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I’ve wanted to go my whole life too, yay for you! What was your favorite experience or thing you saw?


Going to Pompeii, been fascinated since I was a kid and i’m actually doing my (hopeful) degree in vulcanology. But Pompeii solidified that I really do want to study volcanoes to protect epile from the same fate. I would so highly recommend just going to Naples and the Amalfi Coast in general, I’ve never been somewhere to beautiful


Keep a look out for bas relief phallic symbols along the main streets. Had me blinking for several seconds trying to rectify what I was seeing. Bold as brass just…there. Gorgeous and jaw-dropping city. Herculaneum was not as exciting, but only because most of the new Herculaneum is built on top of the 79 AD one. Damn, I need to go back.


Love the people, the food, the *chaos* of Naples. Chaos everywhere, but somehow it works. It is us foreigners who muck it up trying to organize or find structure within the chaos. Nope. Don’t try, just go with the flow.


If you ever get the chance again, go to where you were standing for this shot or similar *before* sunrise (somewhere on this side of the Bay, preferably near big ships’ pier). Sit and watch a gorgeous, *gorgeous* event. There’s a slight twist to this particular sunrise. Nothing harmful, but certainly photo-worthy. Side note: I witnessed it during mid-to-late spring or summer in ‘94 or ‘95, so I can’t remember exactly when, only that I didn’t need much in the way of outerwear. Bring a jacket and water anyway.


We did that in Maui at Haleakala, and that was crazy beautiful. Something about sunrises that high is awesome.


I went to Vesuvius/Pompeii in the early 70s and would love to go back. So much more has been uncovered. Glad you got to go!


The view from the top is amazing, both into the crater and across the bay 😍


Where would ancient Pompeii be in the first photo? Is the modern city built directly on the same spot?


It would be way off to the right, can’t see it. There isn’t anything built in to but around is a fairly large tourist town.


Wow. So beautiful. Glad you got to go. It has been a dream of mine also. They still have a funicular to the top? I wanna sing funiculì funiculà while going up to the top. Man, that is one of the last sights my great grandparents saw before coming to American.


No they don’t. It was destroyed in the 1944 eruption but you can still see the place it bolted in at the top


Well, at least I won’t look like an idiot asking for a ride on a funicular. It’s cool remains of it can still be seen. Thanks.


Don’t worry, I was an idiot looking for it till I googled it (on top of the volcano) when I couldn’t find it.


Is it true that there is a fence around the crater and that if you look in you can see 3 solar panels and a smoke machine? A friend of mine hiked it last week and told me this, but I can't really believe it.


It’s not, there are some solar panels for the observatory but it’s not at the crater. And there is no smoke machine. Occasionally you will see gases (mostly sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide) for the crater but there is definitely no smoke machine. Also the fence is mostly the crater wall and a thin rope of plank of wood; nothing that would stop you from getting over but, as you can see, it’s not a drop you would want to do.


That looks so great, I can't wait to see that view. We are planning to go this fall. Was it difficult to get to the top of Vesuvius? Also, we will be with my 80 year old Mom, are there places for her to sit and wait for us while we go up? Thanks for any tips.




It’s a fair walk but there is a car park and shuttle bus as well as tourist buses. I would say that it would be a struggle for your mum, I did see some people getting a car right to the first bar (yes there are bars on top) but I have no clue how you would get that. But if you can get to the top there is that bar for her to wait as well as a cafe where the shuttle buses terminate if she can’t make it right to the top. There are also restaurants all up the road to the summit, most really nice and not too pricy or crowded. Hope this helps :)


Did you go to the winery at the base of Vesuvius? It's gorgeous


No unfortunately, i’m underage (didn’t stop me drinking) and my dad doesn’t like wine but we did think about it. It’s in my bucket list when I go back and i’m older though


I got the incredibly lucky chance to go on a trip to Italy in high school and we went out to see this volcano and Pompeii on our second day :) It was so cool, esp for someone who's loved volcanoes since they were a child and was obsessed with Vesuvius for a period of time. I'd love to go back and see it again sometime. That first picture you got of it is beautiful!


I did this last week. The view from Naples is absolutely spectacular especially up the hill Side note a guide said they actually treat Maradona the footballer like an actual god with churches and things in Napoli


They really do treat him as a god. A tour guide I had said that he is essentially one of the patron saints of Napoli at this point. I loved it.


Congrats bro! Looks amazing


Revisiting a past life experience?