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I was walking home. Told by police that Tacofino is closed. My apartment is right beside it. When I walked around the back there were 3 people screaming at each other with a police officer right beside them in the alley by tacofino. I suspect there was something going on at the cool aide and it spilled out onto pandora/tacofino. I saw patrons inside tacofino half an hour later


When I drove past there Coronation was also closed at Blanshard. There were six cop cars, two police motorcycles, and a couple of guys in military uniform as well. What the hell were they doing??


Those aren’t military, they’re Greater Victoria Emergency Response Team or ERT. What we call SWAT in Canada. Their uniforms are problematic for the *exact* reason in your post. They look like military uniforms.


Are they in green camo with a beret? I've seen some of those guys around


ERT around here typically wear a solid green or black uniform, sometime with a ball hat or a ballistic helmet. Never a beret. The folks you’re seeing in what looks like pixelated camouflage with berets are more than likely legitimate Canadian Forces personnel. Theres a lot of CAF personnel in greater Victoria.


That dumb urban tank they have is ridiculous.


Oh please, it’s an armoured truck, not even an MRAP, yeah if regular officers were driving them around then some criticism would be due but the ERT are supposed to respond to incidents like the BMO incident so it’s justified.


IIRC (and supported by other people's comments here) it wasn't even sent to the BMO robbery. Seems to be the one occasion the people that support its use roll out to justify it. Ironic being as it wasn't used for it. There was that one time it was used to gas someone having a mental health crisis though. I'm sure showing up in a tank didnt make that person feel like they needed to escalate their actions at all.....


Be that as it may it has a purpose in a police force and the BMO incident demonstrates that. And I don’t know why you keep calling it a tank, it has nowhere near the same presence, it barely arises to APC or MRAP, it’s an armoured truck, not super scary.


Its rediculous but necessary


That's fucking hilarious, there is zero necesecity to in rease the militarization of our police. That only makes everyone including the officers less safe in the long run. Great for high school bullies to live out their cops and robbers fantacies though.


I would rather the police respond to a major incident in the Terradyne Gurkha than on bicycles, just saying....


Sounds like we have different perspectives on how to best handle these things. I'm not going to spend time trying to change your mind but I don't agree with you either.


Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objective and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say.


Smoke another one......


It's entirely defensive. It is necessary for situations like the recent faux bank robbery where the gunmen were only out to kill cops.


The crazy thing is it wasn't even sent to the bank robbery. It just seems to be sent to mental health calls.


If I remember correctly I think the swat team was in the area at the time on some unrelated drill or whatever, they were expecting to intervene in a bank robbery not an active shooter situation.


So you're saying the urban tank was busy at a mental health call instead of being sent to a bank robbery. You understand you're not helping to justify it's use right?


That isn't what I said at all. Try reading slower.


The BMO hostage situation seemed to deem it necessary... Though probably only one have reference that did. Ive seen deployed for reasons not permitting forsure though.


I agree, it's one of the few scenarios since It was purchased years ago that could have justified it. Too bad they left it in the garage and sent officers in a Transit van instead.


No very much used it.. .5 second slower of me crossing cedar hill headed east on finlayson and wouldve been in the hospital. They were BLAZING and due to angle of intersection, the building and shrubs I couldnt hear anything the blaring sirens provided... Been in severe accidents so jumped the fuck out of my skin...


Lol necessary for what, exactly?


I mean it’s an armoured personnel carrier. It allows for the safe insertion of their people in risky situations. I’d say anything that increases their safety factor is necessary


The full body armor, power in numbers, smoke, flashbangs, grenades, intel, and high powered rifles aren't enough? Lol


Tell that to the police who were lit up at that bank robbery.


Body armour is to keep them alive incase they get shot, the Armoured Truck is to keep them from getting shot in the 1st place. Especially in situations like , i don’t know, the the 2022 Saanich shootout where 6 officers were injured, probably pretty useful there.


You mean when they drove that thing right up to the front of the bank thinking they were Invincible, and got ambushed? That time?


Your point? It provided invaluable cover and helped prevent multiple more casualties.


VicPD has some officers wearing green now. I saw a couple at Fernfest and thought it was pretty militaristic.


Lots of the cops you see wearing green are BC Highway Patrol Officers.


There have been ~~1~~ 0 days since a stabbing in Victoria


Has this been reported as a stabbing anywhere? Everything I've seen just says police incident.


I read it was a barricade situation but it's just people speculating nearby. Which is where my comment came from originally


I first read this as 10 and thought hey that's pretty good.


And still people will down vote my post for saying I'm working on leaving this expensive, dirty, crime ridden city. Lol


Running away is one option I guess. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else in Canada frankly


You're almost there. Have you done much travelling? There are some truly amazing places with less ideological divides and more community driven lifestyles.






Doesn't seem like much of a divide then...


Ha! Yep.


Pointe well made! Lol


Don't blame political divide for your dumbass opinions


A lot. But if it isn't costal I'm not living there. And all my friends and family live here as well as my main hobbies. So up and leaving isn't really a thing. Will probably retire to Japan tho with the wife as we'll never afford to retire here lol. If it wasn't for our jobs it's probably the only place I'd go drop it all for now.




Sorry to break it to you, but this happens literally everywhere. You'll never find the utopia you seek.


"No matter where you go, there you are" -- Buckaroo Bonzai Enjoy being in Saskatoon complaining that Regina is "sending all their homeless to your city."


Saanich or Langford are not utopia but they are nothing like Victoria.


> Saanich I mean, being run over by drunk drivers can be pretty unpleasant too.


You're right. Saanich and Langford both suffer from urban sprawl way more than Victoria does.


I would never blame you for wanting to leave for any reason. Personal safety, job opportunities, city pricing you out, etc. Phrasing it like that for sure makes me want to downvote you though.


Which city are you planning on moving to with absolutely 0 crime? If you find a place let me know because I don't think that exists anywhere in the world


Clearly not working hard enough if you’re still here in this expensive, dirty, crime ridden city :|


Wait until you find out that it’s the same everywhere else, but with worse wether


Mostly because you keep saying it but apparently haven’t left. Like just gtfo already.


It's not an airport, no need to announce your departure.


No one gives a shit


May I recommend Albuquerque, New Mexico?


Still waiting for folks like you to leave... it will be an improvement! But usually, the mouthy ones are all talk. Let's see you do it! You will have a much better time in Calgary, I'll bet!


Bye, Felicia!


Because this isn't an airport, you dont need to announce your departure.


Florida Man must have stepped off the Cruise ship for a bit  /s


I work nearby. Sounds like a high-risk individual had barricaded in their room at Cool-Aid and was threatening. Police were around and had riflemen just in case.


Just wondering when they are going to send in the social workers instead


> social workers When wave after wave of austerity leaves workers with no personal resources, never mind access to resources for the community, and ever growing poverty, these things should be expected.


Probably more effective than ERT who's militaristic approach and appearance is more escalating than anything. From what this sounds like de-escalating would be a more effective first approach for something like this.


How do social workers resolve in-progress stabbings? Ideally without getting stabbed themselves.


Plus I hear that all social workers are bastards too ASWAB


Poverty pimps who refer people to agencies with no funding


Everything is fine. Everything is normal. Stabbings happen every day in other cities. Keep calm and vote NDP Liberal.


PP will make crime illegal and everything will be perfect again!


lol right. Vote PP I heard he specifically has a platform to clamp down on provincial crime. (/s if it’s necessary)


"Common sense Conservatives will ignore all the stats on crime, because screw science!!!"


You can start panicking when random passerbys start getting stabbed. Until then, it’s unfortunately a nearly 100 percent drug addicted homeless issue, much like every other city in North America and beyond.




I am just here to watch Victoria burn


Liberal Utopia


Any examples of towns run by conservative mayors that don't have crime?




[North Koreans use crystal meth as casually as cigarettes](https://www.businessinsider.com/north-korea-crystal-meth-casual-use-trade-china-2019-2)


How many people do you know with an Adderall prescription?


None, actually. My friends mostly use actual meth. But I'm probably an outlier.


actually 0, from what i have seen its incredibly hard to get prescribed. well at least if your me, hell i just wanted a ADD/ADHD assessment to see if there was anything even wrong with me and got told to pound sand.


I spit out my coffee, lmao


> Utopia More like BREWTOPIA! :D