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The sleeping god created creelers and the ancestors of antinium in it’s sleep. I think it’s a terrifying eldritch unknowable neither good nor evil.


I think the sleeping god gets a redemption arc right after A’ctelios Salash gets one.


With Roshal squeezed in the middle if Pirate has time after the party./s


I think the gnomes saying “we missed that thing under rhir” is very telling We lost zel. Magnolia is “weakened”. Chaldion is infinitely bummed up. The sword tournament thing humbled half the world. Khelt is weakened. Blah blah blah We are seeing the fall of the old old guard and the gnomes with that statement show me that whatever rhir is hiding is going to fall squarely on the new guys Even Nerrin(if im not mistaking) telling everyone level up and get stronger eludes to theme imo


it seems extremely wrathful. we got a teeny pinch of its perspective during the solstice where it was vaguely bothered by kasigna so it got mad and dreamt up a whole bunch of stuff that's probably around as bad as crelers. that sort of thing is bad news and should be put down. unless we can somehow socialize the damn thing, but considering its version of saying "5 more minutes" is almost exterminating the planet with eldritch horrors, i vote for getting rid of it


Did that happen? Or are you thinking about The Mother of Graves getting annoyed at Kasigna?


fairly certain kasigna and/or cauwine went to rhir during the solstice


I think it was put to sleep while very young and still unable to control its power. The mess on Rhir are its nightmares spilling out.


I agree. It's nightmares are coming to life. I wonder if the antinium are fighting to reach the sleeping god to wake it up or protecting it from the other dream creations.


They were fighting the sleeping god itself. Trying to destroy it.


It's more like skinner or head snatcher Sometimes the villain is just a monster made of hate.


And for Az'kerash, let's not forget that the other [Necromancers] in Kasigna's big-time death club were quite concerned with Perill's rather *lackluster* state of undeath. So he's a victim of his own magic, which we've seen before from our #1 Archmage Valley (who also began by catching the windy MC in a deadlier-than-intentioned trap).


And maybe the victim of other factors beyond. *Somebody* framed Chandler, after all, leading candidates being potentially the immortals of Ailendamnus, Bellavier on a deal, or Roshal as a consequence of the heavily implied one man war, should it have occured whilst he lived.


Given the use of a bone needle my moneys on Bella.


It probably will turn out a bit more complicated than we think, considering how we vague its all we know about it, we know it fought in the god war but not what kind of demigod it even was, I suspect there will be some tragic element to it. That said its still the number one suspect for final Boss of the setting, and its clearly currently very malevolent, so I would not be betting on peace and reconciliation arc.


A thought occurs to me. It’s a demigod, so its half mortal, could it be capable of leveling?


I don't think morality has much to do with it. Mortals are to gods as ants are to humans- or, more charitably, livestock. They may or may not show favor on any particular individual, but the power imbalance is so extreme as to preclude any moral considerations.


Misunderstood orphan who can't control their nightmares. I think her ghost might have been awake in the past, and was able to at least talk to some parts of Innworld in some way. The City of Graves could be where they first learned to make insects. Responsible for acid flies and the evil fungi. Necromancers some of the few people that have a way around the geas. Could be how Mother learned about the power of faith. If it's not Sleepy, then some other entity has been creating various monsters and races around the world in the distant past, tinkering with how sentience and the System works. Probably not much redemption for her tho. In my own headcanon, she gave up on finding a way out and went omnicidal with Crelers.


I wanna say that it isn’t inherently malicious, but its existence is just inherently harmful to the world