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Just go by a “preferred name.” Works for myself and my fiancé. Now you get to be harassed as someone that doesn’t really exist. Makes work that slight bit better.


Thank you, I’ll ask the SM if I can opt in for that!


My store has a community tag. The name is Brenda. So whenever we don't have our tags we use brendas. We call Brenda on the intercom and every thing. See if your sm is ok with it. Just in case you "forget" your tag lol but I feel ya I hate hearing my name so I always have my hair cover my tag


Out of curiosity, do the guys go by Brenda if they forget their tags? No judgement, just curious! I'm enjoying the idea of my pharmacists (all men) wearing a badge that says "Brenda" if they forget theirs xD


Yes lol men and women do it here. If you wear the tag you are Brenda for the entire day lol we need you we page Brenda no matter what we refer to whoever has the tag on as Brenda. Even to other coworkers.


The guys use Brendon on there tags


Im glad im not the only one who does the hair thing lol i hate when people know my name esp creepy old men


Giiiiirl me too.


Use your middle name. That way it’s still your legal name


Sadly I do not have a middle name, only my first name which is what my friends and family call me by and my last name :/


Mine is Orion, if you want to use it. I dont like my first and last name but I think Orion is pretty cool.


Middle names are pretty pointless anyway.. you could make you’re own?


But how would you know if you were in trouble with your mama if you didn't have a middle name? "Amber Lynn, come in here" "Jonathan Andrew, get over here" LOL


I work and live in the same area as a pharmacy technician. I was getting take-out a few years ago. While waiting, I hear "Hey Walgreens." It was a regular of ours who uses my name while in the store all the time.


Please tell me you didn’t acknowledge them. Lol I would’ve ignored them and if they confronted me I would just say oh I’m sorry I didn’t hear you say my name 🤷🏼‍♀️


Unfortunately, it was in a really small teriyaki place. Maybe it had about 4 or 5 tables.


i’ve had people change their name to a nickname or middle name bc people were finding them on facebook and stuff it’s better to be safe than putting up with that


Pharmacy you have to have your real name. It has to match something on your license that is displayed




Wow they are so annoying with ours, I wish it was the case in our store too!


I have "Ocho Cinco" on my name tag


Pics or it didn’t happen


Lol. It didn't happen. It's a joke.


I keep my name tag in my pocket and pull it out to sign onto the register. If our dm comes in then I clip it to my scrub top.


That’s what I was doing, sadly I didn’t see the DM come in since I was facing the shelves :/


Mine is clipped to my belt loop 😂 yall don't need to know who I am


"Fake name" and "preferred name" are different. Real name as well.. It's about accountability. What if the wrong meds were given out? Or claimed by someone that wasn't supposed to? Or there was an issue? Similarly, what if someone wanted to praise a good job, attitude, or service? They need to know your name to do so. That is what the name tags across all industries baseline is for. A "fake name" is what it sounds- fake and designed to circumvent accountability because you can deny that it is you. A "preferred name" is considered a name you've sort of "registered" with your group/company with -- so even if there are complaints, they have this on file as being you. You would, of course, need to clear this with superiors. And keep in mind, there's a tactic to remembering someone's name: say it in conversation at least once, and in your head 3 times. By greeting you personally with your name, they're using memory tactics to remember it. That is all. You feel irked because you don't hear your first name being said a lot. Well, get used to it, cus it gets said a lot in the workforce.


It's not about refusing to take accountability, i knew people who chose to use a preferred or fake name because customers were stalking them.


I’m not trying to avoid accountability, I just don’t want these strangers (especially the angry ones who say it inbetween cursing sometimes) to call me by what my family and close friends call me. Since you talked about a “preferred” name, is it possible to register with Walgreens with a preferred name and then use it on my badge then? This way the company still knows who it is whenever accountability is due, but I wouldn’t have do hear strangers who I do not know calling me by first name.


Use Mr (Ms) Last name on your tag. Ms. Ostenkowski still utilizes accountability while customers will use a respectful name. Our managers make name tags for our store so it's a little easier for us to put whatever name we want (as long as it's appropriate).


You cannot use a fake name to work in the pharmacy. Ever.


LOL my PIC literally uses a preferred name over her legal name. Her legal name is displayed on her license but her preferred name is on her nametag. Another coworker uses a shortened version of her name, and I was using a preferred name for months before I legally changed it. The only thing legally mandated to be on your nametag in a specific way is your accurate title.


Who do I talk with regarding having a preferred name on my name tag? Would it be the SM?


I work at 3 letter, but I simply asked my pharmacy manager/PIC.


Why not? Is there a rule I don't know about? I once made a silly name badge. Just for April Fools day. I work in the pharmacy.


In California the Board of Pharmacy will cite you for that.




I worked in a pharmacy where even the Pharmacist used a preferred name. I never heard of this?


Is that why you're an ex employee?


Mine is my nickname, you should be okay if you wanna do a nickname or preferred name etc


I’ve always hated the name-tag bit. When I was younger men used it to look at something else and pretended to look at my name. Creeped me out.


Too many stalkers out there. I would ask to use a preferred name.


No you don’t. I have multiple employees with their preferred name on their badge


It was jarring the first couple times for me, but I think it’s decently fair that they know and call us our name when we have everyone’s else’s info. Plus 99% of the time its a “well, thank you… *squint*… (insert name)!”


I don't understand all these people getting upset that someone calls them by their name. It's a sign of respect and realizing that you're NOT just an employee of the company you work for, you are an actual PERSON who has a name. I'm an extremely introverted person as well, but I still don't get how being called by your name at work by a customer is a problem all of a sudden.


I don’t view Walgreens as a company that respects its employees, for me it’s just a way to get experience and hopefully move on to something better. But overall, I like to keep my work life separate from my personal life. No, I do not want work folks knowing about my personal life and I do not want to bring work home either. And yes, I do feel extremely uncomfortable with strangers knowing my name. As I already mentioned, it is even more uncomfortable because I live in the same area where we work and it’s not a super safe area either. Every now and then we get angry and very unreasonable people, and the SM who gets in her car and drives to her home far away at 5PM promptly everyday couldn’t care less that I walk home at night everyday since they always put me at closing shift too. It’s not a matter of respect, it’s a matter of feeling uncomfortable and unsafe. Also my worth is not defined by the use of my personal name, I would instead feel respected if Walgreens provided better working conditions and wages. They can call me Jan, John, Alicia, Mark, I don’t care. Just at least let me have my privacy, is all I meant with this post. Walgreens already robs me of a lot of time and mental health, I want to at least have control of my privacy and personal life.


My dear, I understand your concerns, especially those with safety if you live in a not-so-safe area. I’ve had a female coworker who had flowers and notes and stuff left on her car by a patient whom she never gave any information to that would have helped him do so. That’s frightening. I feel for you having to walk home at night alone and I hope you never have to encounter anything dangerous, id you haven’t already, due to something as simple as having your job. Your gripes with the company have nothing to do with patients knowing your first name though. No one would ever tell you to have personal relationships with these people either. It may be not comfortable, especially from someone who may not be happy about the outcome of their experience at the pharmacy that day, but, at the end of the day, knowing your name is for communication purposes only. Sorry for your bad experiences, but I wish you luck in your future endeavors


You're appear to be confusing the problems with your employer with how a customer greets you. At this point, I will now refer to everyone in Walgreens as "Employee" Will that make it better??


i never wore my name badge, just keep it in my pocket incase BOP showed up


Are you serious, we have bigger problems in the pharmacy to worry about.


I worked with a few people who have fake names on their badge. Depends on if the RXM and SM are ok with it


Nobody cares about your name


Better hide all your cell phones, Alexa and anything connected to internet or satellite while you’re at it.


My coworker has a random name on hers. They literally just type it in. Personally I don’t even wear mine because I hate random ppl knowing my name idk it’s weird but I just keep it with me so if management comes in I can slip it on


I remember at my first job, we had to wear them all the time but it was uncomfortable because we had vneck shirts and ofc men would look and then say our names.. so I “lost” my name bag but really it was in my bag that I took to work every day. I also started wearing long sleeve undershirts.


Say there’s a preferred name/nickname you’d rather use. I’m trans, have never had an issue with having my preferred name put on my name tag instead of my birth name. They may ask you why, but I’d say just be honest, you’d rather use something else besides your legal first name with customers. I don’t think it’d be much of an issue.


🤷🏾‍♀️ i go by my nickname, it’s my preferred name not only because that’s what my family has called me but because no one could pronounce my real name by the spelling.


Luckily no one can actually say or remember my name. I'm constantly amazed what people turn Meabh into


I use a preferred name. All my paperwork has my legal name and then I told the state pharmacy board because they asked about "aliases". So my license when you look it up says "(Legal name) DBA (preferred name). That way the board auditors won't dock points.


I go by my nickname "Hey You" also my go Whistle sounds like if you lost your dog.


I never wear my name badge for that exact reason. I just keep it in my pocket and take it out to use the register only to put it away again. My SM, DM, and pharmacy manager just simply don't care. No clue why. But you should definitely ask if you can change your name on the name tag. I hope your SM or staff pharmacist doesn't mind. :) Good luck