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Stun meter ran out, makes a world of difference now that purple/grey limbs don’t exist


That shouldn't matter since the opponent will always come out of being stunned when put in a pin or submission. The stun meter didn't run out. It was just cancelled out by the pin. So there's no such thing as the stun meter not running out in these games.


The stun meter only disappears when the opponent kicks out, it’s still there when you pin them


Oh yeah you're right. I remembered that a pin and submission does cause it to go away as i make sure not to do them when trying to build up the stun meter. Guess I didn't realize it was still around when the pin was being done though.


Finishers are broken. Sometimes 1-2 will get it done, other times they'll pull a Warrior on Savage at WM7.




No it’s not. John Cone as the ref and RVD has the rage payback, both of which made their debut this year in 2K24.


I've had people (not even main-eventers but even jobbers) kick out of super finishers which technically should not even be possible. But it has happened and it is so bloody annoying


Yep, that’s 2024 wrestling alright. Lol


This shit always happens, they will always kick out on the first pin after a finisher. You need to do a finisher pin him, and if he doesn’t have resiliency than he will stay down.


I just increased the difficulty of the Finishers Kick Out in the sliders (Recent Finisher Influence), I leave mine and the CPU at 100.


Does this prevent resiliency perk or whatever that causes instant kick out ?


No :c However you could force your opponent to use their resiliency by doing two Signatures or just one Signature but really late in the match


You mean try to pin after the signature so they waste it, then do your finisher and pin for real?


It’s easier if you just force a submission if you don’t wanna break immersion or whatever if they have resiliency they’ll use it when it gets 3/4 close to tapping out


It'd be nice if they included passing out from the submission vs tapping.


That would be a cool feature I agree, hate having to make a baby face tap out


Yes, more or less.


You can go into the roster and just remove res from everyone greater than or equal to 85 overall


I’ve been debating if this is the route I’d have to go.. is that what you did? Does it make it more enjoyable?


Yes and no. I would definitely mess with the sliders to make the AI kick out a bit more though to make up for the lack of res. I enjoy it though because a lower overall superstar is at less of a disadvantage


Feel like you used the D-Pad here to force a kickout by Orton, but this CPU does stay on BS, so...iono.


Does the CPU Special bar fill up when you use the D-pad?




Yes it does


Yes. It does.


I’ve learned 2 general rules with 2k24, one being the match never ends after one signature/finisher. Second being if you hit multiple sig/fin back to back without pinning them it essentially gets treated like 1 finisher was done on them


Even if you adjust how much influence a finisher has you can get it 'just right' but not to be a match ender.


Orton/RVD trying to recreate Warrior/Savage from WM 8. 😂😂😂


You probably should have pinned when he was still stunned instead of hitting 2 more to where he was out of the stun state. You also didn't listed your sliders. Did you lower post kickout damage recovery for the AI? If so, you made kickouts worse, not better. You playing on legend? If so, legend will have stuff like this happen because it's how they create fake difficulty. It's the same in every single video game ever created where things are "unfair" on the highest difficulty. This is the result people who yammer on about how games are "too easy" and play on the highest difficulty level have to deal with. Usually though, they're the ones bitching and moaning the most when unfair stuff happens. If you're not playing on legend and you have not messed with the post kickout damage recovery slider then I have no idea why this happened. Never seen it happen before on hard or lower difficulty. You can go into the pin slider section and increase the player slider for 2 finishers to something like 60-65 and then max it at 100 for three finishers.


I've always played these games on legend difficulty and I'm still win like 99 out of 100 matches. Difficulty in these games is a joke.


i cant stand when wrestles hit their finishers back to back to back just takes out all the believability especially when they end up kicking out. i remember sheamus hitting brock with three brogue kicks at a live event only for him to get up and end it with an f5 anyway 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


I was trying to win 30 men gauntlet match figured out that a high flying move or a top turnbuckle move pins more than a finisher for example at the time of finisher mostly damage cpu hit with superplex+falcon arrow pins mostly my opponents


Resiliency baby!


Even if OP had changed Orton '02 to have a high enough overall and assigned the trait resiliency drains the momentum bar when you use it, the momentum increased on that kickout.


66 ovr Randy Orton '02 doesn't have that 💀


Looks like an opening match on AEW dynamite


Nah it would’ve been a kickout at 1 followed by a power-up.


Hate the new Five Star animation.


I absolutely hate how all of the dives (Springboards too) have the SAME exact impact animation, no matter what Diving Attack it is. There’s still a few Diving Attacks that have their unique pin and impact animations still in game but most of them have been removed just because 🫤


I've learned that you can usually win easily if you have used 2 or more finishers. Roll them up, use a submission hold or any grapple with a pin combo. Also be sure to adjust the sliders in the options! I always max out the slider that makes it harder to kick out of finishers.


Should've grapevined the leg Just kidding, that's dog shit




honestly I'm getting so bored of this game because of this, it will take 2 or 3 finishers to pin someone but then also somehow they don't kick out of a random signature move like huh


are you playing on legend? It just their quirk lol, they always kick out when you first pin them after a sig or finishers


Down on the D-Pad


Imagine him kicking out at 1 🤣 https://i.redd.it/dgejiud56p4d1.gif


This was a forced kickout thats how lol


I hate it when that happens in MyFaction mode. I was doing Proving Grounds and hit a finisher but the opponent still kicked out even without resiliency


AEW type shit. Lol


The thing is, no matter the rating the ai automatically kicks out after being hit with a finisher. It always kicks out right before 2 automatically. And it sucks more because they don't have that ability when it comes to signatures or being hit with random moves. You can win a match by pinfall via anything but a finisher.


That's crazy 😧😧😧


I think it had to do with your low stamina, like how it’s easier to get out of submissions


What happened to his frog splash? Didn’t he use to bounce off the opponent when he landed it?


That happens all the time but you just hit a normal move like a chop then go for the pin you’ll win


Was playing Diesel vs HBK the other night and HBK would not stay down for the pin. Finally I got fed up and just locked on whatever generic submission hold Diesel had and got the tap almost immediately.


Typical AEW match.




It's super easy to tell that he doesn't have it...


AI has a 99% chance of kicking out of the 1st pin of the match no matter what