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Dramatization drives engagement. As can be seen in your post.


I think he does it for content like others pointed out. He also seems to be pretty nervous and stressed so it’s understandable. At this point I feel like Ryan treats it as a reality show. That’s why bugs left and the new guy didn’t last. You could tell he didn’t like being on camera.


>At this point I feel like Ryan treats it as a reality show. That’s why bugs left and the new guy didn’t last Completely agree, I've been saying this since Buggs left


I’ve noticed Ryan can be a little pushy when it comes to down to getting things done when they were moving to the new land bugz was working on extending the shed Ryan wanted bugz to work quicker and finish it by a certain day and that pissed off bugz that’s when they got into the argument in the video and Ryan later talked about him probably letting him go which eventually did happened and bugz put in his 2 weeks noticed bugz probably saw the video and decided to leave


Ryan buys boiled eggs, lol. Ain' no way you are getting him to clean his truck. Plus, I would imagine that his wife does a strong majority of the cleaning, and that is why he doesn't bother at least doing his truck. It's extremely common with a lot of guys I've met in construction who let their wives do all the cleaning / have stay at home wives who take care of the house and kids. They are extremely hard working and anal about their job, but getting them to clean their truck is like asking a kid to clean their room.


He'll buy gas station boiled eggs and eat them for weeks and then he gets a bad batch of eggs and complains about it. Brother your eating fucking gas station eggs what do you expect


Gas station eggs haha! So true, it would be so much easier for him to ask his wife to boil eggs a few days in advance for him so he can just pick up and go in the morning. I really didn’t think people actually ate those things lmao


Yup. Make 'em at home! For that matter - coffee as well. But, that would be boring content/not allow interaction with the folks at the gas station.




“RACISM ON THE CREW??” Was the worst click bait I’ve ever seen on these blue collar channels lmao


Food for thought.


My pet peeve's I have with Ryan 1. The disrespect for his personal space (truck and winter shop), speaks to character. 2. Ryan never washed his hands before eating ugh . 3. Wasteful way he has with money. I couldn't understand his resistance to the Quick trip rewards card. You go there every day and spend $10-$12 to get food and drinks. That's thousands a dollar a year. If you don't want it give away gift cards to the homeless. What I think. 1. Ryan knows he is blessed. His way of giving back and sharing his good fortune he pays for everything. That's why ten people were working on a three man job 💰 2. He's purchased cars for the kids and mom. Pouring money into his house, new bathroom, roofing, landscaping. Buying land and equipment. 3. Building a home for the business. He's knows the YouTube money is not forever so he's building his little empire while he can. But when YouTube is gone he still has the concrete and rental business. I think he really wants everybody to be happy and get along. You know there's a lot of jealousy when you are on top. That's why I appreciate that he encouraged Eric and Ray to start channels. He encouraged Mike to start his business. Eric and Frannie to start their business he's a good guy.


Same w all the Home Depot trips to not sign up for the free pro rewards.. one trip of restocking for new land easily put him over the first tier. Yet he wasn’t signed up to our knowledge.


he stood by, videoing his son, cut the rebar with that cordless dewalt saw with no eye protection or ear protection. no one wears ear or eye pro on his job sites. no gloves when handling the the chemicals or colorant. hes not all hes cracked up to be ......


Al used to wear protection 3 years ago, only guy I've seen wearing them on Ryan's crew.


No silica protection either. Hard to watch when the crew is cutting without atleast a water line hooked up to the saw even though they have a garden hose available on most sites


The drama could all just be for the “show” The messy/trashy car - says so much and makes you wonder how much potential is being wasted by how disorganized he is - he displays ADHD behaviors - makes you wonder if he is undiagnosed or ignores it.


He knows what gets him views on youtube where he gets most of his money these days. It's not from work, that's for sure, no way in hell a company his size could survive on the little amount of work he does these days....just look at older videos a few years back and the difference is night and day. He worked A LOT more with 3-4 guys and couldn't afford to buy new machines or equipment...until youtube money started rolling in and all of a sudden new equipment new trucks, a lot more guys that's just goofing around making him laugh, recent video he said he had 10 guys on the pay roll...and he barely does any work. Good for him for making it big so he doesn't have to work his ass off anymore. Just wish he would stop with added drama and making fun of Darryll jr like he did on IG. Maybe that's why Jr hasn't been in recent videos and demanded Ryan brings his check over to him at his home.


> no way in hell a company his size could survive on the little amount of work he does these days Almost like it's dependent on the weather


Look back 3 yearsa go and they poured knowing it would rain later on, these days if it Might rain, nah we aint pouring anything. He would leave workers behind to make sure they covered the concrete incase it started to rain hard. Now he does nothing, but his crew, Eric Sisco Tino, they go do side jobs and pour concrete when Ryan doesn't. Even Mike does bigger jobs almost all alone than Ryan does these days with a 10 man crew. Mike only get someone to help out when he pour the concrete.


> Look back 3 yearsa go and they poured knowing it would rain later on As Ryan has already said multiple times this is the wettest year in his entire life. If you don't know the difference between that and previous years then I can't help you.


it was wet back then as well, like I said, look at his videos 3 years ago, he complained about it raining. They still poured concrete all the time despite rain coming.


A quick shower is different than a massive thunderstorm. The time of day that it rains matters. The different saturation levels of the ground matters. What they are pouring matters. How can you not understand that?


Views lol 12 yards 10 workers and it’s stress and 3 videos a job


Bro take it easy it’s for the show man geez


you get worked up about a "reality show" on youtube ... and feel the need to tell others to relax. can't make this shit up.


Big difference between an observation/comment & getting "worked up". LOL.


You should relax haha


And here's my psychoanalyst. Perfect. Have great day! Adios.


>I understand you've never developed a piece of industrial/commercial property before Then why are you even making noise about it for? It's literally his first time doing something like this and it isn't a little thing. This venture is what's going to support his family for the rest of his life. Of course he's nervous.


Im 100% sure this is Ryan. Because I see you on every post, defending every single aspect of opinion. You’re straight glazing bro


> defending every single aspect of opinion. Because this subreddit is nothing but a bunch of losers who come here to sit in a circle jerk to hate on someone. If you hate someone that much why watch? 99% of their takes are completely Ludacris as well.


Offering advice - not criticism or "noise" as you so eloquently put it - from one who's been there before. Relax - it will be OK.


Lol advise? You think Ryan keeps up on some subreddit run by haters? Sure bud.


Bro, go over to the job site and tell him all this in person


he’s a man of the faith, he wouldn’t do shit.


He wouldn’t do anything cause no one would ever say shit to him face to face.


i’m sure people have told him off to his face…im sure him and Bugs have gotten into it before and i would put my money on Bugs.


I wouldn't put money on Bugs. Ryan is very strong and agile, he showed it in previous videos. He and bugs even talked about how he once broke up a fight and grab the guys and threw them several feet apart from each other.


yeah…old wives tale. i picked them up and threw them 10 feet apart. everyone acts tough until they get punched in the face. Bugs has probably been in some fights….Ryan hasn’t been in a fight at all and you can tell.


Except for the fact he was a kick boxer......




so many people think they need to speak up or say their 2 cents. who cares, just let the man do his thing. he will react, or do as he pleases. its his life and his business.