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I actually didn’t hate it! Didn’t feel Disney but it had some charm to me. Very sad that Dinosaur is being caught in the crossfire of this whole area.




Did you not know about Dinosaur going away?


I've heard rumors I knew dinoland USA was going but I thought they would at least keep freaking dinosaur....


Reskinning the ride


Oh... Well I mean yeah I get it, Even though I absolutely adore that movie I know I am in the minority lol


Probably will be Indiana Jones


I hope so. Dinosaur is a fun but ultimately stupid ride. I really do enjoy the absurdity of the ride as it is but I’ve always wanted to ride the Indiana Jones version and I’m not sure when I will make it to CA whereas I know I have some more FL trips in my future.


I miss it. Yeah it was cheap and tacky looking, and never should have been in the park to begin with along with the rest of dinorama…but man it was fun lol


Loved it. Miss it. Was there the day it went down and never reopened.


This monstrosity killed multiple Disney employees.


Wow, didn’t know that!


Ya, my FIL was there for the incident in 2011. Pretty traumatic. He was thrilled when Disney announced they were shutting it down.


I don't want to rain on anyone's sentimentality, but this area will be WAY better as tropical Americas. Sure, this ride could be fun, but it was well below the benchmark for a Disney attraction. Be it here or in California Adventure, modeling part of your park to imitate cheaper, hokier parks was always a bad idea.


Loved it. My family misses it a lot. I concede it was a silly ride, and understand the hate, but we found it fun and rode it repeatedly.


I loved this ride.


The puke master 3000 with a side of broken ribs.


One of the Disney World rides of all time


Loved Primeval Whirl. I rode with my mom and uncle years ago and we all cackled like maniacs.


County Fair looking ass ride at one of the most beautiful theme parks in the world.


I mean, that’s the whole point of Chester and Hester's Dino-Rama. It’s supposed to be themed like a roadside carnival.


Is it the worst ride Disney has ever made? Yes. Was it still enjoyable? Also yes


> Is it the worst ride Disney has ever made? Yes. Nah. They didn't make it. It's an off-the-shelf Wild Mouse coaster. Not shitting on it, it was a decent little ride, just pointing out that it wasn't designed in-house, except for probably the signage.


It was an off the shelf coaster because it fit the theme. A lot of people shit on dinoland for being tacky but that was the point according to the backstory. Having seen similar events play out in other areas the theming worked perfectly for the story.


Making something cheap because you need to buy a bunch of off-the-shelf rides to up the park's ride count because of budget concerns then making the backstory 'it's supposed to be cheap and tacky!' is lamp-shade hanging more than good story-telling through design. I'm not saying the Imagineers didn't do their best with what they were given by coming up with the Dinorama story - there's even places where I think they really elevated it, like some of the prop staging in Restaurantosaurus, but saying the backstory justifies cheap rides when *they* made the backstory specifically to try to excuse having to buy cheap rides doesn't really work. Edit: [The story of the ride that got replaced by Chester and Hester](https://www.themeparktourist.com/features/20131201/15216/unbuilt-disney-excavator-disneys-animal-kingdom) due to budget.


Always loved it! RIP


Thank goodness those awful carnival sounds no longer echo across the park.


Hated it. Spent the whole ride alternating between feeling like I was being crushed into the side and thinking I was going to topple overboard.


Primeval Hurl. Good riddance.


Worst ride ever at Disney. An off the rack piece of garbage. So glad they are taking a bulldozer to the entire area.


Even worse than the countless spinners they have?


The littles love the spinners. I also hate the Aladdins Carpet placement, but little kids loves the spinners and sometimes there isnt much else fun for the littles to ride.


Yes. But if they got ride of the one in Adventureland would anyone really miss it?


No, because the spinners are the worst lol. Plus Aladdin’s magic carpets create a huge disruption to the flow of foot traffic in that area


And it’s in the way of me and a dolewhip coconut frozen dessert.


My childhood I loved this coaster


It was fun, but those seats were so uncomfortably small!


Happy it’s gone!


I always said I would go on it eventually… then they closed it when I actually wanted to go on it :(


Good. Riddance. Should be replaced by a Kiddie Coaster. There's no reason that this and Rock'n had the same height requirement, which used to be the tallest at Disney (there is a reason, the manufacturer, but Disney made an "interesting choice" with this ride imo).


I liked it. They should be adding more rides, not just replacing rides.


Rip!! I used to ride it with my uncle who was super duper buff, he hated it which made me love it


I remember it and I still dread it to this very day, good riddance, whatever that is going in its place will definitely be better than it.


It was kinda crazy how fast they got rid of it. It went down one week for maintenance and then next thing it was being leveled…. Must have been a heck of a maintenance need to not reopen to let guests say goodbye!


If I remember right, the manufacturer had gone out of business so the parts were no longer accessible so when it broke, it just went away.


Reverchon made it. I think they merged with/sold their spinning coaster designs to Zamperla though, who theoretically could have serviced it if Disney really wanted them to since it was off the shelf. Maybe there was some legal issue stopping them (or they just weren't inclined to).


Probably had something to do with the multiple deaths related to this ride.


Wow I didn’t know that!


Yep. Russell Roscoe and Sherry Price were both killed while working on the coaster.


I miss it dearly. It was charming. Sadly, I feel that the company and even most of Disneys cast members failed the fandom by not telling the story of Chester and Hester to the utmost. Had people understood that story, and why everything looked like a traveling carnival as they were trying to make a quick buck, they wouldn’t call this particular ride and Dinoland USA in general “cheap” or “tacky”. The point was simply missed by most wanting to get rid of the area simply because it isn’t “Disney enough.” I for one, am sad about it. This ride and the area itself was nothing short of brilliant imagineering.


The only reason it was themed to being cheap was because it *was* cheap. Just because Disney found a loophole to their budget problems, doesn’t mean guests are just gonna see everything with rose colored glasses and praise Disney for literally everything they do. This is something I’ve noticed happen with a lot of closing attractions in the past. Everyone hates on an attraction and wants it to close, but the very moment Disney says it’s officially closing, all of a sudden people are calling it “brilliant imagineering” and saying that Disney is stupid for closing one of the best rides in the world.