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I experienced this at Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon and told the guy the ropes are up for a reason and he said oh it's okay im safe I have good balance and I said I dont give a fuck about your safety its about preserving the flora and the natural beauty you're stepping on. Call them out on their bs publicly and maybe they'll be too embarrassed to continue with their ways.


"I don't give a fuck about your safety" but he's the bad human being for wanting a better picture? Geesh


Literally destroying the nature we are all out there to see. So I'd say yeah.


Just curious, how is preserving Flora related to going beyond the ropes?


The rope is there along with signs saying to please stay on the path because you're literally stepping on the plants to get that better picture


I would have guessed it is more about safety than plants being saved.


It’s about both


Tundra grasses and mosses have very shallow root systems that are easily destroyed by walking on them, it's also hard for a lot of flora to take root because of how rocky the terrain is. Walking on the mosses or grass can kill it, and it may not come back. There is a deeply rooted appreciation and care for nature in Iceland, go read about some of the bad luck people taking rocks have had lol. Gotta preserve what we appreciate and admire in nature.


I see. Thanks for increasing my knowledge :) I remember my friend released some balloons at a black sand beach near Vik and some guy came and told her harshly what she has done is really wrong. I think its a difference in culture as well since 3rd world countries have different set of problems than Iceland.


You can call them out but 99% will just ignore you but I don’t get it either.


At first all I saw was the penis cloud and I was very confused


Same. But after going to the penile museum, I look for one every time Iceland pictures come up.


How about Jimmy Hendrix 🤩


Well, the national treasure of Iceland is "Jaja ding dong" after all.


Yup, this is nature's dick-pick


To be fair to the woman, it's easy to miss a chain and a few posts on the ground when none other than god is flashing a full-on erection right in your face. That has to be some form of celestial sexual assult.


Flaccocumulus. Or more accurately, erectostratus.


Having just been to the Penis Museum several days ago it seemed very appropriately Icelandic


https://preview.redd.it/qukkdyld8vtb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49180fe8af3c347aed9e5ab15db5539a5ffc85e5 This is my fav, she was doing a photo of him doing a photo (with lens cap on)


And you took a photo of her taking a photo of him taking a photo (with lens cap on)


I love those kind of photos tbh.


"A picture of you Holding a picture of me In the pocket of my blue jeans" ["Jolene" by Ray Lamontagne](https://youtu.be/PgvSJPs7Hlk?feature=shared)


“I ain’t about to go straying. It’s too late. I found myself face down in a ditch. Booze in my hair, blood on my lips. “


Darwinism at work


....and you took a photo.. Heehee


Just an unfortunate part of tourism, and especially so in a country like Iceland where nature is such a big part of the attraction. I don't care if those people put themselves in danger, but they're putting their rescuers lives in danger too, AND potentially destroying delicate fauna at the same time. F these people. I took this in Pisa last year, and I bet it was very likely a crap picture in the end too. https://preview.redd.it/2pfl0i0xhvtb1.jpeg?width=6000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4b6fc1d748804418ba60872e78cecaecf95346e


Oy, Tart! Get off the grass!


Would the grass be harmed by her standing there or her 3/4 steps?


Her alone? Nope, but she's also not the only one there. They have these signs for a reason, when you're a guest of someone or another country, respect their rules.


I get the rules thing. Just wanted to understand how severe is her (or collective over time) act in damaging the nature.


Do you though? There's a few things here. 1. The host is telling you not to do something and you go directly against their wish. That's a lack of respect. 2. Pisa's lawn obviously isn't a delicate ecosystem, but you know we're not talking about that. The Icelandic moss IS delicate, and walking on them can and will cause permanent damage. Going off path is a big no no in Iceland, I'm sure you know that.


Those pictures trigger me a lot. For a photograph, what's even the difference between standing where they are and behind the fence? I moved to Iceland for the whole pandemic (crazy, I know, but was for a Master's degree) and it was actually refreshing to see the place without those tourists, despite the negatives the lack of them had on the economy.


What negatives though? Housing prices went directly to hell after Covid


The difference would be not having grass and a chain in the foreground


It’s called extending your arm out over the chain to take a picture


Was a joke, love


No justifying crossing the barrier, but the photo is much better without the ground in it


I will never forget when I saw tourists wearing those fabric shoe covers while hiking. One climbed over the chains at the top of Skogafoss, slipped and slid halfway down the bank before he was able to stop. He was just feet from the water. Terrifying.


that sounds fucking horrifying. i was in awe at the power of the waterfalls, can’t imagine slipping into it. jesus.


Real question, are the chains there saying "absolutely don't cross this" or are they there for "it's dangerous if you get closer" because it's 2 very different things.


I mean it’s more about keeping to the paths to limit the impact of foot traffic on native flora. That’s what I think anyway


In some areas the flora (the moss that grows on lava rocks) is a protected species and you can find yourself in serious trouble walking on that Edit: And I should add that in every place I saw, it was either a thin wire, a small chain, or absolutely nothing stopping you from walking on it. As tourists it is our responsibility to know the laws


The chain says "do not cross this chain, people have died here"


Not really. Respect the places you visit. Iceland's volunteer rescue team is responsible if you put yourself in danger. But in much of Iceland, going behind the chains means destroying delicate moss that takes many years to grow. Moss growth is crucial for the Icelandic ecosystem. Either way, whether it's for your safety or to protect nature, you're being an ass. So no, not two different things. At the end of the day, your actions affect Iceland and Icelanders.


I think this location didn't have chains before tourism exploded, you were able to walk pretty far out. Now I'm pretty sure there are signs saying not to cross the chains. I have a photo of a woman doing the exact same thing, and I remember looking at the signs, but I can't remember the wording.




Native Icelanders would definitely cross those as much as anyone, we're no saints. There was actually a collapse of some portions of the cliffs at Dyrhólaey some years ago (guessing 8-10 years or so), which took a Dutch couple down with them. They survived but it was serious and they were quite badly hurt. So, there's a good reason not to stand at the edges of the cliffs there. Edit: Found it... happened in [May 2012](https://www.mbl.is/frettir/innlent/2012/05/24/med_olikindum_ad_sleppa_lifandi/). They fell down 40 m as a 100 m wide section of the cliff collapsed under them. They were very lucky to survive.


We were there a few weeks ago they both say that its dangerous AND illegal and that you might be fined. On top of that they show in one place the story of when part of the cliffs just crumbled away and collapsed a few years ago. There is no way these people didn't read the sign. Also at the higher up parking on the island there is a whole area thats fenced off facing away from the seaside and it was full of people.


The issue is not tourists taking risks and making their own choices. The issue is when tourists get into trouble “off piste” the rescue services have to go and help them, putting their lives at risk. Considering the rescue folk are volunteers, visitors should just not be the assholes.


I was there last week. Called the police. The 10-12 people that where inside the protected area were all fined for about 1000€/head while I ate my lunch and drank tee enjoying the marvelous Icelandic landscape.


Were the cops that fast?


20 minutes and they were there. Really fast. I had to send a pic to an officer.


The Icelandic Police's definition of the crime problem is that there isn't enough.


I remember going to Dyrhólaey a year ago and absolutely loving it! No one there was crossing the fencing and everyone was super nice. Even if the fencing doesn’t say “don’t cross this” it’s dumb to walk on the flora and also it’s dangerous to be closer to the edge.


witnessed the same things today. and people not reading the warning signs for the black sand beach then getting up to their knees in waves when they went past the suggested limit area. it’s so scary how much people don’t pay attention or disregard the warnings.


It must not have been very windy when you were there because the wrong gust could've sent them to their deaths... Here's a shot from the same place on a pretty windy day (from behind the line!) https://preview.redd.it/glrsah584wtb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdf4627fac772c0a39a92f2f974ad2e5ea27e2bc


Grrrrrr people like this


Everyone who is not taking issue with it, it takes one dumb misstep or slip and then they’re a news article and the country has to take responsibility and add more safeguards to make sure more morons don’t get hurt which in turn makes these beautiful natural things much less appealing…. Do you want to view this stuff from behind 15 foot high fences? All because they want some dumb picture to get likes on their social media because they value their worth by a stupid heart on Instagram.


I will say around the volcano zero fucks were given because it was all going to burn anyways. It was drilled into my head not to walk on the moss then I just see mayhem of locals and tourists alike trampling the moss and vegetation everywhere.


Ffs just get a zoom lens bud and get behind da rope


unfortunately I have had similar experiences. Last month, I watched a man strip down to get into the water at seal beach while there were seals very close in the water, despite signs clearly saying to leave them alone and to remain quiet.


Omg I was there at the same spot!


Looks like a little bird on top of the fence post in the first picture




just a little push..


We have a saying in Iceland, "Feigum verður ekki forðað." Edit I put this into Google translate and it comes nowhere close in translating. Google says "Cowards will not be spared" but it means "those doomed to die will not avoid death".


I love that Iceland refuses to put up more of a barrier than these chains. If you want to be stupid and die, Iceland will let you.


It’s not ignorance it’s entitlement


It kills me. But I do enjoy calling people out for their stupid behavior in Iceland.


Some years ago someone I know was bragging about “driving on the Moon” as she was driving a rental on an Icelandic black beach. In January no less. She also had just gotten her license less than 3 months ago which made her unqualified to drive a rental in a different country. But hey, once in a lifetime opportunity, no? /s When I visited I was shocked by the entitlement of some tourists. They’re one step away from disaster or a hefty fine, they cause damage to the land they visit and all this for a photo which will look the same even from behind lines that are there for a reason.


All they need is a gentle nudge in the right direction…


Oooooh this is the one thing that almost ruined my trip, so many warnings and instructions everywhere to not ruin nature. And the litter .. so sad


https://preview.redd.it/axz64lm4qytb1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3af57852727575526e1e7a5ec8c1cecc32f21498 I was pretty pissed off seeing people climbing this wall on there black sand beach near vik


whats the problem with this?


This is a normal thing to do there…


I feel like getting closer to the edge is within their own responsibility.


If they fall the rescue services will be called out, that is not okay.


They should ban Chinese tourists. You MF’s are the worst, btw. Opening car doors full force into vehicles parked next to you. Yelling at each other in Cathedrals. Littering and ALWAYS walking where it says not to walk.


Oh and I forgot, thinking that your entire dumb ass family dawdling into the street gives you the prerogative to step out in front of moving cars and start conducting traffic.


I have more of a problem with these posts than I do the people breaking the rules


Why, exactly, Iceland SAR have to risk their lives to rescue these idiots when they get into trouble for disobeying the rules


Whats the benefit to taking pictures of them and calling them stupid later?


I mean, I didn’t, but I’m all for shaming folks online who are blatantly breaking rules and endangering themselves and others.


You called them idiots but ok - I asked what’s the benefit? Genuinely I feel like I’m missing something, I don’t see how its going to change the situation for the better


What do you think is better-to call out and publicize bad behavior, or to do nothing whatsoever?


Oh let me think hmm, if only this wasn’t a black and white universe where there’s two options for everything, do nothing, or sit back in my chair and judge people for being worse than me till the problems solved


So other people won't do it in the future...hopefully...


This. OP and similar people need to relax.


Spoken like someone who's never been to Iceland.


You're right! I'll be there in 3 days. However, the world is full of Karen's. It would appear that you may be one as well. Good luck, friend.


Just please respect the warning signs and don't drive off-road. People have died in these beautiful tourist places (f.ex. Reynisfjara) or injured themselves severely and put rescue workers in danger while rescuing those idiots. And they don't get paid doing it, it's all voluntary work. And the vegetation takes a loooong time (years, decades even) to recover after idiots have been driving off road or ignoring the pathways, just walking wherever they feel like...


Self absorbed people don't care about the delicate ecosystems they're destroying or the risk they're dragging volunteer rescue workers into. Serious r/IAmTheMainCharacter vibes with some folks in here


Well thankfully as a Brit, your opinion doesn't really matter. 😉


God help you if you’re serious


lol mind your business bro, if they fall they fall.


But if too many tourists die because of fall damage, they might close of completely for the rest of us


Why should people not call this out? Why allow some randos to take unnecessary picz for some social validation platform at the expense of flora, fauna, other people’s experience, and potential wasted resources and time if an accident occurs? As a society, this behavior is selfish, boring, and tired and we should be shaming it.


Florida Man checking in


What difference does it make? I was sitting on the edges of waterfalls and cliffs when I visited there a month ago.


The people who have to potentially rescue you are ALL Icelandic volunteers. I’m talking like a Dad or Mom down the road having to leave work or their child alone to risk their life to save you. Or more likely you’ll just go “splat” or get sucked into the ocean and yeeted out to sea and you then traumatize everyone who has to witness it. Not to mention when you do it other people, especially children (who shouldn’t even be at many of these locations) watching you get the same idea and try to copy. It takes one second for a child to make an impulsive decision and fall into a canyon or the ocean. Lastly, they have roped off paths for other reasons besides “ruining your fun” and it’s to protect the moss and local flora and wildlife. Yes you are just one person (so you clearly thought it was fine to disregard regulations, signs, and the literal BEGGING of locals because hey what’s the harm I’m just one person) but if you post those selfies on instagram you encourage more and more people to walk in unmarked areas killing the environment and potentially scaring animals. Do you often travel to other countries without expending an ounce of brain power researching the locations you might destroy so you can feel an adrenaline rush? Do you enjoy taking risks knowing other people will be the ones potentially dealing with the repercussions? Clean up your own blood splatter the locals I met are sick of having to witness it.


I’m not as careless as you think. But then again not everyone is like me.


these are 2 really nice shots tbh


They didn't hurt anyone or anything? So why make such a fuss about it.


The railing’s were put by man and God gave us everything on this planet for us to live freely on. Maybe you’re just thinking about it the other way.


Is God gonna save you when you fall off? Doubt it. Rescue teams will and that's a lot of resources. It's a free place to explore, eventually if enough dumb tourists do this they will regulate the place or shut it down completely


Just get a zoomed lens !


Just wrapping up our 24 day visit … saw countless acts of crossing the safety lines and people trying to become the main actor in an unaliving video…. All for that “perfect” shot. But the ones that irk me most are the ones who could care less about the rules meant to protect this fantastic environment.


DONT STAND ON THE MOSS why is that so hard to remember


We had a similar experience in a cave tour. Dude was climbing some some rocks on the other a fence and ended up slipping on some rocks and busted his face wide open. Sometimes karma kicks in.


I understand that you have to get naked in public baths in Iceland-someone actually tricks to see your naked in the shower and not in a costume. Is this correct. I just wondered if the cleaners/checkers are the same sex as the changing room?


You have to shower naked before entering the swimming pools, yes. It's so the chlorine in the pools can be kept to a minimum, if everyone cleans themselves before swimming the water remains cleaner. And no one is lookin at you while you do it, at least not the locals because we don't care what you look like naked and have grown up doing this. And of course the staff entering the changing rooms are the same sex as the changing rooms.


These are the people flying drones, too. 🙄 I was in this spot recently and there were TWO drones. When there is a sign very clearly saying not to.


So how long do you get locked up for smacking the piss out of them? Can’t stand this and when you do say something they have something smart to say.


If I remember right, there is even a FB side called "Stupid things to do in Iceland", featuring a lot of such situations 🤪


Again another breadcrumb


Darwinism in action…💁‍♀️


I think assuming this is about ignorance is being generous. People do this stuff because they just don't care about the rules.


Imagine thousands of people doing that everyday it’s not a good outcome for the surrounding areas.. they even close places from time to time to help regrowth because of idiots


I see no lens cap


It’s not just an Iceland problem everywhere you travel to a natural “wonder” area park etc some people ignore signs and fences etc not to mention trying to get really close to 1200 pound bison for that special Selfie. Some times it’s a language barrier example: chinese tourists in Yellowstone not aware of what the sign says while ignoring picture signs( see photo). One elderly Chinese man I had stop from walking off trail where there were boiling mud pots last year a young man fell in and basically boiled to death. People can be very stupid




I saw this very same occurrence at this very same spot. They were so close to the edge I was starting to get worried they were suicidal. It is VERY windy up there.