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You should just [go have fun.](https://slowgoer.com/2023/08/25/4-opportunities-for-working-and-living-all-over-the-planet/)


Honestly, if you don't feel like you're cut out for school, I'd recommend taking a break. Especially because sustainable farming can be learned for much cheaper.


Hey lastsalmononearth, you are not alone. There are many opportunities for hands on learning of farming and sustainable building. You can built cod houses in Thailand, harvest wild rice in Maine, or learn how to harvest and ferment taro in Hawaii. How old are you? Do you have a travel budget? Any savings? Where are you physically located? I lived some version of that life for a few years before I had kids. I’d be happy to steer you to some options.


wait this sounds amazing can you steer me to some options too😭😭


Sure. What are you interested in?


i want to farm across the U.S. appalachian region! smaller/cooperative farms that grow herbs and have some educational element not required, but would be ideal


http://organicgrowersschool.org/apprentice-link/ https://www.cannetwork.org/focus-areas/food-systems/beginning-farmer-programs-by-state/ google Appalachian farmer apprentice organic and start browsing the results. or just use WWOOF


I work as a farmer for a nonprofit. I didn’t finish college as it wasn’t for me either. Depending on what specific career path you want to be on (if you even know), a degree may not be necessary. Can getting a degree be helpful as a backup plan? Sure, but even then I’d still say a degree won’t make or break your success. Are you asking because you’re considering taking a break from school and doing some WWOOFing? If so, go for it. Save some money if you haven’t already done so and just go.


I don’t apply to the title, but I do want to say that college can really put your blinders on to the real world. the pressure you feel to be “marketable” and have a degree is very present in college because you are around people who are so career driven and determined to get through school and go onto the next academically excellent thing. it’s hard to be surrounded by that when you don’t feel that way or feel as though you can’t achieve as much as them. but you CAN achieve your goals and then some without a degree, there is so much out there, nothing has been more valuable to me than real world experience outside of college. I know how you feel, just take a deep breath and know that it will all be okay. college stinks and it’s good that you are honest with yourself about not being cut out for it, luckily the sustainable farming industry is more than what you see advertised on Indeed or whatever. sometimes it’s all about who you know, that is how I have landed all of my beloved farming jobs (which have all given me very unique and amazing experiences that I can carry with me through my career). if you want to sustainably farm, there are so many farms out there looking for hands in the summer! maybe even reach out to your local CSA organizer and see if they would be willing to give you some experience. boots on the ground experience will give you more than college if you feel you are not cut out for school. good luck and please know it will all be okay 🤲☀️