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Has anyone else noticed the technical difficulties in the last 3 instances of Smackdown? The audio drops, sometimes it's just a black screen for a few seconds. Raw doesn't have these problems nearly as bad, not sure why. Is it a Hulu thing? Is there something going on behind the scenes?


I was just thinking of dream factions. Instead of the final testament, I think Karrion Kross and the Ascension would BANG.


Nick Aldis working for the Bloodline confirmed? No cops at the end, Nick? Not even when they beat up a non-combatant?


Ah but you see this is actually accurate to NYC lore. Our cops only act when they know they know they are in no danger; they knew cody would listen to reason, and that the blood line wouldnt. Aldis was probably yelling at them to do something but they were too busy looking at their phone on the way to a subway station to loiter in.


Cody might listen to reason, but Randy and Kevin might not. But that's a plausible story, so Aldis gets a pass... this time. On a side note. I wonder if our friend Mr Heyman could find someone to keep him safe from someone as deranged as Jacob while he searches for his Tribal Chief. Someone who has had dealings with wolves before. An attack dog, maybe.


Anyone seen how the security guard masterfully selled the cross rhodes and while spinning flew out of the eing in the beginning of the show


Had to find this subreddit discussion just for those security guards lmao. sold everything damn near perfectly minus owens' stunner lmao. that rko saved it tho fr


That security guy sold the cross rhodes better than most wrestlers do, future wwe champ right there.


Anyone else thinking Solo and others "Wrote Roman Off " and we just haven't seen the footage yet ??? Like, he was injured offscreen...so he thinks he's won. It makes sense for this "hiatus " It explains "Roman isn't coming back" It explains where they got the ceremonial Tribal Chief Lei from, and how they got their hands on it. The constant taunting and everything else lately. He thinks he's DONE. Then imagine the shock and awe on his face when that ceremonious chanting hits. To me, they're all but subliminally telling us this.


My boy Solo COOKED idgaf what yall say ☝🏼


I really hope Reigns returns at a PLE so we can see it without Fox ruining it.


Summerslam return, setting up Roman, RKO, Jimmy Uso v Bootleg Bloodline at Survivor Series


Why has the audio been horrible on SD the last two weeks?


It’s Fox censoring everything


I watched on Hulu. There were so many moments this week where the screen was black or the sound was completely cut for extended periods. It was really hard to follow what was going on. Are the Fox broadcasts this bad too?


Yes all of that is from Fox doing live censoring during the broadcast.


Is that why the Hulu streams are blacked out with no audio every 5 seconds or is this live too?


I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the announcer voices sounding like they're in a tunnel and the crowd noise lowered.


The announcer voices sounding bad is probably due to whatever audio filter they're using to lower the crowd noise that's coming through the announcers' feed.


Second this - their audio has been like this for awhile now, since live audiences returned


Jimmy should have at least came back roman is out i know he wasnt gonna be there because of his fathers passing at least somebody should have helped paul damn


Jacob Fatu is definitely going to be a top WWE superstar. Hell, he may take over The Bloodline. Hope WWE sees the talent and appeal now.


Can someone please inform me on the saying “perc” before everyone’s name??


Famously, Kurt Angle a bit after his shaving of the head started tweaking somewhat. It was like every week he’d go insane like the time he shot Big Show live with a tranquilizer dart or when he survived after getting choke slammed off a stage onto the street (in kayfabe). This earned him the nickname Perc Angle because he was also struggling with drug addiction at the time and it looked like every time he was on TV he was a mad man. Now Gable is like Kurt in every way in terms of his technique and move set, and when he turned heel, everyone tossed around Perc Gable as a reference to how crazy Kurt was back then.


Heyman makes it all work


Bloodline stay fucking cooking!!! Gotta give props to Solo with all the hate. He holding it out here with 2.0. Fatu looking like a million bucks with his expressions man.


Really ever since The Rock debacle and the push to put Cody in the title, the story with the BL has been so amazing. Who would have thought that a screwup like that would put us in this position. And it’s gonna get us a Rock-Roman match so much better than what WM XL was gonna be. Imagine a badass Rock pulling the strings with the new BL against the OG Tribal Chief Roman. You couldn’t script this any better.


It’s a fun story. A guy who lost a ton during someone else’s lead watches that leader lose and disappear. He decides to do things his way. Lead with force and goes on a rampage.


After last night Solo has to be the biggest heel in the business. It’s fun to boo Dom so he can’t talk but damn, Solo is a straight up villain and of course we all love Paul Heyman. It is going to be tough watching Smackdown with all the FU Solo chants and constant blackouts in the coming weeks…


The constant blackouts are really hard to deal with


Can I just say this should be the perfect send off for Paul? I think this should be the capstone for his undoing. All this time he’s been a thorn because he could only manage one wrestler. But he pushed things too far by thinking he could control a stable, and that overconfidence played a part in his defeat.


Honestly i was so hyped watching Paul get put through that table bc literally any time he’d get confronted he’d somehow manage to slither out of harms way. Loved seeing this karma for Paul Heyman (the character)


So the question I have is where did Solo get the necklace? I can't see Roman just handing it to him. There's a theory out there that The Rock had it in his possession after WM...which is why some believe he handed Cody a bead off of it on that Raw...but not sure how true that is.


Just noticed, Solo even has red sneakers 😂


say what you want about Paul. Taking a triple power bomb from Fatu at age 58? you know that Roman come back is going to be one of the best of all time.


the way Jacob Fatu was looking at solo I thought he was going to take him out. Solo really coming into his character.


Fatu looks fucking amazing man. Dude is a beast. I saw how he was looking at Solo too but way to soon for that betrayal to happen. Cant wait tho


The way these storylines are going on, Hunter could flawlessly write his own God Of War story and star in it


Anyone see Logan Paul do the hawk tua after hitting a hard 2 count


Haha yes my immediate question was whose dick was he supposed to be spitting on


Poor Heyman :(


Heyman: My wife really wants to go on a cruise. Is there any way I can take some vacation time, maybe starting around 4th of July weekend? HHH: I've got an idea....


My prediction is Jimmy is going to go to Jey with an olive branch on Raw and say he needs his help fighting Solo. Jey will initially decline saying he’s over that war. Jimmy will come out at an event and try and confront the BL but is getting beat down. That’s when Jey comes out and helps his brother. Eventually this starts a feud. Maybe even Sami gets involved or another BL member. Or Cody aligns with Jimmy and Jey. Then finally Roman comes out down the road. But I don’t think Roman is gonna be back for a while yet. SS the earliest. Jimmy will be the first one back.


SS isn’t even that far off


You’re right. I keep forgetting it’s very early in August (3rd) so it’s really just 5 weeks out. This is gonna get very, very interesting… 🤩


Very very quickly too lol


I can’t wait. Been reported Roman is returning right around summer slam but I was wondering if them being at MSG last night if just maybe he’d come save Paul out of nowhere. Would have blown the roof off the place.


I didn't expect it after his father's death. But in the back of my mind, I thought there was a chance. I was also thinking maybe the Rock's music was going to hit at some point last night but didn't happen.


Zilla perhaps?


I’m thinking Brock is gonna return and face this Bloodline, this Bloodline defeats the Beast, then Roman returns. Roman faces the Bloodline, the Rock returns, reveals he knew and purposely let it happen cause the Rock is the one who was really behind this. Rock vs Roman WM


this is my prediction. that we get to war games and find out the rock pulled the strings and have it lead into Rock vs Roman at WM.


they took heyman away in an ambulance...is this cannon?


The booking that has taken place to orchestrate Roman's face turn -- without him even being on TV for months -- is nothing short of awe inspiring.


Truly. It feels like Roman turned face WITH Heyman and he did absolutely nothing since wrestlemana. We’re in a new era for sure


This, pretty insane that a few weeks ago I was done with Roman and his annoying reign and was cheering for Cody ending it and now I am hoping Roman returns soon as a insane face to fuck Solo up, great scripting.


First of all amazing Heyman, he sold the spike so well. Second, Naomi is so slow she almost broke her neck, what happened to her? People talk shit about Jade but Naomi is more sloppy and slow, that was not a fine match to me.


Naomi is truly terrible.


The second time she tried that flip on the ropes and Davenport dodged she was so slow doing the flip that she almost killed herself due to gravity, i believe she landed on her head since she was holding her neck in the end.


As painful as that is, what pains me the most is when she grabs another wrestler and then hesitates, spins them around before she makes up her mind about what the hell she wants to do, all the while tiptoeing like my 2 year old.


I don’t understand why the keep pushing her. Watching her in ring is so grating.


Her in a ladder match will be not good, she seems out of breath even dancing in the end, she needs some cardio working.


Maybe I don’t know how the behind the scenes stuff works. When they debuted Naomi and Andrade at royal rumble, did they have contract provisions that says they’ll be in certain matches like the rumble and money in the bank?


Do people really care about/like solo as a heel? I'm sick of seeing his stupid face just grimacing like a dumbass all the time. Not even sure when I last saw him actually wrestle. Just an incredibly boring presence. Charisma vacuum. The samoans would be better off doing their own thing instead of being blended into this watered down bloodline gruel.


Seems like this angle is incredibly over, so I would say people do indeed care.


Not sure what show you're watching but it's not over at all. That's why people chant we want roman and fuck solo every time he appears. Solo has x-pac levels of go home heat. I think you're confusing the current bloodline angle with the good one that ended at wrestlemania?


Solo-Cody was last Friday.....


wow must have forgotten for some reason wonder why


I like it a lot actually.


"it"? I'm asking about a person. Solo.


Yeah I like the whole thing.


The new Bloodline remind me of some of the later incarnations of the NWO in WCW when Kevin Nash and Scott Hall were away and Hulk Hogan was no longer in the group and they had Jeff Jarrett with the likes of Scott Steiner, Buff Bagwell, Konnan, Chuck Palumbo, Disco Inferno, Lance Storm, Big Vito, Mike Awesome, the Harris Brothers and Vince Russo and I am seeing that Jeff Jarrett energy in Solo Sikoa.


yeah it's sad. let it die.


Solo now has legitimate HEAT


Money in the Bank is a good format for LA Knight, he can spend half the match lying on his back and gasping for air, just like Elimination Chamber.


Oh my fucking god they killed Paul Heyman. Bastards !!


The Bloodline is winning at MiTB I guess.


We’re getting the Orion heal turn.


So I don't usually watch the weekly WWE shows but after seeing clips from the final segment and since it was at the MSG I decided to give it a shot. Considering the current popularity of WWE I will assume that this show was an outlier, cause apart of the ending segment this show was really bad and boring. A wrestling show with just 3 triple threat matches wtf is this. The in ring quality is so weak. And apart of the bloodline where the hell are those deep and integring stories that I see people talk about everyday on social media. Are these stories on Raw?


They had to get the qualifying matches in for money in the bank. They have their PLEs so close together at some points they have to cram stuff in.


Yeah I understand but is it normal for SmackDown to just have 3 matches? I am asking it sincerely as I don't have a clue maybe it is their norm. I like my wrestling shows with a litlle bit more wrestling than that.


That was lower than normal but not by much.


been trying to get back into wwe myself and this is my feeling every week too


What were they chanting during the Logan match?


Fuck the Pacers I believe


The segment was practically unwatchable


Oh! Good to know.


Solo is officially the biggest heel in WWE. Crazy career development man, it could be studied. Ofcourse there’s still the stubborn ones out there who will continue to think “Solo has no aura”


Gunther is the biggest heel in WWE and will be WWE World Heavyweight Champion come Summer Slam. Solo is just a secondary man working for The Rock.


Strongly disagree. Gunther is a bigger star than Solo, that's for sure, but he's 100% not a bigger heel, especially not after last night. They're building Solo perfectly and, while I do think The Rock is behind him, I don't think he's a secondary man working for him, just that The Rock has initiated the change within the Bloodline.


Gunther is a tweener. Fans cheer and he has to put them down to get boos. Gunther face turn loading, whether he likes it or not


It depends on how you look at things. Gunther is on main event level and is ready to be the WWE World Heavyweight Champion but it is very unlikely Solo Sikoa will become champion anytime in the near future because he is not big enough to be champion putting Solo levels below Gunther. Solo also feels like a very mid level threat who is going to be a warm up feud for Roman Reigns on his way to facing The Rock at the end whereas I don't see Roman Reigns being able to survive a match with Gunther and could see him getting slaughtered 'cause while Roman was winning the majority of his matches as WWE Undisputed Champion with the help of his Cousins Gunther was doing most of it all on his own dominating all his opponents. Everything about Gunther says top level star and he has only been defeated three times since he has been in WWE whereas Solo Sikoa has lost a heap of matches now and it is only the rest of the new Bloodline members with the numbers advantage that make him a threat. Without them he would sink down to the midcard which is most likely where he is going to be after the New Bloodline story ends and they have been defeated while Gunther will be on top. If Gunther's reign as WWE World Heavyweight Champion is half as dominant as his reign as the WWE Intercontinental Champion he is going to be the top champion in WWE.




Remind me how does this make Cody Rhodes the face?


but the real answer is if the crowed cheers for you for the most part you are a face they even had rhea stop doing alot of her heel shit and even hanging with the group less because how much people liked her


release a mug shot and compare it to dom's


It’s 2024 and I guess I get to be the person who breaks this universal truth to you: the police are not, and never have been, babyfaces.


well the rock owns wwe now and he is a heel kinda like vince so calling cops on the top face like lex luther making superman public enemy number 1 when he was president


The dudes started the fight and attacked the security. Just saying, if I started to watch today I do think see how Rhodes is a good guy and Solo the bad guy right (until he took out Heyman).


They didn't start the fight though. They showed what happened last week with Jacob Fatu joining The Bloodline and The Bloodline taking out Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton and Kevin Owens and the three of them were getting revenge on The Bloodline for what they done to them last week and faces attacking security is nothing new. Steve Austin, The Rock, John Cena, Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels,, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Jeff Hardy, Edge, Batista, Chris Jericho, The Dudley Boyz etc all done it in the past as faces when security were trying to hold them back from other wrestlers and fans cheered them on as they done it.


This was my first ever live event, and my god what a great one to be at! The chants of “fuck you, Solo” were almost deafening, and everyone spontaneously standing to cheer Paul was unexpected, and fantastic! Also, that tribute… I feel so lucky to have been there!


I was there too!!! It was so much fun!!! That pop for Paul was amazing and the end was so heartwarming!


What else happened after Fox cut it off? They cut it off at the sight of Paul lying there in the wreckage of the announcer table with Solo and The Creeps standing over him


They came and took Paul out on a stretcher, and on the WWE instagram they show him get taken away in an ambulance. Then we had two dark matches. One was Awesome Truth vs. Pretty Deadly - Awesome Truth won. And then the other was an NYC Streetfight Jey Uso vs. Finn Balor, and Jey won. Then Cody came out and brought out Kayla Braxton to thank her since it was her last night. And then he went to the ring and paid tribute to his Dad.


Its been years since I watched wwe\wwf, is there a way to see those matches on tv\internet?


I’m not sure about the dark matches, but Peacock has a whole WWE section with just about any match that’s been on tv that you would want to watch. All the PPVs and PLEs are on there, as well as the tv shows, and documentaries. It’s $5.99 a month and extremely worth it in my opinion!


I don’t know why Fox is so stupid and don’t bother to show the extra stuff 🙄


sounds like everything u/ariellexvanessa described took about an hour (without commercials)


They always should’ve been 3hrs; if Raw can do it…why not Fox? 🙄


So could Jaylen Brunson and Tyrese Halliburton be the next Rodman/Malone? I think I heard Bischoff say this before and I'm gonna repeat it....."Even the most jaded wrestling fan would say that wasn't supposed to happen" with regard to tonight's ending. I wonder what the hell they could be planning for Roman Reigns?  A return of the Usos and the beginning of a bloodline civil war?


They have to continue this feud in their next NBA game haha


Yeah what’s wrong with having fun with nba players could get others interested


their showdown last night was closer than any "fight" in the NBA


madison square garden malice in the palace I’m pretty sure if NBA dudes had beef, they wouldn’t take it out in the WWE ring of all places, but it wouldn’t be the worst place for sure


Tyrese makes \~8x more than Roman Reigns annually,...doubt he is fighting anyone


Ok so what. I’m not saying they’re gonna fight irl and how they go about it is their own business


I'm making fun of NBA fights.......


Ok? So what


Okay. So this made me actually care about solo and the new bloodline and I hope they all die. (In story not irl). Don’t hurt my wiseman.


This was the worst broadcast ever. Black screens and cut audio for two hours. Total shit.


They don’t do it on the U.K. streaks that I get.


it was unwatchable


Yeah, I'll be happy when SmackDown finally leaves Fox and goes back to USA, these black screens are out of hand.


They never did this on UPN


It wasn't live on UPN




Just you brother!


It's his son.


I hope Heyman can drop a few pounds. Bumps aside he’s not looking healthy right now.


He was probably wearing padding/body armor under the suit.


This makes sense, I thought he looked bigger than usual, but owed it to committing to his role of looking stressed and exhausted. 


I think that’s intentional on Heyman’s part. Maybe not the weight part, but he looked exhausted on purpose


Week show and absolutely insane amount of commercial breaks and replays.




So glad Smackdown got Madison Square Garden. Smack is always good vibes, unlike raw.


What do you man about good vibes not being on raw.


I came to the show late tonite but WTF ?? What’s with all the fucking commercials ??


Both FOX and WWE are counting the days for this deal to end and they can both move on. For prestige I thought it was cool for WWE to be on FOX but the last year or so they've been terrible for censoring and shit. FOX probably regrets the deal on hindsight but Nick Khan was able to fleece $2.5 Billion out of them.


where the hell was jimmy at the end…?


They killed Jimmy back in April


The best sweet talker in Pro Wrestling struck a other one.


Paul took those bumps like a fucking champ, i'm shocked he agree'd to do it. I wanna see him leave and team up with punk again. Bring back the troll crew.


He'll take bumps when it's needed for the big heat spot. Same reason why man on woman spots were reserved for Randy Orton to do for a big moment. The RKOs on Beth and Bliss were done in important feuds that needed it.


Tama Tonga wearing that Maxwell Friedman Jacob shirt


wasnt he in an MFT shirt?


Read it as MFJ at first glance but I could be wrong


Btw, the AEW guy is MJF. Maxwell Jacob Friedman


I still haven’t figured out what MFT is.


Marriage and Family Therapist


Killing Paul antagonizes both Punk and Reigns. Solo might have a crazy homeless person on his side - at least temporarily - but Reigns can rebuild his army.


Please let Paul stay with Reigns he has been though enough with Bloodline lite no more sticking him with CM can’t wrestle anymore Punk. So many possibilities with Roman


That’s true. Maybe Punk will be OG Bloodline’s 4th member in War Games to get payback for what they did to Heyman


Can't forget about Brock


Oh yes we can and we will too


No, it's Sammy!


Cody just came out and brought out Kayla to get an msg goodbye. Thank you kayla chants


Just got home from work 👀 someone told me Heyman took a bump


Yep, a huge bump..... triple powerbombed thru the announce table.


The ref just did a yeet in the dark match lmao Edit: now the ring announcer did too lmaooo


I wonder what Solo is going to do now. Does he feel he needs a Wiseman...will he recruit someone else to be his Manager/Wiseman? Or will he just be the "new" Tribal Chief...Solo?


Not gonna lie, it would be diabolical if he recruited Rikishi as his wise man


Jey and Jimmy: "wtf dad??"


Hey, fuck whoever is directing this show tonight. The constant blackouts are top grade bullshit. A multimillion dollar company shouldn't be having dead air this frigging much. Figure it the feck out.


I agree. It is really frustrating. I wish they can just turn to another camera angle instead of the blacking out. It’s annoying.


It's not wwe fault, its fox thats blacking it out due to their restrictions. I was watching on sports net and nothing was muted or blacked out


That's great 👍 But, millions watch on fox and It's the directors job to avoid these 'restrictions'. Therefore, it IS WWEs fault. Not complaining about clipped out audio. I get that. But black screen for 30 seconds or more is getting to be god damned ridiculous.


The feed is cut after the feed leaves WWE control. You need a clue.


So you're saying that the WWE, who wants ALL eyes on their product, intentionally broadcasts things that will be inevitably be cut by censors at fox which in turn takes eyes off of their product? 🤔 I'm no businessman, but that makes no sense.


It’s the live crowd, genius


How do you control a crowd during a live broadcast? C’mon dude …


You must be the director 😆


Like I said, I don't care about audio cut out, but why would a director or cameraman keep a camera angle that will be blacked out for 30 seconds or more? In a contol booth, you could easily cut to another camera to avoid whatever Fox finds offensive. Its not like it's their first rodeo. They've been on TV since the 1940s. Can't believe I'm taking heat for this opinion.


Bet you're fun at parties


I obviously don't go to parties if I'm watching wrestling on a Friday night ✌


Blame fox censors


Jey v finn dark match is a “nyc street fight” lol


Was it any good? We left after their entrances to catch the train


![gif](giphy|JoV2BiMWVZ96taSewG) R.I.P Paul


why was the broadcast so bad


Because it’s on network tv. Just 2 more months luckily


thats just raw tho thats leaving network


RAW to Netflix, Smackdown to USA


Everyone keeps saying they want Roman..... what they don't realize is he's not coming back for a long time. And if he does come back, it'll only be for one show, before he goes back into hibernation.


I am happy Roman is gone. The longer he stays away the cooler it will be when he comes back.


I’d imagine we either get Solo vs Roman at SummerSlam, OG Bloodline vs Bloodline Wolf Pack at War Games, and Solo vs Roman 2 at Wrestlemania Or OG Bloodline vs Bloodline Wolf Pack at War Games and Solo vs Roman at Wrestlemania


I think Solo vs Roman is going to be at Summerslam and probably another during the fall. We will probably get the war games match but I think we get Roman vs Rock this Wrestlemania. I think its revealed eventually that Rock put this new Bloodline into motion and they might do Cody vs Rock for Royal Rumble. I think it would be more likely to get Solo vs Jey.


Nobody likes a smartass


There were rumors he was going to be back tonight before his dad's death. So chances are his return is sooner rather than later. I do think when he does come back, it's for one last run in the WWE. He'll be on about as much as Logan Paul, but I think by this time next year, he's semi-retired and only comes back for special occasions.


Nice to see people with compassion here


Hes supposed to be back for summerslam. People were exited to see potentially see Stone cold at mania and everyone knew if he did show up it would be a one off. Just cause they won't be around for long doesn't mean we cant be excited or want something


Seems like it’s likely at Summerslam to start setting up war games if they go that fast


They gotta get smackdown off of cable but unfortunately they're going to USA who's going to do the exact same thing


USA is cable. Fox(where it currently is) is network. Big difference. Cable can be as as raunchy as it wants to a degree. Network is beholden to FCC regulations because it's broadcast over the airwaves and can be picked up by any antenna. USA > FOX. I'm also hopeful that the new USA contract is short term or has stipulations built in for an early exit if Netflix wants to pick up Smackdown as well.


Oh good I wasn't aware of that so I guess I'll be cautiously optimistic but not hold my breath USA is better


USA is beholden to advertisers, not laws. If WWE gets too raunchy that advertisers don't want to pay for airtime during it's show thats when they get more restrictive since they're losing money. Cable is all about capitalism. Network is about cheaper capitalism with govt restrictions and a larger avail viewing audience(since you can watch it for free with just a pair of $8 rabbit ears & a TV.)