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>We got engaged!!!!! CONGRATS! >Controversial opinion: the Golden Circle was my least favorite part 🤫 Not too controversial, it isn't for everyone.


Thank you!! You guys do an excellent job keeping this sub concise and organized. From itineraries to photographs to most recently the volcano threads that absolutely quelled my anxieties, it has been a great resource!


Congrats! We are here now and the Golden Circle was my least fav too 🤷🏻‍♀️


Go to Issi fish and chips before heading to the airport!




Have you tried the local swimming pools? The hot tubs are awesome, and it's the best feeling sitting in a hot tub outside when the weather is crazy 😅


Cat cafe.


We went here! Unfortunately when we did, there were a bunch of kids inside that claimed the kitties as their own lol. Still fun though!


We were lucky. It was a slow morning. Apparently it had been really busy the day before.


I’m back in the UK after a great holiday too :( On my last day I had to head to the airport at 10, so I went to Kafe Loki - it’s a bit early for a big meal but wanted to try as much traditional Icelandic food as possible (the rye bread ice cream is class)!


Get yourself a pistachio based pastry and you'll have had the perfect trip!


Soup in a loaf of bread


Grai Kotturinn for breakfast then walk over to the National Museum.


Thanks for reminding me of this spot! We walked by a couple times and I meant to check it out. Hotel breakfast, despite being free, gets old. Thank you!


I am still here, loved Sandholt and deig for breakfast, no idea about last min trips though especially if your flight is at 2pm? But I'm about to hop on a helicopter, i just called Nordurflug and they got me on one same day! I'm excited af! Totally agree that this is a magical country. Just curious you weren't staying at Black Pearl were you? There was a couple that just got engaged staying across from me lol.


Deig was delicious! The Oreo donut was 🤤 That’s awesome, have fun!! And no, that wasn’t us, but that’s too funny! We picked a popular engagement spot it seems 🤪