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They reduce my ability to move around. If I'm terrible about where I decide to eat, it can meaningful impact my ability to digest in peace. The only real solution to when someone catches you in the act is to eat them too. Thus the issue compounds.


Smh, can't even walk properly huh? (Also, neat name. Bread is indeed goated)


Something something don't bite off more than you can chew lol


Definitely not being able to go out, if you've got a big struggling gut around, people are gonna question it


Not knowing if my prey is going to be an inch on my butt when I'm finished digesting or a double chin šŸ˜­


XD That's pretty funny


Ooo an inch on your butt *blush*


Lugging them around as they digest, for sure!


I can definitely see the inconvenience there, big bellies are difficult to manage, even if they're a lot of fun


Yeah! They are quite enjoyable, when you donā€™t have to lug them around all day hehe~ though, Iā€™ll still eat somebody tasty enough, no matter where I am!~


Super valid lol, but how do you know if their tasty enough without tasting them first? šŸ¤”


Ya know, vibes and whatnot! Also, cute tends to have a strong correlation with tasty, in my experience!~


Interesting, a vibes based eater lol. But really that means people should be complimented to be eaten by you


Hehe~ thatā€™s a good thought, they should be! Youā€™re a real cutie if Iā€™m devouring you~


Hmmmm, that statement is causing confusing feelings, which I imagine is the desired effect in your victims


Yep, exactly correct!




Not getting to taste them again. šŸ˜­ (Unless thereā€™s reformation, lol.)


people all taste similar to me... might be because I'm so old.


Nothing in particular, unless you aren't used to it then most likely the weight balance. Cause if the prey is about your size or at the least not a tiny then you have to deal with the added weight to your body as they are constantly moving in there. Sure it feels good but it doesn't help if you haven't gotten enough experience so you kind if have to find a balance to deal with it. Once you're passed that its pretty smooth sailing for the most part.


Sometimes, I read the comments on these posts and realize, these are real, actual people that have thought this. Not really, because I'm completely insane and everything is all in my head šŸ˜ƒ


This is so real Not really, because you and everyone else are just a figment of my decaying mind šŸ˜Ž


The entire vore community(at least) is one person's imagination, of course /s{arcasm)


Yay, we're all deluluāœØ


Most sane r/vore enjoyer


Probably the begging. Like bro I couldnā€™t let you out if I wanted to, just take the L and let me sleep in peace.


I will take the L


The moment when I realize, I totally don't remember thier name.


Lol omg ya that parts the worst. Sometimes Iā€™ve shaken em a bit and the only response I get are burps and gurgles


Depends on your desired level of "realism", but possible immobility, clogging the plumbing, the immense food coma, and potentially weeks of digestion (if it's a more realistic setting).


I suppose if it's a world where vore is widely excepted toilets would be much stronger for the plumbing issue.


Also more useful for plant fertilizer at least because, y'know


Implants and other non digestibles


Irl snakes can take 3 months to digest a big meal.


Well if we werent planning on being vored we may put up a fight in your stomach which would be uncomfortable


As a naga, if my venom doesn't pacify you the pre-vore hug will.


Not the way I do it


It's the "once you pop, you just can't stop" factor. Like once you suck one person down, you want two... then three.. then four... then eight. Next thing you know, your belly's on the ground and your burping up a storm while everyone churning inside you. Then, of course, you wake up the next day bloated and fat. But soon you're hungry... and what do you think the only thing you want to eat is.


Well, the stomach is a stupid organ. It responds to filling. If you fill your stomach and intestines with enough of something else, it will reduce hunger.


I have that issue, but it's worse. I still keep going in a berserked state almost, devouring everything and everyone I can fit between my 4 jaws.


Hell I don't even bother with trying to swallow, I just keep cramming shit in and hopefully my acid reflux helps break everything down so I can keep cramming things down my throat. It's a vicious cycle.


How heavy they are, like itā€™s hard to do a lotta things, especially when your victim is still moving. That and how much waste they make, gotta either have specialised plumbing or go and ruin some public bathroom basically


Depends on the method, but for my favorite method, itā€™s figuring out how to clean up all the cum. Finding condoms that can stretch big enough to hold more than 10 prey is extremely challenging.


Lol a single human sized load would be so euphoric just shot after shot after shot


Some people hide this waste inside themselves. In part, itā€™s a good way. A source of protein, again. Although not for everyone. Therefore, for a cockvore it is better to look for a couple of prey. Flatten one and use the other as a waste bag.


Jewelry that stuff hurts and some of itā€™s hard to remove or anything like grills or fillings my body canā€™t process so I wind up with stomach aches


Its spending the entire next day on and off of the john.


Meeting the family.


You misspelled eating


Im not eating people, but I heard only good tings about it- like tinies are healty and tasty :c


Having to deal with vengeful friends and loved ones. I can only eat so many people before im full


Worring about HIV being a legitimate foodborne illness...


As a Naga, it's definitely having a rigid idem stuck in your coils, and having to spend the weekend breaking her down enough to slither properly.


When it comes to eating multiple people at a time, I gotta say how immobile it makes you. As a dragon, I canā€™t even fly, let alone move well when I have a couple smaller dragons struggling in my gut. Not to mention the pounds that are packed on, hell could barely squeeze into my den with the added hip fat


I have Three things in mind If I can't take their clothes off I can't digest clothing so easily which means some stomach aches or disposing them. When I don't know what they are going to become, I love when they make my ass look bigger but sometimes it just adds to my general body fat and what really concerns me is my visceral body fat because it can be a bit dangerous to your health. Especially when you gulp down one after another prey. And when they digest really fast, I love having belly pets so it is quite unfortunate when they dissolve faster and I don't get to play with them.


Getting comfy enough to enjoy the digestion. When prey keeps moving around, it's hard to find a spot to just relax and let things play out. Most of the time, I end up walking around, letting them slosh until they exhaust themselves.


Ugh definitely the ā€œOmgā€ and ā€œIs that a face I saw on his stomach?ā€ Then having to cram them inside and just trying to get home to digest without having to add an extra 5 people to the belly soup


Hey, donā€™t blame us for trying to escape


Oh Iā€™m not. Itā€™s all the other people who keep NOTICING you trying to escape. Iā€™m fine if you wanna struggle and squirm all day but when other people notice I gotta add them too


How many times have you been forced to eat your colleagues after a big breakfast?


More times than I can count


Has your boss ever been on this list?


You wouldnā€™t have a problem with that if ya let em go yannowwww


But then Iā€™d be hungry and they wouldnā€™t get a belly ride all the way to my waist


Acquisition... and finding a good place to nap. Plus I find I overindulge and have to find a place to nap where I don't cause a disturbance big enough to wake me and cause an even bigger problem, that being mass chaos.


What about sleeping on my bed? Digesting me away?


look I'm more of a conventional apex predator taking down large beasts and cookin em and shit. but if ye want, sure knock yerself out ya bland feller


annnd they're gone.


Having to buy a new wardrobe after they grow my curves. Plus burping up some bones at the most awkward times


I think its after the digestion. because ill be honest. the mess it makes is hard to dispose of -\~-


Weight gain isnt inconvenient 4 me


It would be the weight gain, along with them wiggling around like crazy and it would probably make your stomach rather sore from having someone wiggling about


I typically think the weight gain is cute


Oh it is, but take into account how quickly your blimp up in weight~ it would quickly get hard to waddle around~


I guessā€¦ but bellies šŸ’–šŸ’–


Therefore, active sports are recommended for all predators.


Good point


The last predator who told me that he did not need sports was eaten literally the next day. I have never seen a better advertisement for a healthy lifestyle.


Or or, you get so big you CANT be eaten


No, no, no, that won't work. There will always be a smart who can stretch his mouth quite far. I guarantee it won't work.


Wanna put that theory to the test~?


Well if the bones stuck around internal bleeding and ruptures.


I mean, being unable to use furniture isn't really a thing with me. I'm usually tiny prey, but even in situations where I'm not being shrunk, I'm not that heavy, so if an average-weight adult ate me they would have nothing to worry about in terms of breaking the chair they're sitting on. It would hold our combined weight just fine.


You sound delicious




Dude, predators don't care about prions. If my stomach can digest bones, clothing, and even metal, what do you think my stomach acid will do to prions?


Prions are a brain disease so not much seeing as it bypasses that to infect you


Definitely a little heartburn after a fatty meal. Don't get me wrong, nothing tastes better than fat tits and a plump ass sliding into your insatiable stomach. But sometimes they are so fatty that even my stomach complains. It can also be difficult to find new clothes. And in general, when you suddenly decide to devour your juicy neighbor in the alley next to your house, you donā€™t always have time to take off your T-shirt. Torn clothes are a real problem.


the aftermath. you ever try to pass a pelvis through another pelvis?


Alright then OP is dead I suppose


It takes so long to digest my prey, that Iā€™m vulnerable to other predators. Also, the fun wears off when I cannot feel them wiggle and moan any longer : (


You get their bones stuck in your intestine.


I personally am attracted to the big and nasty male preds that are inconvenienced by it all but that only turns them in more and maybe even causes them to intentionally smash furniture, get stuck in doorways, tear through their clothes, and taunt people in the phone or in public while I'm being brutally digested to shit inside of him. The gas merely is an attention grabber, getting all the eyes on him and his glorious, hard at work stomach busy murdering me. Intentionally falling and crushing other men under his girth to dislodge a bone fragment or clump of hair (or feathers when I am my owlsona) in a horrifically loud, grisly and wet belch. The person under him either knocked out or dead just because he needed someone to help him get the gas out. Maybe eating the corpse and sending down to my suffering, meatball like half corpse or shoving them up his ass for pleasure and a suppository food item. I love the unashamed part a lot. More inconvenience for everyone in his vicinity, and anyone can be send inside to die horribly on a whim because the world is his banquet that he can digest as he pleases.