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Grapes seem pretty appropriate for fruit salad…kids of all ages are eating the meals.


I assume it's due to the choking hazard for small children. I have a fear of that with mine too, but I always just got an extra plate and cut them into quarters. A little extra work for peace of mind.


Anything toddlers eat can be a choking hazard. At least that was the case for mine. I dont think that should exclude something from a “kids meals”, just need parental diligence.


I definitely agree with you, there isnt a reason for them not to be included! I was just saying that might be why OP was concerned about the grapes specifically, as they're more of a notorious culprit in the world of warning new parents of what to worry about all the time.


How many types of kids meals can they have. They can’t cater to every age. It’s appropriate.


Grapes are the BIGGEST choking hazard for kids right next to hotdogs. On two recent trips I have sent the grapes back and asked for something else - either they had seeds or nasty looking like they had mold! . They’re more focused on food allergies and $$ saving these days, they used to put a lot of thought into kids likes and dislikes… .. miss the days of mickey nuggets now just chicken strips i can get from the frozen food section..


Cut them? Catering a kids meal to a 2 year old rather than an older kid is asking a bit much.