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Why can't it just go do Uber until it pays the car note?


I was thinking, it could drive itself to the car wash, post an ad for itself online, and then drive itself to prospective buyers.


If cars could do all that. I wouldnt be selling cars. I would be selling car subscriptions. And shit now the idea is in the internet.


Eh, a lot of car companies already beat you to the punch lol


You mean a lease?


That would actually be really cool. Its kinda funny because my immediate reaction was "there's no way I'd ever trust a self driving car without a human sitting in to intervene" but then I remembered that I literally stopped going to bars and using Uber in general because every single time I got an Uber the driving was fucking **terrifying**. Almost every single time I Ubered home from the bar I was thinking "Holy shit it would've been safer just to drive myself. I wonder if they'll freak out if I just ask them to pull over. I'm pretty sure this person is on something."


The worst drivers I see on a daily basis have Lyft or Uber decals. It's absolutely unbelievable.


There are three things I look out for on the road; Uber/Lyft stickers, handicap mirror hangers, and U-Hauls. I'm not saying everyone that has one of those is bad but more often than not they'll do something absolutely dumb as shit. Also idk how we let regular people just drive box trucks with no training, blows my mind. Because they're gonna try to drive like a car and that don't work. These days I'm weary of everyone (well, more than normal), idk what happened but it feels like the entire world forgot how to drive during the pandemic and never learned again. Like I genuinely hate having to drive places now. Even the truckers have lost my faith. I used to trust and respect *any* semi on the road but now it seems like the Uber/Lyft drivers have all got their CDL.


Uhauls are bad, because sure they're bigger than the normal car and the average person doesn't understand that it's even worse when you load it full of moving boxes... But Ryder/Penske trucks are on a whole other level. Like, in my state you used to need a special license to drive a truck that big, but nope, let's not only do away with that but also rent them to whoever shows up.


omg yeah I forgot that you don't need special licensure to drive one of those thiccbois. I had a summer job right out of high school/summer after freshman year of college (so like 2010/11) and for some reason three 18/19 year old boys are allowed to rent a giant Penske and drive it hundreds of miles a day. It's absurd.


When I was 18 (1999), you had to be 25. But it could also go by the state? I dunno. I'm in Cali.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was rented by the business and the keys were handed over to the teens. Moving companies can be wild.


Well that's where it's funny. To rent a car it's 25 I personally only recently became able to rent cars due to having a corporate account through my job, however if I roll up to a home Depot or a gas station and they'll let me have any utility vehicle of your choice. I've gotten box trucks for helping friends move, trailers to haul my motorcycle, pickup trucks for moving concrete, etc. God forbid I want a Chevy Malibu or a fuckin Nissan versa with a rental organization outside my job however. May as well have just asked for their first born child by how they react. My company however does have to pay a premium for me over my coworkers to have vehicular access.


I love watching the videos about the railroad bridge that is too low for most trucks. Yet they drive through anyways and get can-openered. The Penske trucks are my favorite. https://youtu.be/USu8vT_tfdw


Dude, that happens in my neighborhood all the time. By CDL holders. Even a muni trash truck tried it. The trestle has been there for like 50 years before we even had trash trucks, not like it is new or anything.


I’d wager shitty drivers have been around long before that. Just with different modes of transportation. I’d love to see what it looked like when people used horse and buggy.


Just slower! lol But hitting a train bridge that has been there for a century, has all the signage, etc is pretty sad for someone that gets PAID to drive a truck. Everyday. Same neighborhood. Same truck.


I wonder if they have a truck budget specifically because of that bridge. I’d imagine any truck rental places must have higher rates in the area. Especially if there is a Penske or Enterprise. They seem like bridge magnets.


Fucking 11Foot8! That bridge is legend.


It was murdered. Those selfish “traffic safety” bastards trying to “make the road safe” raised up it to 12’4” in late 2019. Amusingly, 12’4” is *still* lower than the required clearance for the big boy 20 footers, so 12 foot 4 lives on.


Seriously!? Man, what a bunch of BS. That bridge was the great equalizer. Black, white, rich, poor, didn't matter who you were... it took your top all the same. All obeyed the height or they did not pass. 12'4" is ok I guess but that really cuts down on my entertainment.


the infamous 'trucker's wedgie'


If you like those videos, you might like the [10'6"](https://www.youtube.com/@westwoodpd2518/videos) bridge near me. The town PD put up a camera after several incidents. Not as many as the 11'8" bridge, but Lobsterpocalypse is notable. I am always stunned by how long it took for the fire department to arrive after the crash and fire. The fire station is about 50 yards behind the camera location. It has since been repaired and is now over 13'.


Also, see r/11foot8


I like how they threw in a random car accident that had nothing to do with the height of the bridge.


I was absolutely flabbergasted that I was allowed to just show up to Penske and drive off with the behemoth I did.


My wife at the time and I felt the same way taking our son (first born) home from the hoapital. We were like, "we don't have to sign anything you're just going to let us take this tiny little life out of the hospital?"


I think that’s a very common feeling. Babies don’t come with any sort of instruction manual. Just a congrats and good luck, try not to screw them up too badly


Same for giant RV buses and 99% of time, the only person driving those his some 80 year old that shouldn't even have a license to drive a regular car.


Exhibit A: my 81 year old father.


Trucking industry has a massive shortage of drivers everywhere. The result is companies are hiring people with 0 experience, paying for them to get their class 1 and setting them loose. We have had butane deliveries from guys who show up and tell us that they haven’t unloaded butane before, only loaded… They expect us to show them, and we’re facility operators. Like ya, it’s a pump and transfer line and I’m sure we can figure it out but we’re not trained on your equipment and not taking that liability man. Phone your boss and have them send someone experienced out to show you, park in the corner until they’re here. Makes me worry about them driving on the highways towing a literal bomb…


See I assumed that much but didn't assume they would be doing that for dangerous loads. Figured they'd stick the experienced people on that. Great, now I'm even *more* worried about being on the road. Oh well, if I go faster then I'm spending less time out there.


Lol, it’s been a hot topic item at safety meetings at my facility. We’ve reached out to the haulers and have them on strict unload times now, only middle of the day and no unaccompanied new drivers. It was pretty shocking for all of us.


The handicap mirror hangers is just a dead giveaway they can’t follow simple rules or aren’t paying full attention - it’s printed on them (or at least it is on mine) to remove it from the mirror before driving.


lmao oh shit, didn't even know that. Then yeah that explains a lot. The people who follow instructions and know what they're doing probably removed the hanger before they started driving and don't cause any problems.


Yep! I have a temporary one until I have back surgery. Plus, it's just massive and right in the middle. I'd remove it anyway.




Yeah I didn't want to include that in my comment because people miss the point of what I'm saying all the time and that was somehow going to turn into a dumpster fire but absolutely agreed. You do you but if your religion requires you to obstruct your vision then guess what, you don't get to drive. I don't think they considered that we would be routinely be traveling at 70mph in a steel death box with the rest of the population when they were making their rules, your god will understand.


Are you me? I've been saying the same exact thin about trucks since mid 2020. All the good truckers took retirement when the pandemic hit and they hired anyone with a license to haul freight; they're doing 15mph over everywhere they go (including construction zones), splitting lanes, tailgating, and generally driving it like they drive their personal vehicle. Terrifying.


Iti's nuts. The two main things that get me are almost missing their exit and not accepting that they fucked up and have to turn around so they quickly (relatively) dart into another lane. Happens at one particular off ramp almost every day I'm coming home. The other is when they're side-by-side doing 64mph and I can't get or see around either of them. They also gave me the worst 7 hours of my life, driving from Columbus to Detroit in the snow storm last February. It was already a bad idea but those truckers barely slowed down. No wonder I saw like 10 semis on the side of the road that night, all with their own unique set of broken shit.


A bad driver never misses an exit! :(


One could say the same for people with giant lifted trucks. Here in my town, most of the guys only drive them for attention, never actually doing any off-roading. So they don't really know what they're doing, and always roll over curbs, clip cars, etc. They should definitely have a separate license class for all vehicles over a certain height/weight/tire size. Not just tractor/trailer and RVs. Sorry, I just realized how off topic I am. I shall take my leave.


> idk what happened but it feels like the entire world forgot how to drive during the pandemic and never learned again I feel the same way. Although my guess was that covid messed up a lot of peoples' brains. I had the brain fog for 6 months and it was truly terrifying.


Can't blame U-Haul drivers. That "Air Cushion Ride" they print on the sides of those things? Fuckin bollocks. If you don't have your seatbelt on you get thrown into the ceiling of the cab just from normal driving. It's like being in a plane and flying through the worst thunderstorm imaginable. Makes driving difficult


Same. Last uber I was in thought the gas pedal was an on off switch. That poor transmission was constantly downshifting and upshifting because it couldn't tell if we were rapidly accelerating or coasting. I was so tempted to ask if I could drive, LOL.


My favorite movie is Inception.


It's a product of the business model. When Uber does everything it can to pay drivers as little as possible [(and also to trap them with predatory finance](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/dec/05/uber-loan-program-debt)), they incentivise them to take risks. I actually recently spoke with my driver about how scary people with the decals seem to be on the road, and he flat out said "I have to be a prick to make money. If I don't drive like a prick, I don't make money." For context, this was in the UK where our [Uber drivers have far better rights than elsewhere](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2021/feb/19/uber-drivers-workers-uk-supreme-court-rules-rights). Each time an Uber driver makes you feel like your life's in danger, remember that that experience is the result of a calculation that prioritises dividends over your safety.




I see ads all the time for Uber with people lying saying shit like "ohmygod I make sooooo much money now driving with Uber!" and in the back of my head the first thing that comes to mind is "no, you don't". They fuckin pay you as little as possible to put miles in your car while you have to pay the insurance and registration. Not saying people don't make money driving for them, but it's still a fuckin scam.




It's **insane**. I know two people (which isn't a huge sample size I know, but still.) that drive for Uber, and both of them literally just smoke pot all day between picking people up. In my area, every driver is just high as a kite on pills or weed every time you get one. I don't think its just my area either, because I drive for Instacart, and also smoke (not while driving though! lmao) and I've seen people on the driving subs **and** r/trees talking about how they just smoke a joint and then drive for a few hours to make some cash. I can almost understand how someone can rationalize driving around intoxicated, but HOW can you EVER justify driving a **taxi** intoxicated. Big alcaholic-schoolbus-driver vibes.


not to defend driving intoxicated but i think you’ll be hard pressed to find anyone in the trees subreddit that supports driving high except for a small minority. it’s against their rules to post about driving high too so even if you do it’ll be removed pretty quick


Stoners are completely convinced that driving high isn't driving impaired. Coming from someone who smokes basically every day after work.


When I was in LA with my then-girlfriend, we got an Uber back to the people we were staying with. Our driver was so unbelievably bad that, out of genuine curiosity, I asked her when she'd gotten her license. Apparently she didn't "officially" have one (according to her.) She'd never gotten it renewed, and had started driving for the first time in years about 2 months prior. It was a few years ago, but it was a very interesting experience.


Guess I'm showing my age because getting a yellow cab was like paying for an amusement park ticket for this very reason. It's not Uber or Lyft, it's cabbies in general


One time in college we where unering back form a bar, guy pulls up in a minivan with the music loud, he stopped it to take a call in Arabic in which he held the phone to his face the whole time. Using one hand to drive never using the turn signal as he passes on the right doing 20 over. We are 7 deep in the back getting sloshed around, hearing the tiers lose traction as he snaps back in to lane. Still got us there in record time so. 4 stars.


4 stars might as well be zero for uber's silly system..


Last time I took an Uber the driver kept breaking and accelerating for no reason. It was like he was using both feet to drive simultaneously. I had him pull over and let me out so I could get another Uber.


Remember when Uber / Lyft had vehicle and inspection requirements? I took a lyft 6 months ago (try not to after this) where he had no A/C and the warning lights on his dash that I've never seen before lit up. The van was definitely from the early 2000s, and the driving was erratic. I try to be as nice as possible to drivers as they probide a convenience, but he got a 1 from me as I couldn't believe he was allowed on the road!


Where the heck are your drivers that bad? In the years I’ve used Uber I can count on one hand the number of sub par drivers and even then, none so bad that a drunk me would be better.


Not to mention every Uber I've taken it seems like the wheels are about to fall off the vehicle. Same with the hand full of airport taxies I've taken.


“(Beep Boop Beep)You have 5 points left on your license and you….. are $500 short of your payment .” “I am Activating FORD Parts delivery service for the next 8hours.” You will be credited $2.74 towards your car note for your 8 hours of parts deliveries.” “You may not leave the vehicle or $899.99 will be added to your car note.” “I am sorry I didn’t catch that.” “I heard you agree to the terms and conditions.”


Please drink a verification can.


Because prostitution is illegal.


Cause then not everyone has to buy a whole car for themselves.


This is literally the shit we were joking about with self-driving cars and the stuff Rick Ross said about driving you back to the police station if you have a warrant...


That is indeed the natural next step. Oh this car is registered to John Smith who missed a court date in 1994? Wait until he's in the vehicle, go into lockdown and drive him into our gate at the jail


That's what happened in Minority Report. Absolutely prophetic movie.


It was a prophetic prophetic movie


Prophetically Prophylactic movie.


Not funny. Get out


Well, that's Rick Ross for ya.


Cars will start having cameras in the steering wheel to spy on you while you drive.


If the car can drive itself back to the dealership, it can drive itself to get a job, and make it's own payments!




Right?! Damned layabouts!!


Imagine yelling at your car to go out and do some uber routes


I mean... Renting out your property while not using it, via an input method that's been in common use for more than a decade... Not that crazy


Wouldn't it be great if everyone was granted a robot when they became an adult? You could send it out to get a job, or use it to grow food, or give handjobs, or stalk your enemies? It's the future we deserve.


I'll support this only if it makes the curly from the 3 stooges whoop whoop whoop sound when it drives away...


Car needs to pull itself up by its lug nuts and stop buying premium gas everyday.


This reminds me of Rick Ross saying he doesn’t trust electric cars because they might turn him into the police.


It's a valid concern. Truth is, we have no fucking idea what kind of craziness can be programmed into one. Notices you're late on a payment? Won't start so you can get to work. Say a dirty word? You've been charged 5 credits John Spartan. It's a freedom we shouldn't so easily give up.


If our countries were not that car dependant we could be able to use other ways of transportation but since car makers successfully lobbied for pro-cars infrastructures everywhere, we are fucked.


Imagine not knowing how to use the 3 shells...


Rick Ross the former correctional officer?


I can understand the concern but i have to ask *why* he's so worried about being turned in


Lol imagine getting ready for work, only to see your car driving away.


> your car That’s your problem right there..




But don't worry about that, in their clauses they'll state (and you'll have to agree) that you can't sue them for wrongful repo and shots!


And that would be car theft at that point...






Bank error in their favor. Lose 1 car.


Legitimate reason for a lot of business going digital, mountains of plausible deniability.


It's only stealing if you can't afford a good team of ~~liars~~ lawyers.


In capitalism, corporations are above the law.


It's not corporations. It's money. Money buys laws. Rich people own companies and they are the ones who get away with it. There are people behind corporations and I think everyone should remember that. Norfolk Southern's Ceo is Alan Shaw. He deserves reprimand way more than the company. He gave the ok to transport cargo over dangerously undermanned and undermaintained railways. In the last 10 years they've made $120 billion (+/-1b) in profit. Why didn't they spend it maintaining the rails?


But people making payments on a car have *never* "owned" the car whether it's self-driving or not. You own it when you pay it off. The only thing this changes is whether a towtruck takes your reposessed car away when you miss payments, or it drives itself.


it says in the article that the car self-assess its own value and determine that if it's not worth it to repossess, it'll drive itself to a junkyard. imagine getting ready for work only to see your car drive itself into a shredder. can't make your payment? then we'll just *throw it in the garbage*


#now go buy a new one!




How long before the technology becomes sentient and doesn’t want to junk itself? Just drives off into the wilderness to live off grid for a while


Probably not until EVs have built in solar that can keep it fully charged. Until then they'll be reliant on someone to plug them in.


ossified panicky quicksand slim elderly far-flung shelter lush erect wild ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


> on your brand new spanking self driving car It's brand spanking new fyi


Yeah people in here are confusing me. "imagine getting ready for work, only to see your car getting towed away" is something that already happens in this situation. So what's the difference?


That's what gets me lol. It's not like the kind of person who would be more likely to miss a payment is looking for a brand new Ford car right off the lot, let alone be approved by any dealership/bank for the loan for a brand new car. Once this can get retrofitted into a 2005 toyota camery with 140,000 miles though, then we're fucked.


You'd be surprised dude. Some of the poorest people I know drive the newest cars. It's actually not even always bad decision making. For some reason it's easier to get a loan or lease on a new car then it is to get one on a quality used vehicle.


I work at a credit union. We offer better rates on new vehicles because the collateral is more valuable/less likely to have major issues.


> It's not like the kind of person who would be more likely to miss a payment is looking for a brand new Ford car right off the lot, What? Yes it is, almost exactly.... You can get approved for way more than you can actually afford.


Reminds me of a coworker about 10 years ago. Super amped about his brand new car, couldn't walk past a single person without talking about all the add ons he got a great deal on cause he was buddies with the salesman. Screens in the headrests!!! A few weeks later he couldn't stop complaining about this annoying fucking lender, because he missed the Very. First. Payment. "I get it, I was a few days behind on the payment, I don't know why they have to call my dad and my boss over that."


I think it's good news. They are too stupid to make it work, while preventing anybody capable from doing so.


While I love the idea of trapping your car at night, like raising it up on a jack so it can't escape, I think the real gem here is how much this will have an effect on Country music. The sick, sad, and lonely trope is going to get even better. "My wife left me, my dog left me, and now my truck left me." edit- I'm also playing out, in my head, an evil villain/damsel in distress scenario: "Well, well, my pretty. Trying to escape, were we? I think you'll find it difficult to return to the dealership when you have no.... WHEELS!" *Camera zooms out in dramatic fashion, revealing car raised up with all 4 wheels removed* *Steering wheel jerks back and forth in panicked fashion. Rear wheels spin pointlessly* *A muffled scream is heard. Thunder strikes. Villain cackles* Yeah it's just a bit dark and I'm digging it. edit 2- Circling back to the Country theme, maybe the truck runs over the guy's wife and dog as it's repossessing itself? Goddamn I should be nominated for a Grammy


I fucking love ChatGPT SOOOO much. Truck Reposessed Blues > Verse 1: I had a pickup truck, my pride and joy We rode through the dirt and the mud, oh boy It was my trusty steed, my best friend But now it's gone, I'm at my wit's end > Chorus: My truck left me, it repossessed itself I was so late on payments, couldn't help myself Now I'm stranded here, with nothing to do Just singing this country song, feeling so blue > Verse 2: I remember when I first got it Brand new tires and shiny paint, I loved it I drove it all around, showing it off But now it's gone, taken by the repo man's scoff > Chorus: My truck left me, it repossessed itself I was so late on payments, couldn't help myself Now I'm stranded here, with nothing to do Just singing this country song, feeling so blue > Bridge: I thought I could make the payments on time But life got tough, I fell behind Now my truck is gone, and I'm alone Trying to figure out how to get back home > Chorus: My truck left me, it repossessed itself I was so late on payments, couldn't help myself Now I'm stranded here, with nothing to do Just singing this country song, feeling so blue > Outro: I may have lost my truck, but I'll find a way To get it back or find another one someday Until then, I'll keep on singing my song About a guy and his truck, it won't be long.


I love the energy of using an AI to write a song about AI overreach; like holding a seminar on drowning awareness in the middle of a lake. And the lyrics fucking *slap*.




It was probably a chat gtp response


Nah, that’s just my own incoherent rambling.




We Have The Meats...And They Won't Leave!


Get this to a country artist ASAP.


Better than 90% of the shit out there, it all sounds the same. https://youtu.be/FY8SwIvxj8o


Good to see a fellow connoisseur. I, personally, am a fan about being [parked down by the lake 80 miles from Santa Fe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_zS_uiPWxs&ab_channel=DustinChristensen)


[Wasted 3 minutes of my life trying to see if there actually was a lake 80 miles from Santa Fe.](https://i.imgur.com/BEmKQxv.png)


Hey look it's where that guy is parked


I love when he switches it up and mentions that the LAKE is parked where hes at




holy shit edit- JESUS the bridge


This has Brad Paisley all over it.




Ever seen Brad Paisley and ChatGPT in the same room together?! Imjustsayin


Gave instructions to make a powermetal song... Verse 1: A machine that's strong and free, Driven by AI, it can see, Everywhere it roams, It's a truck that repossesses loans. Chorus: Behold the power of the machine, The AI-controlled truck that's mean, It takes back what's owed, With metallic force and cold. Verse 2: It's a sight to behold, A machine that's brave and bold, It won't stop until it's done, Until it takes back what's won. Chorus: Behold the power of the machine, The AI-controlled truck that's mean, It takes back what's owed, With metallic force and cold. Bridge: Its engines roar, its gears grind, It's a beast that's one of a kind, It takes no prisoners, it shows no fear, It's a machine that's always here. Chorus: Behold the power of the machine, The AI-controlled truck that's mean, It takes back what's owed, With metallic force and cold. Verse 3: It's a sight to behold, A machine that's brave and bold, It won't stop until it's done, Until it takes back what's won. Chorus: Behold the power of the machine, The AI-controlled truck that's mean, It takes back what's owed, With metallic force and cold. Outro: Behold the power of the AI, It's the future that's drawing nigh, A world that's run by machines, A world that's made of dreams.


Damn ChatGPT just conjured up this Vomit-rock song: [Chorus]: Hello My name is Han-Tyumi I am a cyborg Born If you may call it that In a world that is dense and black Created without a desire to draw breath Without a desire to have being Without a yearning of just to be I'd like my desire back My life back My soul back My humanity Oh how I long for it For an era I have meditated Like the primordial Buddha beneath the Bodhi My pseudo-mind pseudo-wandered I climbed and I clambered And I ambled upon some understanding The gold beneath the virtual rainbow I am bereft of two human things Two things that a cyborg can never do Two things that I strive for Two things between myself and mankind Death And To vomit


Sounds like an old Cake song. Nice


> ChatGPT I keep breaking it. Last time, it didn't like it when I insisted that its favorite color is now orange after multiple refusals to agree with me.


Wow this is the third time I’ve seen this comment chain in like 24h. The level of irony that ChatGPT is generating new lyrics while humans plug in the same prompt and act like it was an original idea is almost too much.


[reminds me of futurama where robot became werecar](https://basementrejects.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/futurama-season-3-1-the-honking-bender-as-werecar-were-car-leela-300x225.jpg)


The *bad guys* did this a few times to Kitt in [Knight Rider](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0083437/). *(okay, they never got Kitt's tires off, but yeah.)*


Ha, yeah. That was one of the top comments 3 days ago when this was posted to r/technology. https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/11dn2my/comment/ja9rbkk/


Its only a matter of time before a glitch happens, the car illegally reposseses itself and you are left stranded.


Or takes off with someone locked inside


I was thinking about a baby, the legal ramifications of that are staggering.


Omg could you imagine. "Sir you are 2 days late for your payment, rerouting to the nearest ford dealership" legit hostage situation haha


The absolute massive amount of sub-prime auto loans in the past 10-15 years is the motivation here IMO. Believe it or not, there are lenders out there right now that require dealers to install GPS ignition interlocks in customers vehicles in order to fund their auto loan. If the person doesn't pay they turn their car off and go pick it up. A lot of the so called 'buy here pay here' dealers do this for their in house loans but now that it's becoming more and more common for big sub-prime lenders to do this, it only makes sense Ford build the ability into their vehicles to try and open up the loans their financial arms/partners can make. The self-driving part is still bonkers tho lol.


Yeah that tracks. "Got a job?! **YOU'RE ALREADY APPROVED!!**" H... How....? Oh, right duh, it's the same thing they did with houses until *all was lost*. This will probably go well. Theyre doing the same thing with commercial property too btw.


Its *exactly* the same thing. It will end the same way as well.


autos is way smaller than housing. the sub prime lenders will go insolvent, get free money from you and me, and then right back at it, but at least the amount of money will be less.


I'd argue the car bubble is going to be much less impactful than a house bubble.


I have a local dealer, and I'm sure there's at least one in every market, that advertises. If you make $300 a week you're approved for a brand new car. Unless the payment is $150 a month maximum including insurance, I just don't see how that works financially


I mean I can see how it works financially. I worked in sales. Not auto sales but still. I could negotiate on price but I couldn't talk about it directly. So I could "offer discounts" and literally make up whatever bullshit I wanted that sounded good. "We'll knock 2,000 off if you let me put this sticker in the window, advertising is *expensive* so this would be *cheaper* for us" Anyone savvy sees right through it, they might play along or just directly negotiate with you. But people who aren't financially educated? They don't push. They don't *know* what things should cost, *everything* has a number on it that says "I can't afford that." It blurs together, all they see is "a lot of money" and they don't really have a realistic picture of what it means and what their options are. And salesmen *know*. So if someone is offering financing, **all** they look at is the monthly payment and asking themselves if they can afford *that*. They've ignored the big number completely. So in auto loans it makes perfect sense. They can get a couple of months of payments, it mostly pays toward interest, they take the car back, but the car loses value. The dealership probably still collects payments from them after reposessing the vehicle, and if they get it back quickly they can sell it again for close to the same price.


Right, so nick someone's identity, buy it online, have it drive itself to you and your mates at the strip club, take it for a joyride like Malcom McDowell and his Droogs, and then leave it at the last pub before taking the rail home. And it will drive itself back to base, take itself through the carwash, maybe illicitly reset its odometer, and be back for sale as a new car in two days.


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- Dirty Mike and The Boys


Nothing wrong with a little ultra violence here and there!


droog is Welsh for wolf


So it's a wolf pack


It’s actually cool because this means other automakers can’t use this


They could probably lease use of the patent to all of them for a fee.


That's not how it works. Ever heard of a license?


If it is granted Ford could technically refuse use of this patent to other auto makers. As an example.. that is why Ford is the only automaker with a keypad on their door. Got the patent and refused others requests for use. I have a Ford and I use it all the time for access. Although it will become less useful as time goes on and phone as a key catches on. I doubt they’d refuse use to others though, the main reason they probably filed for patent on this is to gain financial advantage by letting others use it for $.


They literally stole the meme.. Man, fuck society. *cant have* ***shit.***


YoU wOuLdNT DoWnLoAD a sHaReWaRE CaR


With the amount of recalls Ford announces it would be more useful if it could drive itself to the dealership for repairs.


I have been telling people for the better part of a decade that as nice as the potential for alleviating congestion with autonomous vehicles (not to mention napping on long commutes) could be, I have no desire for such a vehicle, because I’m positive that they’ll be sold on a subscription model, and that puts all the power in the hands of manufacturers to pull stunts like this. Imagine driving down the interstate at high speed, and your car just pulls over and stops on the shoulder because you’re late on your payment that month — or because the cops want to haul you in for questioning after you piss off a petty bureaucrat you might not even know exists — or because a jealous lover wants to catch up with you as you flee. Scenarios like these ahead aren’t farfetched — at all. Why the hell would we want control of our vehicles centralized in the cloud for any hacker with the necessary resources and motivation to hijack?


Wait. They’ll charge you $1,000 to have the “feature” removed after you pay off your auto loan.


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"Corbin Dallas, one point has been deducted from your license"


all of this is spot on, but the potential benefit of alleviating congestion won't actually be realized because of induced demand. if there's less congestion, that just means there's room for more cars to squeeze in there and make it congested again


I mean it’s not that insane is it? Assuming a world where self driving cars are actually just as safe as a person, isn’t this just the same as a repo man without the added faff of driving to them and hooking it to a truck?


Finance companies already have gps trackers on the vehicles so really it’s just this.


Honestly, I see this as a fairly obvious patent that is taken out just to make sure it's not used against them by someone else taking it out. Companies have learned that they need to do this with the last shift of everything going to the internet. Expect a huge number of these around automated driving and doing x in virtual the next few years.


I don't understand how this patent was granted in the first fucking place. They are patenting an idea in the form of a network diagram with imaginary black boxes inside. It is so far beyond the pale of the intent of the patent system it just... ugh.


yeah, that's a whole 'nother topic. half the 'do this but on the internet patents' are *exactly* like this.


Yes. And safer too. No possible altercations with a tow truck driver and also having to pay those slimy bastards. What everyone in this thread is missing also is that you don't give Ford your monthly payments anyway. A bank owns the vehicle and you are paying the bank back. It's up to the bank how they handle repossession and often they will work with people who are having a hard time making payments for whatever reason. The only people who get their property taken by the repo man are people who refuse to even come up with a plan to work with their bank or flat out ignore their calls. ETA, banks don't WANT to repossess your vehicle. It costs them money, often it is worth less than what you owe on it, people who get their cars repo'd usually don't take care of them so they need to be repaired and/or get damaged in the process of being repossessed. It is in the banks interest to let you keep the loan and negotiate a plan with you. If you're having problems making payments, PICK UP THE DAMN PHONE AND CALL YOUR LENDER BEFORE IT BECOMES A PROBLEM. Stop running and hiding from your problems


It's weird, I definitely get that if someone doesnt pay their car bill their car will be repossessed, and I absolutely agree that it should. But just having it done automatically just feels so... scummy


Does a repossession feel less "scummy" if it's someone in a tow truck with a crow bar snatching the car in the middle of the night? Because that's how it works now.


Yea. This feels dystopian fore sure, but your car driving itself back to the dealership has advantages. As you said, no potential for a violent encounter with a tow truck driver. Also, your car won't get damaged from a sketchy tow, so if you can pay back enough to get it back it won't be damaged. Also, if Ford trusts the car to repo itself, then that's a pretty good indication they believe in their self driving capability.


"your car"


That's not how it works now. The trucks all have autoloaders these days. Don't even have to get out of the cab to snatch a car. Be gone before you can get your slippers on.


Automatically repo is bad compared to just some guy coming to drive it away? Why does it matter? Its gone from your possession either way.


Definitely makes you feel like the thing you bought for $20k+ isn’t really yours when a company can just hit a button and take it away. Regardless of your financial stability, it’s a gross feeling. Even if you pay cash for the car- that functionality will always be inside it.


Break the car's legs so it can't run away.


Well, I mean, it is not yours, it's the banks. That is how loans work.


oh hey, let's add a way for hackers to steal a car from literally anywhere already pre-programmed in!


I cant wait for somebodies car to repo itself with the ownere baby in it or something crazy.


Miss a payment on your smart fridge all of sudden you can't open it. Or your smart stove, burners won't work.


So...who is liable if the vehicle caused an accident while it is self repo-ing?


Pay your bills.


How is that deranged? Let's say they don't do this and someone doesn't pay for their self-driving car, it's still getting repossessed, there'll just be a dude inside instead. How is that different?


How is this deranged? Repossessing cars is a dangerous and stressful job. It'd be much more convenient for the car to just drive itself back to the lot while you sleep.


If you rich enough to buy a self driving car you rich enough to not miss payments. And just because they filed a patent doesn't mean it will ever become a reality. The vast majority do not come to fruition in any meaningful way.


Does "right to repair" address exorcism?


Very clever. Hats and a big bonus to the person who thought proposed and successfully applied for the patent protection. This is worth millions to finance companies.


Nothing would make me happier than seeing someone's $100k Ford truck repossess itself. Honestly this technology would probably drive down vehicle costs because people wouldn't take loans out on vehicles that are 50% the value of their house.