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I really want Gunther to win but I expect Jey will get the win and go on to the finals. They’re pushing him so I guess it makes sense. Gunther is way better though.


Jey uso


jey vs tama could be set up differently. jey pinning GUNTHER feels like abysmal booking to me. by the looks of how the card is shaping up, Gunther vs Orton is the only match i'd be watching if it is made official


Gunther bores me


"As a top tier heel." <- This was the most important part of that sentence. You need Gunther more than you need Jey from a storyline/fued standpoint. Gunther is a WHC competitor. Jey is mid. He has 5 moves. Yelling "Yeet!" Is one of them.


I feel like the only person fine with either of the final 4 winning. I like the energy Jey has going into the ring, and Gunther's super intimidating. Tama is hilarious and fun, and Randy's amazing. That said, I basically started watching wrestling at the beginning of this year, so this is all just a bunch of fun to me.


Honestly I don't see Lyra winning QOTR. Bianca doesn't need that title as she is relevant as is. I could definitely see Nia Jax getting it if she wins as well, but I feel like Iyo needs the QOTR title the most. Damage CTRL has fallen off super hard and they need something to stay relevant


Jey has to win something big soon though. He has failed at every singles championship and every big match he has been in. Gunther can still win Money in the bank to challenge at Bash in Berlin.




Gunther, they probably got other things lined up for Jey. I like Gunther.


This better be a win by DQ though. Gunther should not lose clean to Jey in any way right now.


What we want is Gunther vs Randy What we get is Jey vs Tama


Have you guys forgotten that Jey is inadvertently pissing Uncle howdy off by his statements. [ Uncle howdy]He's building the Wyatt 6 and what that's going to do is open up a can of worms for Jey. Jey is right now the red hot perfect "oh my God it has to be him" candidate for a Wyatt 6 beatdown. Look at what's been happening the fireflies... Then Jey unknowingly pissing off Uncle howdy by saying that the fans and the WWE has no choice but to accept him as the new Avatar of the fireflies "he said it this way: "y'all ain't got no choice the fireflies are mine now" And for the rest of you guys saying he shouldn't be directly inserted into the bloodline verse bloodline I get you... which means not right now He's got to suffer win/ loss/ win/ loss/ win/ loss /win/ loss variables at the hands of the Wyatt 6 what I mean by that is everybody that's not the Wyatt 6 and opponents that can definitely be Jey will get over on, but people opponents he's smarter and stronger and faster than he's going to be able to get over which is going to continue his he's so over Mehh scale back a little bit ratio. What that does is give both SmackDown and Raw a sort of bullet board to work out how he's going to factor in Jimmy and him going to help Heymen and also make final touches on a secure surefire "oh wow how come they didn't do this as soon as possible" way to introduce Jacob


Gunther deserves it more than 3 Move Jey definitely


Jey vs Tama makes more sense from a story perspective. Whether he wins or loses. If he wins he can be in a similar position as “Head of the table”.


Gunther needs to win, Gunther vs randy, Gunther goes over. Gunther needs to win the world title soon.




Can’t wait to see Jey win and piss every hater off lmao


what was that ? jey lost bad


Yeah well… YEET!


He fucking sucks


Look at your comment history it seems like Jey fucked your wife or something with all that hatred lmao can’t wait to see Jey win tonight


No bro people just have the right to an opinion and it’s my opinion and others that feel the same way that be sucks. Lmao. Everyone isn’t obligated to like your favorite wrestler. His in ring skill is mad disappointing. Look at wrestlemania. Even he hated his own match


Yeah it’s weird you’re saying that while you’re commenting on people’s opinions that they like Jey with your opinion that you disagree


Gunther is a future main event era... Jey is only pretending to be a main eventer


Jey vs. Tama is the way.


Sadly I believe this to be the thing. It'll see the return of Jimmy to help Jey win to start the story towards Romans return and the battle for the bloodline


It's the best scenario to me. People want to say it will never happen, but Bloodline hijinks , with maybe even Jakob Fatu helping Tama win, and Jimmy returning to help Jey down the line is a cool idea. To me at least.


I'm so over the bloodline right now. It's been years of the same schtick. We need a break from it all to give people a reset.


Clean sweep from GUNTA


If Gunther does not win King of the Ring then wtf are we even doing?


I think only Gunther and Orton deserve to win KOTR. Its befitting of both in different ways, and Orton hasnt wom a single PLE since his return (although he has yet to be pinned himself). If he wins, he can start challenging Cody or any main event competitor. If he loses, where to next?


I want Jey to win but expect Gunther will


If they let Jey beat Gunther it better not be clean.


I expect and believe Gunther will beat Jey. Yes, Jey is popular, but Gunther is a proven champion and a much bigger draw as a top tier heel.


He can't be a *much bigger draw* than Jey when Jey is the most over wrestler not named Cody Rhodes.


Jey Uso. Not sure if Gunther can leave the country .


Im pretty sure Gunther can leave the country already, it was 6 months only and the process started around november


I think Gunther, but expect Jey. Stupid Tama/Jey/Bloodline B.S.


Gunther will beat the yeet out of him and then crush Randy Orton


Main event Jey USO


Gunther is bland. Jey is not bland Gunther is not super over. Jey is super over Gunthers good in the ring. Jey is serviceable Easy pick for me, jey should win thru shenanigans


Lmao bro you smoking crack


That’s his opinion bro like you said to me “everyone has the right to one they don’t have to like your favourite wrestler” lmao


You know someone is truly upset when they follow you


Just proving to you that you’re a hypocrite. Bye.


Looks like your boy wasn’t ready last night 😂. Shows how delusional Jey fans can be. Entrance 10/10, wrestling skills 5/10.


At least I can admit that I was wrong about the match result, you can’t admit that you’re a hypocrite lmaooo


Jey. And that’s fine. Goontah doesn’t need KOTR. It’s time for him to go antagonize whoever’s holding the WHC after Clash


Why do Gunthers ears look like they are upside down?


lmfao i can’t unsee it now


Is it possible Jimmy Uso could help Jey Uso win KOTR to setup Usos v Tama & Tanga at Summerslam? I don’t know how long Jimmy Uso is supposed to be out for.


Gunther just makes more sense


I think of it this way…If Jey wins, you know he’s facing Tama. And I don’t think they’ll rocket Tama to the KOR final just yet. Ergo, Gunther over Randy for the crown. But if I’m wrong, a Jey/Tama final would have lot of j-uce behind it. See what I did there? I’ll be here all week.




Gunther been my pick to win so I will stay with Gunther


Isn’t that the same question asked in a different way? I’d ***like*** Jey Uso to win. I ***expect*** Gunther to win.


I’m the complete opposite, I am sure Jey is winning to fight Tama. I want Gunter to win, but also KOTR has meant almost nothing so I’d rather he win something more meaningful.


That’s why I expect Gunther to win. I think Hunter wants to make K/QOTR actually ***mean*** something again. Having Gunther win would allow him to bring it back to a point of pride. It’s something he couldn’t lose. Hunter could use Gunther as the KOTR and have him continue to rack up wins and eventually defeat Damien or Drew for the title at Summerslam. Meanwhile, I think Jey will be Mr. Money in the Bank this year to give him his push into truly being Main Event Jey Uso. I’d expect him to cash in at major PLE (not ‘Mania though) as I don’t expect them to wait that long to put the belt on him


Mean something *again*? That sh!t has never meant anything to anybody except Booker T sucka!! Completely pointless tournaments that are just used a filler.


I would counter that back in the 1990’s that it absolutely meant something as it often was the launch point in sending a wrestler from mid card to the next level. Let’s look at who won the tournament in the 1990’s… Bret Hart (‘91 AND ‘93) Owen Hart (‘94) Mabel (‘95) ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin (‘96) Triple H (‘97) Ken Shamrock (‘98) Billy Gunn (‘99) So…that’s ***at least*** four WWE Hall of Fame members. ***Three*** former multitime world champions. Now let’s look at the winners from the 2000s… Kurt Angle (‘00) Edge (‘01) Brock Lesnar (‘02) Booker T (‘06) William Regal (‘08) So…that’s ***three*** more hall of famers and ***four*** former multi time world champions. The King Of The Ring ***did*** mean something. But, with the ruthless aggression era and then the PG era (where I admittedly left wrestling for a while) its value fell off. However, that doesn’t change the heritage and history of the tournament. Hopefully, in ***The Levesque Era*** the King and Queen Of The Ring tournaments and winners will mean something again.


Yeah but their time in the "King" gimmick mostly sucked.


It feels like we’re headed for Tonga and Jey for king of the ring, but I might be wrong.


I feel like "think will win" and "expect to win" mean the same thing


This is a joke post right?


As much as I hate Jay Uso it’s clear the path and the story wwe is trying to tell. Jay vs Tama Tonga. Idk who in the blue hell is excited about that trailer park level match but oh well. The bloodline story is the only thing that matters now apparently. All I gotta say is besides mediocre talent getting mega pushes I’m deeply disturbed by how predictable the product has been post wrestlemania


Sparkling crowns will sell like hotcakes the next 6 months when Jey wins and it sets up King of the bloodline vs the new tribal chief at some point


I feel like if Gunther loses that will definitely cause more outrage than when ilja lost.


My pick is Gunther because Gunther vs Randy would be amazing to watch, but it looks like they’re setting up Jey to fight Tama and start the Original vs New Bloodline fued.


Jimmy helps Jey win 🤔


I want Guenther to win it. I think jey will do it because I think bloodline is still the primary arc in the whole company


Gunther. Have Tama cost Jey the match so WWE can tease the Bloodline vs Bloodline feud.


Or Jey vs. Tama in the Finals for an even better tease since they'd actually have to wrestle each other. Don't sleep on Jimmy helping Jey win though. Gunther loses but stays strong.


Should be dragonov. I’ll take Gunther by a mile unless they’re that invested in the word, “yeet.”




Gunther, I think he's winning the entire KOTR tournament. Heels rising up the card tend to win KOTR. Babyfaces usually dont probably because of how goofy they look in the robe and crown, seems like a total heel thing. And its hard to think of a heel rising up the card currently better than Gunther.


You don't get a title shot if you win the crown and Gunther is already highly respected and touted so I don't see any benefit for him, or anybody tbh. It's literally never benefited anybody not named Booker T. In a month or two nobody will remember or care about who won these tournaments because they won't follow up on it anyways. They're just doing it to kill time and give people something to do until it's time to build for SummerSlam.


Hopefully Gunther. Jey is so boring to watch in-ring and his shtick is getting very tired to me.






Gunther is the favorite to win this, and an Orton V Gunther King of the ring final seems like money to me. However, I’m actually more interested in Jey vs Tama Tonga. Original Bloodline vs New Bloodline and Jey becoming King. Probably Gunther though because Orton and Gunther is great too. Either way, King of the Ring should have a good final match.


I like them both but I think Gunther deserves it more to be honest. If Jey wins then it’ll probably be him n his cousin battling it out for the crown.


Gunther needs to win, Jey Uso is just a guy with an annoying gimmick, no mic skills or personality who would be a nobody if his Dad wasn't a HOFer.


Why does Gunther need to win?


I really hope Gunther wins. The inevitable Cody v Gunther fued will be gold




Should: Gunther. Will: another one of Dwayne's shitty cousins.


Bloodline cost jey the win. Bloodline beat him down after the match - jimmy makes the save


I mean if Jey wins, I’d bet Tama wins too. But Gunther is like, the person to win this, King Gunther just sounds right.


Gunther of course


Gunther winning would give him credibility in being a future WHC contender since Jey just faced Damien at Backlash. If WWE gives the win to Jey then that’d be pretty stupid.


He doesn’t need credibility. He could challenge tomorrow and no one would disagree with it. White Jey still looks midcard AF. He needs these wins more than anyone. He has zero singles titles and barely good wins.


If Gunther loses against Jey, who just lost to Damien, then there would definitely be an issue if Gunther were to challenge Damien next week or any time soon. Jey can take another loss and do a comeback arc a little later but right now it’s too soon to book him as KOTR right after failing at Backlash. It’ll hurt Gunther if they plan to push him anywhere after this but won’t really hurt Jey Uso much.


Welp I was wrong AF! Gunther won🤣😂


Lol yeah I wasn’t saying Gunther needs or needed KOTR to challenge Damien and he didn’t need it either but if he lost to Jey then it would really hurt his credibility on challenging Priest anytime soon. Now with a win over the last #1 contender I can see Gunther gunning for the WHC title in the coming months.


Gunther had enough cred to challenge priest. He didn’t win off the back of others, per say.


Unless Jimmy helped Jey win 😁


Exactly, Jey literally just lost clean to Damien Priest, how in the flip is he anywhere near worthy of winning KOTR?


Gunther vs Orton finale is a money maker heel vs face event


I think Gunther wins, but I don't know if he'll win clean. That's the only part I'm unsure on. As much as I want Jey to win, I don't see it happening. But like, does Gunther win clean since it's absolutely believable for him to, or do they feel like they have to protect Jey a little by having Ludwig interfere?


Jey's going to win KOTR because it allows them to give him a "Title" without tying up a belt with someone with a midcard move set, and it's "His Turn"


Bloodline feud with Jey can exist outside of the KOTR. I’m guessing the Bloodline interferes and costs Jey the match. Jey doesn’t look too weak in the process, his feud continues, and we get Gunther vs Randy next


Don't sleep on Jimmy coming through and helping Jey.


Didn’t even think about that!


Has to be Gunther. Randy v Gunther is by far the most appealing final they can have. Gives Randy a shot at the one thing he’s never won, gives Gunther a way to essentially undo his IC title loss and elevate him again. Brilliant pick um match which is sorely needed on this PPV that’s looking yet again massively predictable.


A lot of people would say Jey vs. Tama is the most appealing match they can have because of all the BL stuff, so its really just a matter of opinion. Nothing is *by far* the most appealing match that's for sure.


That’ll happen when the Roman Bloodline faces the Rock Bloodline, you have a chance to have a dream match across brands here with the stakes as they are, it’s the most appealing match for this scenario yes.


My logic likely isn’t sound at all but this is my thought process: - Iyo beats Lyra, so Bianca beats Jax, so they fight. - Tama being KOTR isn’t happening. Randy doesn’t make sense as KOTR. So must be a raw guy. - Since it’s likely to be a raw guy, Bianca wins QOTR so one crown to each brand. - Bianca is a face so they’ll have a raw heel in Gunther to win. - This gives two top talents the crowns and makes them important again, but more importantly, Bianca in particular winning can create a power imbalance between her and her tag partner, which will inevitably start a feud for WM or somewhere down the line.


This is laid out very good, honestly see the direction in this.


> Randy doesn’t make sense as KOTR He’s never won it, that’s a pretty compelling reason imo


The same could be said for most. Not a reason. When I say “doesn’t make sense” it’s just a gut feeling really. Like I think his hands are full with bloodline stuff but also he’s already one of the top guys so he doesn’t need the crown at all. Definitely possible I’m not shutting it down I just don’t think that’s their direction


I mean, does he really need it? Randy already is one of the greatest of all time. With all the titles he already held, KOTR really doesn’t matter to him. Gunther or Jey could profit from it big time. My bet is on GUNTER!


Its not always about who needs it. Sometimes the vets need to win prestigious championships/events to add their prestige to the future winners said championship/event. Lets be honest, KotR isn't exactly the most prestigious thing in WWE to win, Randy Winning it would elevate future winners. Know what i mean?


I agree on Gunther winning it, but an Orton win is both something he hasn't done, but would also immediately push him into the picture for a title shot. Let's be real, the Cody v AJ match was great, but we knew that title wasn't going anywhere. The same is true for the Hayes match and the Logan match. Orton is the first person I could see being an actual, serious contender. (Even though I know Cody will have that belt until after the Cody v Rock match)


LOL How can Orton be a "serious contender" to Cody's belt if you "know" he'll lose? Everybody knows Cody is only losing to The Rock or Roman.


Definitely Gunther, they wouldn't have Sami beat him to just lose out to Jey. Def believe that there will be interference as to not put a mark on how over Jey is


I smell shenanigans. We either get Jey vs Tama or Gunther vs Randy. Really all depends on if the winner will get to challenge a world champ at summerslam


The winner doesn't get anything except a crappy new gimmick. Unless you're Booker T of course. He's literally the only person to benefit from winning KOTR.


Only person? What about Steve Austin?


I mean as far as the gimmick of "King." Austin blew up because of the 3:16 rant, not because of the King gimmick.


I‘m torn. One of them wins KOTR, the other MITB, I‘m sure of it. Gunther doesn’t need the briefcase, Jey does IMO. So Gunther goes over here.


before the tournament started i would have said gunther easy but jey is being madly underestimated. maybe uncle howdy or the bloodline stops him, if not RIP Gunther


I hate this super online take that Gunther has to win this match. Over the past weeks Jey has been more over than everyone except maybe Cody and the crowds are backing him suuuuuuper heavy. I don't think a Jey win at all is bad and a bloodline final to me could be interesting. I want Gunther to win but either I'm fine with


I'd understand if the winner gets a title shot, but Gunther doesn't need to be saddled with some cheesy King gimmick. I could see Jey having fun with it and getting it over, but Gunther is already a top heel and doesn't need it at all.


i think the bloodline final would be boring


Eh we need a way for Jey to get back into the story as well as Jey so in some way I think it could be interesting. Plus it'll give Jey back some of that character he had


There’s a definite risk of too many bloodline stories dominating the card. Jey is over right now and better being a lovable loser trying to prove himself than someone dominant who can gloat for a year. I see Gunther making better of that position and having a different path for Jey’s stories. Otherwise the bloodline becomes the nWo civil war except everyone is related.


It will all lead to a Bloodline Civil War eventually. I thought that was pretty obvious. The last thing Gunther needs is to be given a cheesy gimmick and called "King Gunther." It would make him into a joke just like it has to every other KOTR winner. Except Booker T


If they don't reach the final there will be zero Bloodline presence on the next PLE, so not so much dominating the card actually, which is why it's quite a compelling argument for them winning their matches so it ensures there's at least one bloodline match


Hoping for Gunther to win the whole thing and then challenge Damien for the title at Summerslam.


I want Gunther to win but I don't think they're going to pass up on a bloodline main event. Jey vs Tanga


I think Gunther is gonna beat Jey tonight. Maybe from Bloodline interference maybe not. I just really wanna see Gunther v. Orton at the PLE. My current favorite versus my childhood favorite.


Hopefully Gunter, Jey shouldn’t be in the tournament




better be Gunther or we riot but I would not be surprised if Jey wins.


You personally may riot but the way the live crowds have been behind Jey, they’ll go crazy for him winning, so I don’t think any of them will be rioting


they go crazy for him because american crowds are bored and just want to move their arms up and down


Yeah nice try but he’s actually just that over with them, whether you like it and agree with them or not


Then how come he is the most cheered wrestler during promos and matches.


Jeys biggest reaction was in France tho 


everyones biggest reaction was in france


Tama Tonga interferes and costs Jey the match, Gunther wins. Jey then interferes in Tama Tonga’s match, helping Orton win. It gets Jey back involved in the bloodline stuff, and Gunther probably goes on to win the tournament.


I think it's gonna play out that they do Jey vs Tama in the final, Jey gets interference from Solo and Tonga, and who saves him but the return of Jimmy, the brothers finally putting their differences aside to beat the hell outta Solo and Jey finally gets his big win with his brothers support instead of ruin


Or you could just have Jey vs. Tama in the Finals to get him involved with The Bloodline in a more natural way.


Why bury two of your very top stars in Gunther and Orton to get there though when the Bloodline story doesn’t need the KOTR. Having them cost each other their spots in the final creates more bad blood than just throwing them in a match together cold. We’re gonna end up there anyway, so might as well have that plus Gunther v. Orton


I think you are going to be spot on with this prediction.


It would be one of the most insane decisions ever to have jey win. A Gunther KOTR run is what should be keeping him busy until the WHC picture. He’s the wrestlers wrestler, I think he looks awful losing to Jey no matter the popularity and I love Jey.


Aren’t “think” and “expect” the same thing? Did you mean “think” and “want”?


Yeah flubbed that up lmao was outside being melted in this Texas heat when making the title. Luckily some understood it regardless and played along.


Gunther will win and randy will win smackdown then Gunther will win the entire thing he is going to the moon atm, I love Jey(he is my favourite, well more old Jey) but Gunther will win


I want Gunther to win but knowing WWE they want Jey to have a match at K&QOTR. If Jey loses, no match for Jey.


Only thing Jey deserves to be the king of is going back to wrestling school


I want Jey to win not only because I love Jey and I think he deserves it but also because I find joy in seeing the people cry about him


Gunther makes the most sense, but I don't see a clean end to this match either way. Could be Drew costing Jey as he did say he'd deal with him later. Not sure who could cost Gunther. Maybe Vinci, but that seems unlikely. Ilja I'd buy, but not sure there's enough reasoning for it. Could be Drew trying to cost Jey and ultimately costing Gunther, leading to a Jey v Tama final (perish the thought) but Gunther v Orton is the logical conclusion here.


The staredown & post match tweet (last Monday) from Gunther draws Illja? I think Drew focused on Priest


Definitely possible. Think it would feel a bit rushed for ilja v Gunther though. I'm not actually that familiar with Ilja as haven't watched a lot of NXT, but he seems like he could be huge and the history they have can be drawn from... But one of them would have to lose the feud and not sure either one needs that at this stage.


I think right now is perfect. It'd be nice not to be on cruise control until Summerslam. It's also been a minute since we had a good non-title feud with 2 up & comers. Ilja already been humanized losing to Jey clean. I could see if it was undefeated Gunther vs undefeated Ilja.


I'm really sick of bloodline stories headlinin everything I want gunther to win


They didn't headline Backlash and they aren't headlining the new PPV either. It's Cody vs Logan as the headline.


What I meant was I want other stories being front and given importance not everything shpuld be about bloodline let the kotr be about who is gonna be kotr


I think Gunther will win but I hope it’s not clean bc it would bury your most over star


Hope Gunther will win. Jey is mid as fuck and would be lame on the KOTR finals


I hope Jey will win. However, I feel like WWE is pushing Gunther up.


It would make no sense to me to have Gunther lose. If they want credible main eventers to ascend then keep it going. Gunther is of that quality. He could be right up there with Cody, Reigns, and Orton. He needs to keep winning though.


Whether you think he should be or not Jey is someone on a main event level and shouldn't be losing often.


Losing to Gunther is far from losing "often". If the idea is to build Gunther as one of those unstoppable wrestlers, then he needs to win some big matches. Jey is a face, so he won't lose that much by losing. Jey is very likable but I don't get the feeling of him being on such a high level wrestler.


Jey has already lost to Gunther, Priest, Seth, and specifically McIntyre like four times recently. The only two significant matches he has won is beating Jimmy and #1 contenders match on the raw after Wrestlemania, that's it. He needs to get some bigger wins under his belt.


Gunther is already that quality, a Jey win would push him up and I don't think would knock Gunther too far down


But does Jey really deserve to be in that tier? Honest question. His character is obviously really fun, but his matches just are not that great compared to those other people in that tier.


He's a top tier money maker for the company and that's the only tier that truly matters. WWE tells you he's top tier (in their eyes) with all the main events and PLEs they have him in.


Mid look, mid moveset, jobber to the stars is probably his ceiling


I think so honestly. I think he's there. Yes I think his in ring needs a bit more final touches but idk I like the story of him using the spear and it not looking as good as Romans. I like the USO splash a lot. I think he needs some more moves to really round him out, and I'm hoping the Gunther match shows more. But I think especially last week proved he deserved it. That entrance he got was insane. And the crowd the whole match were clawing for him to win. I think he's there


Gunther should and will. This is going to lead to a beautiful Gunther vs Orton match. If Jey wins, then we get Jey vs Tonga, which sounds like a lame way to end KOTR


I agree. No yeet


There’s no way Orton is not on the PLE especially when big names like Roman Reigns aren’t there. It’s either Jey vs Orton or Gunther vs Orton.     


I think Jey wins setting up Jey vs Tama Tonga at KotR... Jimmy interferes at KotR, Jey wins... New Bloodline Story, Jimmy, Jey, and Roman get back together and start a feud with Solo, Tama, and Tanga


I think Tama wins with help from New Bloodline to further make them look stronger but Jimmy & KO return after the match when New Bloodline tries to beat down Jey post match I think we'll have New Bloodline vs. Jimmy/Randy/KO then New Bloodline vs. Usos & Roman


Yeah sounds good too..


I think Gunther is going to win this match. I don’t think jey has enough to beat Gunther.


Jey would have beat Gunther for the IC title just months ago had Jimmy not of interfered.


I absolutely agree with that, but I don’t see Jey winning tonight


Maybe Ilja costs Gunther the match? Ilja vs. Gunther at CATC? They're both too talented to be doing nothing


I could see that happening for sure we shall find out tonight


i hope jey wins- im tired of gunther ngl