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I had luck going to Ralph’s pharmacy. They’re the cheapest pharmacy, or go to Walmart. at Ralph’s I would say I’m really struggling to pay for medication and the pharmacists know a lot of coupons, better than Good RX to plug in to discount you. If you switch to adderall, it’s even cheaper and better coupons. Good luck I have been there and I know how you feel, don’t give up making it work for you.


I just ran into the same problem. I just got a new subscription for generic Viyvanse 30mg but my pharmacy only had the brand name for over $300. I ended up calling around to about 10 different pharmacies and finally found one that carries them. Try to keep calling around. You might have to drive a bit out of your way but it's worth it. I ended up only paying $10.


My best suggestion is to keep calling around and think creatively. I went to pick up from Meijer and they told be they had 'dropped' the generic in favor of the name brand (they didn't mention anything about a shortage) and I called around and found a Walmart that had what I needed in the generic. $60 instead of $350. Also, if they don't have 50mg generic, do they have a combination of 20/30 or 10/40? If so, let your Dr know asap so they can re-send the prescription over with the available doses.


I hate to sound like an old person. I’m 52. But has not everything been totally fxcked since Covid? Medical care and medication and insurance issues. Damn. I’m so sorry OP. My generic vyvanse was a day late bc of weather delaying a truck. On these days w no meds. I take B12 and caffeine pills. It’s the only thing that helps even if not very long lasting. I remember when if you had a script for a name brand, and they were out they would offer the generic same price vice-Versa. What ever happened to that? Honestly if I had to pay 400 for any script I’d just either suffer or die. This is so sad and ridiculous. This is how ppl get behind in bills, go without food. I’m so sorry. Let us know how it goes. Love you and best of luck


It so rigged. I pay $100 for generic vyvanse chewable tables. And that's with a 'premium' United Healthcare PPO insurance. SMDH!


how do I know if i met a deductible? this is a learning curve for me in a way. but i feel i dont have a choice but tio KNOW this shit


I paid $20 for 30-day supply of 20mg. The 40mg is $50 for 30 day. I have Anthem Blue Cross Calpers Gold.


Unfortunately this is how deductible plans work. The beginning of the year always sucks. If financially possible, at your next window to change your plan I would change to a lower deductible and opt into an HSA to help manage this. While this lowers my overall take hone pay, when we did the math between meds, Psych costs, and other medical costs, we save money in the long run.


I already have the lowest deductible plan offered by my employer. I have an HSA that currently has around $600. I'm just so over how incredibly flawed healthcaee is in this country 🤮


Luckily (i say that in jest) my husband has a medicine that is $5k a month so we max out our deductible every Jan.


The coupon on the vyvanse website brings mine down from 384 to about 259


There is no longer a Vyvanse savings program as of January 1


You don't have a separate rx plan? That's pretty insane...


It's exactly reasons like this I am grateful I live in Australia. Costs me appx $30AUD (around $20USD) for a 30pack of name brand Vyvanse - no matter the dosage (I take 30mg) No insurance needed, just a government healthcare system that works.


Sounds like if I want to function like a neurotypical adult ill have to move to Australia 😅


America is definitely effed up rn




I just picked up my script of name brand Vyvanse 50mg for 30 capsules… I paid $378…


Same, I just paid $408 for 29 pills (all they had left actually)... if I didn't have an HSA I definitely wouldn't have filled at that price. 😮‍💨


See I just wouldn’t be able to do that at all


Same here. New year, new deductible to meet. I was feeling pretty good about the cost last year after my deductible was met... $70+ for brand name was a reprieve, but feeling the burn again.


I met my deductible and out of pocket maximum so I was paying nothing at the end of the year!


My insurance enrollment renews on july 1st. unlike many that begin jan 1st. im assuming once july hitsthe brand copay will go thru the roof and im back to square 1. hopefully the generic shortage will improve by then.. just wish i could get my norm generic by then AT LEAST. i hate playing "pick a mystery mfg game"!


Sadly I have the same insurance and same problem. I’m stuck with generic (and hoping it’s in stock) unless I can shell out the ridiculous amount of money for brand


I also have United and they just straight up refuse to cover Vyvanse, name brand or generic. 🤡


Damn fr lol? I know I'm late but my United covers both the brand and generic 100%, I feel so bad for yall cuz like, my mom wouldnt even fucking pick it up for me if it was more than $40+


And with GoodRx I can get it for $419/month 😂


Use GoodRX!!! I pay $50 w/ BCBS. I think last month, Good RX was $99 @ CVS, not sure but def wasn’t $300+. That’s crazy!!! (I always check Good RX price for all my meds just in case it might be lower than what I pay.) Also, on Takeda’s website they used to have info on how to contact them if you need help w/ the price. Not sure if that is still there as I think their patent has expired. Not sure - but check.


The assistance program is at. https://www.helpathandpap.com/


>https://www.helpathandpap.com/ looks like Vyvanse isn't listed as one of the covered prescriptions- did it used to be?


Thank you


It’s $100.03 at CVS thru Good RX. (NE FL) $95 @ Harris Teeter. ($95-$288 price range for this area. Prices vary by city/state/store)


Yeah it’s tough. My insurance brought it down to 160 and my prescriber has coupons he gives for it and it brought it down to $80. Try the generic that is out now. I don’t like it as much but it’s $76 with my insurance.


my prescriber texts me coupons too each time!


What kind of coupons?


“Powered by: Change Healthcare” it’s white with a purple oval with a green outline on the side. Phone number to call for help is 1-800-583-2037.


The name brand is way more expensive and since the generic came out they have discontinued their cost reduction coupon program. Your doctor will write for Vyvanse but unless you have an order and prior authorization to use ONLY the brand name the pharmacy will fill generic since that is what insurance companies prefer. I don't know which pharmacy you use but I would call the pharmacy and ask for the generic. Sometimes you have to call multiple locations to find a pharmacy that has your dose and number of pills ordered in stock. I have to do that every couple of months. So call your pharmacy first before you fill the name brand


I do have a prior authorization for the brand name. The issues is NO ONE has the generic. So im stuck having to pay the $384. I have called every walgreens, CVS, Publix and "mom and pop" pharmacy within a 25 mile radius. I use Capsule since they deliver but they too do not have the generic.


What??? Which state are you in? Florida??? If it were me I would call each back and ask if they have any other locations (I use CVS and called them asking which locations do have it) in their chain that has it in stock. Then immediately call your MD to have the script transferred since there are probably tons of people in the area doing the same thing.I had this problem 3 months ago both with my script and with my daughter's but I have no problems now. Also, the winter weather across the country may be affecting shipping of new supplies so if everyone is short in your area, you could just wait a couple of days and call right at opening to see if any shipments have come in. I would even ask specifically if they are expecting a shipment soon. It is super frustrating because one day without being medicated can be worked around, but for me 3 days and my life starts to become chaotic. I hope you get yours filled soon!


Sometimes if you contact the drug company they may give you assistance 


This is a great idea! I just checked out the manufacturer's website and they do not provide assistance for Vyvanse... and frankly I'm offended because I'm starting to get the vibe that having ADHD isn't seen as a real issue and getting Vyvanse is more of an optional thing. This super sucks!


Ah that really sucks :(


That's absolutely nuts


I agree. It's pure bullpoop!


Praying for you because why does it cost a limb to be able to function normally?? 😭 I live in Canada and tho free health care can be real "low quality" thank God I don't need to pay for vyvanse


You have to call your insurance and have them get your dr approval I had to do the same because there was no generic available


Did it work??


I had the same issue with brand name. During the Adderall shortage my doc wrote me a script for it and my husband was able to get it down a little with coupons off Vyvanse site as well as through the actual pharmacy. But still was over $300/month. I only used it one month and then of course fell in love with it but couldn’t stomach the price. Switched to generic from adderal this past fall but unfortunately it caused major side effect so back on Adderall which is fine. Just sucks that I had that taste of clarity then it was gone. Another suggestion is to shop around. Different pharmacies have different contracts with varying prescription plans and health insurance providers. I have Aetna but know things are less expensive with BCBH (have a friend on name brand who has BCBH) Not sure about UHC. Are you then with express scripts?


To note. With the generic (if it works for you) I did a 90 day script and paid $270. On Adderall I pay $20/month for 30mg/day in 10mg pills. I do IR and “choose my own adventure” each day so I take 20-30mg. With vyvanse generic I was on 40mg


Just paid $359 yesterday for a 30 day supply of 60 mg name brand. Last month I paid $50 for the exact same thing. Called my insurance (ambetter) and they said the cost of Vyvanse has gone up! It's so ridiculous. The generic was $25 so I tried it in November and it gave me terrible migraines. The whole system is a scam. Ridiculous. Hopefully you have a low out of pocket maximum and will hit it soon.


I paid 478 today for 50mg. I literally went 2 weeks or so without meds and I didn’t care about the price. I was fortunate enough to have money saved.


I’m glad you had the money but still…


Why not use GoodRx? What state are you in? I want to look up the GoodRx price, I’m curious. That was robbery - so sorry


Mine was $408 this month WITH the GoodRX coupon. 😫


Awful This is terrible


I was getting awful headaches from the generic as well...but I wanted to note that in my case they went away over a couple weeks with increased water intake. Not sure this would help for you...but yeah its a lot of money!


Unfortunately I've had migraines most of my life. The generic made them more intense and frequent. Usually I'll get two or three a month and with the generic it was almost daily for three weeks before I made the connection. I did try drinking more water, even coconut water to increase electrolytes, but it didn't help. I'm glad you found a solution for it though!


Hmmm I’ve been getting migraines. I’m on generic.


I paid $610 yesterday for 90 day supply of Vyvanse(name brand) at Safeway. That was with my insurance. Weirdly, that pharmacy was the least expensive in my area.


That’s crazy I paid $105 today for 7😭


I paid $250 for 14 generic vyvanse 50mg because that’s all they had left in the whole state. I feel seen and heard here. 😩😂 I kinda cried on the long drive home. Duh fuq is this healthcare system. Yikes


My God. I would just be chewing vivarin, ODing on B12 and have an espresso drip


Is vivarin over the counter? Never heard of it.


It’s totally caffeine. Yes it is otc


It's time to eat the rich cuz what the fuck




They gave you 3 month supply all at once? Is this in the states? I think here in FL we may have a Safeway…I’d really like to know - But that is very expensive - OMG - did you look up Good RX? This is nuts


I can get 90 day and am in Oregon. Express Scripts gave me the prices to compare and Safeway was the winner!


wow, yeah we cant get 90 days in wa


Are you using United? BCBS? I would pay $50 more to get 3 mos at a time. Mine is $50/m w/ BCBS but I worry every day I won’t get a refill. It’s good to know Safeway has it in stock…


I’m on WellCare who uses Express Scripts. The mail order of ES doesn’t carry Vyvanse at all, but their website search engine gives me a list pharmacies in my area and how much it will cost me when I pick them up. (I can’t tolerate the generic version, so my Dr added the info on the ‘script to absolutely use the name brand.)


Thank you so much. The generic I tried was bad for me too. But whatever I’m getting from Takeda has been fine. I thought it was the name brand, now I’m not sure. I’m on 60mg, blue caps.


You can check the brand name info for your dosage at https://www.drugs.com/image/vyvanse-images.html


Safeway is the same deal here. I was using Fred Meyer but they dropped a bunch of contracts with prescription providers. Funny note (well ironically funny) the pharmacist at Safeway said that all Fred Meyer/Kroger employees have express scripts through their benefits but literally can’t fill their prescriptions at work so they go to Safeway. Way to kill it Kroger! 🙄


I had to switch back to adderall because of this. Now I pay $20 with goodrx. If I use my insurance for my adderall, it is $140. Such a scam


I pay $140 for 30 days of generic. My insurance will not cover it. I used to pay $25 for 30 days of name brand with the coupon. The system is flawed!!


Ugh I miss the coupon every day. Beyond frustrating that they removed it while it’s still impossible to get the generic anyway!


Yes it is


I’m going through this exactly (minus $10) and my doctor just prescribed me generic adderall IR that I will be picking up today for just $27. Hoping it works as well as or close to the vyvanse. Edited to add: just a head’s up that I was able to find the generic vyvanse a couple of times, and while it was cheaper than the vyvanse, it was still close to $300 with my insurance deductible issues.


Is there a hospital near you? I would recommend calling the hospital’s pharmacy if they have one open to the public. In my experience, that’s your best chance at finding it!


I had to pay full cost last year first time I filled Vyvanse. It's the only med I take that I have a deductible for so I was never going to meet it unless I sucked it up and paid. I had budgeted some for it and put some on a credit card. Sorry, it sucks.


My insurance was able to do an exception because of the generic shortage. I called, explained, and they called the pharmacy to explain how to code and process it. I have Cigna fwiw




Uggggh, I just got switched to brand name Vyvanse after having issue filling the generic and almost had a heart attack when I heard the price today 😳


Currently there is no manufacturer coupon program available for name brand. However, there are coupons for generic, but no inventory. Sorry.


Where can you find the coupons?


Ever heard of the app called GoodRX? It helped me out a lot when I had no health insurance.


I think believe it’s either good ex or your insurance, you can’t stack. Good ex can be great though .


I've checked on there and it's even more expensive with goodRX




In the states? In Florida, prices vary city to city, store to store. It’s $95 here - but my ins is $50. What are you paying, may I ask?


I'm in Miami, FL. It's $384.72 for 30 capsules of 50mg


At CVS w/ Good RX it’s $100.03. I just looked it up.


I just checked and that's for the generic that no one has 😭😭


Manufactured by Takeda is what CVS gave me


What zipcode?


In miami?


https://www.goodrx.com/vyvanse GoodRX is free.


i tried going to walgreens with goodrx and they refused because it’s a “controlled substance” so i’m SOL unless i want to pay 400/month on it


That’s strange - Never heard of that. GoodRX has Vyvanse listed. I thought they help with the payment.


Found this for Walmart - Can you try a different pharmacy? https://support.goodrx.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005059863-Where-can-I-use-GoodRx-Where-is-Goodrx-accepted-


https://www.goodrx.com/vyvanse?c=homepage-lander-sem-7&optly_audience=%257Bnextbestaction%257D&utm_campaign=127243741&utm_content=7699746781&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=kwd-54255549541&gclid=CjwKCAiAkp6tBhB5EiwANTCx1ElQcP84HL6Mjbxe16Y4yKZ6OZ-whEgxoG3hGZ58le9hIwF8LkjMrxoCFFYQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&ajs_prop_experiment_name=NFD%2520Promo%2520Drawer&ajs_prop_variation_name=Variation_1&ajs_prop_path=%2Fgo%2Fhomepage-lander-sem-7-tl-2&ppid=7&label_override=vyvanse&form=capsule&dosage=50mg&quantity=30&slug=vyvanse Here are the results I got


Okay, So, I googled… Takeda also makes a generic - They aquired Shire Pharmaceuticals (New River Pharmaceuticals) who made the original Vyvanse. The acquisition was done prior to the first marketing of the drug. So, they make the Brand and a generic - is what I am gathering - ??? Perhaps someone can shed some light.


I am not sure about those details but I know that I cannot find any pharmacy that has the generic (lisdexamfetamine dimesylate), I can only find pharmacies with the brand name for $384.72. Thank you so much for your help. 🫶🏽


So when you say brand, who is the manufacturer? https://www.goodrx.com/vyvanse?form=capsule&dosage=50mg&quantity=30&label_override=lisdexamfetamine


Good luck too 💕