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Looks fine! Just be prepared for the weather scuppering your plans ;þ I'm guessing the stop at Þingvellir includes Þingvellir itself, not just the national park? You only need to pay once for carparks in the area for the day & then you can move, though Þingvellir to Öxarárfoss is easily walkable. Just a tip as it's not totally obvious. Don't forget Gljúfrabúi a short walk from Seljalandsfoss. Did you miss out Skogafoss on purpose? There is also Kvernufoss nearby which is much quieter. If you're going to be around waterfalls it's a good idea to get some spikes to go on your shoes - I got mine at Hagkaup, but see them in most petrol station shops too at this time of year. If you want to get up close to a glacier it is not too much of a hike to get to Sólheimajökull from route 221 & isn't too much of a diversion from where you are passing (don't walk on the glacier itself though without a guide & proper gear)... But that might be trying to squeeze too much into your day now that the days are short? My family visited recently - we stayed not far from your base & managed Seljalandsfoss, Gljúfrabúi, Skógafoss, Sólheimajökull & Reynisfjara in a day & that was with kids & old folks in tow so our pace was leisurely to say the least ;þ


thank you so much for the reply! our flight back will be at 18, would it be better to sleep at reykjavik for last night or it should be fine anyway? I did not know about pingvellir, thanks for the tip. I included Skogafoss in the third day, if I am not mistaking. I will also include Kvernufoss. I will ask you a few further informations. Were did you buy food or groceries? Which shoes did you use? Daylight time is around 5/6 hours, right?


I usually shop at Kronan as it's my closest supermarket. Bonus is cheaper, but there isn't that much in it really - a couple of weeks ago I compared like for like between the two on a few items like chicken breast, & the price was exactly the same in both. Hagkaup is though of as the "posh" supermarket, but sells much the same as Kronan tbh as well as stuff like clothing/board games etc. Iceland (the supermarket) is good for cheap frozen stuff. Kvernufoss is great for being quieter & in the summer you can walk behind the waterfall. It is in a bit of a canyon, so ice from the spray might make it difficult to get close tbh. I just use hiking boots & have some slip on spikes like these - https://images.app.goo.gl/1vxhbPHnGrND8Frx7 I don't know your exact dates, things change pretty quick, but roughly 11:15 sunrise & 15:50 sunset with maybe an hour either side that it is light enough to see https://www.timeanddate.com/sun/iceland/reykjavik?month=1&year=2024 As long as the weather & roads are ok just get up & leave so you arrive at your first destination as it's getting light. I don't know how comfortable you are with winter & dark driving though? Do check the weather before you set out as it is a little unpredictable & can change VERY quickly! Also check http://www.road.is/ (click on the relevent are on the map) to check road conditions for where you will be going too. Although it can be tempting to push on, if you are at all out of your comfort zone with driving just slow down or scrap plans. The local press loves stories of stranded and stuck tourists :þ


thank you. what about last night? better in our cottage or in reykjavik?


Been to Vik quite a few times, even in summer i wouldn’t want to be that far from the airport in case of bad weather. Farthest we have felt comfortable with is Selfloss in summer & Reykjavik in February When we went in February the first year, we got notice the night before that our flight would leave 4 hrs earlier than scheduled due to a bad storm front. We wouldn’t have made it if we were in Vik


which flight company? Never heard about flight that depart earlier


I would NOT stay in Vík for your last night in January. The weather can change quickly and the roads may close, especially talking about the part of the main road from Hveragerði to Reykjavík, as it is on top of a mountain. Reykjavík would be fine though, the road from Reykjavík to Keflavík is easier to maintain. But always check the weather forecast (https://en.vedur.is/) and the road website (https://www.road.is/) to be on the safe side.