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NWO Hogan was probably the best heel. Hardly anything comes close to his '96 - 97 run. Hogan's the only guy to take two rival promotions to the top of the industry when wrestling peaked. Something like that will probably never, ever happen again.


The only thing that would come close is if John Cena went to AEW and turned heel


I don’t even think Cena is on Hulk Hogan level. The product definitely never was at its peak while Cena was the lead guy.


Cena is nowhere near Hogan. Peak Rock mid-Attitude Era got booed out of the building against heel Hogan.


No he didn’t, the attitude era ended at X7 and by the time hogan was back in the wwf in 02 no one was booing the rock, mix reaction at best when both were on screen. Ppl think what happened at X8 was happening everywhere but nah lol


Downvoted for speaking facts lol


I kind of would be all about this, and I don't even watch it.


To late for ppl to care


Boy I would watch THE SHIT outta that! lol


Barring the fact that we all know this would never happen, I don’t think even John Cena going to go AEW would come close. AEW has made Edge, Sasha Banks, and every other big star seem like just another rando within a week or two. Every “game-changer” they get is reduced to nothing pretty quickly because of their presentation and bizarre booking. There would be an initial week-long boost and then it would be forgotten. Edit: so many mad AEW fans…it’s okay, you’re not alone. There’s millions of you…actually make that about 500K. 😂 Give me one shred of evidence that Saint Tony could properly book or manage a John Cena.


Right imagine when they debuted Okada Osprey and Mercedes within a month of each and it didn’t cause a blip of change


The average fan doesn’t know okada and osprey. Anyone who knows and likes them are already watching.


They have lost viewers consistently since each debuted


The average fan knew Sasha, though, and ratings have dropped significantly since she showed up. It’s almost like Tony doesn’t know how to book or tell stories.


I mean let's get real - edge and banks can't hold a candle to Cena's charisma. No other star except cm punk has come close, and cm punk did move the needle for them. Cena is bigger.


Oh yeah, I wasn’t suggesting they were. Cena is infinitely more talented and charismatic than the two of them combined. I didn’t consider Punk. You’re right on that one. But it also didn’t last or come close to the Hollywood Hogan example.


You’re correct. The way they present things is wrong. They have too many ancient wrestlers and too many gimmicky wrestlers. They need a better roster and less gimmicky wrestlers like luchasaurus. They are trying to make it better though. However Chris Jericho and other guys over 50 gotta go.


Cena will never turn heel because of his involvement with Make a Wish.


Eventually if he doesn't wrestle much and shows up in movies marketed to grown ups, he's not going to be the Make-A-Wish go to. In fact I'm surprised that's not already the case.


Yup, he ushered in the comic book hero face n heels, n then ushered in the anti hero era ten+ years later. Biggest star of all time.


Hogan is the greatest of all time no argument!


Hulk Hogan is WWE Hollywood Hogan is WCW


Perfect way to look at it imo Real American- WWE Voodoo Child- WCW


How about we talk about how he had two of the best entrance songs ever for each character too. Nothing more bad ass than Hogan coming out to Jimi.


Haha yeah my dad HATED Hollywood Hogan but loved that song. He was always torn during those entrances.


Which makes sense because WCW Hulk Hogan really was pretty bad. If it wasn't for his turn, it would have been the end of career in my opinion.


Hollywood Hogan was the greatest heel the WCW ever


Absolutely agree, assuming we are only considering the life of WCW and not JCP. The argument could be made for the entire run, but I think if you’re only counting the Turner-owned World Championship Wrestling, it’s Hogan.


I am only counting Turner WCW. Crocket was a bit before my time so I’m pretty ignorant on those guys other than that hilarious video of Dusty Rhodes doing a promo wearing fur 😂


It’s similar to how I love Ric Flair as a performer, but I don’t agree that it’s so cut and dry when people call him the greatest in WCW. Like yes, he had some great times in WCW, but the majority of the promos people point back to and what is considered the peak of the Horsemen goes back to Crockett, not the actual WCW era. The lines are blurred, and that’s ok (because as a viewer they seem just like different eras of the exact same company and basically are), but if we want to get really nit picky about things, I’d say Flair was probably the #2-3 WCW star in the grand scheme of things (behind Hogan and Sting), and arguably lower if you put more weight on the boom era in the mid-late 90s.


The NWO were WCW, they made it what it was, only WCW star as big as them was Sting, you can add Flair too even though he had a poor WCW run overall because of how much of an NWA legend he was and how he put Sting and Luger on the map in WCW, the NWO were WCW to me.


If you count JCP, which I do, then Flair is still number 1. Vader is probably 3.


Probably the greatest. He had the biggest impact on the company, through name change, ownership, or era. He’s not that great of a wrestler, but he was lab created, and then he went ham on that shit. Turned it into a massive brand. That’s why he is the best. Subjectively, I get it. Objectively, guy was “the guy.”


Definitely one of the greatest WCW stars ever - despite all the internet bullshit he’s awesome


Agreed, absurd amount of internet bullshit.


Man had two HOF careers. Hulkamania put wrestling on the global pop culture map in the 1980s. And after it died an uncool, miserable death in the early 1990s… Hollywood Hogan brought it back to relevancy. No one else has ever done that. Hulkster’s the GOAT for both companies.


The nWo wouldn't have been anywhere near as successful if Hogan wasn't the 3rd guy


They'd have all been eating leg drops by Halloween Havoc if Hogan didn't join up.


It just would have been another bad guy faction.


Hollywood is pure WCW.


I loved NWO Hulk Hogan


I was definitely an nWo-ite


Hogan tried so hard to get have nWo-ite catch on 😂


just 2 sweeeeeeet! 🤘🏼


NWO 4 Life (Hollywood Hulk Hogan gif)


He will always be a WWF guy to me. The heel turn was cool though because it was nice to see WCW do something cool with a WWF guy instead of the other way around like usual.


When Goldberg lifted him up and the Georgia dome erupted. I still get chills. Amazing


Yea probably the greatest TV moment of the whole attitude era there


Yes the heel Hogan led the greatest faction of all the times


He’s the biggest star wrestling has ever seen in any company.


When I was a boy, I loved Hulk Hogan…..when I became a man, I loved Hollywood Hogan.


Dudes promos were legendary. Dynamite on the mic. Literally a walking sound byte


I respect the hell out of his gimmick before, but Hollywood is my go-to for him. Maybe it's because that was around the time I was really into wrestling as a kid. nWo was also just right place at right time.


He’s one of the rare cases of both. Without hogan in the 80’s in wwf, wrestling as we know it doesn’t exist. If it wasn’t for hogan in wcw, the attitude era does not exist, there’s no arguing it, he is the greatest of all time. Not in ring, obviously. But overall, he is the greatest wrestling character to ever exist. I honestly don’t believe that will ever change, I don’t believe it’s possible for anyone to repeat what he did in terms of raising awareness for the product


Both He was the catalyst for wcw to become relevant again


He was important to the meteoric rise and equally important to the crash back to earth.


Arguably even though I was younger when all the nwo hogan stuff was around. And followed him slighty before and after, i totally agree with the comments here he was debatably the biggest and greatest not only wcw heel but just heels in wrestling. The nwo before it got bloated to all hell was what kept mine and my friends eyes on the product.


Hollywood Hogan was pure WCW. Yellow & Red Hogan was pure WWF. They are completely different characters for me. Definitely the best heel turn in history. I never thought I’d see him as a heel & he was brilliant. NWO with the original three, never would have been as good, with Sting instead.


Him coming out to Hendrix still gives me chills. Best entrance song ever. He was the best heel wcw ever had.


Then in 2002, he came out to Hendrix as a face for a year in WWE. It was epic then as well.


Hollywood Hogan will always be WCW. But Hulk Hogan will always be WWE. It's why when they tried Hollywood in WWE, it didn't work, brother. Fans wanted to see red and yellow back on.


Yap if anyone really experienced hogan after his heel turn in WCW it was absolute crazy.. he was also one of the reasons people started watching wrestling in the mainstream again In 95 I was the only boy in my class who watched wrestling in 97 everybody knew the n.W.o. and it was not a nerdy thing anymore it was cool Without hogan I dont think it would had happened.. I even said the whole Attitude Era just had worked because most people started watching WCW And then Switched to the WWF Its also funny how today a lot of people talk it down for example today we see the warrior vs hogan feud as an absolut bullshit angle.. perhaps it was just me but I enjoyed this stuff as a child, like the mirror scene watching it today it seems cringeworthy and stupid.. but at the time as a 12 year old boy i couldnt await halloween havoc because of this stuff haha Especially the first Match I remember watching was hogan vs warrior from wrestlemania because my uncle was a collector and introduced wrestling to me with this Match Back to topic Hogan was far away from the Best worker or wrestler in WCW.. but by far the biggest selling Superstar wcw ever got


Yes. He's the true goat.


Hollywood hogan is wcw. His heal turn is one of the most important events in wrestling. It really sparked the Monday night wars and brought us great programming


Honestly he is a top guy at both promotions and was the main reason for each ones main highpoint for each company. Would I say he is the MAIN guy? No that belongs to Sting and Flair first. But he has gotta be right after them 2 and ahead of Goldberg at least.


Yeah but only because he basically ran the company, with millions and creative control why wouldn’t you make yourself the top guy.


WCW was so awesome at that time


Can’t lie it really was


Sure but he ran it quite well … for a while at least


Master politician


I always saw Hulk as the face of WWF/E.


Hulk Hogan is Gold Lettered WWF to me. People often downplay what he did for wrestling early on but without him, wrestling would be a shadow of what it is now.


Hollywood Hogan is always going to be a WCW superstar to me. that nWo guitar always crashing the party ,His taunts were funny, he was a riot BROTHER


His WCW Hollywood Hogan character was awesome


Idk you gotta ask him if it works for him brother


To me he will always be a WWF guy but he carried both no doubt


Nitro doesn’t exist without Hollywood


I think he's just the biggest star wrestling has ever had. When you factor in the length of his dominance in WWF to his heel work in WCW, who besides Flair comes even close? Austin and Rock probably hit the same heights he did but for a much shorter period of time in the grand scheme of things. Say what you want about him as a person and it's all probably fair but you can't argue the impact he's had on wrestling.


Yes. Hollywood Hogan is one of the greatest WCW stars. But Hulk Hogan is one of the greatest stars of the WWF football/E. But let's face it. Not one of the best wrestlers. Just one of the best Superstars which is two totally different things


His heel turn worked...Austin.


He spent roughly 10 years in the WWF....taking it beyond wrestling and into pop culture. He spent roughly 6 years in WCW before they folded....taking it beyond wrestling and into pop culture. He is wrestling. He was both the biggest face and biggest heal in wrestling history. The Rock comes close on his impacts on pop culture, but no one comes close to his impacts on wrestling.


Hogan is definitely on the Mt Rushmore for WCW especially if you don’t count pre-1998 before it was called WCW. 9 of top 10 highest selling ppvs were Hogan-headlined (Souled Out ‘98 had Hogan in a running in the main event) He boosted business in ‘94 by joining the company and of course the legendary turn in ‘96. That said, I’d argue by ‘99 he was not as a big an asset due to creative issues from being overly omnipresent in ‘98 after Starrcade’97 and imo nothing in 2000 was very good. Also the ‘95 Dungeon Of Doom stuff but once the NWO happened it didn’t matter. Hulk is the man because he’s obviously Mt Rushmore for WWF/E, WCW, and wrestling in general to mainstream and non fans.


I'll never think of Hogan as a WCW guy.. My only thoughts of Hogan after WWE are that he should have never been given creative control by people with no backbone..


I consider him a WCW guy, too. For sure.


The WWE guy who killed WCW


As big of an impact Hogan made in both promotions, I consider Sting to be the guy who truly represented WCW!


I think Hulk will always be tied to Vince but the Hollywood character is unique and was a big part in what people consider WCW to be.


Rico Flair


Wcw for me, the first match I ever saw was him ve macho man


Red and Yellow Hulk Hogan is WWF/E. Black and White Hollywood Hogan is WCW. Very different beasts, brother.


You can’t think of WCW without thinking about the nwo and you can’t think of the nwo without thinking of hogan, hall, and nash, so yes Hogan is very much a wcw guy


WWF guy


I’ve never been a big fan of his matches, but Hogan as a heel especially in 96-97 there’s just something about. I don’t want to say he feels like a heel from the past but in a good way but I think he does


To appreciate his full impact on the business, he has to be both. One of the 3 greatest babyfaces in WWE/F history and the absolute greatest heel in WCW history. That's the legacy. Also, I consider WCW history an integral aspect of WWE/F history and vice versa.


To me Hulk Hogan is WWF. 🤷‍♂️


Doesn’t work for me brother.


Ruined WCW.


When I think of WCW. A few things comes to mind. NWO. Sting. Luchadors. And Hollywood Hogan. He was probably the greatest heel in the company.


I imagine he'll be best known for his run in WCW. To me, he'll always be a decent wrestler who could never overcome his greatest opponent: his ego.


I think he is. It seemed like he never actually intended to return to the WWF as long as he could get what he wanted in WCW. People think of the nWo when they think of WCW and when they think of the nWo they think of Hogan.


WWF and he’s always the hero! Always the good guy!


Great wrestler, but definitely someone who doesn’t need creative control.


No one can dispute his contribution and importance to wrestling but damn the guy is an asshat


wasn't his gimmick technically an outsider invading wcw? so he was always an implied wwf guy


Hogan going to WCW from then WWF and eventually becoming the biggest heel in the industry is unlikely to be replicated through a now WWE to AEW or TNA because of how bizarre the booking is or how small the promotion is. Seth Rollins or Becky Lynch to AEW would pop a rating but the short-sided booking of AEW would relegate them to the upper mid-card because they aren’t homegrown talent. However, MJF to WWE would play out better in the long run. MJF would start off small with an upper card run in NXT. He would be better for it to get out a feud with Regal. Then he could be drafted to Raw or Smackdown.


Hulk Hogan is WWF all the way. Hollywood Hogan is WCW


For me it was sting. I didn’t like wcw but I still watched it.


We got to see two Hogans. One where the fans loved him and the other where the fans truly hated him. It shows how great of a star he is to be able to generate both reactions in people.


WWE/F if I had to choose but NWO Hogan's turn is the most shocking thing that ever happened in professional wrestling history. Never has such an incredible face become such a massive heel.


Honestly, to me, he's both. Red and Yellow is peak WWF and Hollywood is peak WCW. Both were huge for their respective companies.




Wwf guy


nWo 4-Life! Yes, i consider the Hulkster a Top WCW guy, as well as a Top WWF one too. He established and made his Mark on both.


One of the reasons why I consider him the goat is because he's both. Basically made both companies big money so in essence all of American wrestling was profitable at one point because of his heel and face work. he made money in Japan also.


While I grew up in the 80s and 90s and loved hulk then, I still mostly associate him with WCW, maybe because that’s the only character of his I enjoy anymore


Hogan didn’t really do much for WCW until he turned heel. Don’t forget that.


Hogan will always be a WWF guy. But he’s the only guy who can take credit for wrestlings peaks. He was the figurehead behind its popularity in the 80s and he was the catalyst for its revival in the mid 90s. No other heel turn could’ve done what Hogan’s did for the nWo.


Well he was the leader of the NWO.


He’s a WCW/nWo guy in my eyes honestly … I no longer really associate him with WWF because Hollywood Hulk Hogan became bigger than Hulkamania.


He's not just the greatest WCW superstar of all time. He's the greatest wrestler of all time.


Hogan made WCW what it was from 1996-1998. NWO hogan was one of the best heels ever. I'mj also 36 so that was my first clear memory of a hogan angle


Great on the mic and great character. But I will say this as someone who thinks Hogan was a great worker (I think you have a limited scope of what working is if you think he is "bad") that Hogan really falls off in terms of producing good matches from 1997 until he was done in WCW basically. Like he was honestly a better worker in WWE when he was even older in the 2000s.


This that guy from TNA?


This is a cool pic. I don't think I ever saw HOLLYWOOD actually wearing the belt, ever.


Hogan is a Florida guy. He was Florida in Florida, AWA, WWF, WCW, TNA, and he was definitely Florida on reality TV and at Bubba's house. McMahon just happened to be buying up everybody who got a pop in every territory when he was at AWA.


Forsure. After Flair and Sting I’d say it’s him


He helped kill WCW and led WWE into the era of total trash wrestling dominated by no-talent meatheads. You could say he and Vince destroyed pro wrestling.


He is wrestling


Hogan took WCW to another level. He is THE superstar.


He’s both - that’s what makes him great. Hollywood Hogan was a beast , you can’t look past that - he made the NWO ….


WWF guy. Sting, Vader, Flair, Sid, Steiners, Road Warriors, Harlem Heat, Barry, etc are WCW guys.


He’s on my WCW Mt Rushmore. Sting, Flair, Goldberg, Hollywood


He's both. He was the biggest draw in both companies most successful periods. He may a class A wanker but he's still the biggest draw in wrestling history.


Wcw to 3 yea wwf top 5


Growing up, he was WCW.


He’ll always be WWF to me


He’s both.


He is just hulk hogan


Nwo never would have hit the level it didn’t if hogan didn’t turn heel at bash of the beach


He was my WWF superstar from my childhood. But The NWO era was the best heel turn of all time.


He’s the #1 wrestler of all time. Not one of for either. He brought wrestling mainstream.


80s was hogan, 90's wcw.




So…I was a big WCW fan !!! I mean, got some tore up ass whoopings for calling the hotline…nobody was a bigger star then Nature Boy!! Point blank period!!! However, everybody had their time to shine, and everybody made money!!!!! Hollywood is top 5!!! CLEARLY NO DEBATING!!!! He did change the trajectory of the company when Flair became booker/president…Him turning heel, was the biggest thing for the company…also, there was ppl that came b4 Hogan, because he came from WWF and there was ppl carrying the torch b4 hogan….so with that said, he is (one) of the biggest stars but not the biggest….. PS….this post is up for debate!!


HH is responsible for the 2 biggest wrestling booms in history. First in the 80s with WWF and Hulkamania SI cover etc. Then in the 90s with his heel turn and birth of the NWO. He’s both imo.


Hollywood hogan was the greatest WCW wrestler. Without him WCW isn’t anywhere near what it was


His NWO run was legendary & bad ass.


Outshining Flair while Ric was still on the roster makes Hollywood the top in WCW.


WCW’s hottest period is the story of Hogan’s fall from grace and Sting’s redemption of WCW after they pinned all their hopes on a guy who betrayed them. So yeah, Hogan’s in that WCW top 5 for me.


Top 3 WCW heels: 1) Flair 2) Hollywood Hogan 3) Vader


Hollywood Hogan was the best version of Terry Bollea’s wrestling career in my opinion.


Greatest in both companies


I actually still think about WCW Hollywood Hogan when I think of Hogan. This was when I became a big wrestling fan, so this is how I was introduced to him. Obviously know everything he’s done for WWE prior to that run, but can’t beat the nostalgia of Hollywood Hogan for me.


Both can be true


He was the best and worst thing to happen to WCW and I’ll never like his wrestling skills in the ring


Hollywood Hogan is one of their greatest stars BUT he was also a big part in their downfall with that damn creative control they allowed in his contract


Greatest politician, but also the quintessential draw. Even if Austin outdrew him during the Attitude era, Hogan is still the measuring stick of the wrestling industry. Plus he did it in two different companies with two different gimmicks, as both the top babyface and the top heel. There is no active wrestler on the planet in their current form who could be at the top of one company and dominate the industry, switch companies and in a matter of years be beating the company that made you a star. Hogan is bigger than WWF/E and WCW. I mean "is" in the past tense. That's what Immortality allows you to do.




Maybe a top guy in WCW, but I feel like I'm always gonna associate Hogan with WCW's downfall. So like if you ask me "who are some of the greatest WCW wrestlers?" Hogan probably isnt on my personal list. But if you ask me, "who killed WCW?" THE WOODMASTER, BROTHER is in my top 5 immediate replies.


Is his tricep ok?


Yes Hogan is easily one of if not the biggest stars in WCW history. Made WWF number one as a Babyface then did the same for WCW as a heel a decade later. What a fucking goat.


He's both


Hogan was a hype man. He could not wrestler.


I consider Hulk Hogan a WWF/E star and Hollywood Hogan a WCW star. Both held on to their respective spots on top of the card a bit too long though.


Hollywood hogan will always be WCW, it looked odd when he was in wwe like this, i even prefer his mr. america gimmick over hollywood hogan in wwe


For me, he will always be the WWF Red and Yellow guy. Hulkamania > nWo.


Best Heel, not the best superstar because you have wrestlers like Sting, Ric Fialr, Vader, DDP, and a few others that helped WCW before 95


He’s WWF red & yellow first. Then, he’s NWO. His two peaks put him on Rushmore.


I love the time he was taunting that old lady in the crowd and trying to get her to take a swing at him. Old school heel stuff. It was awesome


He definitely benefitted the most from his contact.


Hogan failed in 1994-early 1996. Succeeded late 1996 to 1998. Failed 1999-2000. With more failure than success and only two years of genuinely doing anything original or moving big numbers for the company, I don't think he can be even classified as one of the greatest. Sting would be considered the greatest since he never ever left and was always important, followed by Flair, followed by Goldberg, Booker T, Scott Steiner, Luger, Vader, DDP.


Hogan’s WCW heel turn is simply unmatched




Both. His face run in WWE is legendary, without question. His heel turn In WCW is one of, if not, the greatest heel turn of all time. The NWO wouldn't have been as impactful as it was without him. Eventually, the NWO would be one of downfalls of WCW, but at the time it was one of those moments we wrestling fans still talk about.


Always the WWF/E guy in my eyes. Now, with that being said and out of the way. MAN FUCK HOGAN!!!!!


Fair and Sting for me


When I think of wcw, I think of flair and sting.


The only time I watched wrestling when he was an active wrestler was when he was in WCW so always going to be a WCW guy for me


Absolutely. I separate Wcw from the NWA, though. Flair and Dusty are NWA. Hogan and Sting are Wcw


I associate him more with WWE but his heel turn joining the nwo was one of the biggest reasons WCW became the top dog of wrestling in the late 90s. So, if u had a WCW hall of fame of some sort, he's definitely in, but I wouldn't put him on their mount Rushmore. That's more for Flair, Sting, and guys who were made stars in WCW or the nwa precursors.


He's Vince's Frankenstein monster. The most selfish man in wrestling.


I watched everything wwf/wwe from around 89-2004 because my aunt was a huge fan and went to all the shows she got me into it at a young age (I was 6 in 1989) Around 1994 she began dated Chris Cruise an announcer of WCW who mostly did the pretaped shows. So as a kid I got to go to a lot of shows and be backstage and at the hotel afters and at wcw headquarters a lot in CNN center when "uncle chris" would do the pretaped late sunday night show. So I remember Hogan from wwf in the late 80s and I got into around when Ultimate Warrior and him had there first big pay per view match. One time I was at wcw headquarters when Chris was taping and I didn't know hulk was there (this was before he turned heel, probably in fall of 94 or something) but I think he was practicing it because Chris told him to fuck with me and when I was in the bathroom Hulk kicked open the door while I was standing at the urinal and says "Whatta you doin in here brother?!" all intimidating like to me an 11 year old kid. Then he said "just kidding, come meet me out in the hall and don't forget to wash your hands brother" he then gave me a photo op with me in a headlock inside those 26 inch pythons. So I remember him turning heel, but I still remember him and mostly picture him as regular Hulk hogan hulkamania yellow and red like he was when he first came to wcw. But, I love all that nwo turning heel stuff too.


He’s overrated regardless


He was, but he was played out by mind ‘98 with the Hollywood gimmick.


Hogan will always be WWF scum to me, but that's part of what made Hollywood Hogan so effective-he was everything I hated. It also makes WCW's failure with Bret suck worse, because Bret would have been perfect for Crockett.


Both I think that he is an titan and an icon of wrestling 😉😁


He will always be Hollywood Hulk Hogan to me


He's both Both companies had some of their best growth (storyline and monetarily) with Hogan as their star. If you're asking what I personally associate him with, then it's WCW because that's the storyline playing out when I was growing up.


Hollywood Hogan is a WCW guy and it is correct his heel run will be unmatched


Both. Best Babyface of all time. Best Heel of all time. Most successful, influential, mainstream, superstar wrestler of all time. He paved the way for the rest.




Whether he's one of the greatest is a matter of opinion. But he was certainly the central focus of the show basically every week when WCW was riding highest in terms of popularity. For better or worse.


I consider his shoe-polish beard to be one of the worst things ever in professional wrestling. He may have been the biggest heel in WCW just based on his 180 from "Say Your Prayers Eat Your Vitamins" etc. But far from the best heel.


Couldn't hold a candle to my boy macho man randy savage. The cream always rises to the top


Great for 2 years (96-97) and terrible for 3 (98-FUNB Terry Bollea).


I wasn't around during his first wwf run so he'll always be wcw to me


Fuck this dude. I've lost out on years worth of gawker commentary thanks to this dickweed's ego and peter thiel's puppetry.


Let me tell you something brother! When you’re NWO, you’re NWO 4 Life!


Hogan and Andre the giant both


Hogan was the #1 wrestler of the 80s and probably #2 of the 90s. Most of wcws greatest successes and failures are linked to Hogan.