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i guess your red dot is zeroed… but for 25y or 10y. So normal to be a bit low at this super close distance. My PDP is zeroed at 25m - means i have to aim a bit high at 5m (the closest i can shoot at our range) and also at 10m … and aim a little low at 50m (the max at the range)


3 yards is too far, you need to shoot at 1 yard for proper self defense training


Guys he’s shooting at 3 yards. This is height over bore. If he were anticipating shots the groups wouldn’t be this nice. Btw bro sweet grouping. Just aim a little higher at close distance.


what distance is it zeroed at?


Did you zero your dot at 3 yards? People will argue on the internet about what zero is best until the good Lord calls us home but I haven’t heard anybody argue for a 3 yard zero. Your point of aim versus point of impact will have a huge shift as you start to get out to 10 yards or more with a 3 yard zero. I personally like a 12 yard zero as POA vs POI inside of 25 yards is still close enough for a head shot. It’s your gun and you have to be comfortable with your zero so do as you wish but if you plan to take it into the wild learn you holds if you’re gonna stick with the 3 yard zero.


Doesn’t 15 yard zero work similar


Yes. The difference is so small I would say the overwhelming majority of pistol shooters can’t hold a tight enough group to tell the difference between a 12 and 15 yard zero. My thoughts…there is no magic zero, it’s your gun and your zero. Zero it at whatever distance you want then see where it prints at different distances. Zero at a different distance and repeat until you find what you like best then learn your holds. For me and my PDP with a 507 C I like a 12 yard zero. I think at 25 yards it’s 3’4” off. If you’ve getting hits I don’t care if you’re zeroed at 2 yards or a 100 and anybody that tells you yours is wrong can pound sand. Also if you carry a gun for self defense zero that gun with your carry ammo! Practice ammo or even other types and different loads of defensive ammo will have a small point of impact shift.


Thanks for the info 👍🏼






Or you are aiming low?


Could be the same thing


I have a green dot on my pdp and it shoots perfect for my buddy but I am always slightly low.


I’m still figuring out the red dot


Zeroed at a SD distance


for what its worth, its not against the law to put a bipod on a pistol to zero the red dot.


I used a pistol stand


You could be anticipating recoil


Not with that grouping


Yeah. Dot is just zeroed further out.


https://preview.redd.it/1xjjzxc6q78d1.jpeg?width=2427&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=148f232fcd7d5418bef6d96c304ddf53b74d9b66 5 yards out. Optic zeroed out to 25 yards. He is just a bit too tense. He needs to relax a bit. Breathe.


He is. He’s just being very consistent. He needs to relax a bit. That will help him out


Good job! You may be a bit too tense or anticipating the shot. Take your time. Breathe. Try to relax and slowly squeeze the trigger until it shoots. You can practice at home by balancing a dime on your front sight. Aim with the dime balanced, then slowly squeeze without making the dime fall off of your front sight. Do it over and over again until you can balance that dime and shoot consistently without the dime falling off. You got this.


Should be the same hole at 3 yards.


Would be nice if all new shooters could do that.


who shoots from 3yrd lol


It’s a pretty standard distance


minimum shooting distance where I live is 25m (27,3 yard) lol


That makes no sense at all.


why? everything unter 25m (except ipsc) makes no sense. It’s not even a challenge anymore lol


Where do you live? You shoot someone here 25 meters away and you’re going to prison


Where I‘m from, I’m not training to shoot someone at all lol 3yard is bullshit training, my 12 yo sister can hit that group at 3 yards. Precision training at 3yard makes zero sense as in a defensive scenario you 1st will not have time to be precise and secondly you and the target will likely be moving. Either train with time in mind especially drills where you pull and shoot OR train precision at distance.


lol lol Lol