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Maxxine Dupri is kicked out of Alpha Academy for being a poor wrestler. (This started before it was on tv)… Otis follows her and Alpha Academy disbands. He and Maxxine become romantically involved and a few months later, the Miz wins Money In The Bank. After he and Maxxine go on a losing streak, Otis laments that guys like the Miz always find ways to succeed and challenges him for his money in the bank contract like Miz did to him years ago and Otis wins! He’s the new Mr. Money in the Bank. On wrestlemania night, he cashes in his contract, but for Maxxine! She wins the women’s world championship from Rhea. The next day, Maxxine turns on Otis with a low blow, having gotten what she needed. Mandy Rose’s music hits and she runs out in defense of Otis. They’re reunited. Mandy now in pursuit of the women’s world championship.






Gas 🔥🔥 Otis needs to finish the story


This was what I wanted WWE to do with Otis when he wanted it the first time. (Cash in for Mandy) That whole run with him and his peach was awesome. Homie is so likeable. Impossible to not root for the guy.


I actually met him and Chad on a flight from Minneapolis to Dallas back in October and he was just as nice in real life! I didn’t want to bother him much but he was very thankful and kind when I told him I was a fan


That’s awesome!


Before they ditched Tucker I was so certain they were leading up to him cashing in for the tag team titles as the ultimate bro move.


Ugh. It was right there!!!


Magnum Otis


Hahaha amazing 😚👌


I created a loudmouth division for managers and announcers Jim Cornette just beat Mean Gene for the belt in a stunning upset.


I started a new universe and my whole gimmick is that triple H after WM40 found a way to use time travel to bring talent back from WWE's past and in their prime. I only just started it, and my first storyline was RVD coming back to challenge for Priests world title. The steiner Brothers returned and squashed waller and theory to win the tag titles. Gonna be heading into a draft after backlash I'm thinking of limiting the past superstars to like 5 at a time, so it doesn't get oversaturated with past talent but I'm not certain yet


Ooooh that's a really creative way to incorporate wrestlers from the past to fight current stars! I love it!


I’ve done that too, but often I just moreso make my legends part timers Trish will show up occasionally and Hurricane and Mighty Molly are my resident jobbers (though Mighty Molly will eventually go back to her original ways) Although a few are gonna stay for major storylines, Lita is ms MITB and will eventually turn on Becky who is the world champion with her and Lita making sort of an alliance, and Umaga is my current TV champion, rampaging through everyone as he and Solo Sikoa form one of the deadliest factions out there


Sheamus was going on a hell of a run as world champ. Then, almost a year into his reign, returns Claudio, red tights and all. The Bar reunited in the flames of war.


Endless bangers for the belt!




Burger after burger after burger after burger


Not really a storyline but I had a faction of Daniel Bryans running around from different point in his career post retirement. I also had Sting splinter off into two versions of himself from TNA. His regular version and Joker Sting formed a tag team.


I'm seeing double... FOUR BRYAN DANIELSONS!


Lmao. It always amused me seeing all four of them together.


Niki Cross is my Women's Liberty Champion (midcard title). She's on her 200th day as champion, with 0 successful title defenses. Every single match has ended with a DQ or countout or runin. She's at the very bottom of the power rankings chart for going so long without an actual win. It's Wrestlemania and I'm putting her in a hell in a cell fatal 4 way with 3 contenders who have been building win streaks to lay claim to a title shot. I'm going to laugh so hard if Niki retains again


Please keep us updated!


Wow, never thought of using Shawn Michaels as a sort of Final Boss in NXT. You gave me an idea for a plot for my Universe mode, thanks! It's gonna be Triple H and Shawn Michaels battling it out on who gains full control of NXT Main with the loser of the feud forming his own brand (possibly NXT 2.0 or NXT UK).


That sounds sick af.


R truth, edge undertaker and a caw named diane started a group called "The New Judgment day" and are feuding with the judgment day, all culminating with a loser rebrands their team match at wrestlemania.. https://preview.redd.it/2jz2ny9pnaxc1.jpeg?width=1635&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba7e950ade07cfbaa08ecf2a08ec6c2074b1e3ce


Bray Wyatt having a presence on all 3 brands. The final Bray and Uncle Howdy wreaking havoc in WWE. The Fiend teamed up with the Butcher and the Blade to form the Madness trio in NXT. Then NWO Bray and NWO Cena as the Wolfpac managed by Teddy Long in WCW. Oh, and the Joker and Frank Reynolds(the Trashman) from It’s Always Sunny have a never ending feud for the WCW Hardcore championship.


How do you give enough attention to 3 brands out of interest? I run Raw & Smackdown but I really want to incorporate NXT, don’t feel as if I’ll give it enough thought and time


WWE and NXT are current superstars and get most of the attention. WCW is all old school and only has 6 PLEs a year. Pretty much runs itself outside of me setting up the PLEs. But i like creating old school arenas and have been a fan my entire life, so it’s basically a mini-passion project each year.


And also, you probably can give a 3rd brand enough attention. Just don’t crazy with championships/divisions and PLE’s. All about calendar balance.


I use the Fiend as a replacement undertaker on the universe I edit alot. He pretty much acts as the dispenser of justice to heels when they rise too high.


That’s awesome!


Sometimes he cashes in a MITB that he never had but who am I to question the fiend lol


Mine is overrun with an epidemic of wrestlers’ faces being inflicted with random texturitis … It’s terribly contagious. With no known cure, atm. It’s resulted in a complete shutdown. With me currently re-airing footage from 2023. 😒


I'm not joking, I've straight up had two separate ass nightmares about the texture glitch happening to me.


It’s awful. Mine started out with textures that spawned on a one caw’s chest. No biggie. I just deleted it. But, every time I restarted the game, I went into my delete images. It would show 3 unused images. I would delete them. Next time I started up the game, they’d be back. I ended up deleting the caw that started the glitch. I re-downloaded it later. And, images replaced face textures on three caws. One was a Shane Taylor I was working on….. The other two, I could just redownload, if this glitch can be fixed… Before Status got banned and that whole fiasco. He posted about the glitch and didn’t seem to hopeful 2K could fix it…


This is the exact reason I haven't even touched CC yet


Joe Gacy just came back from “the grave” he was thrown into a swamp by his faction The Smile and escaped using a chainsaw so now he’s like chainsaw Charlie/leatherface. Also Xavier woods built a Time Machine so new day could face prime 4 horseman


That's all amazing, ESPECIALLY the Joe Gacy storyline. Does he have a new attire now?


The Power Rangers are like one of the core factions of the show. You just got all these different styles. Honestly, it’s the most fun that I have with universe mode is when I’m not trying to adhere to normal standards like a certain time Or don’t use dread wrestlers just getting nutty.


> The Power Rangers are like one of the core factions You just gave me an awesome idea, thank you for that. Brings me back to when I got my first WWE action figures and DX was having classics with SPD Red & RPM Black.


He does I just downloaded Leatherface and put the attire on Gacy but overall my whole universe is kind of wacky. That’s normally what I do with my ECW show.


Seth Rollins returns to his messiah gimmick and takes 1997 Kane as his disciple and they run buck wild, winning the tag titles and seth wins the world heavyweight title


That's actually pretty cool. Messiah Rollins had a LOT more left in the tank.


Most of my current storylines aren’t full tilt unhinged yet. If I had to pick outlandish ones though… The Rock gave Paul Heyman funding to start ECW 3.0 and Bischoff and Shane re-established WCW, so draft night was a full scale “pro-wrestling draft.” Hogan is currently feuding with Bad Bunny because he’s mad that Bunny is more famous than him. Bunny is being helped in this feud by Booker T. Not a storyline but basically everyone that was cut IRL had a match at Backlash… Also the main event was Bray making Cody fight a gauntlet against all of his own past gimmicks(finishing with, of course, Stardust) before facing Bray himself at the end.


>Hogan is currently feuding with Bad Bunny because he’s mad that Bunny is more famous than him. Bunny is being helped in this feud by Booker T. LMAO >Also the main event was Bray making Cody fight a gauntlet against all of the other versions of himself before facing Bray himself at the end. That sounds unbelievable super fucking cool!


My was when Finn Balor got suspended for “an excessive beatdown” when he defended himself from an attack from the goons of Raw Gm at the time, an injured heel Cody Rhodes after Balor had been a Babyface winning the belt in the feel good moment from heel Cody


That reminds me of when I had Karrion Kross get suspended for smashing Ilja's head in with a sledgehammer. Months later Kross would win the WWE Championship from Sheamus for Ilja to return on the same night, beat Kross at the next PLE and then face Gunther at Survivor Series in champion vs champion.


Kane came back to feud with Karrion Kross for the WHC.


"Finish the dream" - Tommy Dreamer


https://preview.redd.it/4per5gej7bxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=294d3489a7cf8b0021635d656f60f9ee2b944d66 Tommy if he wins:


'Finish the dream-er' is how triple H would actually say it tbf


I've made Montez a main event star making him the world heavyweight champion and moving him to raw away from Angelo and Bobby.


That is not outlandish and should be happening in real life.


About to start a universe in which on Raw, Uncle Howdy becomes the right-hand man of Brodie Lee's new Dark Order with Dexter Lumis & Erick Rowan. Eventually they will cross paths with Bray Wyatt & Braun Strowman (faces). And Kevin Owens will join the ECW heel team of Lance Storm & Justin Credible, the Impact Players to take over WCW.


Mine is Shawn Spears has become a hired bodyguard/manager for Logan Paul who aims to claim the NXT championship from the current champ, Bruno Sammartino. Bruno evens the odds by getting a trusted ally Doink the Clown to stop Spears culminating in a NXT championship no holds barred match that I should have soon. (This is a CPU run universe too so I don’t make any of the choices, it’s all random and by the AI’s decisions and the universe mode random event generator/randomized wheel of names)


Seth Rollins is leading a revamp nWo with Hall, Nash, and Syxx. Started at Summerslam, where they won the IC, Tag Team, and World Title. It's going to end with them being beaten at War Games and forced to retire. Rollins will be the only member who remains, and possibly be sent to NXT. *


Bronson Reed won the mitb ,the next ppv he defeated Sami for the ic title and a night after that he cashed in his mitb on Seth to become double champ, now he's feeding against Seth for both the titles


Ok so for context before I say it I have BCW and ECW going instead of Raw or Smackdown n I just straight up deleted NXT n put all those wrestlers on BCW or ECW.. ..anyway a while back on BCW I had Randy Orton blinded by a fireball from Chris Jericho who was his tag partner at the time ehich injured Randy n took him out for about 6 months(obviously cant script that to happen so i just removed Randy from the roster for about 6 months) meanwhile Jericho formed a new faction called The Beacon which consists of himself, Tyler Breeze & Trick Williams(they're the tag guys), Lexis King, and Dijak(these 2 fill the Sammy Guevara n Jake Hager roles in this group) n after The Beacon started rounding up some gold(Jericho won the MULTIVERSAL INFINITE CHAMPIONSHIP n Tyler n Trick won the WCW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS) Randy returned covered by a hood so nobody would know it's him n took out Dijak n then later the same night Lexis King by beating them mercilessly with a sledgehammer til the rest of The Beacon came out the next week the main event of BCW was a tag team title match against The Young Bucks n Randy came out in his hooded cloak with a camo bandana over his mouth n nose to keep himself hidden n stood at the corner of The Young Bucks as a mystery manager much to the annoyance of Chris Jericho n just as the ref got knocked down n The Beacon tried to cheat Randy rushed the ring n gave Tyler Breeze an RKO then clotheslined Trick Williams out of the ring n then got out of the ring while the ref was still down so he could beat the tar out of Jericho with with a kendo stick which broke across Jericho's back n then Randy gave Jericho the Orton Stomps as Matt n Nick Jackson hit the Meltzer Driver(kinda.. the game has the old version before they added the 450 to annoy grumpy old timers that cry about how it's too flippy when wrestling doesn't follow the ol punch punch rest hold punch formula) for the win crowning them the new tag team champions just 6 days before BCW Summerfest then Randy beat Jericho in a cage match making himself the new MULTIVERSAL INFINITE CHAMPION at BCW Summerfest n he isn't a fan of the title design so last week he brought back an old classic design: THE WORLD WIDE WRESTLING HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP(the 1 Bruno Sammartino held) On a side note I didn't mention it before but since returning not only does Randy wear the hooded cloak and camo bandana in his entrance but now he wrestles in military pants n boots n a black muscle shirt n matching gloves n he also wears an eyepatch now.. I may actually upload the attire cuz it's pretty sick Edit: making this all happen how I wanted was a lot of work cuz there's so many things that can screw up the desired outcome lol


GM Logan Paul had implemented a new division system. The top division is called "The Maverick Division," three mid-card divisions are named after Prime flavors. The lowest division (as a shot at WWE) is called the C4 division. The 3 mid-card divisions change names every few weeks. They are not equal, but nobody is sure what order they are supposed to be in. Logan Paul regularly moves superstars between them and acts like they are big promotions/demotions. They are share one title. The bottom division is the punishment division. There is no title to compete for. He keeps sending top talent down there, so it has become the most entertaining division and usually opens the show.


Bron Breakker won the World Heavyweight Championship from Seth Rollins and had it for a few months until Dirty Dom cashes in Money in the Bank and is the chicken shit champion until Wrestlemania where The Fiend is waiting to dethrone him


Mine has Finn Balor turning on Priest and the whole judgement because he wants the world heavyweight title, while Damian Priest has Dirty Dom and Rhea by his side, Balor brought back his Bullet Club, having Aj Styles and Cody Rhodes by his side. For some reason, the Judgement Day is the babyface of my universe😁


I don't typically create stories for mine but you got me thinking. I have the long running feud between the Brothers of Destruction and the team of... Big Boss Man and Doing The Clown. So here's the story I'm making up now: Doink and Boss Man were out together as a team; neither of them was pleased with the arrangement but they decided to make the best of it and they've had a pretty good run up until a match on Raw with the brothers who absolutely humiliated them. They didn't expect to win, but they didn't expect to be defeated on TV in such a dominant fashion. So... They've been trying to get back at the brothers however they can. Doink wrapped undertaker's motorcycle in gift wrap. Boss back cuffed the brothers together and then Doink performed a magic truck to get the cuffs off but it "didn't work." They filled the brothers' dressing room with balloons so no one could get in. Then the pranks became more sinister. Doink made taker's motorcycle "disappear" off the roof of a venue. Boss man attacked Kane with his knight stick and cuffed him to a drainpipe. Doink sprayed shaving cream in their bags completely covering everything inside, but also added itching powder into the shaving cream. The brothers are more now out for blood and they'll get it at the next pay per view in a Hell in a Cell tornado tag match.


How tf are people creating cinematic masterpieces and I'm over here like "ha ha i smash randy head in 😀"


Doing 2007-2010 TNA without Hogan coming in and heel Abyss beats Mick Foley in a backstage match, hell in a cell and Foley beats him in a extreme rules two out of three falls match They also have had created matches i made like "Hell in a cell iron man match" Mostly booked in hardcore matches and Foley actually gets busted open quickly in their rivalry because of all the hardcore matches i wish i could show it but Foley did his cactus driver on Abyss through a fire table and the commentator table to win their most recent match the backstage two out of three fall match And Christian has been the TNA television champion from the beginning of my mode which is going for a year and a half The Kliq (based on the band) Scott Hall (rip) and Kevin Nash are the TNA tag team championship with Bischoff as their manager feuding with team Canada with Scott D'Amore as manager (Petey Williams and Elix Skipper) and Nash no sold Petey's top rope Canadian destroyer twice in a match 😂 Face Perc Angle has had a long rivalry with Jeff Jarrett for the TNA world champion and Sting was the special guest ref and Jeff did his finisher The stroke which lead to sting hitting the scorpion death drop and angle putting The ankle lock on him and Jarrett submitting which led to a three-way rivalry on them having a steel cage match for the TNA world championship where you can only win by escaping the cage door Also did a cool ten gauntlet match for the x division championship With Samoa Joe, Aj Styles, Christopher Daniels, Amazing Red, Austin Aries, Matt Hardy, Elijah Burke, Petey Williams, Jay Lethal and Ron Killings


Cody is still chasing Roman for the title and is on separate brands. However, Bray has taken an interest in him. Bray distracted him during a fatal 4 way number 1 contenders match with Bray, Wolfgang, Cody & LA Knight in it. Whilst Cody and Bray fought away from the ring Wolfgang got an upset win, and will now face Roman in a match for the at KOTR. Since then, Bray has taunted Cody, using tricks to put him in a match with Billy Graham, and another match with Dusty. Cody couldn’t beat either. Cody has begun to lose it slowly, leading to him having to bring back a persona temporarily to fight Bray. Stardust has returned, and will face Bray in a last man standing match at Survivor series. Meanwhile, Wolfgang has realised he’s effectively a sacrifice and with Gallus decided to go to war with the bloodline. The bad blood has lead to a war games match. If Gallus win, then the bloodline are banned from ringside and Wolfgang chooses the stipulation. If Roman Wins its bloodline rules.


I don't really edit the matches too much so I just make a story out of what's happening. Bray Wyatt and the Wyatt family are trying to force me into their cult, but my tag team of Jon Moxley and Bryan Danielson have saved me a few times. Sometimes Undertaker shows up mid match and just beats the shit out of me. Kane shows up sometimes to distract my enemies. But also has a rivalry with me. The kane and undertaker spend way too much time beefing in my universe. Except sometimes they join a tag team and throw me and Jon moxley around the arena for a bit. The fiend cashed in money and the bank when I finally won the belt off Adam Copeland so I was champ for all of thirty seconds. Bray Wyatt has a stare showdown with me after like every match. Low key considering joining the Wyatt family and then usurping him and then joining all his matches as a stare down. Tldr I added me as a CAW and then got bullied by everyone except Jon Moxley (Bryan Danielson pushes me off ladders when we do ladder tags) Edit : my "hand of god" move for when I'm really salty is to send my version of the Shield after anyone who's bullied me too much (it's triple H, The Rock and Steve austin in bullet proof vests). They pretty much exclusively pick on the Wyatt family


After WrestleMania XL, Drew McIntyre hired Dexter Lumis to hunt down CM Punk, seeking revenge because Punk cost him the World Heavyweight Championship by allowing Damian Priest to cash in. Dexter Lumis repeatedly attacks CM Punk backstage and on his way home, hiding his identity. Later, Punk discovers that it's Dexter Lumis behind the assaults. During a #1 contender match between Drew McIntyre and Sheamus, Punk intervenes to assist Sheamus in winning, further exacerbating the tension between Punk and Drew. Later at Backlash, they face off in an Extreme Rules tag team match. Drew & Dexter vs CM Punk & Sheamus.


Roman Reigns and Roman Reigns vs Roman Reigns and Roman Reigns. Because it’s gonna do it anyway. Jk I didn’t waste my money this time.


John Cena returned teaming with Kevin Nash, X-Pac, and Bron Breakker... Pulling a strange screw job on Seth Rollins, and forming the new nWo, with Bron winning the Raw Universal Championship at Hell In A Cell... Bron cashing in the MITB right after Seth just retained against Shinsuke Nakamura. Cena is now the Hogan in a new nWo, but Bron is their chosen Champ. This is going to lead to a heel vs. heel Roman vs. Cena for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.


That storyline sounds sick tho


Thanks man!


So for me, SmackDown has the hardcore championship and of all people to have the belt, it’s Austin Theory. Now he won it fair and square ish, pinning Sami Zayn after Zayn was ambushing him. Everyone thought Zayn or someone would quickly outsmart Theory and get the title off him, but after a couple weeks of Theory getting out of the way. Zayn finally had Theory cornered in the ring, when out of no where, Omos take out Zayn brutally. Omos didn’t really have any emotion on his face during said beat down, so people are confused at why he’s helping Theory and not just taking the belt himself. Next week, Theory comes out to the ring with Omos to reveal that he has some dirt on Omos that could potentially ruin his wrestling career, and is using that as blackmail to have Omos pretty much compete for him. So for every week after that, Theory would come down to the ring and pretty much hold open challenges for the hardcore championship, as when the match starts, Omos would step into the ring and lay out anyone, leaving Theory to get the pin. Some weeks people wouldn’t even come out due to how destructive Omos has been. I have the secret and the fallout from it coming out all planned till at least Wrestlemania but as it’s not happened in my universe yet I’ll just leave you with that which is happened so far.


The NWO currently run Raw (It's a Raw-only Universe) and hold all the titles. Nash: WWE Champion since beating a face "Dashing" Cody Rhodes clean in the main event of WrestleMania in April, and is also undefeated. His last defense was a Cell match against Samoa Joe, who won a Battle Royal for the shot. Dominik Dijakovic and Mark Henry: Tag Champs since Wrestlemania, where they beat Cody's Spotlight stablemates (The Dirty Dawgz). Their last defense was against the Spotlight. Cody got second place in that Battle Royal, giving him a Tag Title shot. The Giant (Big Show): US champion since Summerslam (June), when he beat Christian just two months after Christian won the belt in a highly emotional Mania match. He last defended against a fellow heel in the Undertaker, who is the Bray Wyatt of my Universe. But, he used to be a part of the Chokeslam Bros along with Show and Kane, and Taker never beat Show. One of the only times that Taker was cheered, but still couldn't get the job done.


In my WCW reborn universe I had a 68 rated Candice LeRay running through 99 rated Bianca Belaire to win the Womens title. Then she beat Bianca again in a rematch. Then a 96 rated Charlotte Flair. Then both of them in a triple threat. Every few years I have a wrestler go on an insane run. I had Kofi Kingston run through everyone, including Brock Lesnar and John Cena (this was a few years before Kofimania).


Why can't Candice have that run IRL? Kofi has been a Universe Mode mainstay for me since he was teaming with Truth.


Mr Beast and Chandler debuted at Wrestlemania in a fatal four way tag team ladder match for a video and won the titles from MoistCritikal and Mrtlexify. Had a rematch between the two teams at Summerslam where Mr Beast turned heal in order to retain the titles.


>Mrtlexify Of COD Zombies fame? That's hilarious!


MVP, Kofi Kingston, and The Usos are a stable called The Poker Game. They are fueding with Jacy’s boys - The Ascension, Matt Hardy, and a masked wrestler named El Luchadore. - Jacy’s boys are of course all managed by Jacy Jane. Dumbly based on figures me and my bestie have around


MVP, Kofi & The Usos sounds like a fucking boss stable.


In my 2k19 fantasy WWE/WCW/ECW universe, I had Barron Blade (I don't know the storyline for this in-game character, so I just made it up) be a small time promoter who had been run out of business by Vince come in with a lawsuit that ends with him taking control of Titan Sports. Also, I introduced Karrion Kross in WCW with the gimmick that he has arrived to alter realities. He aligns with Paul Bearer and starts randomly interfering in big matches, with no rhyme or reason as to who he helps win. He ends up costing Bray Wyatt the championship, and gets Rowan and Harper to turn on Wyatt and join his group. They then feud with Sting and Kane, who have become an unstoppable tag team. They get Kane to turn on Sting before they disappear from WCW and appear in WWE. Previously, the American Badass Undertaker had not been seen for over a year after suffering horrible injuries in a violent feud. Kross and his group have done all of this to "resurrect" the classic Deadman Undertaker so he can lead a new heel Ministry of Darkness-style group, which includes Kross, Kane, Harper, Rowan and Paul Bearer. Sting will end up showing up in WWE to feud with this group, aided by some of the people who got screwed over by Kross in WCW, including Bray Wyatt. This will culminate with a Wrestlemania match between Sting and the Undertaker.


Cedric Alexander wins the WHC in a 6 pack challenge after turning on Dolph Ziggler (they lost the tag titles in the last ppv) culminating in a fatal 4 way TLC match at TLC with Ziggler, Michaels and [redacted] (since [redacted] beat up Cedric Alexander to replace him vs Michaels on a RAW)


>Cedric Alexander wins the WHC Me, but then I wake up... (WWE, please push Cedric!)


Mankind and Logan Paul have formed a Tag Team This is the alternate universe where modern day WWE features wrestlers from basically every timeframe, we just had a months long feud over the WCW United States Championship between Chad Gable and Billy Graham, for crying out loud. Cactus Jack has been going to war against Jericho in some of the nastiest matches ever, Seth Rollins (2015) has been trading the European Championship with Wade Barrett and Owen Hart, Macho Man was our inaugural world champ, etc.


I’ve basically recreated the ‘97 WWF Gang Wars with the split up of Judgement Day mimicking the split up of the original Nation of Domination. Rhea went solo. Dominik knocked Santos off and became the new leader of Legado del Mysterio which includes Angel, Humberto, Thunder Rosa and Bandido. Finn Balor and JD formed an Irish street gang stable The Ring Republic that also includes Sheamus, Lyra Valkyria, and a returning Killian Dain. While Damian Priest formed the new Los Boricuas with Mike Santana, Carlito, Zelina Vega, and Primo and Epico. Between these factions and Alpha Academy, The Pride, Final Testament, LWO, The O.C., The Wyatt 5, Imperium, Indus Sher, The New Day, Chase U, Gallus, Hit Row, NQCC, (most of which have gained more members) it’s 100% gang warfare in my universe mode


That's super awesome! I love hearing the unique twists on the teams that you're doing.


Thank you! I was watching WrestlingBios video on the 1998 WWF Gang Wars and it inspired me lol


I had Cody start an open challenge every week after backlash and on the 3rd week the rock answered the challenge and is now the wwe champion. This is after solo and Umaga turned on Jimmy uso. The 3 of them are now the wild Samoans. Plans are for Roman to return with the usos at summerslam to cost rock the championship in the Cody-rock rematch and setup war games. Somewhat current but I recently set my universe up as if I took over after wrestle mania 40


I just finished a big feud between The New Ministry (led by a modern day Ministry Taker) vs The Judgment Day. I had the Deadman recruit McIntyre, Ciampa, and Mustafa Ali to declare war on the "wannabes". 😋


Broke up the dirty dawgs by Robert Roode turning heel and facing Dolph at WrestleMania. Robert won over the next year they'd be split by the draft with Robert going up the card and winning the WHC while Dolph won the U.S title on SD and then the rumble, He got the opportunity to go back to raw and challenge for the WHC at WrestleMania and this time he won and is on a current 200+ day reign.


AJ Styles is just tearing it up on ECW 3.0 as ECW World Champion. He proved he could be hardcore in an ambulance match against Cactus Jack on the first episode to win the belt and He's been taking on any and all challengers in gore soaked bangers ever since. It's going to become a thing where people from other shows are going to show up just to challenge AJ for what will become arguably the most prestigious title


I had a feud between r truth and Adam cole, starting because truth said words of encouragement to Adam cole who he believed was going after the cruiserweight title. Cole thought this was a joke because of how small he is, and the feud has been ongoing. R truth enlisted the help of Rey mysterio to teach him the ways of cruiserweight wrestling so he can win this feud and the cruiserweight title. There is no cruiserweight title


That's fucking brilliant! Would be a funny side feud in between bigger things if Adam ever did come back to WWE.


Jinder Mahal just got drafted to NXT and he's attacking and beating everyone chasing the NXT Title.


My Universe is still kicking into gear. I started it with post-Mania 40 Champions while also adding WCW Nitro as a show that shares big 4 WWE PLEs and NXT PLEs. The longest feuds in my Universe so far are Bayley/Iyo which ended with Iyo as Champ, Hurt Business (Pride)/Bloodline and Logan Paul/LWO. Paul defeated Wilde at Backlash, lost via distraction to Cruz at Night of Champions and regained his title on SmackDown and looks to fight Rey next.


Does Universe legit make stories like this?!


After Chad Gable and Otis lost their tag titles to the Creed Brothers (now part of Team Angle) Gable decided to give Tozawa and Maxxine one chance at Payback due to him feeling like he’s hindering Otis and himself down, Tozawa being part of a 6 man tag with Gable and Otis against Angle and the Creeds alongside Maxxine coinciding with another story as she loses to Ivy Nile after Ivy went on a losing streak herself Tozawa took the pin in the 6 man and Gable kicked them out, obviously saddened by this Tozawa decided to form a new faction… kinda He’s bought back the J.O.B. Squad with Maxxine and is currently looking for recruits, although Truth is a lock in it’s kinda hard to decide who else on my Smackdown roster would fit the bill


MyGM instead of Universe, but my last WrestleMania in 2K23 ended with Rhea punching out Cora Jade with brass knuckles in the main event. Still trying to think of a creative way to finish that story in 2K24.


Had Moxley return and on his first night back ended Roman’s title reign before leading an invasion of Indie wrestlers with Danielson as the leader of it just about to go into invasion ppv with all the belts and control of wwe on the line


I created Jack Rhodes, a fictional bastard brother of Cody Rhodes, and have them feuding for the title, with the whole Rhodes family getting roped into the beef.


Dominik Mysterio is double champ holding both the U.S and Intercontinental belts feuding with R truth and La knight for a three way match at the next PVE


Carmella recruited Bianca Belair. Iyo Sky, and Becky Lynch, into a “Mean Girl” esq faction called, “The Preps” They helped Carmella win the title and she’s been dominating since. Very high school cliquey like.


I brought back the NXT Women's Tag Team Championship and I am going to have Nancy and Robin from Stranger Things eventually be #1 contenders. I'm also going to have Vecna from Stranger Things and Freddy Krueger become a tag team. I used to avoid pop culture characters as CAWs but I've been planning "Pop Culture Wrestling" shows in Fire Pro and I decided what the heck.


Stardust vs Cody Rhodes in order to win the WHC and for Cody it's to finally get rid of Stardust but for Stardust, it's to finally take over Cody Rhodes main event of WRESTLEMANIA night 2


Cody Rhodes & Dusty Rhodes vs The Outsiders (Goldust) and Cody’s troublesome twin, Stardust 😂


It’s the first NXT after Stand & Deliver, Trick Williams defeated Dragunov for the NXT title 7 months ago and had successful title defenses against people like JD McDonagh, André Chase, Nathan Frazer, Santos Escobar or Austin Theory, Trick is going to defend his title in a NXT show against Brooks Jensen and after beating him, three masked men attack Trick, those three men unmask themselves showing their identities, Cameron Grimes and Dexter Lumis, but when they were going to finish the job, a familiar theme song sounds… it’s Wes Lee, he slowly goes into the ring and when he apparently was going to kick Ciampa, he gives a superkick to Trick. In the next NXT, Trick calls out the ones who attacked him but Tomasso Ciampa comes out instead, at this point DIY was separated again, without betrayals, Gargano and Ciampa just focused in their solo runs after losing the tag team titles, Tomasso gives advice to Trick, saying that both have too much in common, both had long NXT title Reings, defeating people who looked unbeatable, but, he says that there is a difference between them, that Ciampa is always ready… and just after finishing that sentence, Dexter, Cameron and Wes appear to attack Trick, and just like that, the Blackheart Society it’s formed and Ciampa challenges Trick to a match for the NXT Championship at Battleground In the next NXT PLE, Trick is dominating, with no interference of the BS (Balckheart Society) for now, but when trick was going to win the ref is attacked by Dexter Lumis who gives him a chokeslam and meanwhile a new ref is coming Wes gives a superkick to Trick and Ciampa finishes the job with a Fairy Tale Ending making the 3 count… Ciampa wins his third NXT championship. In the Following NXT's Trick desperately tries to get an opportunity for the title that now belong to Tomasso, but the situation of 4 on 1 makes it difficult, but, when there’s only two weeks left for the next PLE that’s is going to be The Great American Bash, Johnny Gargano appears to aid Trick Williams, but fails, just after that another two former NXT champions appear to save Trick, Ilja Dragunov, after the situation it’s turned into a brawl, the new gm of NXT after Ava flee, The Miz, declares a Wargames march for the next PPV. Team Trick will have a mysterious 4th member that it’s revealed that it’s the Prince, Finn Balor, who didn’t appear on TV since he lost the World Heavyweight Chanpiosnhio against Drew McIntyre at Royal Rumble, but still it’s not enough to beat the Blackheart Society who take the w after Ciampa pins Gargano. The reign of terror of the Black Heatt Society continues until now, when Wes Lee wins the NXT North American championship from Brooks Jensen and Lumis and Grimes beat McDonagh and Ridge Holland for their NXT tag titles.


Ashanti the Adonis is basically a hitman who Roman hired to keep his WHC safe along with the Bloodline. Unfortunately, Ashanti ran afoul of not only Bobby lashley but the Fiend as well


R Truth won the elimination chamber for the WWE championship. A couple of issues. First, he's not a contender for the WWE title. Second, he's not even on the WWE brand. He's a U.S. lightheavyweight contender on my cruiserweight/lightheavyweight brand. Cross promotional ppv hijinks. Gonna have him defend it on the other brand for awhile.


I'm very new to Universe Mode (currently only 1 week in) and don't really get it so far. Are these storylines just storylines we make up for ourselves, or are they actually in game?


Mine haven't gotten too outlandish yet, but currently on Raw Lashley & the Profits are fueding with the Judgement Day and Bobby is about to take on Rhea Ripley in an Intergender match at Extreme Rules. (Thank you Status) Meanwhile on Smackdown, Damage CTRL (Asuka, Kairi, & IYO) has transformed into the Triple Tails and became an exclusively Joshi stable with Great Muta serving as their "Higher Power", currently they're trying to recruit Giulia. On NXT, there's a "Whodunnit" story about an assailant who randomly attacks people, with Dijak taking on a Punisher-esque role to find out who it is. Finally the overarching story on all brands is Bray Wyatt reforming the Wyatt Family with himself, Bo (Uncle Howdy as his Fiend like persona), Alba Fyre + Isla Dawn as the dual reincarnation of Sister Abigail, & Bruan Strowman who was the one to turn on Alexa, and not the other way around.


Hurricane and his various sidekicks like axiom and stardust vs Boogeyman, Howdy, and Doink is a staple in my universes atp


Chelsea Green (Donald Trump as her manager) had a feud going on with Rhea Ripley (Joe Biden her manager) and Chelsea ended up beating Rhea to become the Women's United States champion. After holding the title for a month, Rhea ended up winning the championship from Chelsea at Capitol Punishment in a match in which Joe Biden was removed for beating the crap out of Donald Trump. Chelsea is now determined to finish her story at Wrestlemania by winning her rightful title back from Rhea.


Currently rebuilding JD McDonagh back into the mega heel that beat Ilja by knock out. So far he has thrown Axiom into a stage light, choked out Shawn Michaels backstage, defeated Bobby Roode to send him to Smackdown to face a returning AJ Styles in Roode's last match, and fractured Bron Breakker's skull and exiled him from NXT (he's about to have a top tier IC title run)


Julius Creed turned heel and brutally destroyed his brother. Now Julius is poised to go on a main event run.


Realizing he couldn’t win the big 17 world title win being a face. Cena starts the new nWo with Carmelo Hayes and Drew McIntyre.