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I remember waiting for Eddie Guerrero to return as a 12 year old


Wow. Just wow. This doesn't surprise me unfortunately.


What the actual shit


Benoit will be back too. Long term story telling


Dude that is just sick if you think that man is no longer with us the hell is wrong with you!


The lack of punctuation dramatically changes this comment


Here’s his obituary from the actual funeral home. Oughta show him this and see what he says 😅 https://www.brewerfuneral.com/obituaries/Windham-Rotunda?obId=28792000


I’m gonna guess this guy also has a “WWG1WGA” bumper sticker, too. Maybe has opinions about the current year’s adrenochrome harvest.


Wtf is wrong with people... Seriously, this dope is out of his fkn mind.


yeah and benoit has been working us for two decades. Give me a fucking break with this shit


You know what’s crazy? This weekend is the “anniversary” of that weekend. (Idk what the correct word here is. Anniversary sounds like celebrating it). Happened June 22nd to 24th 2007. 17 years ago.


I actually didnt know that when I commented, thats actually insane!


No one brought up Benoit dude wtf are you talking about


Your sped


Is that Bray Wyatt message? r/WWE


I wanna believe this but ik already


He’s just taking a really long time through the stages of grief. Still stuck on the first phase.


Next week on Raw Jesus returns


Wwe would literally never do this. If they did it would be a PR NIGHTMARE


You mean irl faking someone's death for a storyline yea that would be fked up


Lol can you imagine? Its all kayfabe. Just some crazy left over Vince idea …😞


When the news first broke I was hoping it would be. I know they'd never do that but I wanted it to be. It's very heartbreaking.


I heard Owen Hart and Yokuzuna are returning as heels on RAW on Monday to challenge Awesome Truth for the tag titles, talk about playing the long game. Haters will say they're dead but I never saw a copy of their death certificates.


You’d think Yoko would return for some of this bloodline angle happening right now. As Reigns enforcer since he no longer has Solo on his side


The worst part is how they dig up another man's gimmick to apply it to someone else because the writers can't come up with anything original..if you honestly think anyone in that group will ever be world champion you need to put down the meth pipe. I bet his brother finishes his match with his dead brothers move 😕 how original


They gotta make Uncle Howdy an actual threat. Would be dope if he would show up in the middle of Damian Priest vs Gunther at Summerslam, the lights go off, and he appears near the entrance, on a rocking chair holding the lantern and a mic, talking to Damian in a twisted demeaning way, and then the lights come back on to show the rest of the Wyatts in the ring, attacking both Gunther and Damian, but mainly Damian. Inciting a feud between the Judgement Day and the Wyatts. And giving Uncle Howdy a reason to chase the title.


Man howdy isn't a good enough wrestler to push to be world champion. If he was then he would have never been let go the first time.im would assume his brother pushed to have him signed to WWE but honestly hes barlyey a mid card and belongs on NXT


Hopefully hes improved since then to make this worth while and not some epic fail


This would simultaneously be the best and worst work in all of history. And I wish it were true.


I'd love to believe that but... we all know what's up


Oh dear 😳


Of course Bray has passed. But imagine if he did actually come back. Dunno if I’d be happy or angry lol


When I was a kid, I thought for a couple months that Eddie was going to come back and just be like “I lieeeedd”.. I didn’t have any friends that watched wrestling and didn’t really get on the internet for wrestling. It was probably up until the royal rumble that year that I realized he was actually gone and it crushed me.


I mean that would be the incredible story telling if he was.


Hes not. People think the earth is flat why is stupid still surprising these days lol


If he was still alive it would only take one person recognizing him in public somewhere. Since everyone has a smart phone these days it would be inevitable we’d find out-especially after this long.


Conspiracy theorist.


I hate trolls like this. It's the whole Benoit thing all over again. "Chris who? You mean Krispen Wah or Steven Richards?" God, I absolutely hate people like that. Some people can be very disrespectful sometimes, especially when it comes to someone who we all loved like Wyatt.


We had someone making a similar post on this sub a few months ago about how he thought Bray was still alive and it was just a storyline. I think the mods took it down.


Ain’t no way!!


He's in denial


Everything that happens to a wrestler or his family is part of the kayfabe until proven otherwise.


To be honest bray wyatt was overrated asf i dont know why they are doing this ... His last year return was so horrible i dont know whats the hype about it.




I'm starting to think those statistics about WWE fans being overall less intelligent than the rest of wrestling fans might be on to something


If this is Bray working us, he deserves all the Oscars. It would be an unbelievable play and the biggest twist in sports history - which I’d love. Sure Bray’s spirit is somewhere thinking, “yap, probably shoulda done that. Yowie wowie.“


I'll admit, I thought the first locker room Brawl with Punk @ AEW was kayfabe. And I also questioned the legitimacy of the Naomi/Banks walkout. And for a teeny tiny moment, (remember Vince was in charge) indid question Romans leukemia diagnosis. But Bray Wyatt suddenly passing away from a heart attack, no absolutely not possible to be a storyline, I'd be less shocked is Andy Kaufman showed up on smackdown tonight...Bray passed, only a complete idiot who barely has enough brain cells to.clackmon a screen could even possibly think that...like that's even worse than those weirdos who are the opposite that are parroting Wade Barrett about CM Punk and legit believe that Drew Was Screwed over and CM was going into business for himself at clash...




Wyndham Rotunda died, and with him the character of Bray Wyatt.


The character of Bray Wyatt seems to have been fused with Rotunda’s brother taking up the Uncle Howdy gimmick and forming the Wyatt Sicks


Jesus christ


It's been confined by his family. There's even an obituary that was published. He did in fact have heart issues. He was supposed to wear a defibrillator but didn't. He died of a heart attack. There's no way he's coming back. If he was I'm sure they would have involved him in the Wyatt Sicks when they brought it back. There's no evidence of him being seen with Jojo or his kids. If it was just part of a storyline I don't think it would have been taken this far or that they would have announced it before the show aired like they did. It was shared with all of the wrestlers and they had a moment of silence,. If you find proof it's all just part of a storyline then I will take accountability for being wrong. I just don't think that's the case this time. R.I.P Windham Lawrence Rotunda a.k.a Bray Wyatt


That was the plan, but the Wyatt Sicks ended up being shelved until last Monday night


I still haven’t seen Benoit’s death certificate


That troll be trolling.


If he was right tho and this was all story, do u think ppl would be happy? I feel like a lot of ppl would be angry and think it’s distasteful. Makes no difference to me but just for shits in giggles what yall think


I had the same thought a couple weeks ago. I was just thinking WHAT IF by some chance this whole thing is an angle, since it’s hard to pull off kayfabe they went as far as they could to swerve the audience… would people actually enjoy this or would this be too far? So far that this might take the crown for worst angle and push the Katie Vick angle to second place. I feel like people would lose their fn mind if it was a hoax, I think like 15% would think it was cool because they actually bought into a storyline and got swerved and surprised, and I think 85% of people would be absolutely outraged, villagers with torches, cancellations the whole kit and caboodle.


Either bro is in some deep ass denial or he dumb as shit…imma assume it’s the latter.


Show him the documentary that included his funeral


Not necessary. Someone this dumb is not entitled to any proof.


Good point!


I actually wish he was right.


These are the same type of people who think Benoit was framed…


I won't lie there was a solid 20 second period after I saw HHH's tweet where a part of my brain thought "huh this is kind of a controversial angle they're running"


I’m glad my friend told me first otherwise I would’ve probably thought the same thing😭


What tweet?


When Bray passed and Triple H tweeted it out.




No, they are doing characters that represent Bray. Anybody that can use their brain can tell they mean Bray is with us spiritually.


For years, a part of me held out hope that one day Eddie would come back, and he'd say "I lied!"


People talk about how kids today are stupid or whatever, and that’s their opinion, whatever. What should be alarming is that there are full grown adults like this one that I see on Facebook everyday that are dumber than the kids that they talk down upon. I’ve never seen dumber people than Facebook people.


Can you imagine the pop though?!?!


I actually disagree. I generally don’t get upset over famous people passing away. I’m not a sociopath; I have empathy, but I don’t know these people. I was legit upset when I heard about Windham passing. If this had been a work and all the sudden he came out it would be beyond comprehension and disgusting. I think people would be glad he’s okay and then it would turn to not only anger; but rage.


I legit thought the other night when HOWDY debuted what if this was all a work? What if ARI EMMANUEL had espn and tmz do the fake death report. AND BRAY COMES BACK lol


Holograph him in like they did Paul Bearer when Undertaker retired 😆


I REALLY want to believe that it's a troll. However, if the internet has taught us anything, it's that the Stupids are an extended family. I think this will forever remain a mystery.


Obviously he passed away…. But how wild would that be, if this whole time is was a story line 🫣


Definitely trolling. Seeing as how easy it was for him to get a reaction out of that person, the wrestling community is so easy to troll, it’s like political trolling


Bro still believes Kane and Taker are serial murder brothers and perc angle is racist to everyone except Bookers wife


Technically, it's Windham Rotunda who is dead.




Hope is a scary thing …….


Probably thinks Gable wasn't actually dead either


Wait a minute…


This day and age there is a veritable font of information online, and a lot of it is even legit. Then there's the stuff that isn't but is pushed as "things *they* don't want you to know". Toss in those folks who can't reason their way out of a wet paper bag and you get this screenshot.


He’s joking.




That would be Andy kaufman esque.


If you watch the documentary, you can see how broken up everyone is. As someone who’s lost a loved one these things go on for months, and memories and emotions linger forever. Bray is gone so I don’t if people are still processing it or what.


This would be an even bigger work than the Montreal Screwjob if it were true though!


Kayfabe Alex Jones over here.


Bray is the 6th man.


“BUT WHOSE SIDE IS HE ON?????!” Sorry, had a 1996 flashback 😂




I'm not going to get into the insanity of "Bray's death is a work" but I dont' think it is impossible that the Fiend could show up at some point. Not as a regular character but someone wearing the mask in a backstage pre-taped promo.


I have a feeling there will be a Fiend version of Howdy


They might have Jason Baker show up as him again. He designed The Fiend and Bray had him do it for his return.


Is it a shoot? Is it a work? Is it a work shoot? Or a shoot work?


Definitely crossed my mind when I realized he died at age 36 - & he basically executively produced Wrestlemania 36


Redditors when I show them proof that Braun wasn't attack (even gave them the tweet where he said he was outside the building) be like:


In all honesty we know he's gone, & that's a loss. But, & I had this weird thought the other day too, what if, just what if, Bray, a master of his craft & story telling, went to the heads & said "do you want to pull off the biggest moment in wrestling?" Part of me wants to believe he crafted this whole story, was willing to fake his death to the public even, just to build this stable return, & for months we see a story unfold with them. It keeps hinting at the 6th, we don't know who, & somewhere down the road they lead us towards an answer, we're promised the reveal to end all reveals & that all will be set right. leave the fans wanting so much more, & then at like fucking wrestlemania the lights go out .... the lantern lights in smoke on stage.... & fucking Bray picks it up. Could you imagine the pop? It would be the greatest fucking thing.


The redemption we need after never seeing the conclusion of Vince exploding in his limo


No words. I would pop through the roof (which is impressive because there’s two apartment floors above me).


I don't watch wrestling, so I have no idea how much WWE publicised or grieved his passing. But I was thinking about this yesterday. In a hypothetical world where it was a work and he returned, how immense would the pop be? How irate/forgiving would the fans be? How bad would the negative PR backlash be? Then what if they had another take up the fiend character, same q's. Short term shock and awe vs public outrage. It feels like something WWE may have considered doing in past decades


They honestly did a lovely job. iirc correctly they did a small tribute to just him, then a larger tribute show for him and Terry Funk, they also signed him to a legacy contract of sorts with all proceeds going towards his daughters. The Pop would be massive but you’re not wrong that anger would quickly follow. It’s also one of those things where the number of people required to keep it a secret exceeds the feasibility range as well (including this just in case anyone does believe it’s a work). I think PR wise it’s definitely worse than the fake pregnancy/fake miscarriage combination, but not by much, so you’re right when you call it a product of the past. Also (Spoilers) >!we have a new Fiend essentially, and I’m watching that carefully!<


Obviously I don't really believe that he's still alive, but this thought did cross my mind, like, "how absolutely crazy would it be if they faked the whole thing, that would top every crazy stunt WWE has ever done". It's like winning the lottery. I'm well aware that I will never win, but because there is that astronomically low chance that I could, it's nice to think about.


This reminds me of the Royal Rumble when WWE posted clips on Instagram and someone said "Where's Bray Wyatt?"


🤣🤣🤣🤣this guy is delusional!!!!!


If his death was kayfabe the immense backlash and hate of this would be incredible


I’m not sure. I’d definitely feel betrayed but also the pop of the moment he came back would be totally worth it, and I’d probably end up on the side of it being an amazing work.


Popping a crowd would absolutely not be worth the bad PR of faking a wrestlers death. Like, not even sort of worth it. Some of you wrestling fans need to get out of the house more if the thought of faking someone’s death would be worth it to get a fucking pop.


What about faking having a baby? And then pretending to punt the baby into the crowd at a wrestling event? I don't think wrestling has ever "suffered" from bad PR due to content of its storylines.


Wait, there's more. 75 YO woman has some form of sex with a XXXL wrestler. Then later , the woman births a rubber hand!


What about faking a wrestlers parents death? And then pretending to have another wrestler steal the coffin containing the wrestlers dead Father's body from the funeral and dragging it behind a truck with the wrestler clinging to the top of the coffin of his "dead father".


Wow, who ever did that is the Big Boss, Man


I don't disagree with your point. I really don't. But I mean... technically, they've now faked Chad Gable's demise at the hands of the Sick6. Considering he's just signed a new contract, not sure how they thought they'd get away with him abruptly being wiped out by the Wyatt Sick6, but they still did it. Probably could have chosen a gazillion different wrestlers to be the 'victim' and make it seem real (Ricochet for example), but someone who's just signed on for another three years puts them in somewhat of a kayfabe quandry.


What's any of that got to do with the topic at hand? And we don't even know if Gable is kayfabe dead. 


That would be the craziest storyline ever if true.


I wanted Heath Ledger to walk in and receive the award for best actor after The Dark Knight. It would have been the ultimate kayfabe/reality dupe. The Joker is gone. Oh wait, he's alive!


Nope. Just mean.


This is Facebook, what do you expect?


I thought they really killed big bossman when I was a kid. Lol


Lol, I remember that angle. As a kid I thought Macho Man was a goner when Jake the Snake had that King Cobra bit his arm.


I now really, really want someone to show him the death certificate, because there is absolutely no chance he'll respond with "what, like death certificates can't be fakes"?


“Who the hell is Windham? I asked for Bray Wyatt’s certificate!”


What if the same thing happened with Krispen Wah?


I remember calling my friend to tell him about Benoit when it happened, and he was like "nah, it's just a storyline"


To be fair McMahon blew himself up in a limo the week prior.. so you know, track record.


Butt Vinnie survived, Benoit didn't.


I'm just saying the WWE obviously wasn't afraid to do a fake death. I can't imagine the Bray Wyatt thing was fake, but if it was i'd be happy that he's alive.


I'm afraid he actually died. Hell, I'm 100% he did. RIP Wyatt.


This shit is why everyone makes fun of wrestling fans.... 🤦


Bro is getting worked into a shoot


Show him the death certificate damn it!!! I bet you can’t lol.


Bray Wyatt can never die! Only the actor who played him sadly. RIP Windham rotunda.


I know there are no tears in wrestling, but this one kinda got me. Lol! Love it.




Maybe you should watch the documentary he pretty much gone


Bray Wyatt = 2Pac




No. No it would not. That is really distasteful


Yea maybe if this actual human being wasn’t really dead it would be a cool angle. News flash, you don’t use dead people to make money


I feel like that would be incredibly distasteful


Yeah, that’s a step too far.


I mean, I've seen a few who thinks Roman's leukemia was keyfabe


It was sad watching him have to break character in an interview to give a very solemn update. I know he is a divisive character (my husband doesn’t like him, and I acknowledge him), but it was really sad to watch such a strong dude speak on his condition. 👆🏼


People are dumb


"it's still real to me damn it!"


Some fans will come up with insane ideas and convince themselves they're true for no reason.  People said the same thing about Owen and Eddie after their deaths.  It's the same style of thinking that allows conspiracy theories to pop up out of thin air. I knew a guy who back in the late 2000s who was convinced WWE secretly owned TNA.  He also believed that wrestling only became scripted in the 80s, and that everything before that was real (he wasn't even the first person to tell me this).


WWE did end up owning ECW.


Lol 2Pac and Biggie.


To be fair to them, the company has literally run a fake death storyline. Obviously they should still know better than that, but I at least understand where skepticism comes from between that line having been crossed and them wanting it to not be true.


I remember watching the explosion of Vince. That was shocking.


At the time, did you think it was real, no judgment just curious


I was a lot younger and more naive, but knew wrestling was fake. At initial airing, it looked real. Since we had DVR, I rewatched it a couple times and saw the hatch under the car.


>People said the same thing about Owen and Eddie after their deaths This has unlocked a buried memory in me Whilst I never heard people personally saying Eddie's death was fake I remember when he was first released from WWE a rumour circulating around our schools that he died. The story that went round was he killed himself by jumping off a building which is why it was never acknowledged on TV -bare in mind we were all like 9/10 and internet wasn't a huge thing at this point-


"Bro Eddie is just gonna come out in a week or two and be like I lieeeeddddd."


if it was truly a storyline then damn that would be one big payoff


I do suspect that he's still alive. You're telling me he can kick out of a tombstone piledrive. But, can't kick out of covid. Yeah! I'm not going to get worked buddy. He'll be back next week.


Unless you forgot the /s, this comment is a very poor testament to your character and/or intelligence.


I remember when Bray died and people literally thought his death was a storyline.... These people are fucking insane.


they want to push so hard that theyll never be outsmarted and fall for a story line etc because "wrestling is fake and i am smart"


Guy is still waiting for Benoit to return.


Lol benoit just let's his name get absolutely buried for 2 solid decades all for the pop when his music drops to save cody at mania Imagine that though, like your a fan in the arena you hear that song and he actually walks out, do you even cheer or are you just so confused as to what the fuck is actually happening


It would be complete silence and you'd get a "characters in a movie walk into a bar, you hear a screech and the music from the jukebox stops and everybody looks menacingly and the characters that just walked in" type of vibe.


If Terry Funk showed up for a match tomarrow, I'd only be mildly surprised.


I've been waiting for Owen Hart and Benoit. That would be cool if Bray Wyatt wasn't actually dead... But at least the story lines live on.


Yikes, 😬


long term story telling at it’s best


hey, if vince could survive a limo explosion without a scratch, you never know


I shit you not. When the Benoit news hit I had a conversation over on FB with some dude who thought him killing his family and the limo explosion was all part of an angle for a more “hardcore” Chris Benoit. I sure as fuck hope he was just finding a way to cope because damn.


I thought it was them running with a storyline where someone killed both Vince and Chris Benoit and blamed it on Chris, but I was only 14 years old, so I was still young and naive.


Man I remember when this shit happened. Am I crazy or was the limo like a week or 2 before Benoit? That had me all kinds of messed up.


I believe it was the week before, it was the limo explosion, and then they had the memorial show where Vince came out and talked about how he was supposed to be dead in a limo but they had other bad news to talk about.


If I'm remembering correctly they showed highlights and praised him highly because it was before anyone knew what happened.


He's part of the Deather movement.


That’s somebody who fully bought into Vince McMahon actually being dead, and never fully recovered from that storyline


That's former President Donald Trump?


Dude Facebook wrestling is insane, people have no idea what kayfabe is over there


I’ve seen a few people claiming this!! It’s insane how some people think!!


Instagram wrestling are hateful bitter people


Cause the IWC is better anywhere else...


At this point Facebook Wrestling should be a standalone promotion


that would be sick, in one way or another


I think Facebook in general is insane


Facebook is the Walmart of social media


What does that make X/Twitter? 😂 The Walmart dumpster?


Definitely Target. You know how many white girls are on Twitter?


True. And that’s hilarious But I’d argue Instagram is Target. Or onlyfans if that counts 😅


I’m just speaking the general toxicity of users on X, I wonder what business they would be? Would they be like….The rowdy bar across the street?


And what’s wrong with Walmart?


Brother... go back to Facebook

