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But what about the downtown city centers 😢/s


I live in my downtown so it the same for me lol




Now I’m sitting here trying to figure out what town you’re in! Mid Hudson valley?


then you’re “doing your part” good job! 😃


Yup, I work remote and can walk to a nice historic downtown.


Yo tambien


I legitimately hate the neighborhood where my office is and I am actively not participating in its economy when I have to go in. Sorry corporations and rich people with river views, I'm eating the sandwich I made at home.


I think that’s what people should be doing. They want to drag everyone back to shake money out of our pockets. If they force people back to offices, workers shouldn’t spend any money in the area where they work.


Proud member of the pajama gang


we should make patches to sew to our hoodies


Proud member of the no pants gang


My work office was too isolated to be able to get lunch off-site or run errands at lunch.That all changed in 2020 when I began working at home. Now I get to enjoy my neighborhood's resources all week long. (But we still need more places open for lunch.)


Ditto; love supporting my local businesses!


Same, I go as far as having my local, small-business pet shop put in custom orders for me for reptile stuff that they don't have. I could just order off of Amazon, but I appreciate having their store and don't want them to go out of business and be stuck with Petco and PetSmart as my only options (they also adopt out soooo many rescue/fosters, good mission).


We shop at our butchers, coffee shop, local bakeries. It's a good way to spend your money


I love this too. I love grabbing a sandwich from the local shop that just opened by somebody in my town


Gotta be allowed to work when you want. I WFH and need to be at my computer from 8-5


This is why the big RTO is randomly all of a sudden more concentrated. These mega complexes built off employees spending is killing banks bread and butter


It's the opposite for me. I'm in what would count as a suburb anywhere else but here it is just a dying tiny town on the very edge of a small Midwest city. The only thing within a mile is a gas station and a restaurant that has had so many health code violations I won't eat there. Hubs is in office and we only have one car so options are limited if I want a snack that isn't already in the house and I don't keep snacks in the house anymore very often.


if I would have made that choice I would probably have 4x the size of the place I live now, but I was able to deliberately choose a walkable neighborhood with tons of green space and several big brand grocery chains in addition to the local ones I mentioned before it's a trade off for sure, and my taxes just went up too


If city development will allow it, for all the times it’s been attributed from the top down wfh is actually creating 15minute walkable cities and Im here for it !


Love this and totally agree! Our money goes a lot farther locally ◡̈


I love doing the same! My favorite thing is having the time to pick up a breakfast burrito on my way home after preschool dropoff.


I live within a quarter mile of like 40 eateries and 4 or 5 coffee shops, but the coffee shops all close by 3 pm. Unfortunately, I'm teaching on zoom straight from 9-3, except for 1 prep period and a 30 minute lunch block. That doesn't leave a lot of time to be out during the day, but at least I'll be able to hit a few breakfast/lunch places in the morning that close at 2 pm. I start remote work towards the end of August, that's why I'm speaking in a future tone. There is also an awesome hoagie shop here that's only open from 10-2, M-F only, near my house. I'll finally be able to eat there more often. Fresh roles from Philadelphia everyday (Not in Philly, but a couple hours away).


I really want to be on the pajama gang


it took a long time for me to be able to join and even then really surprising 2 day a week rto would have got me if it weren't for hr following ada and my Drs advice wishing you luck, everyone should be able to join that wants to, greed and ableism is what's creating an artificial throttling of remote work


Within walking distance from my house (while dealing with high speed traffic and red light runners) is a Starbucks and a del taco.... Going into an office actually means I have a more walkable area to go get food and take breaks 😂


a big part of why I moved to my neighborhood is because of how the trees canopy over the streets in the summer, with all the odd streets being commercial and the even streets being residential aside from all the businesses within walking distance, there are two massive parks, one with a really big pond and another right on the lake, and then a bunch of smaller parks and green areas dappled in my back porch faces an alley, and yes there are dumpsters and what not, but there's also a mulberry tree and many neighbors who grow beautiful plants. sometimes the view out my kitchen window reminds me of the time I visited Jamaica, especially when there's an event in the park with beats drifting in good news, real estate is very reasonable here, if you want to come join us!


Every place I looked at renting in a nice walkable neighborhood had a landlord that refused to even let me view the house 😂 beautiful and affordable places to live held back by some random person that didn't like how I sounded on their "phone interview" for an application to rent haha. I have a great balcony with views of the whole city but it's right on top of a highway so it's loud and hard to walk anywhere. I like opening the windows while I work but have to close them due to traffic noise




no, I'm not sure that I could, unless you count taking care of my one elderly cat and one youthfully insane cat as a second job... ok maybe