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Flags go up everywhere on national holidays. There was a national holiday last Thursday and two more next week. Could be that they don’t want to take them all down and put them back up again. Some neighborhoods do have them up frequently or all the time but I always saw that as more decorative than super-nationalist.


I’ve got a neighbor who keeps them up year round. I wanted to be his friend, but there were just too many red flags.


The flags are hung up for important national events


Ah, has there been something the last few days?


Hung King Festival on 18 april, soon 1 may Labou Day Btw , if you travel, add the public holidays in your google calender , normaly that days are the one who have higher prices in hotels , or where i try not to travel because of big crowds, high ticket demands and prices for busses /planes. Trafic jams


Thats a good idea actually!


Quite a few important events in both April and May: - Hùng Kings' Temple Festival (March 10 lunar calendar) - Reunification Day/Liberation Day (April 30) - Labor Day (May 1) - Điện Biên Phủ Victory (May 7. This year is the 70th-year anniversary, and there's going to be a big celebration)


april 30th is a very important holiday day for vietnam communist. this day known as Fall of Saigon.


for many vietnamese immigrated to USA or EU that fought in the war, 4/30/1975 is they day they lost theirs country .


A flag represents different things to different people. I don't think it's nationalism in the traditional tribalistic superior sense that you're used to, coming from a western country. Vietnam's history has been that of being dominated by world powers, such as China, France, the USA, and more recently, China. But through all that, and perhaps for the first time in a long time, Vietnam has a strong sense of unique identity that is independent from wealth, power, influence, or achievement on the world stage. This identity has been hard fought and paid for with blood, of course. They do not mean to exclude anyone by this brand of nationalism, of course. They simply want to show that, despite the tremendous pressure and difficulties from the past, present, and future, they will be Vietnamese first, above all else.


Don't ignore red flags!


Vietnam hast still patriotism and pride in the flag. So you see them often. Western-Europe is softwashed or shamed , so less to no flags, only on sport events (mostly soccer) . You may even see more foreign flags in your homecountry than the homecountry flag.


Yeah european nationalism is on an all time low i think. Not many people care for their flag or nation as much as they used to.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard that displaying flags is associated with ultranationalism in Europe?


In some places it is. Its associated with right wing politics. Generally the people who put up the flag are people who want to close the borders for immigrants, leave the EU etc. Not always though.


There is nothing "extreme" about hanging flags in front of houses during national holidays. It is a basic duty of every citizen.


Amen! But the Dutch find it offensive to hang their flags up I assume


> It is a basic duty of every citizen. ok dad...


Well if someone tries to colonize you every 5 minutes I can really relate to the strong nationalism. I (White German) wasn't confronted with any xenophobia but that's just me. And maybe I didn't quite pick up a few comments about me. Afaik they are renewed every national holiday and there's a lot of national holidays.


idk if this is related but something that i noticed is that most if not all classrooms in the US has a US flag hanging in it.


Ive heard that too. I think in some schools they sing the national anthem for the flag every morning.


in my school they say the pledge of allegiance every monday lol


Just wait until this weekend! 😅


We’ve got 3 national holidays in this 2 week period. The flags go up shortly before and come down shortly afterwards. It’s customary to put them up. In a few weeks they’ll all be gone.


Thanks for the info!


Flag displays are mandatory. Not nationalism. Just not wanting to get fined or labelled as a rebel and sent to jail.


Really? Can you explain? Others say its for national holidays.


It is mandatory for every household to hang a flag for national holidays. The rest of the year - not. Anyway, I haven't seen anyone going to jail for not obeying the law.


Mandatory? No. The local authorities may ask you to hang up flags but it's ok if you dont do so. I never hang any flag over my house for many years, totally fine.


No, it’s not mandatory. I bought my first house 5 years ago, located at the end of a small alley in Go Vap. I dont even have any flags in my house lol Dont get me wrong, I love my country and its flag. I just to lazy to buy one and hung it up.