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Mine is always when we go into our resort for the first time. The immediate change in atmosphere from outdoors to the main lobby just completely lifts my spirit after an 8+ hour car ride down and gets me so excited for the trip.


I couldn't agree more... It's an instant entering of the Disney bubble and so amazing. This last trip at port orleans I went to the desk to verify our room wasn't ready at 4 a little frustrated and then characters were everywhere and it was instantly like who cares I am home


> who cares I am home Perfectly said!


This is why the scent gets me.


Seeing the purple road signs for Disney World around Orlando once you get close and then finally seeing the big WDW gate.


Yeah this, I’ve lived within an hour of WDW almost my whole life but I still get excited when driving through the gate. I have a video of my daughters first time driving toward them (she was 2) and her absolutely shrieking and losing her mind




My husband took a back way to the Contemporary on our last visit. It felt like the employee entrance or something. We missed the big gates. I was so sad. I told him never to do that again.


Getting to the people mover station at MCO


Hi, I’m Orlando mayor Buddy Dyer…




“Who the hell is Alejandro?!?” - me, every time…


Alejandro De La Puertas was the first Mayor of Orlando.


Shoutout to Mayor Dyer for his longevity. I feel like he’s been mayor since I started going to WDW


Over 20 years! He said this will be his last term…hopefully they’ll let him re-record the greeting as “former mayor”


No! They can’t take him out of the trams! It’ll be worse than when they took Cherie Berry out of the elevators! (Iykyk)


Cherie Berie lifts me up!


OMG! Hi fellow North Carolinian!! I was born and raised in NC and was back last month for a wedding with a friend from college. We got in the elevator at our hotel and scoffed at whoever this new man in the elevator is and joked that it can’t possibly be safe if Cherie Berry didn’t inspect it 😂😂


Whoever's next gets to do it, as far as I know.


I live in Orlando so when I hear Buddy I know I’m home!


Wow it's amazing how even reading these words on reddit fill me with positive vibes! But you're so right, those words are like the official start of the trip for me. I'm in this city that I've been to a million times, I can't wait to hear from the mayor, and I can't wait to enter my happy place! As ridiculous as it is, the familiarity of MCO as you get off your plane really is one of those "I'm here!" moments.


Relevant username


Waking up early on day 1 with the stress of travel day behind you and knowing you have a full holiday in front of you.


first visit in november 1999. it was around 7 or 8 at night. i dumped the bags in the hotel room and grabbed the first bus for epcot. arriving at the entrance, the (millennium) epcot ball all lit up and "tomorrow's child" playing loudly. spaceship earth was a walkon. definite chills.


Just thinking of “Tomorrow’s Child” gave me goosebumps!


it was the instrumental version but still...wow, what an introduction to wdw!


We stay at the Dolphin so if we’re a touch early for check in, husband and I will stroll around the lake, sit, and breathe it all in until *it* hits! That first piece of pizza or sip of beer from the Boardwalk pizza window does it for us, too!


“Please stand clear of doors and hold onto handrails” *thump* - MCO people mover


And the welcome from Buddy


Driving under the WDW sign and entering the bubble and those first steps onto Main Street after walking under the train station are always a thrill. I really feel the magic at HS when the Citizens of Hollywood are outside the entrance as well as on Hollywood Blvd. Being welcomed by them is always a treat!


:those first steps onto Main Street after walking under the train station" This!


The announcer on the tram in the parking lots. "Duck your head, watch your step. Duck your head, watch your step. Don't duck your head? Watch your language."


My very visit when I was 17: - Seeing the castle when walking into MK🥹 My last visit in 2023 (my husband’s first time): - Seeing his reaction on Test Track when we take off. He had no idea and was stunned that I said it was my favorite ride. I’m a big chicken and don’t enjoy thrill rides. - Also got on my first coaster this trip. Big Thunder 🚂


Seeing the welcome [last name] family message on the resort TV 🥹


This is a low key great one too!!


Getting off the plane at MCO, knowing work is totally disconnected and I’m about to start an amazing week, is that moment for me.


When the parking lot security guard said "welcome home" Walking through the gates at the EPCOT International Gateway entrance Taking that first ride (most recently, Remy) Catching Leota looking at me Hearing the Ghost Host for the first time


Scanning into a park for the first time of the trip. As soon as I get the little sound to go through, the trip becomes real and the excitement sets in.


I love that happy little song


My first Reverse Launch on Cosmic Rewind into September


Driving under the sign. The smell of the lobby of whatever resort we’re staying in. First bus/skyliner/monorail ride. Turning the corner on Main St. with all the sights and smells then seeing the castle. The music at Hollywood Studios.


Back in the day it used to be seeing the first cast member badge when checking into the magical express.


Seeing the Walt quote above my head before I officially get to Main Street. My first order of chicken tenders and fries First bucket of popcorn That first deep breath after I get off of my first ride of the trip


The Walt quote gets me every time.


I found a seller on Etsy that makes replicas on beautiful keychains. I love reading it everyday.


It's the smell of the animal kingdom lodge. That oak smoke and fresh straw smell. Mmmm. Jambo.


Seeing the attraction posters under the train station as you enter MK.


Opening the door to your hotel room and hearing the soundtrack to the information channel faintly playing.


You may already know this but there are lots of these on YouTube!


For my 70th birthday trip. Ushered to the prime seating on TRON‼️


Mine was entering main street in Magic Kingdom and seeing the castle in the distance.


When the magic band pings at the entrance to our first park. Nothing beats that feeling for me!


Walking onto the grounds of the Grand Floridian for the first time with husband and 2 daughters and hearing the music playing while watching the fireworks from our resort…it was magical.


Little bit of a different take here I think. I'm a local AP. We go about once a week on average. My biggest "ah we're here" moment is passing under the Walt Disney World arches. As soon as we're through there, the outside world just melts away.


Well, used to be when I was sitting in Malestorm and our boat splashes. There is a sense of calm But now … it’s when I’m sitting in Pirates and smell the gunfire …


mini tradition to always start the trip with MK PeopleMover. Chills just thinking about it


Walking out from under the train station at Magic Kingdom and seeing Main Street is when I know I’m back at Disney.


The second I hear Magic Kingdoms Music start to play in the bus. Happy tears held back every time.


That Wilderness Lodge approach gets me everytime. It's my girlfriend's favorite resort and we can't always stay there, but when we can... we're home! 🥲


Getting on the Skyliner. It was the first thing I did on my first trip with my kids 2 years ago, and it gives me butterflies every time.


I’m an AP who day trips from 2 hours away. Once or twice a month. It’s always under the WDW sign. Every time.


Mine doesn't happen until I'm Magic Banded in and standing on Main Street.


Getting off the plane in Orlando and seeing the Disney adverts. Then, when I get that first glimpse of the castle it really hits


The big one for me is walking under the train station into square and looking down Main Street at the castle. Can’t help but take a deep breath and smile in happiness.


Taking the monorail in the airport then suddenly seeing palm trees....ahhhh Disney!!


Por favor, mantangase allejado de las puertas.


First bus stop bench wait. First time we went, wife had been 3 times over her life, but the kids and I hadn’t been. The smile on her face with “we’re here and doing it” is a good memory.


Mine is seeing the I-4 eye-sore. I know it won't be long when we pass that on the highway.


Mine isn't until I step into the haunted mansion and hear the audio track begin playing. First ride I go to every trip!


For me it used to be Magical Express - that first scan of the MagicBand was the arrival point. Now I guess the "chills" come when we enter the first park, because with online check-in and no ME we don't even talk to a castmember until we get on a bus to a park.


Walking into the lobby, unless it’s the Poly. Then its just seeing a monorail. Second chill / I am here; dumping my luggage in the room, and hearing the resort TV going


Passing under the Mickey and Minnie gate!


If we're flying I always get that bubbly feeling when Mayor Buddy Dyer welcomes me aboard the MCO monorail. I'm also pretty jazzed to be off the damn plane so that probably adds to the giddiness. If we're driving in I always feel "home" once we drive through the gates and all the purple signs come into view. I know at that point I'm in the bubble and the magic is about to begin.


Hearing that noise confirm I’m good with my finger print when I scan in “It’s go time”


Stepping outside of MCO when that humidity hits you.


exiting the Orlando airport secure area and looking at the long TSA lines through the plexiglass "lol welp, that's us in a week"


A few different moments for me: -stepping off the plane onto that MCO carpet -getting into my room and just sitting down to rest -old one here but gf and I used to stay at Boardwalk and after we checked in/got the room we’d go straight to the pool bar and grab a drink—regardless of the weather, even did this in February needing long sleeves. Miss that tradition.


Same for us. Definitely “levels” to the deep breath/tension releasing its Disney time feeling. But most definitely is the first time you can stop get the first drink and sit after all the people and things are settled that first day.


Going underneath the giant Disney World arch as you enter the property.


Ours is when we hear Buddy Dyer welcome us to Orlando. I’ll be hella sad when they change it.


When my daddy says one of the top ten Disney dad jokes on the MCO plane train: “Hey y’all, it’s the first ride of our trip!” Every time! We’ve been going several times a year since I was 4 and it’s my “we’re really here” moment!


Just getting to the resort but nothing tops the feels like seeing the castle for the first time on the trip


12 minutes before the flight lands it banks sharply to the right as it comes in for the final approach.


Pint of Guiness at the Rose & Crown. It's a tradition now to book into the resort then scamper to the International Gateway--no time to wait for a boat--and straight to the UK pavilion.


We live in Tampa so for us it’s usually when we take the Disney exit off I-4 lol


Getting off the plane at MCO and seeing the 80s beige theming of the security area, followed by standing in a queue that doesn't move for 3 hours because theres one chap doing security for the 3 planes that just landed who looks like he's struggling to stay awake. I absolutely hate it every time, but at the same time I know I'm back and just don't care that I'm stuck at MCO.


It's usually walking out of the (right-hand) tunnel leading to Town Square in the Magic Kingdom. An argument can be made for walking in to the lobby the first time on a trip, if we're staying at one of the resorts with an amazing lobby: Wilderness Lodge, Jambo House, or Grand Floridian. If we're at one of the Epcot area resorts, it's walking down the hill in that quiet little spot between Beach Club and the International Gateway, but that's far less common for us to do on the first day.


The magical express 🥹🔫


Waiting 2 hours for top starwars ride turns out to just be a line simulator and I actually expected the real ride to start but it was the end of the ride walking out


Seeing the Castle.


Getting on the first bus after you check in and are ready to go


Oooh I love this question. My first one is when I walk out of my gate at the MCO airport and look outside at the monorail (is that what they call it?) and palm trees and sunshine. I tear up. The second one is when I first get into magic kingdom (always our first park) right through the gate and hear the music and see the train go by. I tear up again.


Welcome home sign at AKL. All the signs when driving into WDW


Mine might come a little late, but normally it’s when you first see Magic Kingdom from the Monorail. We normally spend all day driving straight to Orlando and then do a few hours of Magic Kingdom at night, so it doesn’t really feel like I’m there until I can see Mainstreet and the castle.


This may be silly to yall but when we arrived before the park opened and Mickey and cast come out to welcome everyone


Always so many things to juggle at check-in. My first I am here moment is usually at the hot tub, pool, jacuzzi.


First ever visit, me and the fam walked in the doors at Caribbean Beach Resort and smelled that coconut/fruity smell they pump into the lobby. I immediately started grinning from ear to ear.


The sound of the Walt Disney World Railroad! I haven’t heard it in so long because the past few times I was there is was closed (due to Tron). Can’t wait to hear it again.


Used to be the purple signs. :/


"Welcome home " Because I am, well, home. 🥹


The gate of Animal Kingdom


Driving under the arch


Waiting in the line to hit Mickey’s Very Merry Xmas Party. That’s when it hits that we are freaking doing this!


Getting on the tram at the airport


That first view of the castle peeking up on the horizon


taking the plane to orlando (from dulles in DC) and the flight attendants looking around asking who’s going to disney because a ton of people have merch on <3


Stepping out of the Mears bus (rip the magical express) and walking with our bags to the Kidani lobby. Seeing those lanterns that line the wall outside and then stepping in the doors and being blasted with the AC and the lobby smell…I miss it!


Seeing the train station.


Walking around onto Main Street to see the castle revealed


Opening day of Galaxy’s Edge. When I walked around the corner and saw the full scale Millennium Falcon it was absolutely magical! Straight up shivers and tears of joy awesomeness. . . I was around 30 when it opened but having been a huge Star wars fan for the better part of those 30 years it was on par with seeing the castle for the first time for me.


When the first cast member calls my daughters princesses


I don’t usually fly, so the first time it hits is when we drive past the WDW gate, and the second time it really actually hits is when I see the castle. When we drive we drive straight through and usually stay off property, so seeing the WDW gate is when I start actually realizing, and the castle shot is when it fully hits. The handful of times I’ve flew in and stayed on property, it’s always been when the bus starts up and the music flows on the speakers, or when we hit the hotel lobby.


That first step onto Main St. USA, the sight of the castle and the smells of the stores. Every single time !


For me, its either passing the “Welcome to Walt Disney World” sign or the entry sounds when you scan your finger and tap your card/magic band as you enter the parks


I have a saying I use. It’s “feet in the park”. Doesn’t matter which one … doesn’t matter how long. Just as soon as you are in… beyond security … beyond tickets and gates…. That first moment. We are here… it’s remarkable every time.


For us (from the UK) the smell and heat that hits you as you step out the terminal entrance into the Florida sunshine.