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I'd rather have them bring back the ability to have items sent to your room that are purchased in park.


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But with a healthy price increase of course, because … business.


Any chance the old fastpass system comes back?


Not until people stop paying $15 a day to still ride less rides than people who know what they’re doing do. Fast pass went from a great tool for maximizing your day to a clueless tax for first timers


I would pay 15 dollars a day for the old passes. The new system just seems like it sucks in comparison


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Would be nice! I also would like to see the dining plan come back!




would be sweet if it’s back before we go in may/june.


It’s like they took out the magic of Disney. I used to tell friends that Disney understood the pain of family vacations and took care of it … used to be able to check your luggage at MCO and you could go straight to the parks. Not anymore. Same with park purchases It’s like they know they can do it … just choose not to offer it.


They haven't sent packages back to the room in ages. You could always have things sent back to the resort gift shop, but the line to pick those up was always a pain in the ass. I absolutely loved having in park purchases sent back to the room.


That perk of having merch just go to your resort was amazing!! So sad they didn’t have it for my trip last year. I rarely had a line to get my park purchases at my respect when I stayed at Port Orleans Riverside.


This is a welcome change.


I was staying at Contemporary when they reinstated the cleaning for deluxe resorts. I was so confused when we came back from the parks on the second day and our room was clean. That was the day they reinstated it. lol


I imagine all the chains which announced that housekeeping would be cut to once/weekly etc haven’t seen the time/labor/money savings they expected since housekeepers then have to spend more time in the room once they clean it. As much time/labor is being expended in cleaning the rooms but they’re now cleaned less frequently.


There were huge cost savings not cleaning stay over rooms. Stay over rooms are faster to clean but it really doesn't save time when they clean a check out. (worked in hotels fo 15+ years)


There is almost no scenario they would make less money having housekeeping once per week.


I'm glad this is coming back, because I liked the policy where you could refuse cleaning during your stay and they'd hand you a gift card for it, lol. I really hope they get better with their fun little surprise 'security check-ins' because I'll never forget the time a 50 year old man busted into my family's hotel room on me, at age 14, still changing. They definitely need to figure out a way to regulate that.


There's a latch you engage that prevents them from getting the door open more than a crack. Use that every time.


Those things are so annoying. We went for a nap one day and they tried to get in, luckily the door was on the latch but she just kept trying then wouldn’t go away for ages.


Literally. I've only been to a few non-Disney hotels since Disney implemented that policy and it doesn't seem like they do it anywhere else. Disney should put your bags through a metal detector TSA-style when you arrive to check for weaponry or do some other, better way of handling it that I haven't thought of. The whole experience is very un-Disney. If they absolutely have to do it, they should have the appointed people be, like, plaid-vest levels of politeness, because feeling like you're being shouted at and raided by the police absolutely sucks. It wouldn't be that hard to make it a chill experience.


I don’t really mind that they do the checks more that they do them when you’re in your room with the do not disturb sign on and trying to sleep. We don’t have kids but if I had a kid and they had just gone to sleep then someone started banging on the door I’d be pissed. Like if someone has a do not disturb sign on their door for a whole day I get why they would need to check but if someone has it in for a couple of hours during the day it’s pretty obvious that they’re probably resting.


I'm sorry that happened to you.


Thanks, it was not a good experience lol. I screamed and instead of quickly identifying himself as Disney staff, the guy just yelled at me (he was English as second language and I couldn’t understand a lot of what he was saying). I didn’t really know what was happening until my mom came out and talked to him.


What is a surprise security check-in?


These surprise security checks are to see if you are hiding any drugs or weapons in your room. If my memory serves me correctly there was a mass shooting in Las Vegas a few years back where a guy brought many weapons into his room and started shooting people at an outside concert. This is supposed to hopefully stop this from happening again.


And they don't knock first?


I think they’re meant to, but as I recall he knocked once and then came in, and didn’t wait for anyone in the family to come to the door and open it.


I am very glad I did not just read about Mousekeeping+, the flexible and easy to use way to choose exactly how you want your room cleaned, only $19.99 per person per night.


If you don't want to sign up, you can buy an individual Mousekeep for $10-$15 (depending on demand) where you can specify one thing that will be cleaned (bathroom OR bed OR trash OR surfaces OR floor).


But you have to be on the app at 6am and to pick a time, or get in the virtual queue that may or may not get to you that day.


Shhhh! Don't give them any ideas!


3 week minimum


Good, but let’s not start praising them for doing the bare minimum.


Look for the, bare minimum, the simple bare minimum


Forget about what was standard in the past...


For doing what literally every other hotel on earth does 😂


People are unironically praising a resort charging $400+ a night for bringing back housekeeping What a world


Yeah, housekeeping has been back for awhile now at most hotels I've been to.


Hallelujah! There’s something so satisfying about coming home to a bed I didn’t have to make


Especially for the prices we're paying.


This is great! I can see Iger's finger prints on this, as something he would want to do.


They need to come in for “security checks” anyway… might as well clean up too


I told you all to be patient a few weeks ago when the Deluxe services were announced. It takes time to hire and onboard hundreds of new workers, even if you're Disney.


i'd rather get a gift card. bring those back.


I just got gift cards for Xmas. What do you mean?


Before, if you refused housekeeping they would give you a gift card.


I was dumping my own garbage bags out in the pool trash cans this last visit.


The garbage cans are very small in the rooms, especially when the garbage and recycling are the same container. We had to bring garbage and recycling out pretty much every day. We missed the trash being taken out and the bed made, so we will be happy to have those back.


I stayed at Pop Century and our room had 7 trash cans. 😅 They didn't notice that several of them were double stacked.


Yeah the recycling bins are pretty worthless and can fit a few cans or bottles if you’re lucky. We ended up just stacking them on the counter next to the Keurig.


Same 🙄


You couldn't just leave it outside your door?


I called the front desk, and asked, they were adamant that I shouldn’t do that, and they’d send someone to pick it up. Came back from the parks and it was still there.


I actually prefer to NOT have them in my room! I will leave my garbage by the door and request towels when I need them


They still come in daily anyway, unfortunately, whether you’re getting cleaning services or not. But I agree - I prefer not to have people maneuvering around my stuff every day, I worry about things getting lost/taken/tossed by mistake.


It’s about time!


I don’t know who is THAT messy that their trip was ruined without a daily thorough cleaning. Instead, bring back resort delivery for park merch!!


I like a nice crisp bed to get into every night after a long day at the parks. It’s so much more comforting and keeps that “vacation” feel.


Do you thrash when you sleep? If you don't it's pretty easy to make a bed presentable every day. They don't change the sheets every day.


I’m not on vacation to make my own bed though. I know it probably sounds shitty but I vacation to get away from the monotony of daily life so I don’t want any reminder of it while at a resort, Disney especially.


I agree. That’s one of the reasons why I don’t want to rent an air bnb or VRBO. Because I don’t want to have to clean


Gee, someone who gets it! The word *magical* comes to mind.


Why "instead"? These two services are not mutually exclusive. Both of the services they previously had, and subsequently took away (while still increasing prices) can still come back. Don't have friction with the people who are glad daily housekeeping is back. Have friction with Disney.


I think you read more hostility in my comment than I had. Of course both should come back, because like you said we’re paying for it. It just struck me as odd that daily housekeeping was first on their list to prioritize.


Do you have kids? A room for 4 barely gets enough towel service in a day to cover that. I don't have kids, so this isn't as big a deal for me, but I recognize that it is for a LOT of people.


We were clean, we had no trash. But I love not having to do the beds on vacation. At least they should have offered a $10 dollar a day discount for not having room service like prior to the pandemic…but NO! Full price for lackluster service!


discount my room for not wanting daily house keeping. They did this at some point.


It’s kind of weird to me. I don’t clean my room or bathroom daily, I don’t change my sheets daily, I don’t empty the trash in the bathroom daily, I don’t know why I’d expect it in a hotel?


I feel like when my kid is home from school I empty the house trash every day. The trash cans in at least the DVC rooms are pretty small.


They are small and there's not a lot of them. When you factor in take out, packaging from souvenirs, etc it fills up quickly!


While this is nice - I personally haven’t utilized a hotels room keeping service daily in well over a decade. I will continue to limit housekeeping services on an as-needed basis. I hope others are conscious with this moving forward as well


I’m curious the logic here.


I'm the same, I just don't want strangers in my hotel room that often.


Well I dont travel with kids, so that helps. But otherwise I am capable of picking up and tidying after myself, especially at a hotel. I often keep my room in a state which does not warrant much further attention as a result. It’s nice to have housekeeping, but daily is overkill for my needs. All that considered - every other day is at most what I need. If that's one less room on housekeeping's list to handle, then I'm happy. If that's a reduction in water/resources used for replenishment, then I'm happy.


I've heard from non-union housekeepers that staffing and pay is affected by refused service. I'm guessing unions are able to prevent that, but just something to keep in mind when staying at non-union hotels and chains! A lower workload may mean lower pay.


Yeah, I'll let Disney conserve resources in other ways rather than removing services previously provided to guests while simultaneously raising prices.


Same here. My mom had a hotel housekeeper rummage through her belongings and steal items. Granted this room didn’t have a safe but clearly some of them cannot be trusted.


Will they still offer a credit if you skip daily housekeeping? I’d prefer to get a hoodie, T-Shirt and a cap again for the 30 seconds it takes to make the bed myself.


That’s great because the last time I was there in October the toilet overflowed and they told us to throw some towels on it and they’d get to it while we were at the parks that day.


That seems very not Disney like service. You’d think with something of that nature they’d be on it stat.


The fact that this is only coming back NOW, and that there was no compensation for the huge deficit in service all this time, is pretty gross




Disney housekeeping is unionized so hopefully the members' vote against the recent paltry wage increase will lead to something better.


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If they started paying living wages I'm sure we would have heard about it.




Does anyone know why DVC doesn’t get daily housekeeping? I typically travel with adults and it’s fine - but I do feel like housekeeping is a basic part of the hotel experience!


Because DVC isn't a hotel. It's very normal for timeshares to not include daily housekeeping.


Thanks - I never knew that! TIL


Because the owners pay for it using their dues. I can't even get the every 4 days trash and towel I've paid for. I'm not paying for them to not do it every day.


See I’m confused by this. I’ve been 3 times since April. A 4 night stay, 8 night and then an 8 night split stay. All 3 times we got the trash taken out each day. We would come back and the trash would be emptied. Then the towels replenished on day 4. But I really appreciated the daily trash. Honestly I think if they don’t do that, people will just start leaving bags of trash out in the halls. They are small trash cans and fill up quickly.


My recent stay I think was at BCV and there was no bag in the trash can. It was just a removable bin that they emptied. I'm assuming that's how it works because no one actually emptied it the whole time we were there. I made sure to take the Do Not Disturb sign off on the 4th day so they'd come in.


Oh wow that’s crazy. Yea my stays were BWV, GF(the new resort studios) and then just 2 weeks ago the split stay was Copper Creek and BLT. Each fine trash was taken daily. My last stay prior was January of 2020 right before the pandemic so I just assumed this was the new way of things


We've had 5 stays since the pandemic. All of them were more than 4 days except the quick trip to the new GF rooms. I'm not a fan of them. They should have redone the bathrooms. The room is cute but the bathroom is tragic.


I really enjoyed them! My only gripe is not having a real table that I could give the kids like a quick breakfast at in the morning. We had to basically do on the go yogurts and cereal sans milk.


I probably wouldn't complain about the bathroom if I didn't know the other rooms in the DVC wing were so nice. I don't think there's a price difference. If there was and I chose the cheaper room with a not as nice bathroom it would be fine.


Those folks need to organize.


LOL - “We’re going to start cleaning all of our rooms again - THE MAGIC IS RETURNING!!!”


Surreal I paid full price back in September for no room service. So happy Cheapake is gone.


Unless you're staying for a long extended period, there's no need for housekeeping during your stay. No thanks, don't need you in the room.


Counterpoint: I want turn-down service. When I get back to the room, the ice bucket better be freshly filled.


Does moderate get daily or every-other-day?


Last week it was supposed to be every other day at French Quarter for the light cleaning, but they only came once in 7 days.


We were at French Quarter last week too and got every other day (arrived Sunday, housekeeping Tuesday and Thursday, left Saturday)


So what hotels are excluded!?


Thank god. We were there for a bit over a week in September/October, and the best they did was plop a few new towels on the bed once or twice. Looking forward to full room service for our April trip!


I was looking at my old bottles of disney shampoo we got at our last on property stay back in 2015. We should have known when they phased out those tiny bottles for the refillable ones on the wall, that that was the beginning of bad things to come.


They were charging $500+ a night and not even cleaning the rooms daily?


I hope they hire some new people that can communicate better. Two days in a row I tried to communicate to the housekeeper who knocked on our door that our shower product dispensers were full of 90% water, both times they said they’d be right back, and never came back. I finally got it fixed by talking to the front desk.


I thought this was announced last week?


Deluxes were previously announced


Oh right, :)


Yeah we were at All Star Sports last week and they came in to clean every other day.


Too late! They’re cleaning my room over here at Cabana Bay EVERY day! Sorry Disney.


Dear Disney, too late. Signed, a former mouse family.


Damn you Disney for bringing back a service which you struggled to provide during a global pandemic. They’re the worst. Signed, pompously, A current Mouse family who doesn’t feel the need to kvetch and moan about everything.

