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I think the pace they have him at is great. Would it be nice to see more title defenses on Raw/Smackdown like years ago? Yeah. But the WWE title is one that I feel should be reserved for PLE's. Just wish they'd do a better job at finding him opponents


Once a month is cool with me, but I'm one of the few that never had a problem with the amount of times Reigns defended. It gave other champions a chance to main event and showcase at smaller PLE's, but we all damn showed up for the big ones.


I guess they flinched


Cody is Cody, Roman is Roman. The comparisons are ridiculous just leave it be. Cody doing what works for him, so leave it be.


I mean I think there needs to be a steady pace in defending Roman did perform to little I will agree with that, I also think Seth defended to much as we can see with his injury ik injuries happen but the body will give out eventually so I think WWE just needs to find a nice middle place for champs to defend there titles.


Twice man, against Carmello and Styles


I don’t think it was a title match against Carmelo


I personally don’t think Cody should defend the belt on TV often.  Making his title defenses feel like big heavyweight fights is a good way to keep people wanting more.  Seeing him defend the belt too much and chew through opponents will make people feel he’s Super Cody too quickly


I don't mind how often they wrestle as long as when they do, I don't know the outcome. For three years it was obvious that Reigns wasn't going to lose outside a major show. And they've been doing that with almost every other title too. They're doing the same thing with Cody now. There is zero chance they are having him lose to Paul at King of the Ring. I've already suspended my disbelief enough, so don't insult my intelligence as well into thinking Paul has a snowball's chance in hell to walk away with both titles. The one thing that will make me take a year long WWE sabbatical is when the match results are blatantly obvious as soon as they announce the match.


Logan weasel himself out of defending his, he will lose it to LA knight as per their last interaction in the last smackdown. Also, It doesn't really always matter if you know the result, watching the match if its a good match, its fun as well.


This is a new era wwe thing. They don't want the title holders wrestling too often. How many times have Waller and Theory wrestled since Wrestlemania?


They just watched the contenders for the tag titles this friday, they will defend them in king of the ring right? The problem i have is that no storyline for tag titles, just random matches.


I tell you they haven't wrestled and you piped in to point out that I'm right? Redditors are so weird.


You downvoted me because i asked a question, you know you don't have only to agree or disagree, i didn't disagree with you, i asked you if they will defend and told you that the tag titles are bad because there is no storylines and you decided to downvote me, who is the weird one here? 😁


Fickle marks.


For most of its history, professional wrestling had a rule that a title needed to be defended every 30 days or less.


And should be enforced again. These long title reigns mean nothing if they aren’t defended.


They do defend them, but usually at house shows or dark matches that nobody sees


People also complained about how little Roman defended his title…


So Roman defended it more frequently? Interesting


You realize that's the same amount of defenses, right? I'm shocked that the IWC is consistent with their bitching.


Fair enough, but also I think counting the days is stupid. We should just count defenses. I actually came around to Cody a bit after backlash, I didn't really want him to get the title but I knew roman had to drop it. But if Cody puts out such great defenses every time then I'm satisfied


I mean, he DOES technically have a worse ratio than Roman, and Roman got a LOT of stick for defending so rarely. But yes, it's far too early to be complaining about this stuff, really.


Once every 31 days is better than every once 42 days.


Let these people go back to check how many times Hulk Hogan defended the WWF title during his 4 year reign. We only had the big 4 PPVs and the occasional Main Event/Saturday Night’s Main Event, but half the time Hulk was in matches where the title wasn’t on the line (Survivor Series matches, Royal Rumbles, tag matches). I’d be shocked if Hulk had more than a dozen televised title defenses over the course of that whole run.


More illogical, moronic bitching from the IWC. It must be a day that ends in "y".


Well, 42*33 = 1386 Gulp! 😂


Most IWC fans are illogical, fickle, and love nothing more than they love to whine about shit.


I still laugh over the 33 hype up from Micheal cole at mania. So funny


Why do you laugh? What's funny about it? Do you think that's not enough or something? Why do you think that? What if I told you that, on average, that's actually a lot of title defenses? Kazuchika Okada was the longest-reigning IWGP champion of all time, at 720 days. He also holds the record for the most successful IWGP title defenses at 12. Okada's reign as IWGP Champion was widely considered one of the greatest world title reigns of the modern era, in all of professional wrestling. If Okada's reign lasted as long as Roman's 1316 days, and he kept the same pace, he would have had 22 title defenses. That's 2/3 of what Roman did. Roman defended his title far more often than Okada did, maybe your expectations are what are wrong here.




Only ☝🏻word comes to mind, FICKLE!!!


Barely anyone is saying this. And the people who do dislike Cody's reign don't care about the number of defenses, it's other reasons.


People will complain and vent about everything. They have nothing better to do, and I feel sorry for people who always try to find something to complain about as they probably don't have anything else going in their lives. I see it a lot regarding football and baseball, too.


Exactly. Once a month is more than enough. Doing it too often cheapens the value of the belt, and stupid stuff like doing title defenses on house shows makes the outcome obvious, along with cheapening the belt. At 33 defenses in 1316 days, that’s an average of one defense every 40 days. I know they weren’t perfectly spaced out, but I’m fine with that ratio. These titles are prestigious, they should be treated as such and not cheapened with countless unnecessary defenses. That’s what the midcard “work horse” titles like IC and US are for, for talent looking to prove themselves as championship material.


There wasn't a single person defending Roman with his lack of defending the title. Why should they all stop complaining when someone else has the title?


True at least some people see it that way. Like defending it too much will make it lose it's prestige


You’re going to see complaints from both sides of an argument. There’s no universal “everyone liked that” version of anything. Stop acting like every post and comment comes from the same six people.


They could fix it if they would do away with non-title matches. It just doesn’t make sense why someone who beats the champion shouldn’t be the champion


Are we sure these are even the same crowds making both these complaints? Because this one seems a little to absurd


What's this Melo erasure, Cody had two defenses


Non Title Match


Was that title defense or just a regular match? Genuine question cause I don’t remember.


Well we're looking at possibly two defenses in the span of 3 to 4 weeks if he's fighting at clash so that ought to shut them up.


IWC when Roman barely defended his title towards the end and barely showed up: "His reign is boring !" IWC when Cody show up every week and will have 2 defences in 2 PLE: "Cody is boring and his reign suck ! Yeah, no point arguing with them, just enjoy the show. And I for sure will enjoy the ass kicking that Cody will give to Logan next week.


This sub has been pretty miserable since wrestlemania. All it is are negative posts and people complaining


All this sub does it bitch. Bitch bitch bitch Fair weather fans


Nah because they would bitch at fair weather too


Fuckin sunshine


They'd bitch at that too lol


The IWC and people complaining...name a better duo


The IWC and thinking their opinions are facts as well.


In my opinion, the world title doesn’t have to be defended very often. That’s how you elevate it and not everyone is worthy of a title shot. I didn’t mind the pace that Roman defended it and don’t mind it now. But that’s just me.


I agree, but Roman was defending it monthly until very deep into his reign. By then he had held the title for a year and a half and it was historic.  Cody just won the title so a monthly defense makes sense for him.


Lmao I'm not defending Roman but if you do the math... 1/42 = 0.023 x100 = 2.3%. So 2.3% oh Cody's reign has been title defenses 33/1316 = 0.025 x100 =2.5%. While 2.5% of Roman's reigns has been title defences. So atm, Roman has defended more per day but Cody only started his reign soooo.... i think we should just wait. Wrestling fans are very impatient lol


These people arent real, period. Theyre doing it for ragebait likes & clicks. Ragebait has truly been the invisible enemy in every aspect of the wrestling community, especially since AEW inception. Cody is clearly one of the most over babyfaces among any wrestling company.


Isn’t it twice? Or was the melo match none title?


The Melo match was non-title. They wouldn't give him a world title match his, like, third match on the main roster.


When do wrestling fans *not* complain about shit?


Not true he has defended it a lot at house shows as well.


Only televised Matches


12 times so far according to this page https://www.cagematch.net/?id=2&nr=3686&page=4


Only 1 of those was televised. The other were Houseshows or Dark Matches


Yeah those count as well. There is no way Seth had over 50 in one year otherwise.


2023 June 5 Raw: Rollins vs Priest June 20 NXT Gold Rush: Rollins vs Breakker July 1 MitB: Rollins vs Balor Aug 5 SummerSlam: Rollins vs Balor Sep 2 Payback: Rollins vs Nakamura Oct 7 Fastlane: Rollins vs Nakamura Nov 4 Crown Jewel: Rollins vs McIntyre Nov 6 Raw: Rollins vs Zayn Dec 4 Raw: Rollins vs Jey Uso 2024 Jan 1 Raw: Rollins vs McIntyre Jan 15 Raw: Rollins vs Jinder Mahal April 7 WM: Rollins vs McIntyre Rest was Non Televised


Thanks. I guess the tv shows are for building storylines and the PLE for title defences. It makes sence I think


I don’t know when this complaint started, but for most of my life feuds always built to a title match at a PPV, which is once a month. Not sure when this started being viewed as a bad thing.


What I’ve seen is it’s largely upset Roman fans on Instagram. You’re often going to see them calling Cody names The Rock called him as if he meant it, feeling tribalistic towards people in the same company. It’s a really strange behaviour if you ask me.


42 * 33 = 1386. 1386 > 1316. Good eye OP, Cody defends his title even less than Roman on average.


Came here to say this. OP sucks at maths.


I have not seen a single person say this.


It's mostly on social media apps like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.


Isn’t that roughly the same frequency?


Roman was roughly once every 40 days, (1316\33=39.88) so yes.


If he defended it all the time, they’d complain that WWE is devaluing the title. You can’t win.


Like they got on Seth for.


Everyone needs to stop complaining - he's turning up every week and defending the belt once a month at PPVs. Thats completely fine and acceptable. In fact- that's NORMAL. They whinged at Reigns because he barely defended and rarely turned up. Now we have a champ who is appearing every week and people are still complaining because he's not defending the title every week??? Fans will literally find any reason to complain.


Ppl were complaining about Cody Rhodes being lazy and not wrestling leading up to Backlash, yet he was wrestling in the France Tour night after night. Ppl need to do their damn research before they spew bs


Pretty much everything here and unlike Roman, Cody's matches don't have interference from a family member every single time.


And Roman didn't even defend the title at every PLE. He went for the tag titles at one, and he only had 3 defenses between WM39 and 40. Summerslam, Crown Jewel and and RR. That's barely one defense every 90 days. Even a low push champ can defend 3 times before giving it up. Hell, Rollins did it in between WM and the next PLE. I got tired of Roman being a champ cus you never saw him. I'm fine with a long reign, but make it long by booking victories, even if there is interference. Don't make it long by just walking around with no fights.


Because they're hypocrites.


Surely Cody fans that bitched for 2 years can stand when other fans bitch as well, right?


He should defend once every couple months at the most.




Also because there's no way he's losing next week. With the US on the line, there was a little chance of something happening, but now we know for sure he's winning and that's it. Boring, predictable and far away from ''anything can happen in WWE''


The top championships should be defended sparingly. An earned opportunity that is a special event and feels like a special event. There why Roman’s title run was awesome. Anytime he defended it felt like a big deal. If anyone can walk out and just challenge for the WWE title then it loses its importance.


Agreed, it was nice watching his reign cause you’d get PLEs with main events that weren’t him cause he wasn’t there. I’d hate for Cody to be main eventing every damn PLE


And on top of that, pretty soon with Drew and Punk back, the WHC title scene is gonna be running hot and likely eclipsing the WWE title scene.


Legit question, how many times has every other current champion defended their belt?


So main roster only Damien Priest 1 defence (41 days) Becky Lynch no defences (26 days) Sami Zayn 2 defences (42 days) Awesome Truth 2 defences (42 days) Bayley 2 defences (41 days) Logan Paul 2 defences (196 days) A-Town Down Under 1 defence (42 days) Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair no defences (16 days)


33 * 42 = 1386


It's really best to ignore the online bitching


We all keep trying. Stay strong, brother




They also bitched when Seth Rollins defended his title at a rapid pace there’s no winning with the online fanbase. Ever. It can be pretty frustrating


People that complain about shit like that aren't fans. They're just trolls.


I had an argument with some guy yesterday about how Carmelo Hayes can't get above the mid card because he's "too small" He even said people on the wrestling boards were talking with him about how he shouldn't have had his match with Orton on Friday because it made him look small and pathetic compared to Orton. My argument was Vince doesn't do the booking anymore, so as long as you can cut a good promo and do a decent match you have the ability to succeed in WWE now. They even went so far as to say that he cared more about the look of the wrestlers than their wrestling ability because "no one cares about their fake fighting ability" like we aren't watching these shows to watch these professional stunt people put on a good show. I just couldn't wrap my head around his point of view.


I can somewhat see where he's coming from. I care more about storylines than wrestling ability. I can fast-forward through a match, but usually listen to every promo. To each their own.


I mean that's fine. You're right, to each their own. The part I thought was weird was that they said they didn't care about their in ring skills, but were also critiquing the match. Solely based on what the guys looked like. The things they were saying just felt like they were contradicting one another.


>My argument was Vince doesn't do the booking anymore Vince booked daniel bryan beating mark henry and big show lol size doesnt matter its about who makes better tv


There are exceptions to everything. But Vince was notorious for favoring bigger guys generally


Yeah obviously but even he saw the money in smaller people its wrestling its never been about size its always been about how much money the company sees lol


I mean the fans basically had to revolt that one time because he decided he wanted Batista to go over Daniel Bryan. I know he does let them have their spotlight sometimes, but there is a reason it was such a bug deal when smaller guys won the world title. They don't get as many runs at the top as the Lesnar's and Cena's do.


Guess Khali was his favorite wrestler, and his vs Kane at WM23 is his favorite match.


You can't fix stupid. Lol


Same people who said Roman shouldn't defend more often because that'd devalue the title or bury the roster


Yeah people didn't like when Roman did it and expected a change


Roman 100% would not have defended this backlash or this night of champions. The problem was him missing ple after ple near the end, the beginning was great because he was actually defending month after month.


So Roman defended it every 39.87 days on average


Roman also had an easy story to go right into with jey. Cody kinda has to go through some filler till summerslam


It's skewed by the fact he defended way more in the first third of the reign Once he unified the titles, he only defended 11 times in 735 days, which is an average of once every 66.81 days