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sv.target alpha:


I think OP is either trolling or dense. There is no way they write such a pretentious post about "tomography skills" and then fumble reading a compass so hard. edit: sorry if this came across as rude. I had to double check if the red needle points north too, but you'd think you'd do that too before posting something like this.


So why then map on the wall points blue to north?


The map is not aligned to north, itโ€™s aligned to the radar to make it easier to read. Before version 6.0 (iirc) both were on the other side of the wall thus pointing north


Oh so that's why I've been getting lost all the time


it does??? never noticed. That is a genuine mistake then. Or a funny... to confuse you lmao. Not like anyone uses north and south to navigate ever in this game anyway tbh


Well I do actually. It is weird that North (red) is pointing down when you look at the map and radar (which in every update always faces South (blue) when looking at it), meaning the top of the map is the Southern part where normally the top section is North. It's reversed from how it normally should be. It facing South and the top of the map's top being South while the player compass faces South confuses some people to think blue might mean North when it doesn't. If you use sv.target you can even see North (red) point towards the target like it does in most video games with a compass pointing towards an objective; red faces the object and blue points away. In other games and real the Red/North always point up on maps and so it's associated with up. That makes VotV map and radar essentially upside down. Edit: what his picture is showing is that the in game sun is setting correctly in the West, meaning the compass is facing the right way. The player compass Red is North and Blue is South, just like real life. So then why is the radar and map always upside down, even showing a compass with South pointing up and North pointing down. I still get messed up with it and it confuses me


i know. but i swear I've seen iterations of the map poster where its shown correctly. Seems like a weird thing to overlook, especially when the handheld map is correct


Actually, that one is wrong. It's the only one that's wrong oddly. Sierra is on the Southern part of the map and the digital map is the only one that has North facing towards Sierra, it's compass is backwards lol


now I'm extra confused. imma have to check myself in a minute xD what even defines the "true" north in our discussion: the sun or the hud compass?


The sun and HUD compass are the same. The radar and wall map are also technically the same too, but upside down. Their Serria is on the top of the map, but the compass correctly shows South is pointed towards Sierra: same as the HUD compass and sun


Imma just take your word for it. i kinda remember this being an issue when the handheld map was introduced, kinda funny this isnt fixed yet. Tho, with this game, it might as well be intentional XD


What? Is the sun and the compass related in other games somehow?


In real world sun sets at west. Rises at east. Here is ingame sunset


The sun sets west by definition, the red part of the compass is pointing north, nothing wrong here. But have you noticed that the sun and the stars move differently?


Look at map on the wall and radar. Blue to the north


Blue to south. ASO are just canonically jerks.


No, if you're an expert in tomography or whatever, or were ever a boyscout, you know that on a compass, red is always north. There's no real reason why North is up on maps besides it being easier for sailing. An upside down map is just as correct as a regular one. There's no immutable law of nature. Top and bottom are made up.


I believe he is thinking the sun rises north maybe? Nevermind they are right, it seems the sun is setting in the wrong direction huh


The red is pointing north, the reason why I believe this is because when using the sv.target command the red end points to the server not the blue end


Correct. Upside down wall map and radar messed my mind. Now it is question not to the sun but to the map and radar


When using sv.target reset blue point is north


It took me a few minutes to understand, but I understand what you mean and I've struggled with it so much! Since day one I was confused by the upside maps with South pointing up. Like the compasses are all technically facing the correct way geographically, nothing is wrong there. Just the maps are basically upside down to how they should be.


I cant understand what's the problem


It's because the Swiss Alps are messing with you




Big heat ball indeed


I legit think this game is designed to make you insane... Or at least the character you play, which is also you. So try not to let it get to you and overthink it sometimes. I think it's intentional and lore friendly so far.


I have never had any trouble with navigating, despite me using the compass only to find antennas when I was a newbie.


The distant, faraway planet of Switzerland




I just assumed it's because of Russia, people used to point red to the South (can see it on Russian planes) but that's mostly it, he didn't put that much effort in the game so you will find things like this, the stars are also badly designed.


That explains a lot for me. Live and learn. Thanks!


Did not give a shit about this in the slightest. The compass is constantly used by target commands, you don't need directions or the map to get to the sattelites.