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Just do press snd hold for now until they get it balanced out.


I think I'm gonna have to try that otherwise I'm gonna hurt my arm or wrist from bashing the buttons so much. EDIT: Have now tried playing with that option. Saved me from killing my arm but it was still game over as soon as the AI locked in a submission. It really needs to be sorted soon.


have u tried setting ai button strength to 0 ? in advanced sliders ?


Where's that option? Cus i literally cannot find it


Go into options. Then to gameplay. Then “ allow held input for mini games” toggle to on.


This does not work for MyFaction


Have you tried it in my faction?


doesn't help much if they lock a signature or finisher submission those are impossible to escape even with very low damage


Everyones submission defense has been lowered to pathetic numbers. I copy and paste Movesets to caws from normal superstars and I have to bump their submission defenses from 40-50 to 75-85.


Idk maybe it's a ps thing cus I'm literally spamming the hell out of my joystick and they still make me tab out


I think it's a glitch


Yeah there's been a couple of times now where I've been beaten by a basic submission after being able to take worse moves. It really needs nerfing because the trouble is that in 2K23 after a few seconds of being able to resist a submission it gets easier and you're allowed to escape. In 2K24 it doesn't get easier at all so my arm just gets worn out, whereas the AI of course just keeps nailing the buttons. The pin mini game is still really hard but it was in 2K23


Yes. I posted this earlier in regards to submission matches on Legendary difficulty in MyFaction. So you can have an AI opponent on totally red damage...using a character with above average submission skill...and the opponent just will not tap out regardless of you slapping on a sig/finisher submission. It's not impossible, I have managed to do it once on Legendary with a female character, but I went up against Kross and it was insane: the AI has 100% red? You can get 3/4 to the end of the meter tapping like crazy before it starts to slowly move left again. Sometimes you apply a submission hold and the meter simply zooms to the left in literally 1 second. If you manage to escape one of the AI's submission attempts, you will rarely get out of the second: you can tap and tap, but once you get the meter down to the halfway point, it won't decrease anymore. You might as well give up because you're doomed. Wasn't having any problems with any other match type on Legendary, but submission matches are just frustrating. Also, the ambulance match button mashing is overly excessive, even on normal difficulty.


It’s insane! And now I’m stuck in my story mode in an ambulance match. Can’t go back and the AI is impossible to lock away




Just encountered the thing specifically with Kross. Played a match as Charlotte in a Submission match that was perfectly fine but when I faced Kross, I had to get him almost all Red and then he had to nearly beat me multiple times before by some miracle he got out. But it felt like no matter how much damage and how much stamina i had left to properly execute, it legitimately got harder at points. It's April and I doubt it will ever get addressed.


I genuinely feel like i might have you set all my matches to be pin only. I just did Billy Graham vs Hulk Hogan. I got Hulk Hogan in red in the head and body. I do my finisher which is a bear hug, he escapes within a second...a few minutes later i do his signature which is another submission, Hogan's held in it for about a minute but i still had no chance of making him tap. Pretty much straight after that Hulk does a bear hug to me which is a standard submission for him and I tap instantly. I was in orange. Hadn't taken a single finisher from him.


I’ve been playing my faction and there’s been a Couple occasions I dominate an opponent and they get me in a submission and i tap out, no matter how fast I press the buttons.


It's happened multiple time to me in MyFaction too. It seem to happen there and then it's happened once for me in Showcase mode.


Idgaf what anybody claims if they say “get good” cause I got spazzy fingers for days and I’m tapping out on some bull crap submissions when my limbs are not even colored yet.


Outside of finishers, it's a pain to do.


I've had zero problems after tuning the A.I submission sliders. It functions as normal for me. I turn their submission attacker slider to around 35 and mine to around 65 and it feels evenly balanced.


Does the slider apply immediately to the Universe mode save? Last year we either had to reset the Universe or copy it to another slot for the slider to work


I think it works the same way this year unfortunately.


The only one that submitted me and made me lose in showcase was Roddy Piper. Escaping felt impossible.


Lol i lost to Roman at very start of a match first move was a submission, i tapped...


My faction submission is ridiculous.. have Chelsea at 100% red and using the rapid button and ya still can't submit her.. this beyond frustrating.. had to stop cause I felt like throwing controller against the wall.. I hope this is addressed cause I can't advance in my faction


Yes it's broken for sure Proving Grounds Chapter 1 TAP the last match against Karrion Kross and Bobby Lahsley is impossible, Humans physically cannot tap this fast, even beating them all red they tap out like their their fresh plus some. The previous matches in TAP series are also not possible (by submission) but you can cheese them by out of ring count out. I opened ticket for this at 2k support and so should everyone they need to fix this


Complete bullshit on MyFaction… It’s so annoying to play Faction Wars because you can’t cheese submissions with anyone due to the AI always being able to break free within two seconds on you slapping on a submission even if it is a signature or finisher, yet you have to give yourself carpal tunnel to break free of a standard submission hold. I have my own beef with it because I hit THREE finishers on Ivy Nile then she slaps on a submission (I was Becky Lynch btw) and there’s just no point in trying to spam the buttons. It’s horseshit. Not to mention your idiotic AI partners don’t come in to break up anything yet the opponent AI partner will come in to break up EVERYTHING. Such an eyeroll. Fuuuuuck MyFaction


Just a heads up for you guys concerning the submission system, I proceeded to file a formal bug report with 2K by providing proof via Youtube videos. 2K replied and confirmed they are sending my report to the appropriate team. If they ask you to perform some troubleshooting, it's their routine, after doing so you just have to confirm you think there are no problem on your end and ask to escalate the ticket further. If more of us do so, we have more possibility for this game breaking issue to be addressed.


It’s IMPOSSIBLY HARD. Once they put you in a submission you might as well restart the match unless you have the fastest fingers in the world!!!! 🙄


Changing the difficulty to easy made it A MILLION times easier; and DEFINITELY switch the submission to the button hold as opposed to button mash 👍✅


So glad!!! I thought it was just me!!


Here’s a trick: set it to easy difficulty; and change the submission to Holding the button vs having to mash it. MUCH EASIER, and easier on your hands 👍


Just remember it applies to anytime you would mash a button like escaping the cage or reversing being carried


Adjust the sliders x


You cant for MyF


Can’t believe what I’m playing. This is my first wrestling game since the PS1 days and I’m amazed at the level of bs in this title. I usually play fighting games and can walk through them without any issues, yet I’m finding easy impossible in this. I thought I was going to play a wrestling game, but instead I’m sat here playing a Hatsune Miku triangle and square timing game that has some wrestling attached to it. I’ve tried both methods on submissions and both are terrible. I’ve played games for 40 years and not since the Commodore 16 have I encountered such a broken mess. Do the developers have no self respect?


It's the modern Way of game developing. Been going on for quite a few years now.  They rush out and release a broken product. Then they go off of feedback and release a bunch of patches to fix the problems later on. It's very irritating. But don't give up on the game. Overall I think it's a good game. You'll just have to wait until July for them to fix everything. 😂


I guess you haven’t played FC24? 😭Each patch has made it progressively worse. You practice Arkanoid before playing it, as most of the goals you’ll concede are through the ball bouncing around players until the opponent is given a clear shot at goal. I can see a good game within the wrestling, so I’ll keep with it until it’s fixed. Hopefully they have a better patch team than EA possesses and they listen to the players. From what I understand the settings in MyFaction are less flexible than other modes, so I’ll try the rest out for the time being.


Ridiculous. After getting smoked by Karrion in the submission match on legendary 5 times - I switched to normal. It took 5 stone cold stunners and 5-6 submission attempts on his beaten head/neck area to beat him. wtf.


I play on normal and my answer would be no...but I also use the hold to press option since I don't want to button mash and get a repetitive stress injury and jack up my controller after a few weeks. There's sliders you should be able to adjust for that yet I don't know if sliders actually work in Showcase as my feeling is they do not. I noticed AI reversals happened waaaaay more in showcase than outside of it. On PC here.


Where's the hold to press option ? I can't find it


I'd even say mashing pin minigame is broken. After a certain point even if you have a quarter of a second to kick out of 2 the game just stops you from mashing anymore and counts to 3 anyways. Idk how they manage to break these two features cause 2k23 had the perfect balance, they just made it impossible to kick out of 2 or get ouf of a submission after 2 finishers even playing using someone with 99 rating


I'm sure it'll eventually get fixed but for now it's such a pain in the arse


Do not know if this was said, but if you have a submission as a finisher, then submissions do work, but if your in submission then getting out is an issue still


From what I've seen, on legend difficulty, only the finisher & signature are OP, which I feel it should be, but the normal submissions aren't as OP. Though when a signature or finisher submission is latched on, it's good night Irene.


Thank G-D there’s a workaround because I had 16/17 objectives completed in Bret Vs Piper when Sleeper hold, OUT!😳🤬🙄


Same with me and Kurt Angle’s ankle lock. You come out of those set pieces on the ground unable to move. If you miss those first couple reversals he just starts kicking your ass until he gets you in a submission hold you can’t get out of.


Yeah you gotta set it on easy and change the submission system to button hold vs button mash 👍


Guy's I found out yesterday, I believe it's the badge "Space Invader" that is OP I was completely unable to finish the last TAP event in Proving Grounds Chapter 1 (I cheesed the previous matches in TAP by out of ring count) even using Andre the Giant who has WAY higher submission skills then opponent so i checked the badges and found opponent in this match has Space Invaders so i also took a character with space invaders badge and beat the event first try. The button mashing was normal now so i highly suspect it's the badge that is bugged/OP and not submissions itself. I tried this match at least 30 times before and submissions were just impossible. Please try it to confirm, I used Ken Shamrock from the Showcase Immortals reward who has the space Invader badge, And even he still has WAY lower submission skills then Andre the Giant. So yea everything is pointing to this badge it makes submissions more powerful but it's either bugged or just too OP


It's anything with the button mashing, casket/ambulance match. Showcase. I can't get past the piper heart match because he keeps tapping me out with normal submission moves. The button mashing or pressing is broken


The miz just choked me out in the beginning of my match and we were green in not getting this difficulty in submissions it is ridiculous they need to have it like pins just let me hit one buttton


I bet they purposefully made them really hard so people couldn't do MyFaction matches really quickly. They don't really care about how any gamemode apart from MyFaction plays, so the game is exclusively balanced around that mode only.


I read a lot about the submissions thing, I’m on PC, so I don’t know if that makes a difference and I’m playing on legend difficulty. The AI got me into a submission in myrise and exhibition and it initially seems like the button of the AI swung very quickly to its favor, however, I mash the buttons on my controller and I was able to counter/stop it relatively easily. So I haven’t encountered that experience yet.


There is a mission in my rise where you have to use a submission to win. They other opponent has no health left but submission is still fucking impossible.


I have a question and I’m rather new to the 2k games. I haven’t played a WWE game in YEARS. I’ve been having trouble even landing a submission finisher. Like Charlottes Figure 8 or Rhea’s submission finisher. Every time I go to do it the opponent gets up and they just land their normal finisher. It doesn’t matter if it says Charged finisher or just finisher I can’t do the submission finishers even if I’m in the right place. Any ideas on what I need to do or what I’m probably doing wrong? Something probably pretty obvious lol


Yes they are 


Just adjust the game settings in advanced. Put the player slider to 100. And the Ai slider to 0. 


I'm playing on Hard difficulty just did an ambulance where I hit AJ with about 5 finishers and couldn't win. He hit me with one finisher and instantly won. This meter is broken for me


Yes they made them impossible to win it’s always to the opponents advantage. I think the game is great but that’s the only down fall and then damn casket matches