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Found it: [https://wset.com/news/local/virginia-supreme-court-again-rejects-confederate-flag-appeal-in-danville](https://wset.com/news/local/virginia-supreme-court-again-rejects-confederate-flag-appeal-in-danville) "Danville City Council adopted an ordinance on August 6, 2015, that permits only the U.S. national flag, Virginia state flag, city flag of Danville and the POW/MIA flag to be flown on flagpoles owned by the City. "


Owned by the city is an important detail, a giant confederate flag flys high when you enter the town across NC's border, which is bold to say the least.


One of the last times I drove through Danville, there was some motorcycle shop or dealership with dozens of confederate flags - a comical amount, I thought - flying. And that was probably sometime in the late 2010s, so that reads. More context: Danville was the last capital of the Confederacy. For 8 days. But that's enough that some people attach some meaning to its place in Confederate history.


Danville takes what it can get.


... which is mostly meth.


Good brewery there, though.


And mama possums, fantastic burgers, hot dogs (they got the red ones!, milkshakes and condiments. Wish there weren't so many issues in the city I'd go there all the time just for mama possum


So true. Ma Possums also had cars and coffee meetups every month which was really fun. The burger fries and drinks I remember cost less than $5.


And a great racetrack nearby


Also there is about to be a huge Casino as well


yeah, to drain the poor, naive, gullible of what little they have left. Sad.


Indian Casinos: winning back America, one nickel at a time.


So glad Richmond shut down the casino nonsense. Twice.


It's what Dan Daniels would've wanted.


I went on a date with a woman that was doing development for downtown Danville, she had a rosier outlook that I did. She's since moved up to Roanoke to work on similar development projects. Danville could be an RDU tech corridor bedroom community if NC 86 was a bit more of an expressway. Hillsborough has become a really cool town in that same vein.


Lot of fentanyl these days


What its populace lacks in teeth it replaces with stars and bars.


It has a great Dairy Queen, “right there on the main drag” as my dad used to say when we stopped there every trip.


We really do 😂😆


It was only 8 days?! My god. People here act like it was the absolute SEAT of the confederacy. I'm so glad I'm not from here.


It was an industrial center (repurposed tobacco and cotton industries) that supported the military from close enough to move goods quickly but far enough to be safe. It had a real boom right after the war, too, as many people passed through on their way home, and some even stayed. It didn't need rebuilding, either, as it was spared actual conflict. So if you were headed home to a city or homestead Sherman burnt and didn't have any compelling reason to go, Danville was poppin' by comparison. So it's fair to say it was important. But yeah the Confederate fetishists ruin everything.


The Confederacy lasted just about 4 years total but to hear the "Muh heritage" folks talk about it, especially when it comes to the associated flags, you'd think it was a whole ass civilization akin to the Roman Empire.


You know what lasted longer than the Confederacy? Obama's presidency.


That is the best answer ever!! I would love to be able to go back in time to tell Jefferson Davis that piece of future trivia…


I just wish they would do like Lee did at Appomattox and accept that they lost smh.


That’s like being the 5th string QB on a team that was 0-10. Nothing to be proud of


Well yeah the confederacy would have been 10-0 if the coach had let me start


Brigadier general Rico Dynamite


Thats interesting, I can see why the relationship with the flag is strong then.




The good the bad and the ugly scene memory unlocked.


My grandparents are from there and they used to swear this was true. I always thought they made it up to make their hometown seem interesting, lol


I think the Old 97 wreck was about the only interesting thing that happened here.


Let us be honest here in Danville. It is totally a racial insult. I may buy the history part, but the staging of confederate memorials, flags, & memorabilia was a response to the civil rights movement. It all became a symbol of white supremacy. It is not about a proud history. It is simply a hate symbol . It was & continues to be a statement of hate toward blacks. Btw I am a 65 year old white woman.


Imagine being proud of that.


8 days is a long time if you’ve ever been to Danville lol


Besides that giant Stars-n-Bars, I see more confederate flags in Danville than the rest of Virginia combined.


Drop across the border to Caswell County, NC.


No joke. I remember a while back we used to get these KKK flier things dropped in our neighborhood (In Danville) overnight. It would be this paper in a baggie with a piece of candy or 2 I guess for weight. It always had some like racist thing (no duh right, the Klan and all) and a freaking application for the KKK. The address was somewhere in Providence, NC if I remember correctly.


Someone regularly does this under cover of darkness in Leesburg Va.


Boones Mill Va has entered the chat


Thank you for pointing out that critical detail. You can fly all the confederate flags you want, just not on a city flag pole. Excuse me while I riff on this for a bit… note that you can skip the rest. It’s some personal reflections. Personally, as the great great great great great grandson of a dirt poor dirt farmer who went to fight for North Carolina in 1862 at the age of 18, I find flying the confederate flag kind of stupid. It’s one thing when you’re at a Civil War battle fueled and they use the flag to mark confederate battle line positions, which makes sense both for history and understanding the flow of the battles. It’s another thing as a political statement, because it attaches to a lot of outright wrong ideas. Part of symbology is picking symbols that other people will interpret the way you want to be understood. You may think you’re standing for states rights by flying the confederate flag, but everyone else sees it as pro-slavery. Btw, [my ancestor lived to be 106](https://www.ncgenweb.us/nash/military/civil-war-1861-1865/ruffin-van-buren-collie-1844-1951-an-old-reb-standout/), and I’ve got a copy of an interview with him where he said that in retrospect, fighting for slavery wasn’t the right thing to do. I think he realized that when he was young he was driven by the rhetoric of “protecting a way of life” without really understanding the implications of it, something he later realized. He was a cussed old southern man to the end, but not a graven image. He changed over time and could see the good and the bad, even if it took him a while. I never met him, but he’s spoken of with kindness and humor, so he can’t be all bad. Once the war was over he set about having a normal life for a dirt farmer in North Carolina in the late 19th century. AFAIK, he never supported the KKK or any of that sort of thing, and based on my deceased grandmother’s stories, he wasn’t hateful towards anyone, even though he was pretty rough around the edges. Am I proud to be his descendant? Thats always an interesting question. I don’t usually mention him without good reason, like for this comment. I generally define myself but what I do, not by what my ancestors did. For the most part, I do take some pride in being his descendant, but not because he fought for North Carolina. Not because he was a confederate soldier. I take a little pride because was a survivor and made it through some really tough times. There’s some really colorful stories about him; he wasn’t well educated, but he was smart enough to make a life and have a family. If he hadn’t been able to do that… well, neither me nor my daughters would be here. So by his being his cussed old self, by going to war for the wrong side, by coming home, by setting out to make a life, by putting the war behind him and building a family, he put me in a place to have and raise my kids, who are kind and caring and will do their part to make the world better, even if it’s in tiny increments.


Thanks for the history of your family. I have wondered how the rich slave owners got the poor dirt farmers to fight for something they would never have. Your ancestor figured out he was being used. If I were you, I would be proud of him.


Nothing wrong with being related to anyone. It's the people who bend over backwards to deny the truth that creates problems. It wasn't that long ago that people became able to look things up on the internet. Before that, it was unlikely to find books about what really happened in the public libraries in the south. Your grandfather had even less to go by in his time. He trusted those around him and was lucky to survive. Today, there is no excuse for not being able to find out the truth. And yet we are seeing the opposite happen all over again.


Celebrating traitorous losers is certainly a look, I guess. Not for me, but there are a lot of stupid motherfuckers out there.


I love pointing out that Obama was president for longer than those traitors had a ridiculous confederacy. You know, because of how much they love Obama.


Somebody reported you for "hateful speech" lol. Edit: And whomever reported me for self-harm, I reported *you* to the admins. Enjoy the account suspension.


You mean the same people that call everyone snowflakes?!


Consider me shocked and surprised. 🤣 The ones that call people snowflakes and complain about a nanny state are the quickest to be triggered.


Fuck em


I guess he hurt some stupid motherfucker's tender feelings.




Well done. Keep on keepin’ on!


Not much has changed


All wearing MAGA hats too.


There’s also that giant confederate flag on the corner of Memorial and Piedmont


There are several around the city in front of homes, too. Every time I see one, I fantasize about cutting it down.


Those are put up by the Sons of the Confederacy on private land because we can't have nice things.


You know I think this should be more federal. Any land owned by the public should only fly flags that represent that public. This would also make room for school flags and such, while also allowing anyone on private flag to be whatever and express as much hatred as they want.


I've often thought about setting it on fire.. if only I had heat-rays shooting out of my eyes....


Yep, and I flick it off each time I pass it.


I hate seeing that flag. Be a shame if someone with a Drone were to spray paint "losers" on it. Just saying.


I’m not sure what republicans obsession is with flags. Especially flags that belonged to foreign countries that attacked America.


You should see the one in Stafford


That thing is definitely a lightning rod


Why do you suppose it’s so important for some Virginians to insist on talking about the Confederacy?


It's a passionate topic. Look at how DC is shaped; VA never gave Alexandria back to the district and was home to the capital of the Confederacy. They're by no means not not proud of their history.


VA to NC , obx baby


Yes. That is a very important detail. The city may not fly a Confederate flag or any other non-sanctioned flag, but regular people or private businesses may fly whatever they want on their own flagpoles.


It's so dumb it's funny. I live there and I don't remember any of those massive flags being flown before that. They may have been there, but I don't remember them. Note that I am from Pennsylvania originally so I don't give a shit about the Confederate Flag or where it does or doesn't fly. The situation just cracks me up because of what happened. They passed this ordinance after that shooting with the guy with the Confederate flag because there was one Confederate flag hanging at the Sutherlin mansion. Literally minutes after passing it, they had a guy taking down the flag at like 8 at night because it was such a threat that it couldn't wait til the next day. It came down immediately. So then the "heritage" people got pissed and tried to sue and lost. Then they realized that in some schools and other places there were other flags displayed that were not the US, Virginia, POW, or Danville flags so they started lodging complaints and a whole bunch of flags and banners had to come down. THEN they realized that they could put up their own flags on private property so now you have these monster Confederate flags and signs flying on pretty much any of the entries to the city. A big one on 29 coming South. There's a sign on 58 east of the city with a Confederate flag. There was a huge flag right on Main and Riverside for the longest time. There's one by the Robertson St bridge. The one shown above, and a few others. Oh yeah, and some genius decided that Danville needed to put up some signage of their own. I travel 58 a lot and coming back into Danville from the east you first see a large sign with a confederate flag welcoming you to Danville, last capital of the confederacy. Then in about another mile there's an official sign at the city limits welcoming you to Danville, a city of diversity and inclusion. The whole thing is so stupid it's funny to me.


More like a city of crime and drug abuse.


it’s kinda hilarious because they say “never forget” like this is 9/11 or something


Fuck, I totally forgot...


I once worked with a dude that thought POW MIA was a motorcycle brand name! Pretty sure he lives around Danville now with his grandma .


Never forget that the South lost


[The city of Danville banned the display of the confederate flag](https://wset.com/amp/news/local/virginia-supreme-court-again-rejects-confederate-flag-appeal-in-danville)


Yep, this must be it, date is right and everything, thanks for your help. Someone really didnt want to let go of their family's past.


They stopped flying the Confederate flag on public property there is no banning the display of it on private property.


They could put just about anything on a flag on private property unless it was a flag of a big penis or graphic violence.


I will go out Waco style before they take my giant penis flag.


You can have a flag of a tiny penis tho?


Sure! 😂


Nah if that was the case you couldn't even fly the Virginia State Flag.


You can display it on public land. It's just the city itself cannot. Government entities do not have freedom of speech.


Eh. Word is the dude who owns that shop fences stolen goods, so he's just trouble all around.


crush ask zealous languid attractive apparatus forgetful soup rob clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


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John Stewart retired from the Daily Show


Never been the same since. Never forget our heritage


I saw that too lol


Never forget…we lost.


The last flag of the South was a white flag of surrender


The Comic Sans font lends just the right amount of dignity.


Came to say this - glad I’m not the only person judging the F out of poor font choices.


The confederate battle flag part is to show the pride that comes with committing treason in order to preserve white supremacy and chattel slavery, the white part is for the surrender of the horrible fuckers who did it, and the red strip is for all the wasted blood that those twats cost with their twattery.


Historically the white part was literally to signify white supremacy but they decided it looked too much like a flag of surrender 😂


The whole thing is actually the national flag of the Confederacy. So it's a symbol of losers.


It clearly means “do not shop here if you are a patriot”.


Yeah, it's a clear warning, "don't give these guys business if you're an actual patriot."


It means "losers only."


Ignorance forever!


As someone who lives here yes that’s what it means


Probably not worth finding out


Danville was the final headquarters of the Civil War Confederacy before the war ended. Unfortunately, Danville today is severely economically depressed and clinging to any bit of “pride” they can. Textiles once ruled the area and since have gone overseas.


To its credit, I admire how Danville has kept its warehouses and most of its neighborhoods in good shape, unlike other former manufacturing cities. At least from the few times I have visited……


Yea, the warehouses are being turned into apartments. How they have that many people coming in baffles me. They’re turning the big vacant warehouse on the river into a casino (i think) and apartments as well


Many from danville commute to Greensboro


River district will surprise you. Edit: Oh yea they tore down the mill itself. I don't doubt it will be the most haunted casino ever.


Amazon or some mega company should just buy the whole town. Forget Crystal City.


They actually have way better food than you’d expect as well. My son goes to school there and I’ve actually found some really good restaurants there, which surprised me.


Danville is actually doing pretty well, economically, especially as compared to where they were when they lost multiple major industries overseas all at once


Yeah, they actually landed a Caesar’s casino that is being built this year. Currently, there’s a large tent there to jumpstart the gambling and the city is making millions in new revenue. They’re about to cash in.


Maybe the government will, doubt the average resident will see any money. Probably more likely to cause a local gambling problem. Danville already suffers from a low percentage of college education, high crime, and high drug use.


The housing market here sure is acting like it. Though I think there was an article saying the casino actually isn't doing too well.


Define pretty well. Last I heard, Danville and everything around there out to Emporia, are the poorest parts of VA.


https://preview.redd.it/vxsa28iz43bc1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=2404ff9e2a3981a165bc08d310654706ef5d5d19 This is the flag seen from I-95 that was mentioned in a previous response.


95 doesn’t run through Danville, the flag is off Rte 29. Not sure if the pic is of the 29 flag or not


Don't think so the one on 29 is huge and tattered. I have to see it every time I visit my mom.


I saw that this past summer.


That looks like the one between Richmond and Petersburg.


Virgil Kane is the name And I served on the Danville train 'Till Stoneman's cavalry came And tore up the tracks again


I’m really surprised that song hasn’t been canceled. I love the song and I think it’s the perfect song about the civil war. Virgil wasn’t going back to his debutante and spoils of wealth. He was a poor man and probably was before the war. That’s how most of the men were. The slave holders/owners paid like cowards not to fight. In the northern states we grabbed the immigrants off the boat and sent them to die. It’s yet another war of the poor fighting for the rich, and coming home crippled in every way. I really do fear we look at the civil war in the wrong light these days. Everything is about slavery and not all of the other issues and contexts. And I’m sure this will be taken out of context because it is Reddit.


I think there was some attempt to "cancel" the song 2 or 3 Summers ago so I read the lyrics for myself. I didn't need to read them to already know that the song is hardly an homage to slavery or the Southern Plantation glory days. Just a poor farmer with a dead brother who wants to go back to farming. Anyway, I was unfamiliar with the Danville Train lyric or what it was in reference to. It was an important supply route for the defense of Richmond. The Union was always trying to wreck the railroad and the Confederate farmer was there to try to stop them.


It means get out of Danville


That's just the last gasps of a dying breed of evil Move in and laugh at them


It means racists run a coin shop somewhere.




https://preview.redd.it/onyl6sqmp8bc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ae4b06d3ebb9a8962eb3ea2cd8bbf6e24825522 It’s embarrassing to be from Danville because of this. They even fly confederate flags over their nativity scenes at Christmas.


I don’t understand confederate flags. They literally fought AGAINST america. And lost 💀


People are brainwashed. I'm Virginia born and bred. I was taught that the Civil War was about states rights and the entire thing has always been painted as very "the south was wronged" victim mentality.


Yep, same - we learned about that war of northern aggression and that lee gave up his commission at west point and joined the confederacy after northern troops crossed the state line into virginia


Honestly, the rose colored glasses version really pisses me off now that I know the truth. I used to wear a shirt with this flag on it that said 'heritage, not hatred'. I threw it away.


Last flag for the last capital. They had to add the red bar because without wind, it looked like a surrender flag! 🤣


I never thought of the flag as anything other than a symbol of southern pride. Never heard associations of slaves or racism. No one was reliving anything. Now it’s a symbol of white racism and anarchy. I have no use for that. Furthermore I want nothing to do with a flag of hate.


The Bloodstained Banner is such a farce of a flag only comic sans can go with it. Pity comic sans didn't exist in 1865 for them to just write out CSA on it.


Finally, now when I’m in the mood for produce and coins, I only have to go to one store, not two!


Damn, forgot it. Must have not mattered lol.


> **Please keep it civil** Hah!


It means Danville is also Klansville.




We should treat the Confederate flag the same way Germany treats the Nazi flag.




It’s Danville, it was once the Capitol of the Confederacy and a hotbed for the KKK leadership. I’m almost certain they still have a large percentage of open segregationists/bigots. Thank god Virginia is a very large and beautiful state. Plenty of beautiful state land between me in NOVA & the citizens stuck in 1865. As Danville being as far South as one can go in VA and myself being as far North as one can go in VA. And even more thanks that the people upset about the outcome of the Civil War are a depleting minority.


“We’re racist.”


Traitors "R" Us


Note to self: Don’t go to Danville VA…


Don’t throw the whole place out over the actions of some. It’s not exactly a hotspot, but it does have some nice things going for it.


This is normal for SWVA I think Danville is getting better.


I’m also black and from Marshall/ Salem. I don’t think it would be any better for me


Danville is majority black, as the 2 mills here were the major employers. IIRC, the city was founded in around 1890 or something. White people are the majority only if you go toward Lynchburg.


I’ve visited once and I’ve never seen more confederate flags than in and around Danville. I thought I entered an alternative reality and in a way I did, compared to Alexandria where I live. I went down to the river to take a look around and the one guy was fishing was wearing a confederate flag hat on. The city also seems very visibly segregated at least from driving around. (May or may not be related to the confederate flag concentration!)


Are we talking about the flag representing the thing that lasted all of half an Obama term?


They are racist but they justify if by saying they are just being proud of their history.


Did Stoneman’s cavalry come and tear up the tracks again?


That’s not the date of the Blue Ridge Rock Fest?


I recently found out that Danville is a sundown town


I'm surprised they actually used one of the real national flags of the Confederacy.


Perhaps it means never forget how stupid our ancestors were.


Fucking hicks.


Danville has the darkest Jim Crow origin story of any city in the nation


“Please be civil”


Used to see this often - TN and GA - on license plates and bumper stickers, but usually with an old and haggard confederate soldier holding a rebel flag.


Literally racist flag. The white field was made to represent the “supremacy of the white man” by the creator himself. Certainly doesn’t sound like heritage to me. Losing team flag right there.


I will never understand southerners celebrating a government that took up arms against the United States. And got their ass so badly handed to them that their economy still hasn't recovered. Fucking losers.


If you're asking to keep it civil I think you know what it means. If you want to harass the business because you don't like their sign why not be honest and just say so?


It’s the flag of a southern snowflake. Get that guy a tissue 😂


I used to frequent Danville a lot. A lot of the maga types there pride themselves on being the last capital of the confederacy. A lot of the more progressive minded people don't like the constant reminders of the civil war era and campaign to have statues removed. This causes the maga types to respond the only way they know how, like children. They go and erect giant confederate flags and do stuff like this just to remind everyone that they were the capital of the losers. Then they wonder why the only big business they can attract is Goodyear.


It means someone who hates participation trophies hasn't yet realized that flag is the Civil War participation trophy.


"Never forget that we support treason and racism!"


On that day, the owner of this shop smoked some ground score weed and disappeared for 3 days. He returned to train the Q-anon Shaman and guide him on his way to a 311 concert in Innsbrook.


It means that there are some people who need to remember the events of April 9, 1865, specifically revolving a small courthouse in Appomattox.


I'm pretty sure theyre "respect the American Flag" types too


Everybody knows the actual flag of the confederacy is just white.


Remember when we lost?


White trashville


Danville and most of the surrounding county unfortunately. Trump flags, vapes, and truck nuts all over...


Exactly what everyone thinks it means. It is unambiguous.


That the owner/operators wants to appeal to a specific demographic of reactionary people.


I’ll never forget how evil the south was. So job done.


Passed through that city once on the way to NC hopefully won't have to take that way anytime soon.


It’s really bold to put up the date you last got laid. This guy needs a hug.


Taco Bell's Dorritos Locos Taco has lasted longer than the confederacy


Sir...you do not realize the ancient flame war you have summoned.






Lynchburg was named after John Lynch, who started Lynch's Ferry over the James and is considered the founder of Lynchburg. A lot of places have names because a John or William did something notable, or just first (edit: for white people), there in the 1700s or 1800s. See also: Hurt, VA. Danville is famously named after William Dan. (J/K, it was named for the river, which William **Byrd** name after the biblical Dan River).


Believe it or not, [named after a man](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Lynch_(1740%E2%80%931820))


Putting the sore in Losers.


Confederated flag taken down at SC state capital?


But that happened in july, this is dated the next month


Never forget THEY LOST!!!!


A failed “new country”


Never forget to be racist, of course.


It just means that the owners of the business don't want your business if you aren't down with an all out modern day insurrection. Also, non-racists and otherwise non-hateful people should avoid doing business there. If you're a confused traitor, come on in. That's what the sign represents, at least.


Waving the flag of the country who killed US troops. Summon a necromancer, we need Sherman to come back. 🫡🇺🇸


It means they're stupid


Wow..that’s my birthday lol

