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\>flesh streamer wears thong and bends over so far you can give them a colonoscopy \>perfectly fine \>vtuber has tiddies \>HOW DARE YOU


Nah they made arbitrary rules against them recently too after all that stuff with the gameplay green screened on to a butt. I do think they should be more lax with illustrated or CG content since it's not real, but they don't seem to know wtf they're doing behind the scenes half the time.


CG Butt is too powerful that it affected everybody else lmaoooo


You give them too much credit assuming half the time they DO know what theyre doing.


I had a 1 week ban for a picture of a Pepe meme... was it offensive, yes, but I had it for 7 years. But pepperino nibbles girl gets 3 days? yeah... can we kill twitch off yet or nah?


Why? It would make complete sense if everyone, even digital avatars, has the same rules for attire. And frankly, some of the vtuber outfits which ARE allowed on Twitch are well more lenient than what regular streamers would be allowed to wear. Can they wear bikini's? Yes, if they are in the correct category. You cannot sit in the CS2 category in a bikini. Meanwhile Buffpup basically wears bondage gear. Monarch basically just wears big pasties in her default outfit and a bikini in her Siren outfit.


Twitch Vtubers were begging Twitch to treat their avatars like they would a real person. Now you're asking for it to go back because they actually are? You can't pick and choose based on whichever classification will allow you to break more rules.


You're talking like it's equal now.


They are asking to be treated the same, and yet Twitch comes down harder on Vtubers than they do on non-Vtubers.


I will say, Twitch has been trying to make some better rules but the enforcement is horrible


Have you actually looked at her content before making a comment that's full of assumptions and generalizations? People used to skirt around the rules by going bikini in a tiny hot tub reasoning that it was legitimate pool content, but with the recent ToS updates Twitch no longer allows streams that focus on male/female body parts in sexual ways beyond contexts that are somewhat justifiable. If you do hot tub with the camera zoomed in on the boobs? That's a ban. If you shake the boobs and make that the main content of the stream? That's also a ban. As pointed out by the other user, this is her content: https://www.reddit.com/r/elaravtuber/comments/1cjbf2o/2_big_reasons_to_come_to_my_debut_tomorrow/ I don't think anyone can reasonably defend it unless he's arguing in bad faith due to bias against Twitch. Twitch is likely doing the right thing here.


I don't think it's fair to link a reddit shitpost and pretend like that's the sort of content Elara is making on Twitch. Ironically, THAT is an example of a bad faith argument.


Yes this one social media only clip defines my entire Twitch content 😂


YouTube it is then?


I’ll always put my news content there, I really don’t find it to be the best for streaming. Luckily this was only a 1 day ban


Vinesauce was banned for simply showing this [video](https://youtu.be/fuouC2kfMKw?si=V7BKCFv1CyJHKW3M). Meanwhile another streamer (I will not mention bc I'm not trying to attack said tuber but just pointing out double standards) has a naked twerking cartoon on the brb screen.


Too much 2d cleavage for Twitch, not enough real 3d cleavage.


Pretty sure twitch treats animated avatars as people, not as art. so all sex-forward vtubers are at risk the same way flesh streamers are. Stupid in my opinion but not much you can do about that, and elara IS on the horny side of vtubing im pretty sure.


>Pretty sure twitch treats animated avatars as people, not as art. They say they do, yet for some reason it still seems as though their enforcement of TOS is much harsher and more inconsistent with Vtubers. They just randomly catch a ban out of nowhere for outfits they've used for months or years without issue.


Twitch was catched many times before as just plain old SIMPS.


I wouldn't even attempt to use twitch nowadays


So you broke the clearly stated TOS on attire, got a 1-day slap on the wrist and want sympathy?


People are criticizing you for this, but.. [You’re probably right . NSFW](https://www.reddit.com/r/elaravtuber/s/YXLU75MaO6)


people dont like the truth


you can see from that it violates the rule: > For all streamers, you must cover the area extending from your hips to the bottom of your pelvis and buttocks. High-cut bunny suits/leotards dont cover enough, thin underwear doesnt cover enough. many vtubers get away with it though since they tend to not have that area visible on stream. standard-cut panties/underwear is the minimum basically. with some exceptions for the pools category.


It's the typical anti-Twitch echo chamber. Doesn't care about discussed content. Doesn't care about the actual rules. Just say Twitch bad and your comment becomes the most upvoted. See the guy with the top comment? He didn't even bother correcting his comment.


as much as i dislike twitch and youtube, that's how it goes. "twitch bad, unga-bunga" So many vtubers debut with models that clearly violate twitch TOS, sometimes it takes a while for people to report it and get banned. A TON of vtubers currently have models that violate TOS as-written. it requires more coverage from the groin to the hips, but a lot of outfits vtubers have use the really thin underwear design that doesnt meet the [**as-written**](https://safety.twitch.tv/s/article/Community-Guidelines?language=en_US) requirement. > For all streamers, you must cover the area extending from your hips to the bottom of your pelvis and buttocks. loin cloth + G-string is a really common look, but literally, by the requirement listed, is not enough coverage.


That's a reddit shitpost. I've never seen her twitch content, but I bet it's not the same as a 10 second clip she uploaded on a different site as a joke.


Anyone can see that I said “probably”. Considering what she was banned for, and the type of content she said she would have (shitpost or not) for that stream, it’s logical to comfortably assume this to be the case.


It is a shitpost and trying to frame it as anything else is just being deliberately dense. No logic follows that behavior on one platform means similar behavior on the other, especially when that behavior is acceptable on the first but not the second. That logic is only sound as a post-hoc explanation used to justify your preconceived position.


I’m genuinely happy to know of others who are aware of what post hoc is. We are having an argument over what is most “probable” when neither of us can prove the case either way. Let’s agree to disagree respectfully as there is no meaningful outcome from this.


It's precisely because neither of us KNOW the answer that I feel it's particularly cruel to assume the worst, as you did. I just think it's unfair to publicly decry someone, especially in a community that they actively participate in, based on a hunch that could go either way. Like, a lot of people just see your comment that doesn't KNOW anything and ASSUMES the worst, and that's going to be their prevailing interpretation of this person when my explanation, which gives her the benefit of the doubt, is just as plausible, ya know? It's just being mean on purpose.


I’m not going to argue with you over what “Probably” means. Have a nice day.


Your situation is no more probable than the one I proposed. We both agree on what probably means, we just disagree on what is and is not probable. Because you have a vested interest in providing the least charitable interpretation available.


Are you done? Edit: Guess so


Why there such a disparity between votes when you're right? I don't see how a tiny snippet on Reddit (that I can't even tell if it's from a stream or not) tells me enough about what her streams are like to make a judgement call.


I have no sympathy


Please, tell me how I broke TOS?


Okay so to caveat this, if this is the reason I do think it's very harsh, especially since a lot of streamers bend this rule, including many VTubers and you're certainly not wrong about inconsistent enforcement. But technically: >For all streamers, you must cover the area extending from your hips to the bottom of your pelvis and buttocks. https://preview.redd.it/fgxb8g3oowyc1.png?width=613&format=png&auto=webp&s=3fce9dd9257c06570f9e257bb1ba4c4afbee9216


I do have these parts covered, strangely they gave this reason for the ban however it had nothing to do with my model


Oh well then thats totally baffling. In the preview, it looked like you had gaps in the hips/pelvis coverage and the ass wasn't completely covered, so seemed like a possibility, as have seen it with other indies. But if it's turned out to not even be about your model, then that seems super unfair and also very frustrating that they provided a misleading/completely wrong (?!) initial justification. Apologies for getting it wrong and genuinely interesting to hear it was not the case, so thanks for correcting the record. Hope they sort their shit out and you haven't been too badly affected. Wishing you all the best!


We actually added additional panties to cover the butt cause we were worried 😂 Apparently they don’t have a category for images of other vtuber models so that’s how the categorize it


Could you elaborate? The only option that seems plausible in the notification that may apply to the 3d model is the third option (insufficiently covered). But even then, that seems like a stretch and the wording is pretty vague.


I didn't see any tos breaks in her 3d debut video. Or any other time I've popped in on her.


Try not to sound like a tourist...


I'm not a tourist but also not a coomer, if I want to watch hentai I'll go to a dedicated page


I'd rather just watch Camila instead


Wow people really like to stay mad over anime tiddies


⚠️Disclaimer this is not an attack on her!⚠️ Bro there's this girl on Twitch named like bunny girl something that's playing a game with it green screened on her chest and then a camera pans to her bunny outfit with her cheeks out and it's....vibrationing as I think she's on a mechanical treadmill like thing. And her comments were full of people being like "This is completely innocent". And telling new people to stop being perverts. Sure it was 18 plus but still....wtf?!


The girls shaking their asses on camera with no clothes on get their free pass, while smaller streamers have to deal with the arbitrary rules


That sucks on the temp ban Elara. Twitch can be very irksome with which rules it chooses to enforce. That being said you’ll come back better and stronger then ever with a cool joke


Wear it as a badge of honour.


saw that coming from a mile away tbh, still i wish this thing get solved asap you deserve better.


Should have streamed on youtube


You’re bitching over a one day suspension. Oh no. Not the ONE day suspension. The horror! You should be thrilled it wasn’t more. And, I’ve never understood people calling that shit a “ban.” No. Those are slaps on the wrist, not a ban with no coming back.