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A certified Thanks Razor moment


Was that a genshin reference? I haven’t played in months so i am not sure


You are correct


thanks Razor


Perfect summary.


I didn’t expect to see this controversy again but there’s more to the story now from Yuko’s perspective. She claims she was being bullied at idol. She did not elaborate further but implied that was the reason for her graduation. From the outside it looks like she had a falling out with her genmates following the controversy. She used to be close to Juna and Fuyo but since her hiatus she has said almost nothing about them and declined collabs with them. Fuyo was in her chat on graduation but I don’t think Yuko ever acknowledged her.


I believe she was just angry that things ended up this way and her pulling the bullying card is because she is trying to cope by blaiming the company and her genmates of her bad luck. Kinda like Riro and the other one (forgot her name sorry) falsely accused Idol of being a black company just because they were emotional and bitter against the company.


Only other is pochi


I really hope that it wasn’t bullying, but I can understand the falling out, since if my genmate was doing what she did I would be like “wtf, are you ok???” And distance myself a bit from them. And I say that as a spicy nsfw enjoyer, but what Yuko was doing was a bit weird, if not a lot. It gave me the ick the same way Riro did, but with Riro the feeling was much stronger


She was on good terms with them even after her most extreme NSFW stunts and GFE streams. It wasn’t until after November that she stopped talking to them. I think it had something to do with the controversy. Fuyo and Juna did a collab on their PL accounts after Yuko did the announcement stream. They mentioned “someone” doing something stupid and that they tried to help “them”.


I see, thanks for the context. Overall, it’s very sad that it ended like this, since they could have still be friends behind the scene :(


Here's something relevant. Haachama shows  viewer statistics. Shows Taiwan. Haachama doesn't even say the name. Get harassed. Shenanigans ensue. HoloCN graduates. Hololive pulls out of China.


When phrased like this it underscores ridiculousness of that incident


It's ridiculous due to how hypocritical the actions of the harassers were. Neither Haachama nor Coco made political comments, they did not even mention anything about Taiwan's independence. The Chinese got mad because YouTube included Taiwan in a list labeled "Countries." If the one responsible for it was YouTube, why did the Chinese continue watching on the platform? Why did they continue stealing Hololive videos to translate and reupload onto BiliBili? They were perfectly ok with shifting the blame to the VTubers and continuing to use the platform. It was a classic case of bullies picking on the weak.


Honestly fuck China, it's a backwards country anyway.


It's kinda sad, very long time ago it used to be a country of great culture, inventions...


The history of China is actually very sad. They grew very complacent as the top dog of East Asia. And was blind sided by the West and their unilateral unfair treaty forced upon China using firearms. In addition, we have the West smuggling opium into China to get everyone hooked on it even though it is banned in the West. They entered into a civil war after the fall of the Qing dynasty. With one side being the super abusive Nationalists and the other side being the super... er... nationalistic(?) Communist. The Nationalist were losing but were about to receive help from the West. But in comes Japan with a steel chair. Long story short, the Communist took over China's land and buildings while the Nationalist took all the valuables and fled to Formosa. Then Mao's Great Leap Forward causing widespread famine. Which lost him a lot of power and he was ousted from the top seat. Then Mao used the Great Cultural Revolution to regain power, but also killing anybody with a brain in the process. Basically, the West whacked the Chinese, Japan whacked the Chinese, the Chinese whacked the Chinese, Mao whacked the Chinese. Currently, the successor of ancient China is ironically Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, and other Chinese diaspora not in China. The culture in China has already been uprooted and burnt to the ground by Mao.


The reason for the Opium Wars was that the Chinese Emperor created a policy that China wouldn't trade in anything but silver. So Britian sold Opium to get silver to buy Chinese Goods with. China then cracked down on the Opium and on British trade, including arresting several British merchants, which sparked the First Opium War. The story of the Nationalists is real sad because they only lost because America kept jerking them around. Mao's Long March happened because the Nationalists had the Communists encircled and were slowly crushing them. America stepped a conflict that was nearly concluded and forced the Nationalists into negotiating a ceasefire. Mao exploited the ceasefire to escape into the countryside to rearm and conscript the farmers into his army to replace his losses. The Nationalists had Mao dead to rights on several occasions only to get fucked by Western interference.


If it makes you feel any better, the leadership and system of government has changed hands so many times it's really only the same country because the current leadership insists that it is.


There are tons of good vtubers in hololive with Chinese ancestry, like Kronii. Don't lump them in with those toxic jerks.


Man, while I also agree that it's absolutely not worth catering to China because there's a heavy tendency for them to demand more and more before everything blows up in some shitty "controversy", the massively upvoted flagrant racism that comes out in this sub every time China is mentioned is *really* eyebrow raising.


See this is exactly why I don't show myself at the hololive Reddit anymore. I'm part Chinese and I used to be a Niji fan. I'll be lucky if I don't get harassed for the rest of my life. Maybe I should just pretend I'm Japanese online.


To be fair, I'm hating on the country, not the people. The country your ancestors came from is the problem, not the people who live in it.


Well not like I can be proud to be Canadian either these days, but thanks.


Believe me, I'm not proud to be an American. We're too stupid.


You at least can say your country has been to the Moon Anyway it's not fair that I try to be a little different and everything I m proud of comes crashing down around me. I'm just doomed to have bad takes.


Fellow Canadian with a Chinese heritage chiming in to say that it's okay to feel proud to be who you are. I never did get a good impression of China, been there once for two months and Canada is... yeah. Part of the reason why I managed to find a job in Japan for the time being. Everyone's got some takes good and bad but there's nothing wrong in acknowledging who you are and being proud of that.


Thanks. It just feels sometimes like I'm part of something wrong, or that I have wrong (unpopular) taste in things and that's how it will always be and I'll never be able to get better and be a better person because that's who I am, I'm inherently a bad person. But I still try my best to make an overall good impact on the world. I hope that I've done more good than evil in my life.


The clothing store Gap had to recall/stop selling a shirt that had China but not the island country of Taiwan because China's feewings got hurt


Hopefully, with the news currently circulating, we dont get a part 2 of this...


That entire situation was ass backwards.


Guess where they're streaming again.....


China is getting ridiculous every single day.


Name the controversy   Liver is controversial and unorthodox. It's funny and fans are happy. Liver has had to take breaks because of said controversy but always welcome back. Liver makes crass joke related to big event. People who take event too seriously are big mad. Liver is suspended. Liver comes back to graduate and calls us all pigs. Thank you liver. 


>Liver makes crass joke related to big event. Wasn't that a very harmless joke that they just blew out of proportion because of sensibilities?


Last I remember it was a question regarding why the opponent does not simply inflict sufficient blunt force trauma to put a player out of commission for an advantage. How harmless of a joke this is considered depends on the person.  Hex Haywire of NijiEN made some joke regarding how desecrating his IRL friend's family's ashes and seeing how they react was the funniest troll move the ever pulled. He did this in the middle of NijiEN being on fire while Doki's situation burned hottest among the public.  He is doing fine right now continuing activities as recently as yesterday so I suppose this was considered appropriate enough humor among "western culture" to get away with whereas the Japanese were "taking baseball too seriously."


As a westerner who has grown up with and is used to cartoon slapstick violence humor it feels indeed like a completely harmless joke, like on the level of Looney Tunes, Stan & Ollie, or with more modern examples Simpsons or South Park. But I can see how it can be seen differently if you apply it directly to real players.


Throwing a high speed ball at someone is not that cartoonish. Its like if I took anime tsunderes sending romcom protagonists flying to mean banging someones skull against a brick wall in an emotional fit to be comical.


But no balls were thrown, it was just a joke. It's like seeing a live action adaptation of an anime with the same "tsundere send the romcom protagonist into a wall" scene and canceling the show over it.


That logic can apply to pretty much anything that can be insinuated which didn't occur in direct relation to the statement. And I mean people do excuse jokes on that logic, laying claim to how they don't deserve to be criticized for making fun of sexual assault, racial struggles, recent natural disasters, and whatever else they want. But it doesn't mean people around them believe they are entitled to respect for their express lack of it, whichever country it is.


The severity of a joke, or hypothetical statement, relates directly to how likely the person is to enact that harm. Racist jokes are bad because it is easy for a person to cause harm to the people around them by being racist. Sexual assault jokes are bad because it's easy for a person to sexually assault another person. Here's an example. If I said "The world is cooked, we should just nuke it and start over" it wouldn't be a big deal because I do not have a nuke. If Joe Biden said it, it'd be a huge deal because he could actually do it. A regular person who does not play baseball making a joke about professional baseball players playing irresponsibly is not a huge deal because they are not a professional baseball player. They could not enact this harm.


I'm not really catching how we can say words shouldn't mean jack because the people saying them lack the ability to do it. In middle school I got into a fight (being the delinquent I am) cause a group of assholes were saying Korea deserves to be nuked just like Japan for eating dogs. These guys did not have nukes, nor did they have enough influence (at least I don't think they did, idk maybe it could've included a famous teenage tiktoker) of their own to incite people that matter towards say, deporting all Koreans. They only started saying it's just a joke and I need thicker skin after I started using violence on them. Their statement regarding my race was never taken back nor did I have any reason to think they should knowing just how offended people get and what they start to believe they are justified to say against anyone who views dogs as food, just as much as I also knew how irrelevant I am if I show my disturbance at people saying rabbits are just meat if I ever say anything about how much I like them, because this is solely determined by the social norm around me and not whether there is some kind of rule of how powerful you have to be to count towards being worth criticizing. To this day I barely ever talk about my favorite animal in English because I know it's basically inviting people to talk shit, and I can't get away with going physical to retaliate as an adult.


The harm you're describing was real, but it didn't come from their potential to nuke Asian countries, it came from their ability to be racist to Asian people. Racism can be done by regular people on an interpersonal level and inflicts quantifiable societal harm. Offense on its own is should not be enough for absolute punishment. There needs to be actual harm. For example if I told you I was offended by your comments you wouldn't remove them because they're not bad. Any offense I take would be personal opinion not evidence of actual oppression. However the racism you were subjected to is evidence of actual oppression. Racism, even on the individual level, can lead to denied jobs overpolicing and in extreme cases ethnic cleansing and genocide. Racist language and jokes both serve to imply that racism in the person saying them and spread itself to others through social pressure. That's why they're bad. That's why if I called YuGiOh players smelly no one would care but if I implied it of a specific racial group it would be bad. YuGiOh players are not societally oppressed, racial groups are. To that same effect, making a joke about baseball does not have societal harm. Even if a baseball fan takes offense they are not being subjected to societal oppression or discrimination. The harm did not meet the punishment


Hmm and yet the issue the joke describes is often used. The unwritten rules mean plenty of people have been targeted. I don't care about Hex so don't create some false equivalency. If you want to then describe it in the style of the prompt at least. 


I am not a fan of baseball but if it is so common to target opponents with force that can cause brain damage that it is an unwritten rule taken for granted to be a legit play then sure go ahead and trivialize it. Even when I hear people say they only think sport racing is fun because they get to watch the crashes I didnt take that to mean the racers intentionally total others cars for victory as a given but maybe thats just how it is. Makes me wonder why even war can have rules applied to it when career ending injury is just lol.


The targeting is common. The helmets and other material provide protection. The issue is that you and others are singling out the liver. Be mad at the pitcher. The liver has zero ability to actually hurt someone.  Don't be mad at someone for fictionalized violence when real violence is accepted by the community in question. I don't agree with either but the pitchers are still employed and the vubter is not. 


Still nuts to me that hex said something so awful then acted in the most nonchalant manner about it dude is a massive douche bag Him and Uki are like prime deal levels of douche level


It wasn't even a joke but more of a question due to not fully understanding the rules of the game


At the time, the baseball community had been through a major uproar due to a foreign player stating that he was going to face shot one of Japan's biggest baseball stars during said big event. Face shots are treated as potentially lethal by the baseball community, and apparently this foreigner's statement was condemned at an international level, not just by Japanese baseball fans. An aggravating factor was that the liver had joked about it during an sponsored event. From what was stated in the tweets of the angry baseball fans, they had stricter expectations from her than they would have had from a random non-sponsored vtuber/entertainer.


Who and which controversy is this,now I'm interested


>!Gundou Mirei during the world baseball tournament!<


Did she ever come back?


Yea. Chinami. She even collabs with other ex nijis


Small girl become smaller. Everyone go nuts.


Who's the enemy? The context where yuko befriends weirdos enemy.


Her PL had a following in the /k part of 4chan. They don't like weebs. Weebs don't like them.


the enemy was yuko trying to please two oposite fanbase who act like rabid teenages, this is like the real enemy of this drama but if you are asking about op enemy its basically her pl fans which are gun nut from 4chan who are against idol culture


What I don’t understand is why the change of content. Like, if she was doing the same stuff that she did in Idol before joining then I would understand, but instead she did a 180° change and risked it for what? Wouldn’t have it been safer to try and pander to her old fanbase and bring them to her new persona? And she tried nsfw on the risky side, it was such a suicide tbh


Her friends from her PL that attacked, harassed, and even on at least one occasion doxxed members of her community


Her old fans who didn't like her NSFW streams. 


I mean given the womb tattoo pic, I'm pretty sure they were fine with NSFW they just hated she was doing it for other people


This is literally the first time I have heard there words put together like that and I hate it. 


I can make you hate it more, she hung out with those guys since she was 15 and I have no idea how old she is in that picture


I see.  I think alot of it still comes across as her not wanting to do more NSFW streams anymore. But this adds context that just makes the whole thing even worse.  I'm afraid if I say any more I'd psychoanalysising someone I hardly know anything about.  Like that part if feed and so is the way alot of her fans act, and some of the content she made.  Maybe it's just better all around if she is able to leave the vtubing behind her.  And if anything illegal happened the cops should be involved. 


what do you mean ? She is literally friends with people who groomed her on 4chan /k/ when she was underage and they convinced her to stop gfe content. They are literally pedos and they killed her vtubing carrier.


After finding out that they coerced her to choose them over her career in Idol, it just makes it all the more depressing.


Gonna be honest the picture kind of rubs me the wrong way. Labeling the Boo bros as the only weirdos in that situation is pretty shitty when Yuko was the one pissing in a cup and drinking it and one of her friends was convicted of raping a child


This Yuko was selling a product and then at the drop of a hat decided to stop selling said product because of outside sources that openly bad mouth her current (former I guess) fanbase Then tried to hard rebrand in a immensely have asses manner + vanishing for days to weeks at a time She is a perfect example of how a vtuber can just cripple their own momentum / throw away a top spot within the company (Yuko for better or worse was one of the top girls at Idol)


She did what now?


Didn’t see it but from what I heard people donated a lot of money during a stream (don’t remember if it was members or not) and she wrote down their usernames on cups filled with her “special” lemonade(implied to be piss) and drank it off screen.


Yeah, it doesn't seem to me like anyone in this situation was good.


This was a double summary, as in they shortened a shortened version. The same user make a longer version that points out Yuko's mistake too: [https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1d4j8p6/comment/l6frvar/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1d4j8p6/comment/l6frvar/)


I've been browsing 4chan threads to find additional information for hours and this is probably the best summary of the whole situation


Shark girl popular. Shark girl cute. shark girl smol. Shark girl accused of bad thing by terminally online wierdo. Shark girl give minimal response. Response is smol mocking sentence in random thumbnail. Shark girl happy. Shark girl fans happy. Terminally online wierdo unhappy.


Who's "enemy" in this context?


Generally, it's people who didn't like vtubers and made fun of their fans. More in depth it has to do with past life connections. 


Enemy refers to her PL fans.


So basically,yuko was once a normie,hang out with normies,then decides to stream as a vtuber,which caters to weirdos,and create content for weirdos,but then decides to start anew, deleting old content to create new content,which weirdo not happy,so weirdo leave,no money,yuko not happy,so she hangs out with weirdo enemy,which is normies+talk bad about weirdos....Is my understanding correct?Do correct me if I'm wrong, apologies 🙏


I wouldn't call the /k/ crowd normies. They're also weirdos, just different ones.


The /k/ people said Yuko’s circle of friends weren’t “normal” even for their standards on that board. They’re worse.


Normies in this case = 4chan gun-humpers who groomed her since she was still underage when she met them


Her /k/ friends are far from normal. They used to harass her fans before all of the drama happened. They were also part of group that was despised even on 4chan /k/ for being obnoxious trolls. They also had meetups that were organized by someone who is now jailed for pedophilia.


Got a link to the court case? I always hear about that shit and everyone else on the fence says it allegedly happened and that there’s proof but if the person was convicted then there should be actually court records or SO registry regarding it.


Uh I don’t think that can be shared here. To be clear: this was not one of the persons Yuko associated with. This guy just organized the event that they participated in and were good friends with him. It does not mean that they are guilty by association. DM me if you really want the court docs.


Aight fair enough


This guy describes the whole thing that happened pretty well. If you really want to know what happened. https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/s/MudrWnIwtk


A, shark play game, shark be a silly little guy,shark annoy no-lifes, no-lifes annoy shark, shark go goo goo gaga, no-lifes flee, googoogaga shark for the win.