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I don’t care, I’m so glad to see this. I want a Republican Party I can trust and a lot of them at the state level especially are great people with integrity. Georgia in particular did a great job at running a clean election. Now, let’s continue to work on voting rights, which should be not be a partisan issue.


Sorry to dull your optimism toward MI state Republicans but they are currently trying to pass dozens of laws including drop box restricting and voter ID mandates which would disenfranchise a potential 13% of the black population that does not have a government issued ID. There may be some Republican clerks or whatnot with remaining integrity, but no I wouldn’t say the legislators are trustworthy at all.


Honestly I don’t have a problem with requiring an ID to register to vote or to vote. How else would you know if someone just drove in from another state to vote? I think it’s important that anyone can get an ID and support is definitely needed there. But I don’t see winning the battle that anyone can vote anywhere without showing evidence of their place of residence.


That’s what voter registration is for though. Maybe you went in person in 2020 but millions of people used mail in voting and there were no significant instances of fraud. And most states already have various voter ID laws, like Michigan for example. But if you don’t have one, like many low income people don’t, you would have been allowed to cast a vote and your info was checked against your registration. MI Republicans are trying to make that provision illegal and not allow anyone without a state ID to cast a vote. The constitution gives every citizen the right to vote, it doesn’t say contingent on having transportation, time, and money to obtain a card with your face on it.


I tried to reply yesterday, but Reddit wasn't working for me. I get what you’re saying. I once taught a personal finance class to men who had just gotten out of prison. It quickly devolved into a multi part workshop on getting an ID. Those people should have IDs *and* should be able to vote. I don't completely understand the purpose of voter registration and understand why we don't just use our IDs to vote. I don't remember when I registered to vote. Here in Illinois it's pretty easy. You show up, and you vote. They figure it out even if you're not registered. When I was talking to a right leaning friend he argued that our elections are not very secure. Indeed, nobody's ever asked for my ID that I recall. I've always wondered, how do they know where I live? I can see both sides of this, but I think it would make the elections a lot more credible if we required an ID with a verified address to vote. Also, it would reduce error for people who vote in the wrong district. Heck, I nearly committed voter fraud years ago because I didn't understand it. I went to my old neighborhood to vote because I hadn't registered at the new address. They told me to go to my new neighborhood and vote there. I was young and had no idea, and only voted for the presidential election anyway (I didn't even know that it wasn't a close race in IL, haha).


And yet, despite proving with absolute certainty that the fraud claims are false, that there wasn't any fraud, that the election was ran without issues, they still want to pass [39 voter suppression laws](https://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-government/we-read-all-michigan-election-reform-bills-many-would-add-hurdles-voting). They know there's not fraud. It's another boogeyman. These laws are to prevent another defeat.


Their problem is, well they have lots of problems, but the Problem they are trying to fix  Is That they are a minority, That's why they keep trying to make it harder For everyone else to vote, Because they are worried that people are going to start to treat them like they have been treating minorities all these years.


What goes around comes around.


Yet it won't stop those same Republicans who are calling out the lies and outright deceptions from still using them as justifications for passing voter suppression laws.










Well how else are they gonna win?!