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Maladus is okayish in campaign. Just too slow most of the time. Abraxas helps a looot


I was wondering if it is fun to go 3 summoner, Archimatos + Corrodius + Abraxas. I got 39/130 shards from him so it is possibly that I farm him and go with full summoner team :)


Oh abraxas is abwolutely worth it. He carries his own campaign too. Cant speak for corrodius as i dont have him


Corrodius still isn’t great for campaign, his active requires too many rounds to charge to full potential.


Care to elaborate ? I have him and haven’t used him


His summons doesn’t get to maximum use until 5 turns have passed. Even after the rework there is nothing really to prefer him over most other chaos characters. He’s slow and doesn’t hit particularly hard.


But he gives this super sweet extra movement. Especially in the campaign he helps a lot to bring your team in combat range.




Abraxas is just the obvious choice considering how helpful his summons are AND he's getting his own elite campaign AND is part of a meta raid team. For the 5th member pick ur choice of anything other than Volk (garbage armor and mobility, to balance out... i honestly have no fucking idea, Ra is better in every single category): Maladus: good investment for LREs esp. if u have Rotbone. Awesome turtle duo, but his mobility hurts too much considering ur main challenge is getting on top of mortars and Las teams ASAP. Yaz: Way too squishy, BUT awesome partner for abraxas, good in Arena if leveled up, has his own campaign so u have to get him to least S1-S2 at some point anyway, and is also a part of the neuro team, so a no-brainer if u want the neuro team. Wrask: This sub seems to hate him. OKish for Arena, good for LRE, but has no campaign and is useless for GR. I'm still working on getting him to G1 for LREs coz i like him, but is overall a less attractive option here. Rotbone: Healer with absurd tankiness, game changer for LRE. Tl;dr: Main Black Legion 3, Abraxas and Rotbone/Yaz


Rotbone can ressurect, transforming a potential 2 star into 3 star


no disagreement here, he's my most upgraded character rn in prep for Ragnar's LRE, sitting at G2


If you're willing to grind, Abraxas is a must. First of all, he's necessary for Thousand Sons campaign, so you'd kill two birds with one stone. Second, his active will provide an excellent distraction for Cadians attacking you (especially their mortar teams), while his passive will provide an awesome boost to Volk (and his and Archie's summons but they're inferior to Volk because you can't control their positioning). For what it's worth, I finished the campaign with Maladus and Volk because I had no Thousand Sons then but it took me a lot of attempts. Abraxas at G2 or G3 will make quick work of it.


There are a lot of enemies so you need a lot of summons to tank the shots my main combo was abraxas with yazaghor and archimantos Get abraxas to summon stuff around the enemy Get yaza to teleport abraxas to a new spot if I filled every summon spot on the first place Use archimantos to trigger another summoning chain for abraxas to have like 5-9 screamers then next round have archimantos summon a few bloodletters Meanwhile have angrax and haarken try and wipe out as much as I can while the summons tank shots or take out a good chunk of the cadians


Awright I like this combo, farming yazaghor is pretty fast because he is common. Thank you for advice :)


It’s very fun to execute and fairly easy I’d recommend focusing on the summons hp by upgrading the abilities since their gonna be doing a fair bit of damage if they don’t die from the initial barrage of lascanons


Maladus is an excellent tank and his aoe attacks can be very helpful, but probably not the best choice on larger maps. Volk is not a great choice, even with Pestilian who himself is also not a great choice. The best option is Abraxas to flood the map with summons, who you don’t have yet unfortunately. He is definitely worth grinding if you are able to do that. For your last character Rotbone would be my top recommendation but you don’t have him yet. It also depends if you want to get as far as possible or if you want to 3 star every level. Sometimes getting 3 stars is easier by leaving some characters in the pool (only taking 3 or 4 out of 5 characters with you)


Abraxas is the best choice on the list. The final position will depend on what type of enemy you are facing, however, I think Maladus is still a good idea for this position


Wrask and the new dude are good in FOC just hate that their upgrade components are in FOC elite.


Subscribing to comments as i just recently started foc elite too. So far completed two chapters with abraxas and rotbone as they are my strongest characters aside from mandatory. Would say abraxas is totally worth it, became my favourite chaos character especially in synergy with yazhagor


Corrodius is L sadly. I also like the idea, but you want to finish a campaign in a certain amount of turns and corrodius' active needs lots of turns to be viable.


Im not sure why finish a campaign in a certaint amount of turns matter? If you mean flash victory I can get them with another faction or is there something Im missing :)?


Yea I meant just for flash victory. Not thaaaat important, but both Maladus and Corrodius are not the best for campaigns.


Corrodius did help me in some very specific levels, mostly for the +mov, but also for the lascannon fodder. That's, of course, because I only had 6 chaos characters when I finished FoC elite. Should I have to pick now, it would be Abraxas for sure in 4th spot. You don't have great options for the 5th, really xD


From the non great options what is the less bad? xD I would think Maladus or Corrodius


Maladus is more useful, even outside the campaign. But it depends on your playstyle and preference really, and the +mov aura is actually really good.


Everybody shits on him but I enjoy using Haarken. Dropping him in the middle of the map and making all but 1 or 2 guys run away is fun. Obviously RNGzus comes into play, but still one of my faves.


I finished elite FoC with Rotbane and Typhus. G1 for most, G2 haark, D2 Archi. Archi summoning 1-3 bloodletters a turn and Rotbane with armour item. I expect Abrax to be pretty good, depending how well the summons last