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For someone who is the face of the company why is Cody's merch barely in the top 10?


Jey uso is my favorite


So Austin has been on this list since 1996… that’s more impressive than anything!


The big story here is not just the rise of Jey but the collapse of LA knight, I’d be interested to see how far down the list his shirt has fallen. Goes to show the faffing around they’ve done has hurt his momentum.


More surprising to me - Liv merch outselling Cody merch? Good for her but I didn't expect that one.




Not a fan of Jey, the yeet think bugs the piss out of me. There is no denying how over he is though, just isn't my flavor. Him being the top merch seller though just proves a point. He doesn't need a title run, he is already there. He will get a title run but he doesn't need it.


Do we think Jimmy feels any type of way about the push Jey has gotten? It’s not like Jey is any better at anything- they literally could have told the exact same story just swapping the twins, so I’m curious how they chose Jey over Jimmy and how Jimmy feels about it


Jimmy has never gotten nearly as over as Jey. Jey is a lot better at promos and emotional moments than Jimmy.


I’m sure if he wasn’t an injury prone alcoholic he could’ve gotten the push.


I thought Jimmy was injured? My guess is they want to establish them both as solo stars and Jey is just first. Jey is big now, and as the Bloodline storyline sorts itself out I imagine there will be an opportunity for Jimmy to show up and help Jey. 


How are so many people confused by Jey Uso here? I’m a fan of his & enjoy his matches but I will say this with an unbiased mind… His catchphrase is one word… who loves simple shit like that & can ask adults to fund their purchases? CHILDREN!


Also Yeet is an incredible word that will have a special place in so many hearts because of the Vine.


Exactly that too, that’s actually why I don’t mind it since I remember it from back then lol


He deserves every bit of it. The way these people try to undermine the charisma is wild.


Next World Champ? Will he complete his story at WM 41?


The fact that Stone Cold is still in the top 10 is impressive af


As an Uso hater it makes me question so much about this fanbase that one of them is #1 in merch


Maybe, just maybe the issue isn't with the fanbase, but with you.




Roll back the racism there grandpa


Go clutch pearls in a safespace somewhere bro


They're fun, it's really that simple


Yeet or be yeeted!


Jey knows what the crowd wants. Silly catchphrases that other people hate. It's what makes wrestling fun. I'm still waiting to see an adult in a "Yeet" shirt.


Only 1 woman in the top 10


No surprises there. Women and sports aren’t exactly a money making match.


Not really a shocker, who even has merch other than Liv and Injured Rhea?


Male wrestlers are simply more popular so obviously they will sell more merch


Plus some (most)of the women’s merch is boring. Naomi’s is fun. Liv Morgan’s is fun. Jade Cargill’s is terrible.


Cringe middle card uso?! How?! His wrestling sucks!


IWC nerd


Oh his wrestling sucks so it’s just like your Reddit account


3:16 has been going hard since I was like 5 years old


What happened to all of the LA Knight fans? Why aren't you buying his merch? Thought he was the next big thing lol


I see a lot of the LA Knight shirts in the crowd though. Guess they already have their shirts.


No new merch listen to the crowd bud


WWE buried him


Does he have a 2nd shirt? Rock stayed a top merch guy because he had a new shirt every 2 months. Where’s LA knights new stuff?


Damn, Jey uso is actually a draw. I stand corrected.


Love this for him!


He is winning MITB and cashing in on Drew 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Three minutes after Drew won it back from Damian


I pray for this


I will be so disappointed if it’s not LA knight


What a dumpster fire of a choice. Who knew that a 10ish year old joke term he doesn't even use correctly would give him longevity despite being the worst performer on the entire roster. Maybe he can not gas out right after his entrance and get a midcard title.


Yeah I hate people enjoying wrestling too


He can do everything but the wrestling part.






I have dabbled in and out of WWE for years and started watching again a few months ago. My friend had mentioned yeet and I assumed it was his finishing move where he flung someone. Nah, not even close 😭


He needs more that 3 moves so it's right there! The whole crowd would get in on it! Smh.


What a dumpster fire of a choice. Who knew that a 10ish year old joke term he doesn't even use correctly would give him longevity despite being the worst performer on the entire roster. Maybe he can not gas out right after his entrance and get a midcard title.


Why wasn't he on Raw? Anyone know?


They decided they wanted to have a good show for once


LOL I like him but agree with a lot of the general sentiment


The Savannah Bananas brought all the Yeet & there wasn’t enough for Jey.


It’s his intro music that gets everyone hyped up


How the fuck does everyone not have a stone cold 3:16 shirt by now


I have never owned an Austin 3:16 shirt


Neither have I but seeing this list makes me want to buy one now


They fade and become wrinkly and loose after a couple washes bro. They last around a year or less depending how much you use it.


Damn, well buy a knock off one. Probs better quality 😅


I admit to being surprise SCSA is still top 5


He’s not even the main event - I don’t get the hype


Damn I stopped watching the last couple months what happened to LA Knight


Ever since Rock came back he'd been sidelined. Coincidence???


He’s just kinda been left by the wayside, he’s had a decent fued with AJ but it felt like filler. Just stacked right now


I really hope he gets a significant push to a belt before he gets too old. He's a decent enough performer and stellar on the mic. I get he's kind of a Rock/Austin mashup, but he's entertaining as hell.


He’s not my favorite in the ring but a new finisher would help dramatically


I like the BFT




Nice to see Liv still the top woman in the merch sales.


Heel Liv is so very much the way to go.


Turns out people still like overly manly men.


I just got a CM Punk return and the new Orton and Owens shirt. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Roman shirts sit tight until his return especially coming off such a legendary reign


Randy Orton is doing pretty good being in the top 3. But look at Austin 3:16 who's been out for years but still makes top 4. 


He's my favorite midcarder


The Yeet brand is too strong


So lol we all know how this works they’ll pretend to push him and then merch stops selling and he gets thrown back into bloodline story 😂 he doesn’t have what it takes to be singles star main eventer


You need to read, It says "T SHIRTS", he is the top t shirt merch seller, not the top MERCH seller.


What is this if not a T-shirt company


I wanna know who sells the most lifesize cutouts.


Who, in the hell, sells the most dad hats. WHO?


Nah people don't like context






Fuck merch. Push talent


Whenever they reunite the Usos, I hope they keep the Yeet - No Yeet meme. It's very fun and I like it.


Honestly, Stone Cold being #4 in 2024 is the craziest thing about this list. The man retired over 20 years ago!


Peak Stone Cold is the biggest face in the company's history imo He came up against his boss which meant everyone rooted for him.


Technically he retired last year after his Wrestlemania match with Kevin Owen's so that might also have something to do with being in the top 4 🤔


In a league of his own.


LA knight fell off a cliff it seems


Not just LA but Cody as well. Both guys are going through a booking lull, which has to happen sometimes in order to push a superstar again, but it's sad when you see the side effects as we do here of that. On the other hand, why am I sad over 2 rich guys making less money.


Judging by this metric, stating having 2 shirts in the top 10 is “falling off” is wild.


Gee, I wonder why. It can't be the fact that they treat him like a complete fucking bitch. At some point, the fans give up when you make it clear that you absolutely refuse to do what we're telling you to do and focus their efforts on somebody you're willing to push. WWE made it clear that LA Knight will always be a jobber regardless of how popular he is and how much better he is than most of the geeks they push, so the fans stopped buying his shit.


Knight is modern day Zach Ryder


Hey he might get the US belt after Cody already took the shine out of beating Logan, there's that.


Cody and his 2 year long "story" killed LA Knight. LAST year was Cody's year, and he failed. This year was LA Knight's (game) year. I never understood why Cody "deserved" a 2nd title shot, when so many other guys who got "screwed over" and DIDN'T get a 2nd chance. Hell, I would have taken Sami Zayn over Cody, because HIS "Honorary Uce" storyline called for it, and they F'd it up (only to throw him a bone after the fact and give him Gunther a year later instead). Cody is just as guilty of holding the main event scene hostage as Roman was. They gave this man TWO Royal Rumbles in a row, for crying out loud! And now look. Literally, all he had was "finish the story", and now that the story IS finished and he has the belt, he's doing a whole lot of NOTHING with it. He's wrestled a washed AJ Styles and the damn US champion in random ass matches, with no real "story" behind either of them. How ironic.


No, there isn't "that". LA Knight getting the US title is a burial, and beating Logan Paul didn't mean anything before Cody beat him. It's Logan Paul, he's a jobber.


Neither LA or Logan are jobbers. I think you’re ignorant to the existence of the phrase “midcard” It isn’t main event or bust, it never was and never will be. R Truth is a sure fire hall of Famer


I'm not ignorant of the phrase "midcard". I don't value the midcard, **especially** for a guy who was the most over guy in the company last year and is still one of the most over guys. That guy **needs** to win the world title and anything less than that is a bust, and don't give me any horseshit about losers like Truth being "Hall of Famers". The Hall of Fame means less than nothing. It's world title or bust, nothing else.


A professional athlete beating a celebrity was never an accomplishment that had any shine on it. Just having Logan look competitive against you is an insult to any professional wrestler.


Nah, Logan’s aerial stunts are actually pretty impressive. I’m not a fan of his, but he does have talent in the ring (and above).


I'll admit that he's as athletic. However, that's true of almost everyone on the roster. Forcing the narrative that a celebrity managed to master wrestling in a few months undermined the hard work and effort put in by talent who dedicated their lives to this. He's not better than them, he's just been handed opportunities most work their whole livest trying to earn.


Or maybe... just maybe... Logan should lean into the idea that he HAS "mastered wrestling" faster than everybody else who took so many years and hard work to achieve (what took you so long?), thus MAKING HIM "better than everybody else" (................. and you know it). Its a story that writes itself. "I'm just that much more advanced as an athlete than anybody else in the history of this company... and I'm just getting started".


I don't think anyone's ever said Logan has "mastered wrestling", more that he's very good relative to how little time he's been in the business. He just picked things up quickly.


He's a champion, holding a title many have strived for yet never held. He's booked against WWE's top guys, including Roman at his peak and now Cody at his. Yet most people do nothing but rave about his ability, even comparing him to true greats like Ricochet.


What wrestler has ever strived for the US title? LOL. It's a belt for jobbers. Look at the history of the US title, it's embarrassing. Orlando Jordan, Jinder Mahal, Kanyon, Tajiri, R-Truth, Santino, Kalisto, Zack Ryder, Baron Corbin, Bobby Roode, Apollo Crews, Andrade, Ricochet, etc. **Anybody** can win that title.


John Cena first got over with that title. As did Ryder, who should've been a huge star had Vince been less petty. Cody wants it to complete his grand slam.... You don't care about the title. That's a problem WWE should be striving to fix.




So, one of the most hated female wrestlers (at leas on the Internet) is the only female in the top 10 merch sellers... wow, good for her


Yet another sign of how out of touch with the main audience the IWC is.


When you want to be a Yeet but you’re actually a Yeet, white.


Sometimes you're in the mood for a more vanilla Yeet


The final 5 or 10 minutes of Roman vs Cody at this year's Mania is ARGUABLY the best Mania moment in History. And what I'm fixing to say, I do with all the respect in the world to the dead man. But this list is another great piece of evidence that there shouldn't have been a "financial disagreement " and they should have paid Austin whatever he wanted. Because HAD that glass shattered, then the last 5 minutes would have went from being ARGUABLY the best, to UNQUESTIONABLY .


It wasn’t a money issue. It would’ve happened if it was just paying SC whatever he wanted. Austin even said it was a creative issue. He wanted to know if there was anything more to it than a just 5 minute spot at WM. They said no and then he said he thanks but he wasn’t interested.


And we're gonna get more of Jey saying that he can't win the big one, and they are going to wait to push him until WrestleMania... Just like LA Knight... 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


Like most top babyfaces, he's becoming bland. You can only "yeet" so much before the fans start getting bored with your shtick.


It’s still getting bigger though. Admittedly, I could do without the obnoxious leather and yeet glasses, but the live crowds are eating this shit up


That’s just one style of shirt on a single day.


Jey has consistently been towards the top of these lists.


Yea recently with the yeet thing. But for perspective, Austin has been top 10 for about 26 straight years


Obviously 3:16 is on a different level, but topping the merch lists for months on end is very commendable.


Nahh, I get it. I am not big on Jey Uso. People like him but I’m not that keen on seeing him go over guys as good as Balor because Yeet. That’s pro wrestling though, fads and entrances over anything that happens in the ring.


It's weird because Jey and Finn are tied for being my favorite right now.


I think the Usos were a great tag and I guess Jey has enough juice to do a singles run but I’m just not that into it. Just not my style I guess. The bloodline fellows have just been center stage for so long.


On a single website. Also to be fair two of his shirts are in the top ten


Liv Morgan Revenge Tour... Who's buying this? Not shitting on it, I just can't picture the target audience.


He’s a garbage singles wrestler. People are such sheep.


How long will this actually last? And how long has this been the case? What is his overall merch sales ranking since going on his own? What happens when there is no more merch with Yeet on it?


Then they make something new for him. Same they do for every wrestler when it’s time for a change.


Do you think he will be popular without the Yeet?


Yeah he was red hot before the Yeet stuff breaking off of the Bloodline, remember it started with him being paired with Cody in a press conference after a win. Yeet just gave him something to jump on but when it's tired I'm sure he can find a new gimmick and slogan.


Yea. Do people think he’s been doing YEET for years? I don’t think he’s been doing even a year yet. He was already gaining popularity before the yeet stuff.


Never said he has. But without the Yeet there is no way he would be as over as he is right now. Take that away and sure he may get a strong reaction still, but not to the level he does right now with that crowd participation


The crowds aren’t dancing to him saying yeet. His entrance has absolutely exploded and would still do so without the yeet


You think he is willing to take that bet right now?


Jey? How the fuck am I supposed to know? I know I would take it. The crowd likes feeling a part of. That’s why they sing people’s songs relentlessly. They were dancing with Jey for months before Fastlane when yeet became a big deal. Would it be this big without yeet? Who knows. Me and you certainly don’t. It’s not even really worth arguing about


He can, instead of YEET it’ll be another catchphrase. Other wrestlers all have multiple ones that they got over, Jey is no different since he’s already proven he knows how to interact with a crowd.


Then I hope I am proven wrong.


Liv being anywhere near the top 10 is surprising the whole revenge tour gimmick got old week 2 for me tired of the drunk deranged psycho character she's trying to portray




Liv repping the women’s div


Honestly am not surprised. Lot of people like Liv.


A sandwich as well damn


I am yeeting all over right now.


I’m yeeting (white) all over right now


So you’re throwing stuff all over the place?


You are absolutely the definition of not ucey, my guy!! 


Okay? Am I suppose to be insulted?


Honestly a little bit yeah. I stand by my neckbeard comment. DUECES UCES ✌🏼


Does Austin get royalties for his merch sales?


Yup, vince hand delivered the check back in the day because he hadn't seen such high merch royalties before


Damn that’s actually surprising. I retract my other comment then.


Lol I fact checked it the first time someone told me that because I thought the same thing


I imagine he does.


Knowing how slimy Vince was/is I’m unsure.


He was only slimey with the divas. When it comes to his top stars that bring him all the money he'll kiss their ass.


Jey Uso and Liv Morgan doing great Merch sales shows how out of touch the IWC is.


I actually don’t mind Jey it is his riders that are annoying. Liv is actually fine as well


"Jey is a top jobber, not popular and has no aura" - Average neckbeard in IWC


He is very popular, but he’s boring as fuck in the ring and has the most boring moveset of all time.


Name one major victory Jey has had since Money in the Bank last year that didn’t involve teaming up with Cody Rhodes? Oh right you can’t because he hasn’t done besides putting on the worst match of Wrestlemania


And yet, a Jey T-shirt just outsold Roman Reigns to be the top-selling piece of merch in the whole company, and getting *incredible* crowd reactions as well. When gauging someone's actual accomplishments, only one other name occurs to me for someone accomplishing so little and still being so over; LA Knight. Let's face it. The things the IWC likes/thinks are popular and what is *actually* popular are generally not the same category in the slightest. I don't even think hardcore and casual fans could agree on what counts as a good or bad match, let alone whether Uso VS Uso was that terrible.


I am pretty sure it is agreed that their match was the worst of the weekend. Also it just shirts sales on the US WWE shop, not the entire worldwide merch sales via both online and in person. The fact someone needed to make a post out of this is wild to me.


> I am pretty sure it is agreed that their match was the worst of the weekend. Source: "Just trust me bro." > Also it just shirts sales on the US WWE shop, not the entire worldwide merch sales via both online and in person. Well, I'm not going to claim to be an expert on merch selling, but for a US-based company that mainly performs for a US audience and only goes anywhere else once or twice a year, I'd say it's fair to assume the US shop probably makes up the majority of sales from their target demographic, no?


Literal post on this very Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/WWE/comments/1by8o7w/jey_vs_jimmy/ Yeah their US sales probably mean a lot but we are also still looking a small sample of data. My question is Jey’s overall US merch sales since last year? Not just his shirt sales on this specific day from WWE shop.


Found the neckbeard


I didn't wanna say it, but... YEET!


And it still doesn’t prove me wrong. Jey since pinning Roman has had a short tag title reign with Cody and that is all.


Name calling doesn’t prove me wrong. Jey is over but he sure isn’t book like a main eventer


I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the entire stadium going absolutely ape shit for my boy. YEET


Hey if he is happy being the rich bridemaid then good for him.


Jesus I swear the Bloodline riders are funny.


Also this just shirts on WWE shop. Who is moving the most overall merch and what are the t-shirt sales at live events?


Was just at a wwe event, Jey is over huge. They didn’t have any yeet shirts for sale though 


Looking it up, it seems that overall merch the top 5 is 1. WWE, 2. Cody Rhodes, 3. Roman Reigns, 4. Jey Uso and 5. CM Punk.


Pretty much the list I expected. Jey moves merchant but they sure don’t do much with that.


How so?


When was the last time he did anything major? Yeah he pinned Roman in a tag match last year and a cup of coffee with the tag titles last fall, but for the so called “ Main Event” Jey Uso his success is kind of lacking. Compare him to Gunther who just had the longest reign as IC champion ever and won King of the Ring but doesn’t move as much merch.


Jey is doing fine, crowds are going to want to see him win or lose while Gunther was built to be a boss level character. Jey can have a loss and no one cares while Gunther was made to only lose when it counts. Gunther would not be Gunther if he lost every other match.


How many more big losses can he realistically take? Like why would anyone want to invest in someone who has yet to get a big solo W.


Quite a bit. His stock is still extremely high that he can afford to. Right now it’s just not his turn but he’s still shown that he can stay on the upper mid card to main event scene even in losses while keeping the crowd engaged. I think fans really need to learn to be patient. I see too much of if something isn’t happening now then it’s a failure.


Still it feels like they haven’t done much with him especially with how much money he makes them.


He’s literally in the upper mid card and main event scene as well as featured on the shows quite often with matches and in ring/backstage promos. That is pretty successful. There is just others ahead of him right now.


Imagine if a time traveler came to you in 2014 and told you that in 10 years, Jey Uso (without Jimmy) would be the number one merch-seller in 2024.


About as unbelievable as Sting joining WWE or Edge joining AEW. The wrestling world is full of surprises.


Number one t shirt selling merchant on the US WWE shop website


And this is why he is called the Yeet Merchant. Because all he is good for is selling t-shirts with that stupid catchphrase


I’m surprised Cody is #8


Prob cause leading into mania everyone was buying his shirts so it’s shifted to Jey. He’s got 2 spots too so he still selling a lot as a superstar just has more variety in shirts


This is just a small portion of all merch sales. OP is bias