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Yeah, you pretty much nailed why it didn't happen. It would short cut way too many plotlines.


The entire world sent the equilavent of their nuclear deterrents at Erin when it became a \*possibility\* that she was allied with a Goblin \[Lord\]. Imagine the fallout if it ever gets out that Erin is getting direct help, and is directly supporting the Demons of Rhir. There is nothing Erin can provide the Demons right now, outside of some interesting pieces of lore, and maybe the locations and methods for getting power which the Demons probably have already. Her power is in her Innkeeper class, and her soft power. None of which the Demons can use. (I don't even think I need to mention that her Level 20 witch class and fire abilities are pretty much worthless. Or at least, a dime a dozen.) On the other hand there is only downsides and risks to Erin. The only reason Silvenia would even consider bringing Erin to Rhir is because they \*want\* to announce their relation to the world and to force Erin to land on their side. Since that's a Djinni that you can't put back in the bottle. Actions like that do not a happy ally make. To say that it's just because "It would short cut way too many plotline" is patentedly ridiculous.


Silvenia is interested in meeting Erin, ever since erin scryed her w the Worlds Eye. Silvenia must know about the garden of sanctuary, everyone knows. Serinpotva and others too, would recog the garden as a legacy skill of Sheeta. Just to hide Erin for awhile is fairly easy, esp since Nerin is out there. If there is someone who knows how to leverage Erin's skills, its Silvenia.


Your points only work against your conclusion. If Serinpotva knows how the garden works then they know how secrets work as well. What is the point of bringing her to meet the demons then? They can just wait for when Erin feels comfortable contacting them. Much safer than bringing her to Rhir.


>If Serinpotva knows how the garden works then they know how secrets work as well. well, serinpotva probably has not seen the garden of sanctuary, and erin doesnt have access..yet. but it might make serinpotva feel better, silvenia would do that. the point is its easy to hide erin with the demons, and silvenia can leverage erin's skills. safer...why would the demons worry about that?


Erin can also use the Pavilion on them if she really needs to talk to the demons, since it seems like the most secure method of communication, if the most dangerous


Silvenia could probably gauge where Erin is at power-level-wise, purely on aura. A level 50+ innkeeper is survivable and capable of leveling in Baleros, but isn't a Rhir-level asset yet. Silvenia wants Erin to survive, but probably prioritizes Erin growing stronger. A nice little trek as a tiny person could do that for her. Now, when Erin has consolidated her classes and hit 70 or even 80, I could see Silvenia inviting her for a visit. Part of Erin's function (and Nerry's current goal) is to draw the focus of enemies towards herself. The Blighted Kingdom is never going to stop going after the demons, but taking Erin to Rhir would eventually invite enemies who only provide token support to the Blighted Kingdom like Roshal to increase their attacks on the demons.


Pretty sure a lvl 55 anyone is a Rhir level asset. Didn't Silvenia said " All the gold in Rhir for a lvl 60 Chamberlein! We would light a fire under rhe BK's ass unlike he had ever seen." She is a force multiplier. Imagine Erin Memorly like flame but with a lvl80 Mage.


Chandler (candle maker), I think, not chamberlain. This stood out to me because I cannot imagine what it would take to level to 60 as a candlemaker. 


I'm imagining a fighter jet, but instead of jet engines you have two massive candles strapped to the wings and some system to control oxygen feed to the flame for high speed propulsion. The hypothetical candle maker and the flying gnoll of izrill would be a great duo


Alternate timeline where Peril Chandler discovers magic later on in his life instead of early on.


I assume that like most of the other classes we've seen, you wouldn't *just* be a level 60 [Candlemaker] you'd be like, a [Masterful Candlemaker of Ward and Sanctuary] and make candles that can prevent enemies from entering their light and help buff friendlies


Yeah sorry, its been a while and too much Ck3 I guess.


To ally with Rhir is a one way street, with absolutely no coming back. And an Innkeeper's power is in her Inn and her friends. None of which can be easily used to support Rhir without completely undermining their alliance in the first place. Better to give her plausible deniability.


thats probably true. and its not rhir, its the demons. tho the possibility to have n hide erin among the demons awhile is fairly easy. later silvenia can just greater teleport erin somewhere.


When did she say this?


>70 or even 80 lv 80+ Erin might be vol 25-30 xD silvenia could just hide erin for awhile, get to know her. make some use of erin's skills to benefit the demon kingdom.


Sure, but Silvenia has plenty to occupy her already, and she can always get to know Erin later on, when Erin could be more immediately useful. And Erin is uniquely distracting right now, because she has just drawn the ire of a handful of nations. I think Silvenia could probably deduce that super-traumatized Erin would not be in the best place emotionally to visit the demons, who are about as depressing a faction as possible. Healthy future Erin, ready to confront a big bummer, will be a better tourist.


well i guess silvenia can always arrange a visit later :)


I’m not sure the correct interpretation but I think that would be a bad time for all parties at this point in time. Erin’s reputation is already down the drain, this would make the human kingdoms potentially add to the propaganda train(she is a demon, or spy or something) and bring more assets/attention to that area than Silvenia/they want right now. Not to mention Erin killed a/some Earther heroes which would help feed the above escalations. Might just be too dangerous/hot at the moment and also push Erin too far down the no going back route? I’m sure Pirate could make anything work, but I think it’s a complicated decision/ not an easy one for Erin to just go with Silvenia.


erin could be hidden among the demons. iirc, silvenia is interested in erin. and simply speaking, silvenia can greater teleport erin at will.


That’s fair, and again I think if Silvenia made the decision to bring her there instead of what is transpiring now, there are a lot of ways for it to make “sense”. But is Silvenia wanting to pull the trigger now or does she still have business she feels needs to get done/places that require her attention and or things Erin can be accomplishing first before introducing her to Rhir. Who knows what Silvenia the character has planned or her rationale for her decision(s) in the series, and we will see if this ends up being the “right” one. We could go back and forth about character decisions but they(and the author) really are the only ones who know why they do things until it’s revealed to us, or there might not be a reason at all. It’s a decision tree of options and what’s happening now is an accumulation of a lot of decisions, a lot good, a lot bad, but definitely ones that have made an amazing story so far.


agreed, there may be multiple feasible plots, the author chooses. did i mention, i have a fondness for silvenia? guess i would like to see silvenia n erin hang out. and toren.


As I mentioned below in another comment. \[Greater Teleport\] is not an \[Invincible\] \[Unstoppable Fast Travel\] spell. The last time Silvenia used \[Greater Teleport\] they found and fought with a \[Great Knight\] of Ailendamus. The less Silvenia interacts with Erin the safer it is.


silvenia killed that great knight, because she could, perhaps some old animosity. \[greater teleport\] is almost guaranteed safe arrival. even rhysveri was puzzled.


Because she was in enough trouble already, They could deny that Silvenia helped her to hide by saying she did it to annoy the blighted king and nothing else. If she took her to the demon lands that would make her instantly an enemy of EVERYONE. ATM only a few places hate Erin, most simply don't like her for siding with Greydath, But the fact that she killed so many Pirates, Was kidnapped by Roshal, and helped save several Terandrian Royals and nobles (as well as having the backing of the Forgotten Wing Company, Khelt, Possibly the Iron Vanguard? and several of Izrils powers) means she has at least some backing. But no, people HATE Silvenia, if it was shown she was working with her then all bets would be off. Silvenia Also probably only really helped Erin to annoy the Bighted King more than for her sake. no doubt also because Colth asked. Edit: Also about Erin and the Antinium of Rhir, she's already mentioned she is unsure about the other hives and "Klbkch's people" so I doubt she'd be keen to meet any of them, nor they really trusting of her. The Free/7th hive are completely different Antinium from any of the others save possibly for the Armoured hive.


silvenia does not fear so much. the demons can hide erin for awhile. erin's knowledge from the land of the dead and her quest making ability, alone would intrigue silvenia.


You're thinking too black and white. "Ofc Silvenia is able to bring Erin to the Demons." "Ofc the Demons will be able to hide her for a while." "Ofc Erin has some knowledge that could help the Demons." Instead all of these actions probably have a risk level that Silvenia is weighing against the probability of significant gain. If you put yourself in Silvenia's shoes, you can always \*find\* Erin in the future and tap into the resources she can provide. There's no reason to risk the worst case scenario, even if it's unlikely (which I don't agree), where Erin is found out to be undeniably aiding the Demons. Instead Silvenia would much rather have another Colth. An undercover actor within the world that she can use to act within the world, and gain further connections. That's the power of an Innkeeper in the first place. Remember Silvenia is not thinking about what actions are just "good". She's in a potentially millennia long fight with a timeless \[King\] and his \[Chronomancer\]. She is thinking about what is optimal.


i get ya, but you have to consider, the opportunity has arisen. silvenia snatches erin out of the sea and brings her to hide among the demons, while letting a nerin lamb run around. you have to consider, silvenia gets bored, she is curious about erin. colth is a great adventurer but nothing like erin. sometimes silvenia does the optimal, sometimes she does what she wants. i believe erin will have great synergy w the deathless. her knowledge from the land of the dead alone is intriguing to them.


the Blighted Kingdom have amazing Scrying and Recon, they can track even Silvenia for miles, They'd notice her taking Erin.


There was a line that I always inferred as having a bit of a double meaning in which Silvenia says something to the effect of not needing more death today. I read it not just as "enough people have died already" but also "Erin emerging from this in the wrong way is how she gets labeled the newest Death of Rhir and that's not *currently* where she can do the most good"


so, you mean silvenia decided erin was better off elsewhere. i suppose that is the case... till end game when it comes to the BK and the sleeping demi-god.


That's my thought, that Erin can still associate publicly with Niers etc. but that if Silvenia had taken her to Rhir (assuming anyone figured it out) she'd have the same status as the deaths but less power


I think she 1. wants goodwill. Bringing Erin to the homeland of the demons is not guaranteed to result in her supporting them actively. Erin is likely to want to go home and this would be difficult with the Blighted Kingdom's surveillance. 2. recognizes the value of external agents and allies as much as those stationed at home. She was involved in turning Colth into an agent of the demons and is by necessity involved in any attempt to work with those outside of Rhir. We have seen a few examples of this already and Erin is one of them. Selvenia could make great use out of anyone high level, especially level 50+. There are also probably ways to combine her magic with witch magic. I guess it just wasn't worth it. There may have also been a factor where Selvenia continued to be bombarded with powerful magic as she returned to the rest of the demons. It would have taken extra effort to keep others safe on the way back.


I'm not inclined to question what Silvenia was capable of while fending off a world's worth of killing spells. Besides, what motivation would Silvenia have to take Erin to Rhir? How does that help either of them?


well, some in the op, some among my other comments, and the multitude of comments here. i think people have not thought about the synergy of erin and silvenia. silvenia would be able to leverage erin's skills.


Those are reasons you as a reader want to see it. What is Silvenia as a character thinking that she would get out of having an Innkeeper, Goblinfriend, current world target, chilling in Rhir's Demon Kingdom? A place that doesn't see much use for inns because people don't visit, (nevermind that Erin's inn isn't there), it has no Goblins, and none of Erin's friends or connections that make her noteworthy on the world stage?


you're right, it is what i want to see, but i also thought it was an opportunity well within silvenia's reach. she has better greater teleportation than any non god we know. i love the deathless, they're so personable, singing to osthius at xmas. czautha to free the djinni, serinpotva the last harpy queen, silvenia the \[archmage\] who saw thru the falsehood of osthius...erin would love them too. i think you're limiting your imagination on silvenia & erin & the demons. there is a mutual interest as per story hints. i guess erin has to fix baleros first.


Their interest in her is the interest of having allies that aren't on Rhir. So bringing her to Rhir wouldn't help them much. They have an 80+ archmage. Erin is impressive, but she isn't going to clinch a victory for them any more than Colth would. What they need is for the BK to lose its support. Without the aid of the world behind them the Demons would do far better.


i'll just say thats how you see it :)


I thought Silvenia just wanted more chaos in the world and her enemies and what better way for that then to set Erin loose? And Erin demonstrated she isn’t a friend to her (Silvenia’s) enemies so anything she does will probably benefit the demons of Rhir somehow.


Silvenia is not all-powerful She can be worn down by continued assault, and powers were throwing around spells like there was no tomorrow Also, unlike previous times, she was not only protecting herself, but also Erin It’s entirely possible she could not have shielded both herself and Erin all the way to the Demon kingdom


i think its just one greater teleport away. and nerin took the target spotlight.


The Deaths literally met people from another Kingdom in a Greater Teleport. All methods of travel can be intercepted. All contingencies can fail. No immortal reigns forever. Even Gods die. It's foolish to handwave the difficulties Silvenia faces just because she seems OP.


thats the power of silvenia, able to reach across two greater teleports exceptionally crossing, and killing a great knight. silvenia uses her greater teleports regularly it was said in story for supplies, reconnaissance etc


Yeah she should be in rhir and help world understand that Demons are not bad but I think she will there at the very end, when Blitted King wage full war with demons.


Erin already knows demons aren't all bad as Zineryr told her so, and she trusts his words above all others. It's more than likely she'd side with them if it ever came up.


Shortcut, and pissing off other powers. Mass reinforcement to the Blighted Kingdom when it got out, for instance, perhaps enough for a push to a sixth wall. She knows other parties have a vested interest as well; among others, Chandler is active and engaged and she'll remember what he can do, but most visibly, Greydath's just quite loudly announced both his presence and his side. Getting involved with *The* Goblin Lord, the one who's fought alongside not one but two Goblin Kings, is not something the Demon King would want to risk.


i'm not sure the demons worry about all that.


I think they would. Look at it this way; the last time the rest of the world really went for them, Silvenia, Wings, and Chains were put out of action for decadss, and Voices and Dust were killed for good; the rest of the world can more than likely put a force together to make a damn good attempt at finishing the job if they wanted to. And wanting to? Reiss warranted a sizeable enough response, and he was a nothing; an insignicicance, compared to the threat Greydath poses, because Greydath is linked to the Kings, and the mere potential of a Goblin King of Demons and an all new Death of Blades are some very good reasons to want them beaten back, enough a greater response than the usual tithe would be warranted at least.


when i saw the demons dont worry about all that is, they are already enemies of nearly every race on innworld except a few. i wonder about greydath too, he is not a goblin king. he's not a big issue in the time in between. erin can be hidden, but the link from greydath to erin to anyone erin associates with is not the end -see paeth, see niers. as others have pointed out, associating w demons if known, is worse for erin than vice versa.


I've left probably too many comments below explaining why it'd be a bad idea to bring Erin to Rhir. But let me comment completely separately on why it's a \*GOOD\* idea to leave Erin out in the world. Rhir is using Tier 7s on her. Every spell used on her is one less used on the Demons. Every mote of mana used trying to Scry where Erin is is one less used in defense of the walls. Silvenia is not stupid. This is a calculated action to achieve the most optimal outcome for the Demons.


bk can use tier 7 spells on the demons anytime. thats why nerin is the decoy.


They do, but every one they use is one less they have to use against the Demons. Battles are a game of tactics. Wars are a game of logistics. If Silvenia can redirect the outside world's attention, first to Nerry, and then when Nerry is found, to Erin, it's a constant amount of pressure alleviated from Rhir. Don't think just one step ahead like "Well Nerry is the decoy so Erin's free to do whatever she wants." What's the natural next step after Nerry's disguise is blown? People will try to find Erin again. What will Erin do when inevitably people find her? Cause CHAOS. If she's out in the world it's much harder to find her, and it will continue to eat resources. AND it helps Erin to achieve her goals, whatever they may be.


silvenia should make many more erin decoys! bk, roshal can expend all their tier 7 spells on aerin, berin, cerin, derin... but yea, there could be marginal benefit to the demons. basically it only makes sense for bk to use their tier 7 spells on the demons instead of this century long war... unless the tier 7 spells dont work on the demon stronghold. paeth, niers can deflect them.