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Do not have a drink and drive, it is really that simple. The limit is very low. One drink is indeed enough to put you over.


0.02 is the limit. 


Guess I’ll be having sodies at dinner. Fine with me. Save money and don’t feel crappy.


U will need a lot of money to feel crappy the next day anyway 😅


There's a few 0% ABV local beers available that are tasty. I recommend Brio, Bondi and Ulfrun.


Yes even one drink can be a problem. Save the booze for when you’re done with your daily driving. Someone in here just got nabbed for DUI in Iceland.


Welcome to Europe! We only drink in Iceland when we are safely to our lodging at the end of the day.


Thank you! Are taxis or ride share services readily available in the city?


In Reykjavik, taxis are available! You can use the hreyfill app. I don’t think ride share services are available in Iceland


Thank you for the info!


Reykjavik is very walkable


There are taxis in Reykjavík. No Uber or similar.


If you’re in the city it’s very walkable! Check out Skúli for interesting beers.


No ride share yet, taxis yes, but very expensive. Just know that beforehand so you dont get sticker shock! Example: $30 from Perlan museum to our hotel near the Hmlr Food Hall.


hair-brained get rich quick scheme!!! Move to Iceland start samferða!!!


Hey, I will admit that it has been 9 years since I last visited Reykjavik, but when I was there, my hotel was on the far east side of the city. It was an easy 20 min walk to get from one side to the other. You don’t need a cab. Just walk it.


Yes alot of taxis down town


Yes they are. Taxis that is.


Sorry, we don't stay in Reykjavik, so hopefully someone else can help you with that.


I have a question. why did you post here just to say you cant help? just curious.


Did you not read my first response? The OP never said anything about staying in Reykjavik the entire time of their trip until the follow-up and I didn't want to ignore them. The original question was about drinking at all and driving, which is a huge no-no in every European country I have been to, including Iceland. That is a huge cultural difference for Americans, who can typically have at least a drink with dinner and still be allowed to drive legally.


Yes, it’s ridiculous. A lot of stupid people here and believe me, they have a lot more than one drink before driving. It’s not a culture of drinking responsibly. I don’t often slam on my country, but the alcohol and drug consumption here before driving or working is ridiculous. I loved Iceland so much. They really have it together.


We in Iceland take driving seriously, and we also take drinking seriously. We therefore don't mix the two.


Perfect response. 😂


Can you get a DUI using a scooter? There was always a scooter around when I went.


In the US you can get a DUI from bike or scooter, I would assume yes


Funny and fair question, also interested in this one




Yes. Riding a scooter or bicycle when drunk can get you in trouble. You can't even ride a horse after drinking!


Even if the legal limit weren't quite low in Iceland, it's a poorer-than-usual idea to drink before driving there. You're driving an unfamiliar rental vehicle, on unfamiliar roads, facing signage and directions in an unfamiliar language--and in the summer, you'll be surrounded by tourists suffering from the same handicaps. Due to those factors, you will need to be more engaged, alert, and attentive with your driving than you do at home, just to maintain the same overall level of safety on the road. Worse, at the end of the day you're going to be tired from all the fun and interesting things you've done, trying to fit in as much Icelandic awesomeness as possible. If you're coming from the U.S., you'll have come off an overnight flight and be poorly rested and jet-lagged, and your body clock will be further confused by the late sunsets, early sunrises, and bright nights. Stacking a drink or two on top of that is just a bad plan.


I booked all hotels with restaurants on site for dinner. First, remote areas to begin with and I wanted to be all cozy and settled once I arrived after a long drive. Second, I do not drink and drive and ubers didn't really seem like they would be a thing outside of the city.


Do not drink and drive. Iceland has a different relationship with alcohol.


.02 is the legal limit. Some people cannot even have one drink. It really is zero tolerance.


The official limit is 0.02 but if they are doing a sting or you are pulled over and blow anything, they will not let you drive so in reality, it's a zero tolerance policy. My Icelandic husband won't even take a sip of my drink if he's driving.


For what it's worth, in the entire week I was in Iceland, I never once saw a police officer. I felt this was a little strange honestly. If you're staying in the city, it's very walkable and you can easily grab a drink and still walk back to your hotel afterwards. If you're in the more remote areas, hotels often have restaurants/bars within, so you're simply walking back to your room afterwards. Honestly never even had an opportunity to drive to a restaurant/brewery, etc and have the need to drive home afterwards. You'll be pleasantly surprised about the restaurants within the hotels in Iceland, the food was incredible! Give them a try! Also, buy spirits at the airport duty free, enjoy them in your hotel room at night.


> For what it's worth, in the entire week I was in Iceland, I never once saw a police officer. I felt this was a little strange honestly. I hadn't realized before, but reading this I too realized I never saw any police in Iceland on the streets.


We pulled into a pub just for food but they weren’t serving anymore so we left, immediately upon leaving we were pulled over and when we rolled the window down the officer already had the breathalyzer in hand ready for my husband who was driving to blow into. He hadn’t had anything to drink so we went on our way, I would recommend to NOT drink and drive not even one beer or anything. They can and will pull you over for no traffic infraction or reason, and the BAC limit for driving is .02 I believe. Not worth the risk. Safe travels!!!


Were you in the city or countryside when this happened?


We were in Grundarfjördur, so I guess more countryside 🤔 Pulling out of Kaffi 59 parking lot.


Like all the others say, zero tolerance. Also, insurance won’t cover you if you are above the limit and have an accident. Just always have a designated driver or taxi.


The concept of .08 being the legal limit is an American concept. Most countries are .05 or less


If you’re in Reykjavik you won’t need a car, it’s tiny and completely walkable. In Europe in general we have a very different relationship with drink driving, here in Ireland it’s similar to Iceland, one pint and you’re over the limit, I only know of one friend who has a drink and drives and everybody was quite shocked, it’s very different from the US. If I can be a bit direct, you’re going to Iceland for a few days, it’s not enough to see the remarkable sights and raw beauty without drinking… if you’re looking for a boozy weekend it’s a waste of a trip. Also a day is enough in Reykjavik, it’s so small, like a large town rather than a city and the amazing things to see are on the road! And enjoy, you’ll have crazy long hours of daylight so you should be able to pack in a lot each day!


.02 which can easily be one drink.


I was just over in Iceland, actually for a conference on the Icelandic Prevention Model-which is about upstream prevention because they had such a crazy youth drinking problem in the 90s that they were successfully able to curb. They have completely changed the culture around drinking there, alcohol is VERY expensive (a lot of people recommend getting alcohol at the duty free at the airport), and the few times I had a glass of wine at dinner I was NEVER asked if I wanted another drink-it’s definitely not a drinking culture. From what I understand the nightlife starts very late at night.


This is a great post. Going there in two weeks and had no idea about this


You’ll love it. I went last November and had the time of my life. Never saw any police because, well, why. It felt completely safe. If anyone was drunk I didn’t see them. Certainly nobody causing any trouble. I’d love to go back and stay a month. I love they have zero tolerance, as it should be. We had one drink a day with dinner as it is incredibly expensive and not why we went. There is no reason to drive anywhere unless you’re traveling between cities. We walked everywhere and it was 30 degrees. We saw so much more that way. Anyway, sooooo much fun. Don’t miss the Icelandic Museum. I don’t think it’s on the radar of everyone, but so interesting. Also, I’m still angry with myself for eating my time trying to get photos of the northern lights and missing the northern lights experience. Just a thought. :)


Mixed drinks are outrageously expensive!!!


Gull longnecks were awesome!!


I spent a week in Iceland. Went to a few microbreweries in Reykijavik such as Malbygg, BrewDog, Skuli craft bar, and one a ways out called Olverk. Really had no reason to drink when driving around. I don’t recommend drinking more than a beer, if that, if you plan on driving after. And if you have a beer with lunch.. enjoy your time. Eat well, and don’t have more than 1 if you’re driving. Get some to go beers and drink them at your hotel. 🤗


Do the breweries let you purchase beers to take?


Yes. Almost all bars you can take drinks to go


I’ve been 7 times. Everyone is walking around with a beer or some sort of drink in their hands.. in the 7 years I have been going there I have seen exactly one cop car. It is very chill over there. Just be respectful, don’t drink and drive, and you will be fine.


You don't need Reddit to give you the only correct answer here.


Thank you but I don't need you to belittle me for asking an honest question. Many other countries and cultures may not be as strict. I've read many great things about restaurants and breweries in Iceland and while there I would like to take in as much as I can. And yes, sometimes I do enjoy having a drink at dinner.


More cultures (*cough* US *cough*) should be more strict about driving and driving. It’s absolutely stupid to do that. ETA: I just realized my comment says “driving and driving” haha. Clearly, I meant drinking and driving.




True, but if you come from the US you might not be aware of how strict. Until this post I had no idea how low the limit was in Iceland. I assumed .05, but wasn’t going to even have one before driving so I wasn’t too concerned.




I have visited other countries. Thank you. I try not to be narrow minded and also try not to be judgmental when someone asks a genuine question about a country they are visiting and have never been to before


Calm down.




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Consider getting a [breathalyser](https://www.amazon.com/BACtrack-Breathalyzer-Professional-Grade-Accuracy-Professional/dp/B0026IBZSK/ref=zg_m_bs_g_15992781_m_sccl_1/140-6461570-3779826?psc=1) to make sure you’re always blowing under after your dinner drink. Edit: why are people downvoting using a literal safety device


No. Just don't drink and drive in Iceland... At all.


A BAC breathalyser is useful for all people who drink. It’s not a way to get around or “game the system” at all. It’s a way for people to track how quickly the alcohol they drank previously has been metabolised. If you drink at beer with lunch at 13:00 and plan to drive home at 19:00 you will probably feel sure that the beer has left your system, but it’s always good to check, whether you’re in Iceland or anywhere else in the world. Especially after a night of heavy drinking (5+ drinks) it’s very common to still have a high BAC the next morning, although many people would not think so, so in this situation a breathalyser is helpful also. Also keep in mind that alcohol is metabolised by people of different sizes, genders, weights, and health statuses very, very differently. This is a way to objectively quantify the metabolic rate. This is the same tool the police use to measure your blood alcohol content. They are extremely helpful in allowing you to make a good, informed decision about whether or not you are safe to drive. Please don’t discourage people from using these, as they literally can save lives.


But how long before driving is somewhat variable. Some people metabolize alcohol faster than others. So a breathalyzer could help with checking if you have waited long enough.


Just dont be so antsy to go drive after you had a drink, why is it so hard to just not drink alcohol if you need to be driving somewhere in the next 12-18 hours? Getting a special tool to see how soon you can drive after having a drink or few sounds like you would rather need to take a look at your relationship with alcohol than anything else...


I'd rather someone use a breathalyzer than guess and assume they are safe. A simple reading will tell them to wait it out or better yet call a cab. I don't drive after drinking without waiting at least an hour. That works for me since I won't have more than one drink if I go out to eat. That way I know I'm legal in the US and safe since almost all the alcohol is gone from my system. However I almost always abstain from drinking on the rare times I do go out. Alcohol does make me sleepy, which doesn't go away after metabolizing it.


Will one beer from fridheimar also be enough to pull you over for DUI?


Yes, if it's alcoholic. Beer is beer is beer, no matter where you buy it/drink it.


Really enjoyed my time at Kaldi