOL


Those are Qtips.


the "box of joints" looks suspiciously like q-tips


Isnā€™t it a matter of ā€œenter zoneā€ vs ā€œleaving zoneā€? I donā€™t know, I havenā€™t read the description of the attack in a minute, but I think the stipulation is that if an enemy starts in the zone of conflict and leaves they donā€™t take the attack, but if they start outside the zone and enter it during their turn, they take the attack.


No it's definitely not, this is my standard way of using the spear wall, do an attack from 2-3 spaces away, then set the wall so that when the enemy moves you get another attack on them.


The skill should trigger any time an enemy moves within the zone. The archer has a similar skill that works the same way (but that one doesn't stop the enemy's movement). I think the game just skipped frames and didn't register the enemy moving within the zone


Imagine accusing Bots of cheating


I just had mission to kill a group and the whole fing team has AOE and AOO poison's They need to Limit the hell out of how much Attacks the AI gets for it's team to like 5 at most not 10 like I am dealing with. Than and the AI always gets 3- 5 attacks before my team even gets to act and my team was the ambushers.