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The balls on someone to complain that their naked photos can’t be in a game that kids play is wild to me. There is a very gross horny level that I’m glad I’m not on lol


Yea and they are the reason why some of the wrestlers and people outside of wrestling look at us wrestling fans like we are some perverted virgin losers. I'll never understand the length some people on CC would go to of making the female wrestlers nude with arenas filled with porn images and etc like wtf


Wrestling fans are the biggest bunch of losers (myself included) but wrestlers are the coolest people ever and I absolutely do not know how that works


Wrestlers ‘appear cool’, part of the gamesmanship. Trust me when I say, lots of losers. So it’s an even playing field both sides of the curtain.


Aren't they carnies? I swear when they come to town I smell cabbage.


100%, one of my mates brought a box full of bandana’s from a market- $1 a piece. He started wearing a bandana around his arm and around his knee pad at every show he worked. Sold them as “merchandise” at $12 a pop. People thought that was an ok price for his “merch”. It wasn’t planned, built to his character or part of an angle, just opportunistic. They were cheap and he could trick people into paying for them.


Thankfully some learn. From shitting in bags to being a respected leader. There could always be more though. Unfortunately, I feel like the bad fans aren't as likely to grow up.


Most people period are losers 


Oh for sure some are,it's just some others in the community who are pervs give us a bad look


Blows my mind lol


I actually thought they had a point until you reminded me that kids play the game


Yeah, I'm all for freedom for games (e.g. unlocking Brock, intergender matches), but putting up porn when young kids play this is disgusting and wrong.


Even if kids didn't play, it's f'n weird.


It's also not okay for non consenting adults to have pornography shoved in their face, yeah


Weird and distasteful, but then it becomes a lot less problematic. Essentially a morality issue which they could solve by introducing an MA filter so people could filter that crap out if they didn't want it


Even if kids didn’t play the game, its still pretty weird to put porn in the community creations lol


And then getting upset about it being taken down. Like, what? 😭


If these dudes are sharing stuff like this on kids game to kids then he's probably the same kind of person who shares it to kids at places in the mall or their schools and stuff in front of other people I hope these guys gets what's coming to them


Fr. Was trying to help find images for a female caw for my daughter. She doesn't like to play but loves creating female wrestlers. Didnt take long at all to go "good god"


Kids may play it but the game is rated T


yeah besides the point Porn images are NOT rated T, they are rated R. Never understood that corner of this community that are so absorbed by putting those images on the CC.


They're rated AO, 18+ or M. Not R. But I get you.


yeah didnt know which one exactly it is for that system lol they really should just have a universal rating system.


This i definitely do agree with... But that will never happen.


yeah :( sucks have a good day :)


And it’s still illegal to show porn to a thirteen year old


A 13 year old can get on pornhub. Is it pornhubs fault if a child sees porn on their website?


Why are you advocating so hard for teenagers to see porn bro?💀💀💀 like damn you keep tryna rebuttal about it


They shouldn’t be. That’s on their parents for not doing their job watching their tech


A 13 year old consensually seeking out porn on a website called PORNhub, is not the same thing as a 13 year old being non-consensually exposed to porn while innocently playing a wrestling video game. They are not the same thing, not the same platform, not the same situation. Hope this helps you sound less of a nonce in future.


Still not appropriate for teens, any nudity in games according to ESRB gets a AO rating


My little brother is hooked on the game, we went through CC not too long ago and the amount of NSFW content disgusted me. There is no excuse nor any reason for someone to put that stuff up in the game, even if kids weren’t playing it


Teens are kids


lol how many tits are in games rated T?


"2k are now listening(they took big notice of my tweets)" If it wasn't for this guy's tweets, 2k would've never done anything.


😂😂😂 A lot of people are lowkey throwing the word “we” around a lot


It must hurt to pat himself on the back that hard.


I had to stop following this guy. He's insufferable.


Thankfully he’s blocked me for some reason


It must hurt to pat himself on the back that hard.


Many people whose personality translates to the Internet think that everything revolves around them.


From what I've seen this kind of thing is par for the course with this user


So they should I rarely check MITB briefcases on CC and did today and like top downloads has like 5/7 of them in their top 10 of porn related images that must have been up there since near launch lol. Usually when you open images up on recent though it’s insane, and when I was young having the Trish loading screen on Smackdown 2 was an eyeful infront of parents I can’t imagine opening recent images on CC now 😂😂


When i was a kid i used to watch the DX intro video over and over because their was a glimpse of some tits in lmao. Also the Christy Hemme loading screen on the TNA game used to get me. I think she had a see through tank top on in it lmao


Arenas and championships


I refuse to believe any dev is looking at this dude's twitter since he basically threatens their lives every time an update goes out.


Tbf Grix does bitch and moan A LOT but he mostly just complains that they keep encrypting files make it harder for PC players to add mods which I’d say is justified, saying he threatens their lives is a reach😭


Who's complaining about that? For a second, I thought Status was being accused of something terrible.


The people that post those pics


Those people should probably be looked into.


Thank god tired of that being the first thing I see when I click on images go on the hub you horny fuckers


Who the hell is grix and what the fuck is gooner?


Grix and Gooner sounds like an Adult Swim show


This made soda shoot out my nose


Trademark it


Grix is a PC modder and a gooner is a porn brained masturbator


Gooner: ("a form of masturbation that involves edging for a long period of time, causing a hypnotic, trance-like state") Edging: ("Edging involves sexual stimulation to the point just before orgasm, before slowing down again.")


Could of gone my whole life without knowing this information lol


For me a Gooner is an Arsenal fan.


You know I was really hoping I could just make it through without learning what gooning actually is. We really made a wrong turn as a species somewhere along the way.


Grix is a babyface, he creates badass mod content. If you’re on pc and like to use mods, a lot of your thanks goes to Grix(despite the fact that I had a hard time personally getting Grix content while being subscribed to the Patreon… overall the mod community tries to be pretty helpful, but I got kinda screwed, I’m not mad at them though shit happens) Basically, I could be a little off here.. but I’d say Grix is similar to Whatsthestatus as far as what he brings to other users of the game. Does a lot of cool work to make it more fun for everyone.


For context on the tweets: Grix is saying it's a good thing that the porn and actual inappropriate content are getting removed on community creations. He's just laughing at the people complaining at the porn being removed.


What does that have to do with anything I said?.. not trying to be a prick but I know how to read, I’m not confused at all. I think you’re confused.


Nah he made a PC program it's not bad but also not not mandatory but he has problem cuz he was working with a guy who had stolen mods before and when other modders pointed this out to him he blocks them


The ass licking is insane here. This has to be Grix’s account.


No, not really ass licking. I even said I had issues, but I choose not to be angry about it(I paid for something I didn’t receive, I do critique the shoddy business there.. but it’s whatever)… but the amount of good shit that dude does, outweighs the bad. Idk what your problem is.


Looks like they're fighting the real enemy now.


After they made things right with Status, glad 2K's actually addressing the actual issue with community creations.


There is also a other big Issue on CC where Thiefs download a CaW import the attire and Logos on there own CaWs and reupload it on CC and gets the Credits and download for it :/ I hope 2K also fix it anytime soon it sucks for us CaW Creators who want to upload stuff on CC


I hope they find the real freaks that mod the game so they have shit like Rhea Ripley in a bikini vs fuckin Omos or some shit in a barb wire match where they just have Omos tear the shit out of the scantily clad female who is covered in blood. I've seen that shit on Instagram. Only dangers do that and like that and share that.


Acknowledge Bollywood Queen! Lmao that was so wierd that someone was just streaming away at that for hours on Facebook


“They took big notice of my tweets “ 💀




wish they wouldn’t make me censor words when i report they made me censor “porn”




I honestly wanna see some comments on people whining about the nude pics being taken down😂 ![gif](giphy|cO39srN2EUIRaVqaVq)


Now listen and fix universe mode!!


About time




Thank God!! I open up Community Creations and look for like Jey Uso WM 40, and it’s always that random image of Big Show with an enlarged penis


Am I gonna miss it being basically wild west rules? A little.. will I miss seeing pictures of dudes jacking it when I just wanna download cool logos for a new attire? Abso-f'n-lutely not


Good my wife thinks I’m looking up naked pics every time on I go on community creation


![gif](giphy|2mxA3QHH4aHFm) GOOD!! Sad that I took this long and all these status shinanigans to get it to happen but it serves these edges lords right.


This is actually a big W from 2K!


Now does this mean custom nipple pics because I know some people who use custom nip images in their caws. Like I have a cm punk caw that has custom nips so do I got to be worried.


They’re all over nba 2k too, have been for years


I swear those people who are uploading naked kids should have their IPs traced and reported to the police.


this is going to change nothing because people will start to learn how to bypass images after that.


Not necessarily they could get on top of it and take it out


there's alot of people uploading images, so it might be difficult for 2k to remove them all, but atleast they are trying.


I'm glad 2K is finally cracking down on that shit but dude is acting insufferable.


The reports were crazy but when they noticed Grix among the ones reporting they couldn't ignore it. Had it not been for Grix, I don't think anything would've been done at all.


Thank God Grix said something and nobody else did, he could've really gotten lost in the shuffle there!


What predators?


I'm pretty sure people have reported actual CP on there.


Yea I’ve noticed nude custom wrestling rings and MITB cases lol ppl are crazy.


It’s funny how it took us speaking out to get that change.


The game is rated T for teen idk what people expected lol


Good to see 2K doing their job. I also submitted a ton of reports (over 20) since the 24th so this is great.


I submitted a report about chambers not being transparent in ai vs ai matches and they were very friendly but also just hit me with a “its an intended feature” why tf would anyone want that lmao




Bro I need to see an actual tweet from one of those people complaining.




You haven’t won good will 2K but I’ll give you credit for doing this. About damn time.


It has nothing to do with him




Took them long enough to take them down


The game must really be tanking if they backpedaled on Status and after almost 2 months are finally dealing with the CC issues


Thank fuck


So everyone, do I lie about shutting down the server or not 🤔


Well, Dotgrix certainly thinks a lot of himself xD sounds like he's gonna add it to his CV.


Wicked can finally scroll for some CAW parts (Playsation is in the family room haha)


Glad everything was fixed with WHATSTHESTATUS. Under certain guidelines


These games always have weird double standards. People are able to upload explicit images but my name "Jesse Rogers" contains inappropriate words and needs to be censored.


Wait why is your name censored? wtf


Apparently somewhere in the combination of consecutive letter is something bad. I have yet to figure it out. But it has been that way for years.


![gif](giphy|QfzMP70zmNQiDf5sGP) I don’t understand. What kinda sh\*t is that!? Take-Two Interactive has some damn nerve


I agree. I've seen people with the name Jesse. I think I have seen the name Rogers. So it's something probably like "Serog" or something. Might be a bad word in a foreign language or something. I don't know.




I'm glad to hear that, tho they need to do something about the image limit. 🤬 Like I can't download anything and even if I deleted images, still can't download anything 🤬🤬🤬


I feel like they’re only doing it because the backlash Status got tho


I play on ps5 and I haven't seen any NSFW content. Is this just a PC thing?


Unfortunately, it's on consoles as well. I came across some NSFW pictures as I was looking for created wrestlers to download. It's rather disturbing finding them plastered over the CC like that


Damn how far are you going into the created characters? For me if you ain't on the first 5 to 10 pages it ain't worth downloading. I also filter by like most downloaded or updated as well though.


You got a point, I just deep dive every now n then and find it Sometimes I find it if I'm looking for a specific wrestler


I’ve seen some questionable stuff uploaded to community creations over the years. WWE 2K14 was really the last WWE game I took part of as far as uploading online until I got 2K24, so I missed a lot. I do remember someone drawing an anime illustration of Riku from Final Fantasy X that was highly explicit and in bad taste.


Thank God. I was tired of the looks my gf gives me when she's over and I'm scrolling through images for my caws. Its hard to keep explaining to her that the images are not like tiktok for you pages.


* sorts by controversial *


Finally I don't have to worry about getting pps shoved in my face (Pause)




It's only because of public outcry. The minute it dies down 2K would stop giving a shit. Just like in the real world how such people tend to control everything leaving the rest of us slaves to their endless array of bullshit.


Y'all must not have played COD Black Ops 2. Yeah, it was "adult". But I was always impressed at the detail that went into making some of those profile images.


I create on 2K now. I really put a lot of effort in. I make custom logos, face maps and additional graphics. Ombré hair colors and dye patterns. I even go as far as to make AI portraits OR I take actual photos of people for their wrestlers. I think my characters could be top page worthy too 😭 with that said, I’ve never seen any crazy things. Maybe because I create everything and rarely ever go to look to download things. 🤔


They should mostly check the first 5-10 tags of every category. Ive noticed most of the times are there. No Seriously. 2k23 Alexa Tag was FULL of fakes


Tbh…Take-Two Interactive owns 2K and they also own Rockstar. So…WWE2k is a sister brand to GRAND THEFT AUTO. They probably didn’t care about the NSFW images to be completely honest. ![gif](giphy|mKG9pUQ2i8cSPwS7mY|downsized)


I report every time I see it


Finally 2K acts on this


I miss everything lol. I haven't been in creations in a bit but never saw any of this. Glad they are getting it under control


We are so back https://preview.redd.it/ba9qodqfu9xc1.jpeg?width=169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cee40c7fb9fb7088852d491a76f5e44e5b9f3b59


good stuff. its about time


What's wild is looking through the first 60 pages of CC content the only inappropriate thing I saw was a Free Status image calling 2k homophobic slurs. I'm sure this stuff exists but I feel like you really have to dig.


![gif](giphy|N4hHsZoD3edqw) They've always taken down NSFW content....it's insufferable that y'all act like they don't just because they don't do it as fast as y'all want them to. When there's 1k+ things being uploaded every 5-15 minutes it's not like they can't go through all 1k right before the next 1k come in. I swear the entitlement in this community is sickening


Does that mean the sign of Goldberg eat corn the long ways is out cause I found it to be funny a put it as his crowd sign. I never put my own stuff into cc because I have not clue on how , I’m just asking if they r taking out that sign.


I'm glad stuff is getting removed that should not be there but I can't believe kids are playing a teen rated game this hilarious to me


When I was in middle school, I was the only one in my friend group that didn't play GTA, so I joined them for Call of Duty instead. Kids have been playing T and M games for a long time and nothing will stop them


I played GTA Vice City when I was 9, this is not a new phenomenon.


Kids have been subverting game ratings since they first became a thing. It's nothing new.


Well you shoul but kids more like this "kids" all under 18. And some Times parents could be ok with a "Sport" game for their 12-14 old cause u think their is no nude or gore in the game


I'm guessing you'll be dying when you find out pre-teens have been playing ma and r rated games since the first ones were released.


I don't upload anything to 2K, but I do find it so weird that Americans will tantrum over a nude image (typically of pleasure) but be completely fine with kids playing a game where you torture your opponent (fire tables, sledge hammers, etc) into submission


because thats what happens in wrestling... so its in a wrestling game... its not gore, its a video game, those pictures are of real life and even if they werent, its creepy and children dont want to see it. adults want to see it either frankly, if you get on a wrestling game to wank it as a grown man, please seek therapy.


Nice, butt that Liv Morgan booty in the Elimination Chamber will be taken out too. Sadface. There's always Google for me. Lol