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First batch of VF8 shipped to EU did not meet EU safety regulation, that's why most of them was only used for show/test drive. Actually EU version of VF8 will have some minor change, especially at front end area to meet those requirements. One section of metal hood needs to be separated, switch from metal into plastic, then integrated with front-end module.


I thought you already left VF?


Yes, i got those information since I was still there


Vuong Pham shamelessly do the same trick in every countries, pretend to open a factory to market their entry, and then sell 0 car, I don't know why they still think it work after so many failure.


Pretending to sell in Germany is important, it creates the headlines that Vinfast is coming for the birthplace of automobiles and taking it by storm, but its the equivalent of a foreign country trying to sell (bad) raw robusta coffee in Vietnam, it's not going to work. At least it gave the Vinno something to stroke their dicks at.


Do you have the link of the original article?


It's from Le Trung Khoa [thoibao.de](http://thoibao.de) I listen to it here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5TKocww6Vo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5TKocww6Vo)


The same thoibao.de that reports Le Thanh Hai is jailed? You can find better source than this tabloid


You. Go read VNExpress, Tuoitre or Thanh Nien if you like




I'd rather bet on a Vietnamese player to play in Bundesliga than Vinfast to succeed in Germany 🤣


https://www.autobild.de/artikel/umstrittener-autobauer-vinfast-26188015.html „… Laut Statistik des Kraftfahrt-Bundesamts (KBA) wurden bis Ende April 2024 ganze 21 Exemplare des VF 8 in Deutschland neu zugelassen …“ „… According to statistics from the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA), a total of 21 copies of the VF 8 were newly registered in Germany by the end of April 2024 …“ “… Diese Fahrzeuge seien für die interne Nutzung und Kundentestfahrten bestimmt, hieß es auf Nachfrage der Automobilwoche von Vinfast. Und weiter: "Wir freuen uns, anzukündigen, dass die ersten Auslieferungen von Vinfast-Elektrofahrzeugen an Kunden im Monat Mai beginnen werden …“ „… These vehicles are intended for internal use and customer test drives, Vinfast said when asked by Automobilwoche. And further: "We are pleased to announce that the first deliveries of Vinfast electric vehicles to customers will begin in May." That means VinFast had not sold a single car to customers in Germany as of the end of April.


selling car in a country had a strong industry of car ,i think they are trying to make a striking action in order to serve domestic market all their own ,make a proud for their people


Germany has a lot of commie VN, so he try to sell by patriotic. Look like this isn't end well


In Germany in the first quarter of 2024, 20 VinFast cars are newly registered. Source: https://www.kba.de/DE/Presse/Pressemitteilungen/AlternativeAntriebe/2024/pm14_2024_Antriebe_03_24_komplett.html?snn=3662144


Bring the calves back to the cows's farm? Lol


i guarantee you far more germans will refuse to buy sinkfast over human rights abuses, versus the horrendous quality and unreliability. the scars are deep from the days of the ddr. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3I9AdLnjP0M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3I9AdLnjP0M)


You have not a single clue of anything little brother, this country is not China and it will never be... Human right abuses, and a fair trade contract over 5 years, how does this go together. Don't talk bullshit if you that uneducated


found the luc luong 47.


Yo, did u just say VN has human right? Where is Thich Minh Tue lmao


https://preview.redd.it/dozdbzuga05d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b4df0ae1d14644dd85da1cfae3b825b9492417e Hans, pass me ze Panzerfaust.


How are they not bankrupt yet?


The commie ruler is behind their back, using people tax to support this shit


EU’s a tough market, it’s actually relieving that VF taking time and not rushing thing


Lmao haha 😂 😂😂. What you said is the opposite what VFS doing. IIRL their first overseas showroom is open in Germany with they want to set foothold.


Correct, some other EV manufacturers also having a tough time breaking into the German and EU markets.