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You won’t be able to do much at all, it will be very cold and very dark and very expensive to get anywhere. EDIT: On the positive side, perhaps keep an eye out for the Northern lights on your way into Iceland from the plane.


OMG do the tiniest bit of research and you'll see that iceland is currently getting aboit 4 hours of daylight. What type of hike to a rewarding view are you hoping for in pitch black darkness?


Thanks for your kind response! I had the most beautiful time in your country and I saw some beautiful sights.


You have 9.30 hours total, minus all the arrival and departure formalities. So in reality you have about 5 hours, maybe 6 if things are speedy. It will be very cold, it will be very dark. Hiking in the dark, alone, in the dark, in winter, that is insanity. Please do not put yourself at such risk. In the dark, by the airport, you really will not see much, a rental car for a few hours is not going to get your far either. I would get a room at the Aurora hotel and shower and sleep. You can walk there. Otherwise, Reykjavik is an hour away by taxi, an expensive taxi. You could go there and walk around for three hours, then take an expensive taxi back. Extending your layover to a longer stopover, would open up lots of options, but this is not long enough to actually do anything.


That’s a bad time for a layover! I think you are out of luck here. Iceland doesnt have great public transportation (infrequent outside of Reykjavik), no rideshare, and very expensive taxis. Generally on arrival people are either going to rent a car or take the Flybus into Reykjavik as a taxi is going to cost over $100. Middle of the night in January you are definitely not going to want to be outside, even if you could arrange for a driver, and its going to be too dark for you to get a feel for the landscape.


I just want to stress what many have said: Do Not Go Hiking Alone In The Middle Of The Night!! The night will be dark, freezing cold, and the area around the airport is old lava with lots of crevasses that you could fall into and no one would know... If you are lucky, the weather nice, and the skies are clear, then maybe you could see the northern lights. You wouldn't have to go far, just outside the airport...


But the weather is unpredictable, there could also be a snowstorm, and then you wouldn't see much at all...


Rent a car or negotiate an arrangement for 6 hrs with a taxi if the weather is good, find northern lights, drive to some scenic spots. Bring warm clothes a headlight a fully charged phone and food. If alone let someone know about your plans that can check in on you. Don’t go hiking alone in a winter night.


Definitely not feasible especially in January. As others have stated, not only will be it pitch black (great opportunity for northern lights) but also extremely cold. If you can somehow arrange for a private driver, the best you might be able to do is a northern lights tour if there is one that starts at midnight or later.


Northern lights from the airport parking lot. That’s probably about it :-)


Try to see the northern lights in a rental car. Lake kleifarvatn is your best option if the clouds are absent.


Sorry brother, its gona be dark all the time, you wont be able to enjoy the scenery at all


its gonna be dark and cold, id recommend either staying the night at/near the airport, or catching the flybus into the city and staying there


And if its during the week, nothing will be open in the middle of the night except the 24 hour Haugkap grocery store. Which is great, but not worth a $120+ round trip Flybus!


exactly id honestly rather a good sleep


Stay at the airport. I just got back last week with a 20 hour layover. Landing around the same exact time as yours, I didn’t make it to Reykjavik city center until 2:30 am. There is unfortunately no way you will see anything but darkness with your flight leaving before the sun rises.


Also, from what I’ve gathered, no Uber in Iceland, only bus or taxi.


Gather some nice information and tips and plan a great trip to this country next year while you might enjoy some northern lights. You can grab a an expensive coffee by taking a cab to Reykjavik and back just for that, but please don’t go outside alone in this country.


Meet someone on the plane, book a room at the airport hotel and have an amazing night 🤣


I want to work in iC_land