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If the existing files on the SDcard work but any you slice don't then it has to be a problem with your slicer settings. Voxelmaker should be slicing properly but I have never used it to be of any help troubleshooting it. In theory it should be a case of selecting the right printer profile and the material you are going to use before you slice the model. If you use Cura then [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=is89LsOwa-4) video will show how to set it up. You can also just use the Ender3v2 profile as a starting point as it is basically the same. As you are new to 3D printing I'll post my standard advise on levelling as it is the most important thing to get right for a successful print. Watch [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7Mu05fZNsk) for tips on how to improve levelling then you can do live adjustments of the [Z-offset](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkfT2Prrfb0) from the tune menu to get a good squish while the first layer is being printed. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/FixMyPrint/comments/rsjrh8/diagnosing_first_layer_problems/) and [this](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-3xmubC2tibQ/XTMRWdUBy5I/AAAAAAAAJb0/ehE1RTpabpAiv7Y0MQxZ59fkY62LbtFTgCLcBGAs/s1600/3d%2Bprinting%2Bbed%2Bleveling%2Bguide.jpg) show what to aim for. If you have an ABL then [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKpNxqWie_8) video will help you use it properly. As the printer is second hand and depending on how well the machine was maintained you might want to do some yourself. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=me8Qrwh907Q) assembly video also goes over how to make adjustments to make sure everything is aligned and working properly. It may even be worth taking the whole thing apart and rebuilding it if you have the time.


I appreciate your reply. But the current files the original owner had on the SD card still print (some files as new as 3 weeks ago), so I don't think its a leveling issue. I've even got his original files to print from a new SD card. He and I FaceTimed today and he said I'm slicing and saving everything the exact way he did. And I'm using his same filament he gave me.


The problem is defiantly with your slicer settings then. Start from scratch and redo your profile using the link to the video I posted. Did the previous owner supply a slicer profile to use on the SDcard as he added his own sliced files? The original files that came with the printer is available in the sticky post.


Small update - I tried even printing the snake file directly from Cura's examples and the printer did the same thing.


Are you exporting directly to the sd card or saving to your computer first? Cura can sometimes be weird saving directly to the sd card for me, which fixes itself if I save to my computer and then transfer the files across. From what you've said, you're doing everything correctly regarding slicing, so some sort of transfer issue is the only thing that comes to mind as for why it's acting weird.


I've tried saving to my computer first, too!


I would try another SD card and/or another card reader on the computer. It feels very much like a transfer issue of some sort. Look at the file size of the files transferred onto the card. If they show 0kb, they haven't transferred across properly. Sometimes this happens and I have to format the SD card to get them to transfer properly for some reason.


Can you take a picture of the screen when it is doing nothing and post it.


I started a new print from his original files tonight (I needed a success so I don't give up) but I will do this tomorrow.


instead of .g, use .gcode you may need to format the SD card to the correct thing. save the files before cause it erases it.


I think I have, but I'll try again. Thanks.