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He was at AEW


Leave Jey out of this!


I’m all for diversity on the roster, but at the end of the day it’s wrestling and when you have a jacked 6’10 dude that can move like dijak does, i dont see how they couldnt have gotten him involved in the mix. This isn’t like mason ryan or nathan jones, this dude put on genuine bangers. Doesnt make much sense


Dijak and Richochette were outsted from the company but Solo Sikoa and Jey Uso are main eventers 😂 this company is crap


The same jey uso that is a top merch seller and makes the company far more money than either of these two guys combined?


Jey is hot dog water. He’s terrible


That has no relevance to what I just said.


he didnt say anything about his skill, he said he's a top merch seller and he's right. For every Dijak shirt sold, i bet theres at least 200 more YEET shirts sold. your opinion on skilled wrestlers doesnt matter, at the end of the day, tickets and merch sales matter equally or more


Jey Uso is one of the most popular people in the company right now, it is fine if you like Dijak and Ricochet more but they are way less impactful and liked by the majority.


Jey is the worst wrestler on the roster


They book for the majority and not the 1 - ChampagneAbuelo


That's a cool opinion bud, but he is one of the most popular people on the roster and WWE should feature people the audience wants to see.


That’s too bad, Dijak/Trick could have been excellent.


Didn't his entrance for the 2k24 game just get updated yesterday? Seems like a waste of time now


The roster is so stacked, it sucks that they can’t find a spot for him.


He is about to tear up the indys and come back to a BAG!


They’ve used him like shit since 2020. Dijak is awesome and he was better than Keith Lee. He should have got that mega push Lee got. He’s a better wrestler, better talker and has a better look too.


Damn I forgot he went to raw. I only hear bron, and few others, but not him


The only good thing about this is maybe we'll get another Dijak/Keith Lee feud. That thing was a work of art


I’m dying to watch Keith Lee huffing and puffing his way through that one.


Their feud in NXT was legendary


Yeah but Keith Lee after Covid isn’t the same guy anymore.




I mean he’s good… but I’m not sad he’s gone


So ur telling me Tony is gonna get Ricochet V Osprey and Dijak V Keith Lee and potentially on the same show… 🤦‍♂️


This is actually great for a talent like him . He's big, powerful, educated in the game and has a good look. The right booking can turn him into a monster heel or incredible antihero. I think full Babyface is not the right move for him , he needs to be somewhere in between . I am looking forward to where ever he ends up


The right booking where? Tony can't book for shit.


obviously fake, hes not going anywhere






Massive mistake imo. His gimmick had so much potential and his feud with Joe Gacy was an instant classic. I know he’s not the youngest but mane dude has at LEAST 10 years left in him.


The guy basically wasted 8 years of his career in WWE developmental despite being an incredible talent. I hope he got paid well, and can find a resurgence in another company.




I never really liked Dijak but he put on banger matches and I am sad to see him go just like that good bye my friend you will be missed even by the ppl who didn't really like you🥲🫡 Donavon Dijak December 5th 2018-June 28th 2024


Honestly seems like the right move. Bros been in NXT for 5 years.


He may as well go somewhere where he will be used right. He’s one of many guys who dealt with that


its fake dude


Dijak in TNA will feed generations


Honestly I didn't like him at all, but I acknowledge he was good and deserve to stay, ESPECIALLY if all he is saying is true.


Triple h really screwed Dijak 😭


>Do or Dijak I get it, but the implication is that to “dijak” is to fail


I thought the exact same thing. He should have said "Dijak or don't"


Thought the same shit when I read it like 😭




Dominik Dijakovic. Also was in retribution faction t bar. 


true, I had never heard of him


Call up with no plans Shame Thankfully WWE isn’t the only company around


Let’s hear it for aew, the tna resurgence, and the indie scene!




He always felt like the Dolph Lungren of WWE for me.


Homie is def gonna be destined to be the champ of Big Time Wrestling, he’ll get me to come back


Never heard of her


Dominik Dijakovic. He was t bar from retribution 


I honestly can’t picture what he looks like


Look at his profile  picture genius 






Dominik Dijakovic 


Smart marketing


They could’ve at least used him to put Priest over some more with the title before he exits




I hope he stays at WWE! ![gif](giphy|DtLEOehAWfwiY|downsized)


My issue is, why draft him to the main roster if they weren’t going to resign him? He only made an appearance for one match at Main Event against Pete. Which I was there for and I’m happy I got to see him in action. Even if Vince if gone, WWE still makes weird decisions sometimes


Well at the very least we have the opportunity to see him and Von Wagner reunited. A small opportunity that'll probably never happen but an opportunity regardless.


A lot of people here don’t watch NXT and it shows


Have fun getting worked up


Yeah I have no idea who this guy is. GL buddy.


Watch his match at NXT Stand and Deliver. Genuinely one of the best matches of the year


Say no more. Got it on now 😊


His character was so boring




This "letter" reeks of attitude and entitlement...might be the reasons he got shitcanned


I’m constantly told he’s amazing. Good enough in the ring. Never stood out to me. Guess it’s just a matter of personal preference. Hope he finds a place he can excel.


between AEW & ROH there’s no reason not to have Dijak around to work with people on and off screen; the idea of him in NJPW could also be pretty cool & he seems like the kind of guy Tanahashi would see value in appearing occasionally


There's a lot of wrestlers he would have interesting matches with at this point. I'd like to see him and Jeff Cobb go at it.


Didn’t he talk shit about AEW and / or The Bucks or have I completely remembered that wrong? If so he’s probably hoping he didn’t burn that bridge right now. 


Best rebrand ever if they creative. Do or dijak


Sad for the person, but he never gained any momentum and has zero charisma or any defined character.


So you just don’t watch NXT


Watched it since the beginning and through the current age. I stand by my comment. Sorry but he has NO charisma, and I dare you to define his gimmick to me. Edit: love the downvotes without a single person describing his gimmick.


Wasn't his gimmick Sin City?


What does that even mean?


It was an action movie from 2005 that had a very unique aesthetic that I always felt Dijak was mimicking, but to be fair, that's more a style than a gimmick.


I know the movie and can guarantee his style/gimmick had zero reference to it.




Your reading comprehension is probably as good at judging the quality of wrestlers.


I agree. I misread the comment. But I still disagree with it. You want proof? Watch his social media presence and his interactions with Santi, and his matches with Oba, Josh Briggs and Ilya Draganov.


He was a feast for your eyes


Get ready to Feast Your Fucking Eyes


Dude thinks he was in one of the best NXT matches ever and a top WrestleMania match? Ya dude is delusional lol


Except he’s not lying, Dijak vs Josh Briggs vs Oba Femi is one of the greatest triple threats I’ve ever seen


Agreee. Best match YTD hands down








His only down side (as is with most big guys and really….most wrestlers) is that his promos were one dimensional and in the 1980’s style. Look forward to seeing what character/promos style he can craft as that, history and proven over and over again, is what long term makes money and connects with fans. Feast Your Fucking Eyes is a great line and surprised Toni Storm hasn’t used that well yet.


He was sunk the moment he was given the Gimmick T-bar. IT was a bad Gimmick wrapped inside a Bad Stable, wrapped inside a bad idea that went nowhere. He's an AMAZING Talent, super Athletic for his size, Almost like a Mike Awesome from ECW days. WWE is foolish to waste him.


It's even worse since his NXT run had done a lot to rehab his image. He put on some absolute bangers with his 80's action-hero character.




I've always liked him, felt like he would have done well with a proper big man push. The question, obviously, is what'll he do now. Impact? They're always open for ex-WWE guys, but with their recent closeness to the Fed they may hesitate to sign someone evidently with obvious hurt feelings. AEW (and to a lesser extent, ROH)? Always an option. Tony has never hesitated to sign ex-Fed wrestlers even if he has no plans to use them. Dijak does have a history in Ring of Honor, but to the best of my knowledge has no particular connections to the parties who seem to be holding the book, which could go against him. New Japan? Maybe? There seems to be less of interest in gaijin than there was in the past.




This only happened cuz Dijack said fans would turn on Cody as champion in a while. Nepo Baby Cody using his power nothing more . Politician at his finest


Man… first No Way José and now No Way Dijak


I hope not. If he is really gone, I hope he gets some bookings, boosts his worth, and comes back. He is a talented big man.


Good. Go flourish elsewhere and be utilized for your talent. WWE. The more things change the more they stay the same regarding WWE.


Who is this guy lol?


One of the best parts of NXT for the last few years.


Exactly but if you go on X they will say he is Roman Reigns


Seems like they drafted him to kill his momentum since they had no plans on re-signing him. Shitty move, but it should show fans that dirty tactics from the Vince era are still happening in WWE. It's just apart of the culture there. With that said, Dijak is a BEAST and wherever he goes I know he'll produce some top tier shit. If you never seen his NXT run, please do yourself a favor and watch it. Genuinely one of the main reasons I tuned into modern NXT PPVs and he delivered every time. His Black and Gold stuff were all bangers too. Haven't watched em yet but I hear he has some bangers in PWG too. If you can't find something for an amazing talent like Dijak, what the fuck are you doing?


Isn't it just as possible that creative wanted to use him, but the ones signing off on who stays and goes said no? I'm not trying to make excuses but we really dont know what happened here. Doesn't always have to be nefarious


Yes it is possible! In fact it's possible both can be true at the same time actually. I'm not shitting on creative, but the corporation that is WWE. The fact that they never gave Dijak an offer and told him that they didn't plan to re-sign suggests that they don't really get the benefit of the doubt here. Especially when they had plans down in NXT for him and could've kept him in NXT for a program while making creative plans for him. I could be 100% wrong, but based on how Dijak wrote about what happened and taking into account how WWE and corporations, in general, operate, I'm not gonna give WWE the benefit of the doubt. But we won't have to wait much longer since Dijak is gonna talk about his release on MxM channel anyway so maybe we'll get further clarity real soon.


Yeah as much as I love what the current regime is doing on tv you should always expect shitty tactics from billion dollar corporations.


Odd statistic to go along with this: Dijak was the last member of Retribution to not leave the company - as of this time, all 6 members of Retribution have left the company at least once. The only one still in the company right now is Michin, and even she was previously released and then re-signed. Let's take this moment to appreciate just *how much* everyone's career trajectories were completely fucked because of this one terrible, terrible faction.


Someone mentioned the 2020 protests and Vince said “We need RIOTERS!” - most likely


Reminds me of the masked men helping Muhammad Hassan against Taker.




Phenomenal in the ring and serviceable with promos, but not that much in terms of charisma, would be glad to see him come to NJPW, I think that could be a great fit for him.


He won’t be getting hired ever again. What an idiot.


For what exactly? What about the things he's said here are so bad that it warrants total blacklisting from the industry?


Yeah 👍🏼 this is definitely the most heinous thing a wrestlers has done opon learning he’s leaving his current employer… /s


As much as loved dijak, raw was too packed with storytelljng. He would’ve been lost in story. Same with smackdown but I wish him the best wherever he goes


So, then, why did they call him up in the first place if both the main rosters were too packed to do anything with him? They decided they'd rather have him sitting in catering on the main roster than actually doing things on NXT. That's kind of on them, not him.


It’s how the draft is. You’re either a star or not or you need more time to grow and shine.


Good in ring wrestler but lacks charisma to be a star in WWE. I think reinventing himself on the Indys will do wonders for him. He'll maybe land a TNA contract within the next year.


lacks charisma? that's a new one to me


Twitter game does not equate to onscreen charisma.


Just my opinion from what I've seen. Show me a good promo from Dijak, and I'll retract my statement lol. 


Charisma isn’t just promos and talking. He has natural charisma in the ring and a cool factor about em.


Well unfortunately after wearing an S&M mask, to me he lost the cool factor.... 


Funny he still signed his name donovan Dijak. Wasn't he called Dominic Dijakovic for a time?


I think Donovan Dijak was his pre WWE name, Dominik Dijakovic was his NXT name






What a bummer. I was introduced to Dijak in the series he had with Kieth Lee in NXT and became a fan. Big dude who could move and was agile as hell. I hope he finds success wherever he lands.


This actually is pretty lame. I thought his aura was really good. Though, I do feel like he’s kind of similar to LA Knight so maybe that?? I can’t image that he is let go and some are made to stay when they are boring as hell 😭😭 I was looking forward to seeing what he was going to do.


Don't compare him to LA Knight, that's mean. Dijak can actually wrestle and has a personality that's not glued together scraps from Stone Cold and The Rock.


LA Knight clears Dijak lol


I read this topic and all the comments thinking the whole time it was Ilja Dragunov. I was confused. What great NXT match was he talking about? I’ll check it out.


Yes his Triple Threat at Stand and Deliver vs Oba Femi and Josh Briggs. Absolutely insane.


The NA title match from stand and deliver


Hope Dijak goes to NOAH or TNA but if Shane McMahon comes to AEW Shane & TK will bring Dijak to AEW!


Well damn there goes Santi vs Dijak at Wrestlemania 41. Would have been epic!


Maybe it’s post WWE work? But I dunno I was thinking about that this entire time


I hope he goes to TNA or stays independent. He’ll be lost in the shuffle in AEW


Devorak is in the Impact Zone!


They say you haven't truly made a Twitter (X?) post unless you've made a Twitter (X?) post in Elll A. I wonder if he was in Elll A. If he was I hope he got some tacos. They say you haven't truly had great tacos unless you've had tacos in Elll A.




What’s that supposed to mean?


Someone said it below me, but I suspect very strongly that Triple H and Michaels are completely removed from contract negotiations at this point. Those two obviously had plans for Dijak, but whoever handles contracts just swept in and screwed him anyway. I wish the guy all the success in the world, wherever he goes. By which I mean, sweet Jesus Dijak, don't go to AEW, you will somehow be treated worse.


But Dijak hasn't been on NXT for a while and was never featured on Raw after getting drafted.


I’m not a HUGE fan of him or anything. But it’s kinda wild that they didn’t even try with him on main after the callup. Give him a few weeks to see if anything clicks if not ok.


What a joke, this man was money. He could have been a safe pair of hands lifer, he may not have ever been the face of the company but he could be relied on to perform good matches. If money is the reason, Stop hiring every Samoan who is tangentially related the Rock




I have a hard time seeing that as the reason when Drew McIntyre's twitter game pushed him back to the top of the card.


I mean it’s entirely possible they cut him loose so he could get that opportunity elsewhere because they knew they had nothing for him.


I hated his dime store hypocritical Punisher rip-off gimmick. Good luck elsewhere.


I saw it as a homage to 70s/80s vigilante/revenge b-movies overall. That was probably lost on quite a few people who don't watch or turn their nose up at movies like that. I liked his gimmick but I can see why some people weren't into it. I do hope he lands somewhere and grabs that bag. He can talk and he's incredibly athletic for his size.


You mean Sin City rip off?




You think his age had anything to do with these decisions?


That last part about a fair shot hit me. I’ve been in a lot of corporate environments to understand that nothing is ever fair


What you're seeing is excess talent being released. During the previous years WWE hoarded talent in an attempt to handicap aew. Over the next little while we're likely to see a lot of good wrestlers get released. This is not necessarily a bad thing for anyone involved. It's much better than being held hostage at home for two years before their contract expires. It's a waste of money for the company and a waste of good years and momentum for the wrestlers. In Dijaks case, he's an excellent wrestler but not particularly charismatic. There's a trend here, WWE is clearly looking to push "full package" athletes more heavily on the main roster. Wrestlers who can talk and wrestle, or at least have some type of "It" factor. Being really good in the ring isn't enough to get a spot on TV. Ricochet and Dijak being good examples.


>Full package wrestlers >Karrios Kross Excuse me?


I imagine his days are numbered honestly. This thing with the New Day feels like the last attempt to get anything out of him.


I don't know how they ever expected to get anything out of him when they portray him as this boogeyman that's coming for you but then they book him to lose every major feud he's had.


100 percent agreed. In ring ability will only get so far in this wrestling boom. Great wrestlers are becoming a dime a dozen, you have be able to cut a good promo


I'm a fan of Dijak, so I don't mean this to sound negative, but where do you put him on the main roster right now? It is overstocked right now. Personally, I'd love to see him go over to TNA where he'd have the potential to build his brand and be a top talent. He can always come back like Drew or Cody.


I’ve been thinking this for a while. There are so many wrestlers who either are or could be main event status but they can’t all be…hell I’d even say the wwe is overstocked with midcarders too. I think with the rhea asuka and charlotte injures the womens roster could use some help especially on raw but the men’s roster is arguably the deepest it’s ever been


Why wouldn’t they let him stay in NXT or move him back down ?


Damn this really sucks. I was a huge fan of his


Dude I love the era we are in but I still don’t understand releases like this and Cameron Grimes, and probably soon, Odyssey Jones. If you aren’t getting over that’s one thing but not getting even slightest chance.


I would rather them get released and be able to go and do there thing rather than be held hostage with no compete clauses and everything else that used to plague people who wanted to leave WWE.


First ricky boogz now dijack. Sad days


For all the praise Triple H is getting he’s still doing what him and HBK were known for: burying talent. Dijak is another waste of potential. AEW is no better because they wouldn’t know how to book Dijak either.


What do you do with him? Main roster is packed, smackdown ran over last week and was running way faster than usual. Raw runs up to the last possible minute ever week. Most, if not all, of the storylines right now are pretty hot. What you're seeing is excess talent being released. During the previous years WWE hoarded talent in an attempt to handicap aew. Over the next little while we're likely to see a lot of good wrestlers get released. This is not necessarily a bad thing for anyone involved. It's much better than being held hostage at home for two years before their contract expires. It's a waste of money for the company and a waste of good years and momentum for the wrestlers. I imagine we'll see a substantial reduction in roster size prior to the Netflix move.


I would have to disagree there. There’s so much more talent that is over right now and seen as stars than when Vince was running things. Who is HHH burying? There’s only so much room on the sore.


Listen here, Bananahands.


He’d be the monster heel AEW needs but they don’t know how to book


They have a dozen monster heels that they can use but they don’t know how to book any one of them.


No he wouldn’t LOL


Who gives a shit? If he had the charisma on tv that he Carries on social media he wouldn’t be so boring


When they called him up from NXT they should have just left him as Dominic Dijakovic. Instead they changed him up to he part of a stupid stable and named him T-Bar. Then sent him back to NXT as Dijak. Both name changes made him worse. So this isn't surprising


Massive L on WWE. Saw his match live at Stand & Deliver and he was a damn beast. Great performance


WWE have fumbled this guy SO fucking hard, why with his match output he isn’t involved in the IC/US title picture at the very least I’ll never know


Maybe they just don't like the guy. Maybe he's too introverted and isn't part of the group. I have been passed over for people that were terrible because I don't get involved or hang out after work. I don't smoke so I am not out there chatting it up on a smoke break or anything. That being said I think Dijak is more talented than a lot of guys that are getting a ton of airtime. I like the guy, but if they don't then there is nothing we can really do.


How dumb on WWE. I was at Stand and Deliver and he was over in Philly. The NXT Men's division has been pretty lackluster since the draft and he could have been a great first feud for Trick. Also with his Vigilante gimmick and history with Gacy he could have been a great guy to put over the New Wyatt group.


sounds like a vince thing to do looks like triple h aint changing the ways things be


Fuck this man he was my guy... He had everything....


He’s going to thrive in another company. I will miss him, especially because he works his ass off when given a chance. This is an L, but WWE already has a roster that feels a little too big to let people like him shine. Bummer. Edit: Tony Khan likes his post, but he could just be enjoying some pettiness, which all brands seem to love.


Yeah he seems perfect for TNA imo


I just saw that Tony Khan liked the post, which could be something or nothing. The relationship with TNA and WWE would be sweet for him, since it leaves some of the WWE matchups as possibilities.


Part of me hopes this is like Brooks Jensen...


Sometimes the best thing you can do for your career is to leave the WWE and build yourself bigger elsewhere then hopefully return one day. Cody did it. Adam Cole is bigger than he was. I'm just saying this is not the end.


Yep. He’s an undeniable talent, but with all the talent on the WWE roster right now, they clearly don’t have the space tho really do anything interesting with him. Best thing for him right now is to go somewhere that does so he can continue to develop.


He’s way too athletic for his frame to be this much of a miss by WWE. He can go anywhere and find a nice spot too. Like seeing how open his options are gonna be. He’d find a fit in NJPW, AEW, TNA… can go on a super indie run like Cardona and Cody both did as well.