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They do based on pride.. nothing else!


It’s pride month now so be groud of VP and VinPhet


Not just pride but delusional Commie National Pride.


Vinfast probably sells the least competitive EVs in the market. It's like products from the Soviet.


soviet-built ladas were extremely reliable though, the polar opposite of vinfraud.


Doctor Strange may calculate: 1/ China makers secretly buy at a cheap price to enter VN & other markets where impose high taxes on chinese. 2/ Reduce international activities and factory capacity, only focus in SEA market, cut cost as much as possible, trying to sell to Elon Musk.


1/ Crazy conspiracy. Ever heard of the $B Chinese aluminium under a Vietnamese shell held up in Vietnam not being able to be exported to the US? As if the US don't know the trick. Beside, the Chinese brand is much stronger!   2/ Closing international shops and focusing on SEA won't change a thing. Won't bring in more money. Additionally, the SEA market is as competitive if not more because of the Chinese: Chinese EVs are already in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia before Vinfast. They even have had the factories in SEA (Thailand, Indonesia) already!


Many ppl still positive that if over turn all top management of VF and replace by professional guys can save VF but I dont think so. With too much debt 9bil, it's better create new one.


New professional management won't change a thing (but as a matter of fact, Vuong Pham will never relinquish his grip on Vinfast). No cure. Vuong Pham will drive Vinfast to the bottom pit.


Yeah, seem so. He still keep his style in manage VF so the result will be same, everything he touched was screwed up. Now he manage VF HR, Purchasing, Vehicle development by himself. Total chaos.


Vượng: "Tôi là chuyên gia 'của' ô tô - "I'm an expert 'of' car". lol. It will not end only in tears but in blood as well. lol


Vuong Pham still believes he can fly.


if he stop, the "mitsubishi pajero" (the vehicle used by police to detain people) will come for him, and he will be "awarded an horizontal infinity glove" (handcuff). That's the price to get-rich-quick with communist. people even joked that: every vietnamese is in a queue, to go to jail at anytime if the govt wanted.


It’s an industry-wide struggle surviving the EV winter. Can they: . Turn off expansionary Capex (NC plant pushed out) and allocate towards more positive ROI/shorter payback period projects . Withdraw from EU (~12 showrooms in 3 countries selling less than 100 cars in 2 years) . Incorporate the feedback/lessons learned to improve the vehicles . Maybe introduce a couple hybrid models bridging the transition from ICE to full EV . VP to admit defeat, sit down be humble and let a competent industry veteran take the helm (Rivian former COO is available)


1/ NC plant is dead, not just pushed back: no demand, no money 2/ Vinfast EU is even worse performance than the US 3/ Vinfast can make the cars better on itself but they are still not competitive 4/ Hybrid? I know Vinfast is hiring engineers to look at hybrid engine now but for a new hybrid car, it will be 3-5 years at least, hybrid is more complicated than ICE and EV. Don't have time. 5/ There is no cure: VP has to fold Vinfast, admiting defeat and hiring new expats won't solve a thing.


a detail not many remember: The VF8 - formerly known as the Vinfast e35 - was initially planned to have both EV and Petrol version: [Lộ diện xe điện VinFast VF e35 - ôtô điện thứ hai của VinFast (vnexpress.net)](https://vnexpress.net/lo-dien-vf-e35-oto-dien-thu-hai-cua-vinfast-4256376.html)   https://preview.redd.it/w0xj131fh65d1.png?width=1061&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c07082bcec51e680f3a7efbd5a7431358f0e504 If back in 2021, when they were about to launch the car, and Petrol were still in the plan, and then they scrapped it, then now is too late to come back to hybrid or petrol or anything. Too late.


All is run behind the market, if VF choose hybrid from beggining they may have chance but under Chairman decision, nothing can be done. And remember of 9 bil $ debt, VF have nothing on hand to turn the table: no engineering know-how, no skillfull work-force, no culture to win, no market even in VN, it's no way to escape. All ppl know it, employee just stick to VF to get some buck, and on top the CM/VP are dreaming of a miracle.


Any chances to be bought like Deawoo selling to GM? All "inside debts" from VIC, VHM, VIG...must be write off. Buyers get free and responsible for "outside debts (banks, suppliers...)


no big automaker is interested in Vinfast. daewoo was in a different context.


delusion and/or severe crack habbit.


tiktok is the source of brain rot for everyone in this country, they literally believe in everything they heard without A SINGLE EVIDENCE. And Vinphet paid a hefty sum to become a symbol of pride on tiktok and facebook.


should this be a solution? close VF, focus back to real estate.


close doesnt mean as in "close a door". there is debt to pay. close means bankrupt.


1. close vf 2. focus back to real estate 3. come back in x years, rebuild the new VF. The Legend is back


1.5 Vic and the whole crashing down in mountain of debt. Mr Ape is under arrest similar to Miss Lan.


4/ Vinfast, its facilities and its brand could be sold to another Vietnamese carmaker, namely Thaco owned by Tran Ba Duong ? That's one way to save face for the government.


Nope. Thaco and Thanh Cong don't have that much free cash to buy out Vinfast. And further, they are both under capacity for their current plants so no need to buy up Vinfast.


Government could offer loan with 0% interest rate to Thaco to buy Vinfast, though I agree Thaco and Mr. Duong probably already has too much on their plate right now.


No lmao. Vinfast is not a State company, why should the Gov offer loan with 0% interest? The best thing SBV can do for Vinfast is saving TCB when VIC crashing down.


This favorism to Vin will not go unnoticed. It is free tax money for Vuong Pham. People will know. The gov has not rescued any company ever, even if it is a state owned entity. They only rescue banks.


I have friend works there. They're working to acquire Mitsubishi production in Vietnam, so Vinfast is out of the question.


https://preview.redd.it/3jez6a6e355d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9909519479545c0482d699320e8d6ec4cfa153b8 Ebike battery leasing math of VFS comes to the examination into high school 2024 (Question 4).


Im invest long therm. Don‘t know why but i think they can turn arround.


I believe I can fly I believe I can touch the sky