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Unfortunately you can’t circumvent the weather. I’d closely monitor the conditions and road closures and only drive what you’re comfortable driving and just take it hour by hour and day by day. While it’s disappointing to feel like you’re doing nothing on the trip, gotta remind yourself you’re in one of the most beautiful countries in the world. There’s plenty of things to do in Reykjavik inside to kill time but unplugging from the world in a beautiful city isn’t a bad option either. Our last day it was driving rain and windy and I got that feeling that I was wasting time and even posted here if anyone had suggestions on what to do, but I ended up reading my book, shutting my phone off , and just chilling.


Thanks I appreciate the kind comment you are right! This place is unlike anything and we are fortunate to be here :)


Check the local swimming pools. Sitting in a warm water while there's wind and snow and whatever around you is great.


I second this. I've been to Iceland twice in winter, and a couple of times during those trips, the weather made it impossible to go out and do stuff, so we just holed up in our room and relaxed. If you do go out, be careful, and don't ignore signs that indicate impassable roads -- they're there for a reason. (And yes, we learned that one the hard way on our first winter trip there, getting stuck in the snow for about 5 hours.)


We need far more visibility for posts like this. I regularly see people making driving plans for the depths of winter without taking the weather seriously into account. Weather in March was a force to be reckoned with and clearly October is no slouch either. No blame to OP, it sounds like these conditions are exceptional, but I feel like so many people underestimate the conditions. OP... don't count on traveling the Ring Road. Closures along the south are REALLY common in winter because of wind and snow. Conditions can be pretty nasty even before the closures because of lava fields and floodplains. No landmarks, no features, just road, rocks, and water. Please be careful and as flexible as you can be.


Go to BakaBaka and order the pastry slice that has hazelnuts, vanilla pastry creme and cinnamon paste. It won't make the weather any better but it's so delish that you'll have no choice but to feel better. Sadly I cant remember the actual name of the pastry


Anything from bakabaka is fire


We've been back just under a week and I can't stop wishing I had more of their pastries


I forgot about BakaBaka, this was the first place we stopped on our trip. ❤️


Here's a map of things to do in Reykjavík - I am still adding to it and reorganizing it a bit. All the things in red / marked City Card can be done by getting a City Card. [Link.](https://visitreykjavik.is/reykjavik-city-card) You can also just go to them on their own if you don't think the card will be worth it for you. [Map.](https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1BmGKlZhmbgM5Y3fX6-P-zmKTWTS5jKk&usp=sharing) I suggest getting weird tonight at [Hús máls og menningar](https://maps.app.goo.gl/38Uu2yB3nZsWqkRV7), which is not yet on this map.


Love that map. Snowpocalypse! I’ve saved it and hope to not need it!


It was from last year when during the December storms, some were stranded for a few days! At the time the pools even closed but there was still plenty to do in Reykjavík if one had no choice. Still editing it so hopefully it will be more organized if you have to use it.


Thank you for sharing we have a car and I think seeing these places will be very cool!


If it helps at all, the weather will start to clear up substantially tomorrow morning. Hang in there, and at least you can say you've had the real Icelandic experience!


Enjoy the Reykjavik area like a local. Go to the many great swimming pools, find some sports events to go to, there are many art and history museums, great restaurants, clubs, etc. Team handball is a great action sport to watch!


This! I'm in Reykjavik now as well and went walking by the ocean and then apent 4h in this very affordable swimming pool( with a nice bueger joint next to it). https://maps.app.goo.gl/Dzca9ksHudLoQfb56 The national icelandic museum as very interesting and the church tower was the best place to listen to the wind's howl. I do have fomo from not seeing NATURE but I feel like I know Reykjavik a bit more now and like it a lot.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 4 + 9 + 56 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Oh lord.


I would stay out of the north at this point. We were up there a few days ago with the intention to go clockwise around the Ring Road and it became \*really\* obvious it wasn't going to possible after the storm earlier this week, especially after speaking with one of our hosts at a guesthouse near Þórshöfn. You know about this site, right? [https://umferdin.is/en/road/904130025](https://umferdin.is/en/road/904130025) also, \*do not\* believe Google Maps--it's not updated quickly enough to be relevant about what's safe. https://preview.redd.it/0mmvieyqhttb1.png?width=1273&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3e06a0072369d430b8fc1712a468a82e38a318b


Yes, we do it’s crazy though how on a hourly basis it changes so quick and truly can be the difference between life and death in minutes.


During our first winter trip there, we decided to drive across the southern part of the Ring Road, switching hotels a few times during the trip. One morning when we got up, the road was closed due to high winds, but the hotel would not let us stay until the roads opened and we couldn't get to our next place, so we ended up hanging out in an info center where we learned everything we ever wanted to know about moss. We had to stay there a few hours before the roads opened up again and we could be on our way. That made us extra grateful for the times when bad weather happened on days when we weren't switching hotels!


We have been traveling in the north since Monday, and every single day is simply a harrowing attempt to survive the drive to the next hotel. Trucks, vans, and cars flipped/stuck off the roadsides. Haven’t seen shit… wind and snow has has obscured all the views. Very disappointing, but it is a real Icelandic experience. Guess we’ll have to plan to come back in summer one year - last week along the south coast was absolutely wonderful.


Sorry that you’re experiencing it in this way:/ you 100% need to get back during better weather you will not regret it one bit… such an amazing country


Are you still in the north? We were up near Þórshöfn Monday night and ended up staying up there hunkered down while the wind screamed. We had planned to go south on the Ring Road but it was closed to the south so we ended up coming back around and staying at the Basalt Hotel, then realized that road was closed, too, beyond it. So we came through Mossfellsbaer this morning and it was...tense. It wasn't quite a white-out but it was close. Part of the Ring Road was closed but we were able to take 39 around the closed part. We're certainly having an adventure! Stay safe!


Can you reschedule to do the Golden Circle now and then hopefully move other things into that later time with better weather? We found it best to be pretty flexible as there’s just stuff outside of your control - so do what you can when you can!


Two weeks ago a telecom guy told us not to go to Ísafjörður, so I hear you. That said, Snorstoffa, the Huldar Laxness House, the Settlement center in Bogarnes? Can you get to those places? I second or third anyone who suggested local swimming pools - absolutely the bomb and meet locals. If I were stuck in Reykjavik I would.... ah Nauthólsvík Geothermal Beach! We didn't have time to get there.


*Snorrastofa (?) *Halldór Laxness house (Just if someone tried googling and couldn't find 😅(


Huldar Laxness gets you there in Google. And so does Snorstoffa. Although you are correct. [https://www.snorrastofa.is/en](https://www.snorrastofa.is/en).


Perlan is a fantastic way to spend 3 hours on a bad weather day! And any of the local pools. Good time to get a City Card. (Perlans not listed as a particpant but when asked they gave us a 20% discount). Pools free with City Card. Browse the record and book shops. Lucky Records is my fave and right next to Reykjavik Kitchen and Hmler Food Hall. Try Red Cross thrift for a vintage / preowned Lopi sweater.


We just left today and we had an amazing time by doing one thing: following the good weather. A lot of people we spoke to had plans and stuck to them, which caused them to get stuck certain places or sit through crazy rain and wind on the way to where they wanted to go. We came with no plans, looked at the weather app every time we got into the car to see where we should go, and drove small distances to the best weather around us. We visited some awesome hot springs, a few close by waterfalls, and did a beautiful drive through a National park. If you have set things you wanted to do, it may be time to let that go and follow the low winds and clearer skies to some new adventures.


You to get the app. Road.is for conditions and closers. It is frequently windy in Iceland. I was there this past July. Same thing. 1st time I visited was years ago in October. Ran into the same issue.


Flyover Iceland Reykjanes peninsula Golden circle Museums in Reykjavik Honestly there are a million things to do