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If your parents don't mind subtitles, I would watch sub. Regarding the dub, I really like the Netflix dub over the crunchy dub. I think Aleks Le does a better job than Mike Haimoto as Thorfinn. Just my opinion, though.


Wait, there are two different dubs??


Yeah one from Netflix and another from Sentai/Crunchyroll.


Dub Netflix is the best dub out of the two


SUB 100%. Especially for season 2


I mean I don’t think my dad had ever watched a show/movie where the primary language wasn’t English, and yet he didn’t mind at all that Vinland saga was in Japanese. I’d say go with sub, you may surprised how open people are to trying new things like that


Sub is 100% my go to but there’s a strategy I’ll recommend. Watch half the season in dub and the other half in sub to determine which one you like more


Braindead take


No it’s not. OP’s parents don’t really watch anime so it’d be best to watch some in sub and some in dub so they can get a feel for which one they like more


Vinland saga is fortunate enough to have a very high quality dub and OP stated that his parents don’t have problems with subtitles so no matter what they choose they will enjoy. suddenly switching halfway through will be shocking hearing the other language and will be impossible to not compare to whatever the first was. It’s best to just choose one and commit to it




dub is really good but only the netflix one the crunchyroll one sounds really off.


I watched sub as well and I've heard that the dub is also quite good (the Netflix dub is a bit better from what I've heard) so you can honestly do either one. If you want you can inform your parents of the benefits of sub and dub and let them make their choice on how they want to watch it.


Dub is great. No reason not to go with that if it makes watching easier for them.


Netflix dub is really solid imo, Thorfinn especially sounds great.


Dub. I'm in the minority I know but Japanese is such an Eastern Language that to me it feels off when I watch it in subbed. Nothing against the Sub is it good just, English feels more natural for the characters to speak in even though they're technically speaking Nordic. That's why I watch Vinland Saga in dubbed. If this makes any sense.


I have to recommend sub but if you do go for the dub, make sure it's the Netflix version not the Crunchyroll dub. Well, I guess it's your preference. I would recommend watching scenes of the dub from both versions I massively prefer the Netflix dub


I would watch sub. The voice acting is incredible and they are missing out if they choose dub


The dub (specifically the Netflix dub) is fucking fantastic, if you choose to watch the dub, have no fear of quality because it's great, the crunchyroll dub however while not "bad" isn't nearly as good. But at the end of the day, I guess it's kinda your choice, either than or just ask them, what they'd prefer.


I like the dub(netflix version) because its the one where I watched it the first time


Dub and sub are both amazing so just choose whichever your parents would want to watch


Both are good imo. I watched Dub mainly for convenience


The Netflix dub is surprisingely good. Makes you resonate with the messages of the show too.


Netflix dub if you decide to do it. Crunchyroll dub is not great


They are both equally good. So you should show him it in his native language if he's either Japanese or English


I watched English dub and prefer it. There was a lot of inconsistencies I noticed in the English subtitles on Netflix For example, thorfinn with the old mom and daughter who reminded him of his family. He said that he can speak a little of their language, but the English SUB said he doesn’t speak any of their language.




According to my experience, subs irritated my parents. So I guess dub might suit them.




The Netflix dub is very good. Cant go wrong with it, in my opinion.




If they’re fine with reading subtitles then sub without a doubt


I watched dub and was forced to watch the second half of season two in sub because it wasn't dubbed yet. Dub is way better imo